Przedstawione zostały cechy środowiska przyrodniczego fragmentu dorzecza Tążyny, przede wszystkim budowa geologiczna, cechy geomorfologiczne, a także wody powierzchniowe oraz pokrywa glebowa. Dokonano analizy związku wymienionych elementów środowiska z intensywnością zasiedlenia obszaru w trakcie funkcjonowania społeczności kultury pucharów lejkowatych. Stwierdzono, że dobre rozpoznanie warunków środowiskowych wpłynęło na wybór do zasiedlenia przede wszystkim siedlisk położonych na obszarach piaszczystych, o niewielkim zróżnicowaniu rzeźby terenu, gdzie wykształciły się gleby bielicoziemne i czarne ziemie, położonych w dolinach, w odległości kilkuset metrów od cieków.
The article presents natural environmental features of part of the Tążyna River basin – mostly geology, geomorphology and topography, but also surface waters and soil cover. The relationship between these components of the environment and the intensity of settlement of the area during the Funnel Beaker culture community was analysed. It is concluded that a good recognition of environmental conditions determined the choice mainly of habitats in sandy areas with a slightly diversified relief, where podzols and black soils had developed in the valleys, and a few hundred metres from streams.
Pelagonia — a large valley in the southern part of Macedonia — is one of the most important settlement centers in this part of the Balkans with a concentration of approximately 80 Neolithic tells, so far very poorly recognized. In 2013 the archaeological reconnaissance, the magnetic and topographic prospection have been carried out, with focus on the Central Pelagonia — the Mogila, Trn, Karamani and Dobromiri villages. Survey aimed at mapping, documenting and magnetic prospection of the sites selected by the following criteria: accessibility for surveying, visible land form suitable for Digital Elevation Modeling and state of archaeological research. The magnetic prospection gave a quick insight into the tells` organizational patterns. Together with precise positioning within RTK mode and Digital Elevation Models (DEM) it made a framework for the future presentation and processing of research results. The 2013 survey revealed the first images of the Neolithic tells in Macedonia. The enclosures surrounding the settlement e.g. in Dobromiri, although already known for the Balkans, have not been noted so far at the Neolithic or Chalcolithic sites in Macedonia.
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