Artykuł przedstawia omówienie monografii Alicji Rafalskiej-Łasochy poświęconej kontaktom Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie ze środowiskiem krakowskim (głównie naukowym).
This article presents a discussion of the monograph by A. Rafalska-Łasocha dedicated mainly to the contacts of Maria Skłodowska-Curie with the Krakow scientific community.
Biographers of Maria Skłodowska-Curie, characterizing her features of personality, underline her pragmatism, consequence in action and logical mind. Her studies in the fields of mathematics, physics and chemistry developed these features of personality and, at the same time, paved her way to achievements on the world’s scale.
The contemporary science has become more and more parameterized and focused on points. In this situation it is more and more difficult to maintain “the purity” of the idea of science and its main goal – discovering the world, in selfless duty. That’s the reason why I have presented the example of a scientist, who was uncompromisingly, and with a real passion, devoted to science. I have choosen Maria Skłodowska-Curie: we celebrate the 150th anniversary of her birth in 2017.
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Ktoś kiedyś powiedział, że życie Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie było drogą; wędrówką przez meandry trudnego okresu dzieciństwa w kraju, który nie cieszył się niepodległością; młodości skazanej na pracę poza domem i studiami z konieczności odbywanymi za granicą, z dala od najbliższych i przyjaciół; dorosłości najeżonej trudnościami związanymi z przesądami moralnymi i tradycyjnym pojmowaniem odrębności świata mężczyzn i kobiet; wreszcie dojrzałości w poczuciu spełnionego obowiązku i postawionych sobie zadań. Gdy spojrzymy na losy Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie w ten sposób, widzimy życie odważne, trudne, ale pełne, wartościowe i chyba szczęśliwe, bo według jej własnych zasad. Ona sama streściła je następująco. „Urodziłam się w Warszawie, w rodzinie profesorskiej, wyszłam za mąż za Piotra Curie. Miałam dwoje dzieci. Dzieło moje naukowe wykonałam we Francji”. Te niezwykle lapidarne słowa zamieszczone są przez uczoną w jej autobiografii.
On May 20, 1921 during the ceremony of presenting a gram of radium to Maria Skłodowska-Curie, the President of the United States, Warren Harding, called the Polish scientist “the most noble of human beings, the best wife and a loving mother who could combine all the woman’s duties with the immense effort of her fabulous work.” It is unquestionable that scientific research in the field of experimental physics was the main aim and sense of Maria Skłodowska-Curie’s life. But this field of science, which a two-time Noble laureate has chosen, was, at those times, “exclusively male.”
The article discusses the idea of universities for children, particularly its foundation by Maria Skłodowska-Curie and the current condition of this initiative. Maria Skłodowska-Curie was not only an excellent scientist, but also a great teacher and an educational innovator. She was the first to show that university may be a great place for children to learn. She emphasised that universities should be responsible not only for teaching but also for students’ flourishing. Modern universities seem to draw on this inspiring idea developed by Skłodowska-Curie. The author describes how the Maria Skłodowska-Curie cooperative changed as well as how the idea evolved into the university for children as it is recognised today.
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Since 1911, the international Solvay Conferences on Physics have been and continues to be one the most significant conventions of physicists and is of great importance for the progress in this field of science. Between 1911 and 1933, Marie Skłodowska-Curie took an active part in the organisation and works of those Conferences. The article discusses the origin of the Conferences and contribution of Marie Skłodowska-Curie to their organisation, as well as her rank as a member of the International Scientific Committee, whose task was to convene them. Marie Skłodowska-Curie’s important part in the selection of participants and her own participation in discussions at the Conferences is also presented in this article.
