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Francis is a Marian Pope. His six-year-long pontificate so far has resulted in a large number of speeches dedicated to Mary (about 130). The repetitiveness of certain themes and expressions allows us to speak about the specificity of his Mariology and to bring out new and original themes. The article does this in two points. The first concerns the methodology of the Francis’ Mariology. It is a “Mariology in context,” salvific-historical, respecting the principle of nexus mysteriorum. Its loci theologici are the Bible, interpreted in its entirety; conciliar Mariology; theologia mentis and theologia cordis, which is born out of religious experience. It has an eminently pastoral colour. The second point, out of a broad thematic range, distinguishes the statements concerning Mary which are close to Francis: The Mother of God – a synthesis of grace and faith; Mary – the personal concretization of the Church; Hodegetria – the first and perfect disciple of Christ; the Handmaid of man; the Icon and Mother of Mercy; the Star of the New Evangelization; the Queen of tenderness.
Vox Patrum
tom 52
nr 2
The time from the conception to the birth of Jesus is most often given as nine or ten months. Sometimes one and the same author gives both numbers without any explanation, for example Tertullian, Zeno of Verona, Ambrose of Milan or Jerome. However there is no contradiction between the two. „Ten months” refers to lunar months (28 days), and corresponds to nine months in the solar calendar. The ecclesiastical authors used the formula „ten (lunar) months” not only be-cause they wanted to follow Virgil, as Adkin suggests. It appears also in the writings of pagan authors of late antiquity, and survived as a set phrase in everyday language into times when the lunar calendar was no longer used (with the exception of the Christian reckoning of Easter, which continued to be based on lunar cycles). Another matter are the opinions reported by Epiphanius in the Panarion, that Jesus was born seven (according to the Alogi) or nine and a half months after conception. These opinions arose no doubt from numerological speculation, but the length of pregnancy is also reckoned in lunar months. This shows that in late antiąuity the expression „ten months” was not merely a formula. Lunar months were still used and understood, particularly if it was to give the length of time spent by a child in its mother’s womb.
ČKD (Journal for/of Catholic Clergy), which was published in Czech in 1828–52 and 1860–1948, also contained a number of articles on Biblical topics. This article attempts to test the quality of the contributions concerning the language of the New Testament (one article from 1852) and Mary Magdalene (articles from 1830, 1865, 1916, and 1937). Although this is undoubtedly a pioneering work (on the importance of a knowledge of the language of the New Testament) and an effort to serve the readers and corroborate the liturgical tradition (in the first three articles on Mary Magdalene), a more searching critique and better discernment would have been desirable for both themes.
The person of the Blessed Virgin Mary among Christians has been throughout Christian tradition a source of inspiration as far as the Christian faith is concerned. Many papal Encyclicals, Apostolic exhortations, conciliar and post conciliar documents have all made reference to our blessed mother due to her close proximity to her son our Lord Jesus Christ. She is thus not a foreigner to the people of faith. The modern man today looks forward for a person who is both faithful and trustworthy to accompany him or her in the earthly life and offer an assurance of everlasting joy. Examining the role of Mary in the writings of St Luke in the New Testament we see Mary as the one who fits in this desire of the modern man. Her role as a mother in the Luke’s view is very central in understanding the notion of companionship. However many people today do not understand Mary to be a faithful companion, perhaps this is due to the misunderstanding of Mary’s position in the Salvation History. Moreover the Sacred Scriptures from the infancy narratives to the neophyte church in Acts of the Apostles Mary makes a journey of faith with Jesus and his disciples. Thus in this article we examine briefly the companionship of the blessed Mary to the Word of God as we invoke her companionship to our Christians today on their pilgrimage to the Promised Land.
The main goal of this article is to show how John Henry Newman’s Mariology and thought on Blessed Mary penetrated into the Mariology of the Second Vatican Council. To begin with, the author outlines the context of Newman’s theological activity as well as the context of the last Council. Subsequently, selected aspects of Newman’s mariological reflection are discussed as they emerge in the conciliar documents. The author then advances a theological assessment of Newman’s conceptions which found their way into the documents of the council.
