Przedmiotem artykułu są relacje między głównymi aktorami społecznymi, zachodzące w ramach ról organizacyjnych przez nich odgrywanych, w organizacji artystyczno-kulturalnej działającej na rynku doznań. Obiektem badań prowadzonych przez studentów Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego jest polska organizacja cyrkowa. Cyrk należy do zjawisk marginalnych, wykraczających poza popularny obszar zainteresowań nauki o zarządzaniu. Na przestrzeni wielowiekowej historii, często w niezwykle trudnych warunkach funkcjonowania cyrkowych organizacji ich członkowie wykształcili ponadprzeciętne zdolności adaptacji w niesprzyjającym środowisku, które zasługują na uwagę w obszarze badań nad organizacjami. Bardzo popularne obecnie podejście do klienta zwane zarządzaniem na rynku doznań było już od dawna charakterystycznym modus vivendi tego rodzaju organizacji. W badanej organizacji zaobserwowaliśmy trzy grupy aktorów społecznych, których członkowie wywierają zasadniczy wpływ na funkcjonowanie cyrku. Szczególną grupą aktorów są w cyrku zwierzęta, a relacje pracowników z nimi wyznaczają specyficzną przestrzeń struktury społecznej. Wpływ zwierząt na organizację i otoczenie rozpatrujemy na trzech podstawowych płaszczyznach: znaczenia dla funkcjonowania organizacji jako całości, oddziaływania emocjonalnego na publiczność, zwłaszcza dziecięcą, oraz warunkowania pracy i życia pozostałych aktorów w organizacji. (abstrakt oryginalny)
The subject of the article is the relations between chief social actors that occur in the organizational frames of roles performed by the actors in the artistic-cultural organization existing in the experience economy. The object of studies carried out by a group of students of the University of Warsaw is the Polish Circus Organization. The circus can be seen as a marginal phenomenon, going beyond the mainstream of management studies. Throughout centuries, often in extremely difficult conditions of the functioning of circus organizations, the members of the organisations developed extraordinary abilities of adaptation to inconvenient environment, and these are supposed to compose the area of research on the organizations. A very popular approach to the customer these days, called experience economy, has been for ages a characteristic modus vivendi of this kind of organization. In the organization being studied, we have observed three groups of social actors whose members exert a fundamental influence on the functioning of the circus. Animals are a special kind of actors in the circus, and relations between them and circus workers mark a specific space in the social structure. The influence of animals on the organization and environment is analyzed in three basic areas: their meaning for the functioning of the organization as a whole, their emotional influence on the circus audience, especially children, and their conditioning the work and life of the other actors in the organization. (original abstract)
Antropologia wizualna to część szeroko rozumianej antropologii kultury, będąca z jednej strony analizą wizualnych elementów kultury, z drugiej zaś służąca przekazywaniu treści antropologicznych za pomocą wizualnych środków wyrazu. Na podstawowym poziomie zakres analiz antropologii wizualnej w badaniach organizacyjnych obejmuje: artefakty i symbole odzwierciedlające kulturę organizacyjną, fizyczną przestrzeń organizacji oraz jej wpływ na funkcjonowanie jednostek i grup społecznych, wewnętrzny i zewnętrzny wizerunek organizacji, pracownika i menedżera oraz wykorzystywane w organizacji metody wizualizacji relacji, informacji i wiedzy. Na głębszym poziomie antropologia wizualna może poszukiwać kulturowych aspektów struktury i strategii badanych organizacji. Poprzez badanie elementów obrazujących hierarchię, relacje i wzorce estetyczne występujące w danej organizacji można lepiej zrozumieć uwarunkowania społeczne wpływające na jej tożsamość, innowacyjność, a nawet efektywność. Antropologia wizualna organizacji ma na celu uzupełnianie tradycyjnych metod antropologicznych oraz poszerzenie ich zakresu o pozawerbalne przejawy kultury organizacyjnej. Wydaje się to szczególnie ważne w dobie rosnącej roli kultury wizualnej w życiu społecznym. (abstrakt oryginalny)
Visual anthropology constitutes part of the widely comprehended cultural anthropology, which, on the one hand, is a visual analysis of cultural elements, and, on the other hand, serves as a method to communicate anthropological contents by virtue of visual means of expression. On a basic level the scope of analyses on visual anthropology in organizational research includes the following issues: artefacts and symbols reflecting organizational culture, physical space of an organization and its influence on how the individuals and social groups function, internal and external images of an organization, its employees and managers, as well as the methods used by an organisation to visualise its relations, information and knowledge. On a deeper level visual anthropology may look for cultural aspects of the structure and strategies of the analysed organizations. The analysis of the elements representing the hierarchy, relations and aesthetic standards in a particular organization may ensure a broader understanding of social circumstances, which have an impact not only on its identity and innovation, but even on its effectiveness. The object of organisational visual anthropology is to supplement the traditional anthropological methods, and to extend their scope by nonverbal manifestations of organisational culture. This seems to be essential in the era where the importance of visual culture is increasing. (original abstract)
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Aim: The aim of the paper is the overview of the research on organizational climate in the Polish scholarly literature over the period of 2000-2009. The paper follows up and builds on the author's earlier interests and publications relating to this topic. Research method: The overview and systematization of Polish scientific accomplishments within the subject of organizational climate were carried out based on the analysis of scholarly literature available and interviews which the author conducted with selected key researchers of the phenomenon of organizational climate. All this provided the basis for drawing conclusions and making suggestions. Conclusions: In the Polish scholarly literature of the first decade of the 21st century one may observe clearly a heightened interest in the issues surrounding organizational climate, as compared to the period when the first Polish publications on this subject appeared (by the end of the 1990s). The concept of climate was more precisely defined, making it relatively distinctive from the organizational culture construct, with a greater number of multi-threaded studies focusing on the climate with varying levels of specificity. At the same time problems were discerned in terms of conceptualization of the specific climate types, the importance of multi-level analysis and the lack of clarity regarding the links between such constructs as psychological climate, group climate, organizational climate and job satisfaction. Originality/value of the paper and its implications: The Polish scientific achievements of the first decade of the 21st century were sorted out and systematized chronologically which will allow subsequent potential researchers of organizational climate to identify relatively quickly and easily the important period marking the exploration of the topic. As the body of literature collected had been scattered, an extensive search was needed, spanning several months, through data bases and libraries located in various parts of the country. Also, the paper includes the presentation of today's important new concepts and variations of organizational climate such as, for example, climate for creativity, safety, knowledge and for innovation. Research implications: The issues and conclusions indicated preliminary, such as, for example, correlations between the concepts of climate-culture-satisfaction appear to be crucial for the implication and the conducting of further studies on organizational climate. The research directions which may prove to be of interest and yet have so far been relatively poorly identified in the Polish scientific literature could include, for example, parallel investigations of those concepts in order to identify correlations and causal relationships. Research limitations: The scope of the literature research was narrowed down to the period of 2000-2009 of the first decade of the 21st century on account of the requirements with respect to the size of the publication. The decision was therefore made to carry out a point study, spreading it over a few time periods to be presented in separate publications. The author made all the efforts to reach the largest number possible of Polish publications on organizational climate, while at the same time realizing that other publications than those included in this paper might exist. Moreover, as the conclusions and proposals presented by the author in this paper are open and imaginary in their nature, they require a vast array of empirical studies. (original abstract)
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