W artykule poniżej można wyróżnić dwa tematy: Pierwszy to próba innego spojrzenia na znane fakty z jej biografii: - starania o członkostwo Akademii Nauk (nie antyfeminizm, a raczej ksenofobia), - francuska wojskowa służba radiologiczna (poziom techniczny a zastosowania praktyczne), - cena radu (rola rynku). Drugi temat to przedstawienie nieznanych lub mało znanych, faktów z życiorysu Marii: - jej praca we Włoszech w 1918 r. w poszukiwaniach złóż rud uranu i oznaczaniu zawartości radonu w źródłach wód mineralnych, - podróż do Brazylii, - mniej znane fakty z życia jej przodków (dziadkowie, stryj Zdzisław).
In the paper below one can distinguish two subjects. First is an attempt of another viewpoint in the well known events in the biography of Maria Skłodowska-Curie: - her attempts to enter the Academy of Science (not antifeminism but xenophobia), - French military radiology (technical level and practical application), - the price of radium (variation with time). Other subject is presentation of some unknown or less known facts from Maria biography: - her work in Italy in 1918 in searching the uranium ore and determining of radon content in mineral waters, - her trip to Brasil, - her ancestry (grandparents, uncle Zdzisław).
For the first quarter of the 20th century, the Curie Laboratory and the Ernest Rutherford Laboratory were the two main research centers for radioactivity. Both dealt with the same field, but had different priorities from the beginning. The Paris laboratory focused on discovering and studying the properties of new radioactive elements, while Rutherford in his laboratories in Montreal, and later in Manchester and Cambridge, tried, above all, to explain the very nature of radioactivity. There was a clear competition between the two laboratories, which, however, did not preclude personal and scholarly cooperation between their heads of research, i.e. Maria Skłodowska-Curie and Ernest Rutherford. The article discusses the main topics of this collaboration, such as developing a radium template, assigning scientific terminology, organizing scientific conferences, and preparing students. In addition, a few passages were devoted to the private relations between both scientists, which had a direct impact on their collaboration.
The paper is of a review character and in historical terms, it contains an overview of research on polonium from the time of its discovery in 1898 (125 years ago) to the present time. The article contains a description of the state of knowledge about the chemistry of polonium, taking into account its physicochemical properties, as well as methods of its production and the radioactivity of its isotopes, as well as its current scientific and industrial applications. The issue of strong radiotoxicity of polonium and the dangers associated with research on it, as well as numerous example of diseases and death from its absorption into the human body, are described in detail. Despite the passage of 125 years since the discovery of polonium, it still fascinates researchers with its mysteries that have not been fully understood, revealed and explained. The sources of this peculiarity should be sought in the fact that although it is classified as a metal, it also has non-metallic properties and can form a number of different chemical compounds. Several chemical compounds of polonium have been tested, which are very easy to get into the human body, where it causes terrible havoc. Alpha particles emitted from decay of 210Po can cause damage to proteins and DNA that load to cell death or such changes in the body that consequently initiate the development of cancer. So you could say that polonium not only has a rich past, but also has an undeniably interesting future.
When Marie Skłodowska-Curie began research on the radiation of uranium compounds discovered by Henri Becquerel, she uncovered two new chemical elements, sparking a revolution in atomic science. From the very beginning, radium was hailed as a miraculous element; itssalts emitted heat, colored porcelain and glass, and emitted a unique glow. Radium quickly found applications in medicine, where it was not only used to treat diseases but also employed in „mild radium therapy” for preventive purposes. Radium, however, possessed not only healing properties but also purported to have the ability to beautify, rejuvenate, prevent, and captivate. A global „radium fever” ensued, leading to the addition of radioactive salts to almost all everyday products. The stories of the „radium girls” and golfer Eben Byers, however, cast a shadow over the fame of radium.
In 1914, the second Radium Institute, after the Vienna Institute, was established in Paris. Maria Skłodowska-Curie became its director. It was a perfectly organized scientific and research facility. Almost immediately, the famous scientist began to think about creating a similar facility in Poland. Originally, the Radiological Laboratory was established in 1913 and was headed by Madame Curie from Paris. Madame Curieʼs dream became real only in the 1920s. The Radium Institute was opened in May 1932. It was the largest facility of this type in the world – it had a modern hospital and scientific and research facilities. The Radium Institute, as the Maria Skłodowska-Curie National Institute of Oncology, operates dynamically to this day.