Vox Patrum
tom 57
According to St Jerome (347-420) there is an unbreakable link between Mary and life, as well as the plans of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. She is chosen by God for the role that he has assigned her. St Jerome presents Mary as a woman and a virgin. He shows the fatherhood of God in relation to Jesus and excludes the physical fatherhood of Joseph. While giving to Mary the task that is beyond human abilities, God provides help in the person of a righteous man to be her husband and the foster father of His Son, Jesus. Jerome also shows God’s concern for the dignity of marriage and the family, in their natural dimension (the union between a man and a woman only). Basing this on the Scripture and the way of expression in Hebrew, he rejects the hypothesis of the brothers and sisters of Jesus. St. Jerome knows very well the results of Scripture research as well as other writings - Apocrypha. He rejects the opinions of the Marcionites and the Manicheans. He stresses the reality of the incarnation of Jesus, the Son of God and emphasizes the virginity of Mary. In modern times, the Commentary on the gospel according to Mathew by St Jerome invites us to a deeper reflection on en­gagement, marriage and virginity, maternity and paternity as well as trust in God and confidence between spouses.
Content available remote Marian Inspirations for the Culture of Encounter according to Pope Francis
Kultura spotkania należy do ulubionych tematów nauczania papieża Franciszka. W obliczu narastającego współcześnie poczucia „duchowego sieroctwa”, które przejawia się w zanikaniu doświadczenia bliskości i czułości, nawołuje on chrześcijan do wychodzenia i spotykania się z ludźmi. Wskazuje jednocześnie na Maryję jako promotorkę kultury spotkania. Właśnie Jej poświęcony jest artykuł. Podążam w nim za papieżem, który w ewangelicznej scenie nawiedzenia Elżbiety przez Maryję wyróżnia trzy elementy spotkania: „Maryja idzie, Maryja spotyka, Maryja się raduje”. Wyznaczają one zasadniczą strukturę przedkładanych refleksji. Chodzi w nich o ukazanie, że Maryja inspiruje nas w wychodzeniu ku innym, okazywaniu im bliskości i czułości, które przywracają radość życia.
The culture of encounter is among favourite themes of Pope Francis’s teaching. Nowadays, in the face of ever increasing feeling of ‘spiritual orphanage’, manifested by the disappearance of closeness and tenderness, he calls for Christians to go out and meet with people. At the same time, he points to Mary as the promoter of the culture of encounter. This very article is devoted to Her. I follow in the Pope’s footsteps, who distinguishes three elements of a meeting in the Gospel scene of Mary’s visit to Elisabeth: ‘Mary goes, Mary encounters, Mary rejoices’. These elements define the fundamental structure of the reflections presented here. This is about showing that Mary inspires us to go out to others, to show them closeness and tenderness, which restore the true joy of life.
One of the ways how pagan philosopher Celsus tries to call into question basic motifs of Christian piety, is his denial of Christ’s divine origin. Against the claims of the Gospels that Christ was borne of a virgin and conceived through Holy Spirit, Celsus mentions a rather cheap anecdote about a simple countrywoman who ran wild with a Roman soldier called Panthera behind her husband’s back. Origen, whose treatise Contra Celsum was dedicated to the defence of Christian tradition, used various arguments to refute Celsus’ construct of adulterous Mary but many of these were connected to charge itself only loosely, if at all: Origen points out examples of allegedly divine origin of illustrious men in pagan literature, and he also mentions opinions of some ancient zoologists that some animals can conceive without having sexual intercourse. According to Origen, important proofs of the veracity of Christian concept are the Old Testament prophecies about the coming of Christ. Origen’s own attitude to the Celsus’ charge can only be gleaned from his remarks that it is, in fact, the slander of Celsus itself – calling attention to the fact that Jesus was not born of an ordinary marriage – that testifies to His Divine origin. This formulation brings us to the question whether Origen eventually does not see in Celsus’ image of adulterous Mary sort of a scandalous hint to the deeper meaning of Jesus’ birth, as it was the case with the Christian image of virginal conception seen through the eyes of pagan and Jewish world.
The article seeks to answer whether John Henry Newman (1801-1890), outstanding theologian of nineteenth-century England and  a Catholic convert, was particularly worshipful of Holy Virgin Mary. He would express his piety towards the Blessed Virgin, revered as the Mother of God, through his writings. The author thus analyzes the publications from the Anglican and the Catholic periods in Newman’s life, in which the latter referred to the Mother of the Word Incarnate. In his sermons, essays, speeches, lectures and letters, the eminent representative of the English Church conveys his attitude to the Mother of God.
