The following publication has analyzed the operations of the Education and Social Committee of the city council in Miłomłyn between 2014-2016. The main source of information about the scope of the Committee work and the decisions made, are reports from Council's meetings as well as resolutions, which comprise a possible scope of work, the Committee member's list and details on other internal activities of the assisting authority. Based on reference data author has presented the way the Committee operates and an overview of the main events related to the work of the Committee Members.
W niniejszym artykule przeanalizowano działalność Komisji Oświaty i Spraw Społecznych Rady Miejskiej w Miłomłynie w latach 2014–2016. Podstawowym źródłem wskazującym na zakres prac komisji oraz podejmowane decyzje są protokoły z posiedzeń komisji oraz uchwały, które stanowią o ewentualnym zakresie pracy, składzie komisji i innych wewnętrznych sprawach organu pomocniczego. Na podstawie materiałów źródłowych autor przedstawił sposób pracy komisji oraz najważniejsze wydarzenia związane z działalnością jej członków.
The Teutonic Knights’ castle at Miłomłyn was built at Miłomłyn in the 1st half of the 14th century as the seat of the prosecutor and the town was located in 1335. After the secularization of the order, till 1587, the castle was handed over to the Pomezanian bishops; until 1587 Protestant bishops this diocese had been present here. Then became the property of the Prussian State and the headquarters of the garrison. At the beginning of the it was handed in private hands. The castle burned in 1848, the ruins were dismantled and built a villa, which became the seat of the forest inspectorate Prinzwalde since 1862. The building was demolished in 1945. During archaeological works, 4 trenches were designated in accessible parts of the yard (A – D) and garden and 5 trial pits in cellars (E – I) to recognize the mediaeval castle disposition. It turned out that a preserved residential building was erected on the cellars of the medieval castle. The mediaeval foundations were found also in the trenches B and C, and relics of demolished foundation – in the trench A. It seems to me that the mediaeval castle has consisted of at least two buildings arranged at an angle around the courtyard. This corresponds to the preserved sketch of the castle from the mid-eighteenth century. Stables were to the east of the castle building.
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