The aim of this essay is to give a general and accessible overview of the so called “post-secular” turn in the contemporary humanities. The main idea behind it is that it constitutes an answer to the crisis of the secular grand narratives of modernity: the Hegelian narrative of the immanent progress of the Spirit, as well as the enlightenmental narrative of universal emancipation. The post-secularist thinkers come in three variations which this essay names as Enlightenmental, Traditional, and Revolutionary. The first camp wishes to reconceptualize the place of religion in the seemingly secularized modern paradigm and see if revelation can cooperate with enlightenment, that is, if it can support the modern emancipatory values in the dangerous moment of their “crisis of legitimation.” The second one emphasizes the need to recover the institutional aspect of Christian theology which must be reinstated once again as the “queen of the sciences,” or as the true “invisible hand” operating behind social theories. And the third party, which simultaneously opposes both, enlightenment and tradition, revolves mostly around the “revolutionary figure” of Saint Paul and constitutes a radically leftist answer to the crisis of Marxism with its scientific insight into the objective laws of history.
Artykuł stanowi analizę i interpretację dziewięcioczęściowego cyklu poetyckiego „Z księgi przeczuć” Bolesława Leśmiana, opublikowanego w 1902 roku w „Chimerze”, oraz kilku innych jego wczesnych utworów. Wychodząc od kończącego cykl „Epilogu”, którego podmiot porównuje się do Boga płonącego „na Synaju”, autor przeanalizował występujące w cyklu motywy świetlne, co pozwoliło potwierdzić sąd Anny Czabanowskiej-Wróbel, że Leśmian inspirował się mistyką żydowską, a także doprecyzować go o konteksty maranizmu (wraz z ojcem poeta dokonał konwersji w wieku dziewięciu lat) oraz postsekularnej refleksji nad zeświecczeniem. Zaproponowane zostały dwa sposoby lektury cyklu: linearny, w którym jawi się on jako narracja o przemianie tożsamości, oraz koncentryczny, w którego świetle jego centralnym, choć ukrytym tematem okazuje się problem zapomnienia i zmiany imienia.
The paper is an analysis and interpretation of a nine-part Bolesław Leśmian’s poetic cycle “Z księgi przeczuć” (“From the Book of Premonitions”), published in 1902 in “Chimera”, and of a few other early pieces by the poet. Starting with “Epilog” (“Epilogue”) that completes the collection in which the speaking subject compares himself to God burning “on Sinai,” the author analyses the light motives present in the cycle, which leads to validate the opinion of Anna Czabanowska-Wróbel who states that Leśmian was inspired by Jewish mysticism, and to particularise this stance with Marranism (the poet at the age of nine converted with his father) and with a post-secular reflection upon secularising. The paper suggests two modes of reading of the cycle, namely a linear one in which it is viewed as a narration on identity transformation, and a concentric one in the light of which its central thought hidden topic is the problem of forgetting and changing name.
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