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The Goncourt Prize novel of Michel Houellebecq focuses on the parable of a fictional artist, Jed Martin, whose production ranges from photos of road maps to videos on manufactured products’ degradation, via portraits of people representing jobs. The Map and the Territory (2010) ends with a representation of the total triumph of vegetation in a future world museifing the first industrial age. One of the great questionings of aesthetic evaluation criteria is linked to the rise of popular literature, that some intellectuals considerate as a form of the death of art and individual creativity substituted with industrial production. Playing with the codes of detective story, Houellebecq describes his own death and his body transformation in an imitation of a Pollock painting; the crime results to be an attempt to cover up the theft of Michel Houellebecq, Writer, the portrait of the novelist that Jed Martin created to replace another canvas, Damien Hirst and Jeff Koons sharing the Art Market, that he destroyed. The contribution analyses the novel of Houellebecq as a reflection on contemporary art and literature that mix ekphrasis, mise en abyme and intertextuality to blend creation and decomposition and to question the possibility of representation.
Edukacja rzadko przyciąga uwagę współczesnych literatów. Tym bardziej interesująca powinna być dla pedagogów ostatnia powieść Michela Houellebecqa Uległość. Przedstawiono w niej zaskakującą wizję przyszłości francuskiego systemu oświaty, w której świecki model szkolnictwa zostaje zastąpiony przez model wyznaniowy. Zdaniem autorki, wizja ta współgra z narastającym nurtem politycznego konserwatyzmu i wymaga od pedagogów przemyślenia wartości stojących za współczesnym szkolnictwem.
Education rarely attracts the attention of contemporary writers. That’s why educators should be particularly interested in Michel Houellebecq’s latest novel, Submission. The book presents a surprising vision of the future of the French education system – replacing the current secular model of education by a religious one. In the opinion of the author of the article, Houellebecq’s vision fits in with the rising tide of political conservatism. This requires a rethinking of the values standing behind contemporary education.
tom 45
nr 7
This article discusses the poetry of Michel Houellebecq. Its reading as a world-view statement is defined by its key notion of freedom. The thus specified reading enables one to identify various meanings of the notion included in the poems of the French writer: the philosophical and the social meanings.
nr 11
The principle of complementarity, which comes from quantum physics, is close to the reciprocity between the clinical approach and its dramatic counterpart in Michel Houellebecq’s writing. As for the utopian questioning, this principle can be used as a pivot to study the ambiguity of the author's utopian writing. Taking this physical principle as a starting point, we will first try to analyze the various utopian or dystopian universes in Houellebecq's works, especially through the relationship between the individual and society. Then, by penetrating the Houellebecqian space, we will study the representation of non-places and traditionally utopian spaces in his work, according to the dichotomy between the clinical and dramatic components. Finally, in a narrative sense, we will consider the coexistence of an ideological and utopian narrative in Houellebecq's work, with the boundaries between the author's voice, the narrator's voice and the characters' voice blurred. The sphere of fiction and realism overlap.
Le principe de complémentarité, venu de la physique quantique, se rapproche de la réciprocité entre l’approche clinique et sa contrepartie pathétique chez Michel Houellebecq. Quant au questionnement utopique, ce principe peut être utilisé comme un pivot pour étudier l’ambiguïté de l’écriture utopique de l’auteur. En considérant ce principe physique comme point de départ, nous essaierons d’abord d’analyser les divers univers utopiques ou dystopiques chez Houellebecq, surtout à travers la relation entre l’individu et la société. Ensuite, en pénétrant dans l’espace houellebecquien, nous étudierons la représentation des non-lieux et des espaces traditionnellement utopiques sous sa plume, en fonction de la dichotomie entre le clinique et le pathétique. Enfin, au sens narratif, nous envisagerons la coexistence d’un récit idéologique et d’un récit utopique chez Houellebecq ; les frontières entre la voix de l’auteur, celle du narrateur et celle des personnages s’estompent. La sphère de la fiction et celle du réalisme se superposent.
nr 11
The characters created by Michel Houellebecq and Jean-Philippe Toussaint end up by extracting themselves from our social and geographical world whose rules and limits are too difficult to bear. In this context, retreating to existing islands appears to be a legitimate solution. If, at first glance, they seem to be alternatives to the throes of the metropolis, Lanzarote and the island of Elba do not represent utopias as ideal societies but as non-places in the etymological sense of the term: the place of nowhere or which is in no place. The two authors do not cease playing with the codes of the island utopia, while depriving them of the history and the literary references which are usually associated with the concept. The article aims to analyze the effects and manifestations of Houellebecq’s and Toussaint’s anti-utopian islands, in a world whose limits and finitude of resources have been measured.