The article gives thorough environmental and historical background which are necessary for the understanding of the role of place, time and people taking part in the sessions of the Council of Ephesus. First, the environment of Ephesus was brought closer. A brief history of the city, geographical location, and political significance were described, along with temples and the cult of Artemis, for which Ephesus was famous. It is stated that this place and worship were a source of inspiration for the practices of ancient Christianity. The last part discusses the apostolic period and the Fathers of the Church in Ephesus.
Content available Poemat Maryjny Michała Antoniego Hackiego
The poem of the Abbot of Oliwa Michał Hacki can be considered as a poetic Mariological treatise which emphasises the privilege of the Immaculate Conception, questioned by the Reformation. Hacki gives numerous metaphors and titles of Mary, systematises them, classifies them into thematic groups and explains their meaning. By doing so, he preserves the hierarchy of theological truths and Christocentrism.
Studia Ełckie
tom 24
nr 1
The article is an attempt to answer the question in what way is Virgin Mary the One who helps humans to accept the reality of death with an open mind and in such a way that makes them grow as well as brings them closer to truth and goodness. This topic seems to be especially relevant in situations in which one tries to escape the very thought of death and at the same time Marian devotion tends to be marginalized. Mary accompanies those who are experiencing their own death or whose loved ones are passing away. Just as she was present at the Golgotha under her Son’s cross, she is present at the end of the earthly life of her adopted children. She protects them from despair, anger and indifference. She helps the witnesses of faith to endure the experience of martyrdom. She encourages sinners to repent. Mary provides comfort in times of spiritual battle. She shows the path of love which retains nothing just for its own sake. She encourages people to support the dying. She invites us to discover the meaning of life and death in Christ. The author tries to reveal various dimensions of the experience of death by combining anthropological and Mariological reflection.
Addiction is among the many illnesses that modern man suffers from. One of the most extreme and dangerous addictions is alcoholism. A person suffering from alcoholism is unable – using his own strength - to stop its destructive character, both in the psycho-physical and the spiritual spheres. Many public institutions provide various forms of help, and among them the Church certainly plays a significant role. The primary task of the Church is to bring all of its members to the ultimate goal of eternal salvation. The apparitions at Gietrzwałd, which took place 140 years ago, seem to confirm the care that the Mother of God has for the salvation of every human being, especially one afflicted with the reality of drunkenness. She calls abusers of alcohol to conversion and to break with such a life. The exhortation contained in the Gietrzwałd message imposes particular tasks on the pastors of the shrine to care for those who are afflicted by any sort of addiction. The shrine, because it was chosen by the Mother of God, is equipped with special pastoral tools to undertake these tasks zealously. The effectiveness of fulfilling this sacred mission will certainly depend on cooperation with the Heavenly Mother, and in terms of those combatting sinful ailments, it will depend on the spiritual struggle, which must be accompanied by a child-like trust. After all, Mary assured all her perpetual help with these words: “Do not be sad, because I will always be with you”.
W części wstępnej artykułu autor wyjaśnia, czym jest formacja, jaka jest rola Maryi w Kościele oraz jakie były sposoby realizacji formacji duchowości maryjnej w Skrzatuszu w latach 1972-2013. W rozwinięciu autor dokonuje analizy formacji teologiczno-duchowej przekazywanej w listach pasterskich bpa I. Jeża, w Materiałach homiletycznych przed koronacją Matki Bożej w Skrzatuszu oraz w kazaniach i homiliach głoszonych z okazji uroczystości w sanktuarium skrzatuskim. W ostatniej części artykułu autor podsumowuje i stawia wnioski na podstawie dokonanej analizy tekstów.
In the introductory part of the article the author explains what formation is, what Mary’s role in the Church is and what the methods of the spiritual formation in Skrzatusz were in years 1972-2013. In the following part the author carries out the theological and spiritual formation analysis handed down by bishop I. Jeż in the pastoral letters Homiletic Materials before Our Lady coronation in Skrzatusz and in the sermons and homilies preached during the celebrations in Skrzatusz sanctuary. In the last part of the article the author summarizes and draws a conclusion on the basis of the conducted texts analysis.
