The codling moth (CM), Cydia pomonella (L.), causes heavy damage in Bulgarian apple orchards. Conventionally treated orchards, were monitored in this study. In spite of numerous chemical treatments, these orchards showed increasing flight densities of CM moths, growing populations of hibernating larvae and rising fruit damage rates. Thus, the control of CM by conventional spraying programmes became ineffective, apparently due to the development of resistance to insecticides. Products based on the Cydia pomonella granulosis virus (CpGV), such as Madex®, may provide alternative control tools that can be applied with other approaches, for a sustainable control strategy. The trials were carried out in Central-South and South-East Bulgaria, in 2006-2010. Four treatments of Madex® against the first generation, and six treatments against the second generation kept the fruit damage and population density of CM at a low level. Based on the obtained results, different control strategies have been suggested, depending on the initial CM pressure in a particular orchard. Madex® may be a promising alternative to traditional programmes of CM control. Its dose, however, should be adjusted to the initial CM population density. Also, at a high or moderate CM population density Madex® applications should be combined with MD to avoid resistance of CM to granulovirus. At the peak of CM hatching, additional chemical treatments may be sometimes necessary. Such treatments include using insecticides which are still effective against CM.
In the years 2007–2009, trials on control of codling moth (CM), Cydia pomonella (L.), were carried out in apple orchards of South-East Bulgaria, where the pressure of the pest was very high. Mating disruption with Isomate C plus dispensers was applied in combination with sprays of the virus product Madex®. With a single installation of Isomate C plus dispensers per season + 4 treatments of Madex® at 100 ml per ha against the first and 6 treatments against the second generation, fruit damage at harvest and population density of codling moth were kept at a low level. At the same time fruit damage and population density of the pest, as estimated by the hibernating CM larvae population, was very high in the conventionally treated orchard serving as a reference. Using Isomate C plus dispensers and the baculovirus product Madex® may be a promising alternative to traditional programmes trying to control high initial infestation of codling moth. For Bulgaria, the combined tested strategies of mating disruption and virus control are suggested for control of codling moth in the orchards with CM population density of more than 3 larvae per tree or more than 5% fruit damage in the previous year.
W latach 2007–2009 wykonano doświadczenia nad zwalczaniem owocówki jabłkóweczki (CM) Cydia pomonella L. w sadach, w południowo-wschodniej Bułgarii, gdzie presja szkodnika jest bardzo wysoka. Wykorzystano przerwanie kojarzenia związkami Isomate C Plus w kombinacji z opryskiwaniem preparatem wirusowym Madex®. Przy jednym użyciu odstraszacza Isomate C Plus, w ciągu sezonu + 4 zabiegi preparatem Madex®, w ilości 100 ml/ha, w porównaniu do pierwszego i sześciu zabiegów przeciwko drugiej generacji, uszkodzenie owoców w czasie zbioru i gęstość populacji owocówki jabłkóweczki zostały utrzymane na niskim poziomie. W tym samym czasie uszkodzenie owoców i gęstość populacji szkodnika określona przy wykorzystaniu danych o zimujących larwach owocówki była bardzo wysoka w sadzie traktowanym metodą konwencjonalną. Wykorzystanie odstraszacza Isomate C Plus i produktu z bakulowirusem Madex® może być obiecującą alternatywą dla tradycyjnych programów zwalczania owocówki jabłkóweczki, w przypadku wysokiego poziomu początkowego porażenia. Sugeruje się badanie, kompleksowe przerywanie kojarzenia i strategię zwalczania wirusów w sadach, w celu zwalczania owocówki jabłkóweczki przy wzięciu pod uwagę gęstości populacji wynoszącej ponad 3 larwy na drzewie lub więcej niż 5% uszkodzenia owoców w poprzedzającym roku.
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