This study analyses the names of the colours used by the author of the reportages. The research method is based on finding answers to the following questions: What colours does the author write about? Which of them prevail? What do they refer to? What stylistic functions do the names of the colours fulfill? What names appear in various colour fields? What parts of speech are the colours represented by? The lexicon of colour words in the reportages under consideration is quite rich. Colours are related to people, animals, plants, landscapes and artefacts, and their function is to describe the appearance of the characters and their beauty, depict their clothing and their mental state, portray the reality of the Borderlands, mainly the landscape. Most often, they are used as epithets. The names in the colour field are not ifferentiated. Colours are most often represented by adjectives, less frequently by nouns, verbs, active and passive participles and adverbs. Occasionally, adjectival compounds are used.
Przedmiotem artykułu są chrematonimy w reportażach Melchiora Wańkowicza z tomu Anoda i katoda. Celem niniejszego opracowania jest prezentacja różnorodności tej kategorii onimicznej. Chrematonimy przyporządkowano pięciu kategoriom: nazwy przedsięwzięć kulturowych, nazwy instytucji, nazwy firm, nazwy pojazdów oraz nazwy produktów. W obrębie poszczególnych kategorii rozróżniono liczne podkategorie, np. wśród nazw przedsięwzięć kulturowych występują w dziele M. Wańkowicza tytuły książek, czasopism, artykułów w czasopismach, tytuły felietonów samego autora. Z kolei w nazwach różnych rodzajów instytucji wymienia się nazwy instytucji związanych z kulturą, instytucji finansowych. W nazwach organizacji, towarzystw wyróżniono przykładowo: organizacje rolnicze, wojskowe, pomocowe i wiele innych. Poświęcono także uwagę kategorii przejściowej między toponimią a chrematonimią, czyli nazwom budynków oraz nazwom odznaczeń – falaronimom. Ponadto założeniem niniejszego szkicu jest ukazanie, jaką funkcję pełnią chrematonimy w analizowanych tekstach. Największy zbiór stanowią nazwy przedsięwzięć kulturowych. W tej grupie dominują tytuły książek. Chrematonimy w Anodzie i katodzie najczęściej pełnią trzy podstawowe funkcje: funkcję lokalizacji w przestrzeni, funkcję socjologiczną oraz informacyjną.
The article deals with chrematonyms in reports by Melchior Wańkowicz from the Anoda i katoda collection. The aim of the study is to present the diversity of this onymic category. The excerpted chrematonyms were assigned to five categories: names of cultural enterprises, names of institutions, names of companies, names of vehicles and names of products. Numerous subcategories were identified within each category, e.g. the names of cultural enterprises in Wańkowicz’s texts include titles of books, periodicals, articles in periodicals and titles of Wańkowicz’s feuilletons. Furthermore, the names of institutions include names of cultural institutions and financial institutions. The names of organisations and associations include: agricultural, military, aid organisations and others. Some attention was also devoted to a transition category between toponymy and chrematonymy, i.e. names of buildings and names of orders – phalaronyms. The set of cultural enterprises is the largest, with book titles dominating. Moreover, the aim of the study is also to demonstrate the function of chrematonyms in the texts under analysis. The chrematonyms in the Anoda i katoda collection typically perform three basic functions: the function of spatial location, the sociological function and the informational function.
The aim of this paper is to present the multitude of foreign words and phrases in reportages published in the Anoda i katoda [Anode and Cathode] collection by Melchior Wańkowicz and to answer the following questions: Does the author mark foreign words in his text? Have they been adapted to the Polish language? Where did this abundance of borrowings come from? When the lexemes or phrases were kept in their original form, it was established whether the writer marked them in the text, and if so, how it was achieved. In the group of words highlighted in the text by the writer, the majority are written in italics. The writer did not use any special distinction towards many words in a foreign form. In those cases when words of foreign origin were adapted to the Polish language system, the methods of this adaptation were indicated. The two largest collections of foreign vocabulary in the examined material originate from Latin and French. Some foreign lexemes were adapted to Polish, becoming the basis for new words in the Polish language by declination and replacement of vowels and/or consonants with their Polish equivalents. The diversity of the borrowings applied is the effect of the writer’s background in the multi-cultural Borderlands, his thorough education and his numerous journeys and long time spent abroad.
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