Topics that have been taken in this article concern the role of Mary in the work of salvation and her place in the Christian life. The Church wants to talk about Mary without exaggerating and diminishing her merits. However, there are maximalist tendencies in Mariology that should be researched. The basis for these considerations was the Mariological theorems proclaimed by Fr. Dominik Chmielewski SDB, in which one can find some theological doubts.
Tematy, które zostały podjęte w niniejszym artykule, dotyczą roli Maryi w dziele zbawienia i Jej miejsca w życiu chrześcijanina. Kościół chce mówić o Maryi bez wyolbrzymiania i pomniejszania Jej zasług. Pojawiają się jednak tendencje maksymalistyczne w mariologii, które należy badać. Kanwą do niniejszych rozważań stały się twierdzenia mariologiczne głoszone przez ks. Dominika Chmielewskiego SDB, które mogą budzić pewne wątpliwości teologiczne.
Content available Przejawy kultu maryjnego w literaturze polskiej
This article presents a selection of well-known Polish literary works in order to prove that the Marian cult is an important and frequently recurrent literary motif. The specialist literature on the issue of Marian themes in Polish literature is abundant. The synthetic nature of this article hinders a broader discussion on that issue. The Marian cult hugely influenced the work of Polish poets and writers. The peak of its literary impact came in the 15th century, witnessing the birth of its many literary manifestations, with the leading role of the text entitled Bogurodzica [Mother of God]. However, Mother Mary was also worshipped in the works of Polish literary artists in other historical periods. Mary, as Mother of God, has always been seen as close to people who sought consolation and aid in their problems and in the turbulent events in the Polish history, as borne out by literary works.
Zawarte w artykule zestawienie powszechnie znanych utworów literatury polskiej pokazuje, że kult Matki Bożej jest ważnym i często wykorzystywanym motywem. Literatura przedmiotu traktująca o motywach maryjnych w literaturze polskiej jest niezwykle bogata. Syntetyczny charakter niniejszej publikacji nie pozwala na szczegółowe rozważania tej kwestii. Kult maryjny odcisnął swe piętno na twórczości polskich poetów i pisarzy, a szczególnie wyraźnie zaznaczył się w XV wieku, kiedy to powstało wiele zabytków literackich, z Bogurodzicą na czele. W innych okresach także polscy twórcy czcili Maryję i dawali temu wyraz w swoich dziełach. Maryja jako Matka Boga zawsze była bliska ludziom, którzy u Niej szukali pocieszenia i pomocy w trudnych dziejach historii Polski, czego świadectwem jest literatura.
Content available Maryja w twórczości Grzegorza z Nareku
Dans cet article Pauteur apres avoir caracterise en general les oeuvres litteraires de Gregoire de Narek, l'un de plus celebres poetes armeniens, vivant aux X et XI siecles, et apres avoir esquisse l'ambiance intellectuelle du monastere a Narek.
Content available Maryja – matką Zbawiciela
Der Verfasser bemüht sich im Artikel unter dem Tittel: Maria – Die Mutter der Erlösers aufzuzeigen, dass dieses WurdePrädikat das wichtigste im NT für die Mutter Jesu ist. Alle Texte, die über Maria sprechen, werden daraufhin kleine Mariologie gewertet werden, wobei allerdings im Schwerpunkt der Untersuchung die heilsgeschichtliche Richtung eingesclagen wurde.
Only three Old Testament texts can be referred to Mary as the Mother of Jesus Christ: Gn. 3,15 in the fuller sense, Is. 7,14 and Mi. 5, 2 in the literal sense. Similarities and associations with persons, events and objects of worship appearing in the Old Testament are applied to the Virgin first of all in the Church’s liturgy.
Observing the transformations taking place in the world, it is important to note the need for continuous reference in various areas of human life to Mary, whose example is always relevant. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to present Mary as a model of faith and moral life for the contemporary disciples of Christ. Mary – with her example – teaches one how to be a disciple of Christ in an authentic way, not superficial one. She is an example of understanding the Christian life as a commitment. Looking to Mary as an example, the individual learns to obey God in the path of faith and finds the values that lead him or her through the paths of the Christian moral life. Life permeated with the Marian spirit becomes an inspiration for the contemporary disciples of Christ to grow in faith, to do good and radically reject everything which is in contrary to the Christian ideal.
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