The seasonal home range size and spatial relationships of 16 adult genetsGenetta genetta Linnaeus, 1758 (6 males and 10 females) were estimated in a Mediterranean habitat of northeastern Spain. Genets minimum density was estimated as 0.98/km2. Mean annual home range was 113.1 ha in males and of 72.0 ha in females. Males had larger home ranges than females in all seasons, but differences were only significant in winter. Home range size changed seasonally and showed a similar pattern in both sexes, with lower values in summer (males — 41.2 ha, females — 29.0 ha) and maximum ones in spring (males — 78.8 ha, females — 56.1 ha). Animals displayed spatial fidelity throughout the year. Core areas (MCP50) represented 27% and 19% of total home range size for males and females, respectively. Resting home ranges (based on locations of inactive animals) were 9 times lower than overall home range size. Individuals of the same sex overlapped less than individuals of different sexes, especially with regard to core areas, which showed almost no overlap. The results obtained suggest that (1) different factors are likely to affect the space use of genets, such as body mass, food abundance and reproductive cycle; (2) genets use space in a heterogeneous way, with areas of greater activity than others within their home range; (3) there was intrasexual segregation with regard to space use.