Transmisja wideo generuje w Internecie znaczący ruch. Jest ona stosowana zarówno w usługach czasu rzeczywistego jak i w usługach streamingowych, w których czas rzeczywisty nie odgrywa pierwszoplanowej roli. Internet jest zawodną platformą transportową. To może powodować obniżenie jakości usług. Aby wyjść temu naprzeciw, potrzebne są odpowiednio dobrane techniki transportowe dla strumieni wideo. Najczęściej używane są obecnie: MPEG2-TS i MPEG-DASH. Niniejsza praca zawiera wyniki badań oceniających wydajność obu tych technik transportowych w środowisku IP w powiązaniu z najnowszymi kodekami wideo, tj. H.265 i VP9.
Video applications generate considerable traffic in the Internet. The video service is used for both real-time services and streaming services where time does not play primary role. The Internet is an unreliable transport platform. It can cause deterioration in quality of service. Excellently tuned transport techniques are needed to counter this. Currently, MPEG2-TS and MPEG-DASH are two such techniques. This paper contains analysis results that prove the capabilities of both transport techniques when used in conjunction with modern video codecs, namely H.265 and VP9.
The paper discusses the problem of video transmission in an IP network. The authors consider the ability of using the most popular video codecs that use both the MPEG2 Transport Stream and Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over Hypertext Transfer Protocol (DASH). The main emphasis was given to ensuring the quality of service and quality assessment methods, taking into account not only the service- or network provider’s point of view but also the end user’s perspective. Two quality assessment approaches were presented, i.e. objective and subjective methods. The authors presented the results of the quality evaluation for H.264/MPEG-4, H.265/HEVC and VP9 codecs.The objective measurements, proved by statistic alanalysis of user opinion scores, confirmed the ability of using H.265 and VP9 codecs in both real time and streaming transmissions, while the quality of video streaming over HTTP with the H.264 codec proved inadequate. The authors also presented a connection between the dynamics of network bandwidth changing and MPEG-DASH mechanism operation and their influence on the quality experienced by users.
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