In 1922, the Senate of the University of Poznań on the initiative of prof. Adam Wrzosek awarded the dignity of honorary doctor to Marie Skłodowska-Curie. The scientist was the first honorary doctor of the Poznań university. Unfortunately, for various reasons, she did not come to Poznań and receive her diploma. From the diaries of prof. Adam Wrzosek, it is known that the diploma was never even printed. After a hundred years, on the initiative of prof. Tomasz Pospieszny and dr. Iwona Taborska from the Faculty of Chemistry of the of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, the honorary doctorate diploma was handed over to the scientistʼs granddaughter, prof. Hélène Langevin-Joliot. The ceremony was held under the patronage of Her Magnificence the Rector, prof. Bogumiła Kaniewska and the honorary patronage of the Mayor of Poznań, Mr. Jacek Jaśkowiak. The Polish Chemical Society actively participated in the event, and the president of PTCHm, prof. Izabela Nowak presented prof. Hélène Langevin-Joliot, one of the highest distinctions – Honorary Member of the Polish Chemical Society.
Maria Skłodowska-Curie, the greatest Polish Scientist, was a founding member of the Polish Chemical Society. Attempts to honor her figure in a museum in Warsaw were made successively from the mid-1930s by her siblings, the president and members of the Polish Chemical Society. On the centenary of Madame Curie's birth, a museum managed by the Society was established in Warsaw, in the house of her birth. Half a century later, joint management was taken over by the capital city of Warsaw and the Polish Chemical Society. The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Museum is the only biographical museum of Madame Curie in the world.
The history of radioactivity is inextricably linked with the figures of Marie Skłodowska-Curie, Pierre Curie and Ernest Rutherford. Without a trace of exaggeration, it should be admitted that we owe the knowledge of this phenomenon to them. Thanks to their work and genius, the radiation emitted by the „strangeˮ elements has gained notoriety in the scientific world. Over time, they were joined by other researchers, expanding the foundations of the new science and building a huge palace on them. They also emphasized the practical use of radioactive elements. And although the phenomenon itself was discovered in 1896 by Antoine Henri Becquerel, the birth of radioactivity should be attributed to the pioneering work of Rutherford and the Curies. The discovery of polonium and radium by Marie and Pierre Curie marked the beginning of a fascinating journey that led humanity into the atomic age. Thanks to them, the alchemists’ dream came true.
The article regards the celebrations of the 150th anniversary of the birth of Marie Sklodowska-Curie − a discoverer of polonium and radium, twice decorated with a Noble Prize, the first woman professor of the Sorbonne, who in the ranking organized by the periodical New Scientist was considered the most outstanding and inspiring scientist of all time.In her youth, many universities (among them also Polish) were closed to women, so Marie Skłodowska studied at the Sorbonne in Paris. When, after her studies, she was not accepted as an assistant at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków (Poland), Marie Skłodowska came back to Paris, married Pierre Curie and started her scientific work in his humble lab.The scientific achievements of Maria Skłodowska-Curie were a breakthrough in the history of exact sciences and the basis for the application of new methods in oncological therapies. For modern scientists she is a timeless source of inspiration and is admired not only for her scientific achievements but also for her courage in breaking barriers and helping to redefine the role of women in society and science.On November 7, 2017, we celebrated the 150th anniversary of Marie Skłodowska-Curie’s birth. In Poland and abroad many events were organized during the whole year of 2017 to commemorate her life and achievements. Some of them, as well as some aspects of Skłodowska-Curie’s life and work are described in this paper.
