The idea of the end of history is of philosophical importance and is broadly commented by the representatives of various philosophical traditions. In the following text we present the way in which this idea is understood in the postmetaphysical thought by referring to three of its representatives: Gianni Vattimo, Odo Marquard, and Villém Flusser. In spite of the differences between their accounts of the end of history, one can also see a certain common trait connected mostly with the understanding of history as a metanarrative and with the critical attitude towards metaphysics.
Idea końca historii jest nośna filozoficznie i szeroko komentowana przez przedstawicieli wielu tradycji filozoficznych. W niniejszym tekście przedstawiamy, jak owa idea jawi się w filozofii postmetafizycznej, odwołując się do trzech jej reprezentantów: Gianniego Vattima, Odo Marquarda i Viléma Flussera. Mimo różnic, które występują w ich ujęciach końca historii, można także zauważyć pewien wspólny rys, związany głównie z rozumieniem historii jako metanarracji oraz z krytycznym stosunkiem do metafizyki.
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The aim of the paper is to determine to what extent the concepts of causality and finality are theoretically applicable in interpreting history from the perspective of hermeneutic philosophy of Hans-Georg Gadamer and Odo Marquard. The author demonstrates that causality and finality, in their metaphysical and epistemological sense, are subject to explicit criticism by these two authors. He also shows that, despite their explicit repudiation, the senses of those concepts are reappropriated, thus revealing their key importance in their hermeneutical conceptions. The cause-and-effect relationship is being transformed into a game occurring in-between the present and the past. The finality expresses itself in three interrelated ways in: the autotelic nature of historical tradition, the task of understanding a specific tradition, and the interpretation of the current historical situation.