Les personnages de Michel Houellebecq et Jean-Philippe Toussaint finissent, dans leur grande majorité, par s’extraire d’un monde social et géographique dont ils peinent à supporter les règles et les limites. Dans ce contexte désenchanté, le retrait vers des îles se présente comme une solution légitime. Si elles apparaissent dans un premier temps comme des alternatives aux affres de la métropole, Lanzarote et l’île d’Elbe représentent moins des utopies décrivant des sociétés idéales que des non-lieux relégués à une acceptation étymologique du terme : le lieu de nulle part ou qui n’est en aucun lieu. Les deux auteurs ne cessent ainsi de jouer avec les codes de l’utopie insulaire, en les déchargeant de l’histoire et des références littéraires qui lui sont habituellement associées. L’article se propose d’analyser les effets et les manifestations des anti-utopies insulaires de Houellebecq et Toussaint, dans un monde dont on a mesuré les limites et la finitude des ressources.
Content available Michel Houellebecq — ostatni egzystencjalista
Michel Houellebecq to pisarz francuski, autor sześciu powieści, a także poeta, reżyser oraz muzyk. Jego literaturę najczęściej traktuje się jako bezkompromisową krytykę współczesnego społeczeństwa, zwłaszcza takich zjawisk, jak konsumpcjonizm czy seksualizacja kultury. W ni­niej­szym artykule zamierzam wykazać, że powieści Houellebecqa współdzielą myśl, która jest charakterystyczna dla filozofii egzystencjalnej. Opierając się nie tylko na epice, ale również na poezji, esejach i wywiadach Houellebecqa, staram się dowieść, że rozważany przezeń problem — tzw. problem egzystencji — dotyczy relacji między subiektywną jednostką a obiektywną, rozu­mianą w kategoriach naukowych rzeczywistością, bohaterowie jego powieści natomiast to przed­stawiciele możliwych odpowiedzi na pojawiające się tu napięcie. Jeżeli uznać, że ów problem stanowi kluczową cechę egzystencjalizmu, a — jak staram się wykazać — tak właśnie jest, to zasadne staje się nazwanie Houellebecqa prawdopodobnie ostatnim wpływowym przedsta­wi­cielem tego nurtu.
The French writer Michel Houellebecq is the author of six novels, and is also a poet, a dire­c­tor, and a musician. His literature is usually thought to be a fierce critique of contemporary society, especially of phenomena like consumerism and the sexualization of culture. In this article, I shall argue that Houellebecq’s novels share a thought that is also the basic idea of existentialism. Quoting not only Houellebecq’s novels, but also poems, essays and interviews, I will try to show that the problem he considers—which I call “the existence problem”—concerns the relation between a subjective individual and objective reality, described in terms of the natural sciences. By contrast, the main characters of his novels are representatives of different answers to that problem. If the problem does play a crucial role in existentialism—and, as I argue, this is the case—then it is legitimate to call Houellebecq probably the last of the influential existentialists.
This contribution analyzes the role of memory and oblivion in the novels The Possibility of an Island by Michel Houellebecq and Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood. In both of them, these two notions play an important role in the constitution of the identity of the major characters after the collapse of civilization and during the foundation of a new humanity.
Otherness, alienation, the requirement to establish a neighbourly relationship with everything that is not mine – these are the main themes of Michel Houellebecq’s novel. The main character invented by the French writer is a nihilist who cannot relate to anything, not even to himself, and every contact with otherness arouses his fear, opposition and aggression. The unpleasant and unbearable proximity of others, however, allows him to define himself: in Submission he defines himself in opposition to the Muslim tradition, in Serotonin he despises the Dutch and his own Asian fiancée, in Aneantir he fights as a carnivore over the ingredients in the household fridge. His environs intensify his sense of loneliness, and observing other cultures, nations, traditions and habits leads to one bitter reflection – I don’t belong anywhere, therefore I am completely alone. What kind of neighbour can a total misanthrope be? And why did Houellebecq, in an age of openness, tolerance, praise of beauty and self-perfection, choose this particular kind of self-creation?