Artykuł poświęcony jest obchodom 150. rocznicy urodzin dwukrotnej laureatki Nagrody Nobla, odkrywczyni polonu i radu, pierwszej kobiecie profesor Sorbony, która w rankingu zorganizowanym przez periodyk New Scientist uznana została za najwybitniejszą i najbardziej inspirującą uczoną wszechczasów.W młodości Marii wiele uniwersytetów (w tym także polskie) było zamkniętych dla kobiet, więc Skłodowska studiowała na Sorbonie w Paryżu. Kiedy po studiach nie została przyjęta jako asystentka na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim w Krakowie, wróciła do Paryża, poślubiła Piotra Curie i rozpoczęła pracę naukową w jego skromnym laboratorium.Osiągnięcia naukowe Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie były przełomem w historii nauk ścisłych i podstawą do zastosowania nowych metod w terapiach onkologicznych. Dla obecnych naukowców jest ponadczasowym źródłem inspiracji i jest podziwiana nie tylko za osiągnięcia naukowe, ale także za odwagę w przełamywaniu barier i pomoc w redefiniowaniu roli kobiet w społeczeństwie i nauce.W dniu 7 listopada 2017 r. świętowaliśmy 150. rocznicę urodzin Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie. W Polsce i za granicą przez cały 2017 rok zorganizowano wiele wydarzeń, upamiętniających jej życie i osiągnięcia. Niektóre z nich, a także niektóre aspekty życia i pracy Skłodowskiej-Curie zostały opisane w niniejszym artykule.
W rozwijaniu zainteresowań uczniów naukami przyrodniczymi ważną rolę odgrywają szkolne konkursy przedmiotowe i interdyscyplinarne. Włączając się w obchody setnej rocznicy przyznania Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie Nagrody Nobla za odkrycie radu, Mazowieckie Samorządowe Centrum Doskonalenia Nauczycieli zorganizowało i przeprowadziło na terenie Mazowsza konkurs interdyscyplinarny dla gimnazjalistów „Wokół odkryć naukowych polskiej noblistki Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie”. Był on realizowany dwutorowo: w formie testu różnicującego wiedzę i umiejętności uczniów uzdolnionych oraz projektu edukacyjnego i przebiegał na etapach szkolnym, rejonowym oraz wojewódzkim. Oprócz popularyzacji wiedzy, rozwijał u uczniów zainteresowanie naukami ścisłymi, w szczególności fizyką, chemią i biologią. Uczestnicy wykazali się dużą wiedzą oraz widocznymi w realizacji projektów edukacyjnych kreatywnością i oryginalnością rozwiązań. W artykule tym omówiono założenia konkursu oraz wyniki części testowej.
In developing the interests of the students in natural sciences an important role may be ascribed to school competitions. Joining in the celebration of the centenary of Maria Sklodowska-Curie Nobel Prize for the discovery of radium, Mazovia Local Government Teacher Training Centre organized and carried out in an interdisciplinary contest for gymnasium students (ISCED 2) „Around scientific discoveries of the Polish Nobel Prize winner Marie Skłodowska-Curie”. It was carried out in two ways: in the form of a test differentiating knowledge and skills of gifted students and of the educational project, and proceeded at three levels: school, district and provincial. Apart from popularization of knowledge, it developed students’ interests in science, especially physics, chemistry and biology. Participants demonstrated their knowledge and creativity and originality of solutions, well visible in the implementation of educational projects. This article discusses, among others, assumptions of the competition and the results of the test section.
Marie Skłodowska-Curie is the only woman awarded the Nobel Prize twice: in physics in 1903 and in chemistry in 1911. She is also the only person to have received these awards in two different scientific disciplines. It is worth noting, however, that she almost did not receive any of them. In 1903, only Pierre Curie and Antoine Becquerel were nominated for the Nobel Prize. It was claimed that Marie Skłodowska-Curie was only her husbandʼs assistant. Thanks to the intervention of Pierre Curie, Marie was also appreciated. In 1911, Madame Curie was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, but after French newspapers revealed her affair with Paul Langevin, some Swedish scientists demanded that she resign from receiving the prize. Strength of character, courage and independence made Marie Skłodowska-Curie not give in to attacks from public opinion and lies, and she received both Nobel Prizes with dignity, thus creating her legend.
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