Inność, obcość, wymóg sąsiadowania ze wszystkim, co nie moje – to główne tematy powieści Michela Houellebecqa. Główny bohater wykreowany przez francuskiego pisarza jest nihilistą, który nie potrafi utożsamić się z niczym, nawet z samym sobą, a każdy kontakt z innością budzi jego lęk, sprzeciw i agresję. Przykre i nieznośne sąsiedztwo innych pozwala mu jednak definiować siebie: w Uległości definiuje się w kontrze do tradycji muzułmańskiej, w Serotoninie pogardza Holendrami i własną azjatycką narzeczoną, w Unicestwianiu jako mięsożerca prowadzi walki o zawartość domowej lodówki. Sąsiedztwo wzmaga u niego poczucie samotności, a obserwowanie innych kultur, narodów, tradycji, przyzwyczajeń prowadzi do jednej, gorzkiej refleksji – nie należę nigdzie, dlatego jestem zupełnie sam. Jakim sąsiadem może być mizantrop totalny? I dlaczego Houellebecq w epoce otwartości, tolerancji, pochwały piękna i samodoskonalenia się wybrał właśnie ten rodzaj autokreacji?
This paper is an attempt to present an idea of post-secular historical consciousness. I start from brief observations about the contemporary post-secular condition and emphasize the presence of some non-secular factors in historical consciousness (such as the meaning of the theological tradition). I reveal some elements present in contemporary historiography (especially in the writings of Hayden White), which — I believe — are based on ideas derived from religious (spiritual, theological) imagination, but which also appear useful for eventual conceptualizing of the post-secular historical consciousness. I discuss also political dimensions of the problem, its symptoms and stakes (from 9/11 terrorist attacks to Michel Houellebecq’s novel Submission).
tom 17
nr 1
This article juxtaposes two strains of “the imagination of crisis” that manifest in the poetic practice of two contemporary francophone writers – the Michel Houellebecq (French) and the Colette Nys-Mazure (Belgian). Examination of several characteristic traits of their imaginary universes, such as for example the figure of the Father and of the Mother, invites reflection on the profound motivation that belies their artistic and existential standpoints. It would appear that the poetic strategies each adopts in the face of fundamental existential problems, correspond more or less directly to the Christian virtues (faith, hope, love), even though for Houellebecq (atheist or agnostic) the point of departure is the “dark side” of life, whilst Nys-Mazure (Christian, Catholic) chooses the “bright side”: both poets prefer to build rather than tear down. The intuition of a transcendence that emanates from their thirst for harmony in the chaotic modern world makes it possible to claim that poetry, which is capable of either “shouting the crisis from the rooftops” or refuting it, might possibly succeed in counteracting the “crise des vers”.
L’article a pour but de confronter deux variantes de « l’imaginaire de la crise » se manifestant dans les pratiques poétiques de deux écrivains francophones contemporains, Michel Houellebecq et Colette Nys-Mazure. L’examen de quelques traits caractéristiques de leurs univers imaginaires, représentés entre autres par les figures du Père et de la Mère, permet de réfléchir sur les motivations profondes de leurs attitudes artistiques et existentielles. Il s’avérera que les stratégies poétiques qu’ils adoptent face aux problèmes existentiels fondamentaux restent en correspondance plus ou moins directe avec les vertus chrétiennes (la foi, l’espérance et l’amour), même si le point de départ pour Houellebecq (athée ou agnostique) est la « part sombre » de l’existence alors que Nys-Mazure (chrétienne, catholique) choisit sa « part claire », tous deux préfèrent construire que démolir. L’intuition d’une transcendance qui émane de leur soif d’harmonie poursuivie dans le monde chaotique contemporain permet de constater que la poésie, contredisant la crise du sujet et celle de la société, détient les moyens qui permettent de s’opposer – non sans succès – à la fameuse « crise de vers ».
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