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Przedsiębiorstwo, tworząc swoje założenia rozwojowe, musi uwzględniać czynniki zewnętrzne i wewnętrzne wpływające na wybór kierunku działania i rozwoju. W literaturze przedmiotu otoczenie firmy dzieli się na bliższe (klienci, dostawcy, konkurenci), a więc firmy i instytucje oddziałujące na przedsiębiorstwa za pośrednictwem stawianych zadań, i dalsze, od którego te zadania zależą (Chodyński 2002, s. 7). R. Griffin dzieli otoczenie organizacji na wewnętrzne (warunki i siły wewnątrz organizacji, tj. zarząd, pracownicy, kultura) i zewnętrzne (wszystko na zewnątrz organizacji i co może na nią wpływać). Otoczenie zewnętrzne organizacji składa się z warstwy otoczenia ogólnego (tworzonego przez wymiar ekonomiczny, techniczny, socjo-kulturowy, prawnopolityczny, międzynarodowy) i celowego (organizacje lub grupy wpływające na organizację: konkurenci, klienci, dostawcy, pracownicy np. zorganizowani w związkach zawodowych, właściciele itp.) (Griffin 1996, s. 108–110)...
tom 6
Small and medium sized entrepreneurs often need external financing to start, run and develop their business. In many cases the SMEs sector cannot obtain financial assistance from the banking system so they seek support from the loan fund system. The loan funds offer not only financial assistance in the form of the loan granted but also other services for example information and advisory services.
tom 4
Small and middle enterprises (SME) are the basic part of the economy in European Unionincluding Poland. Typical feature of them are: high level of flexibility in adaptation to the chan-ges in business environment, strong motivation of entrepreneurs because of the relation betweenprofitability of an enterprise and income of its owner, high efficiency of prospering of SME thatcorresponds to the big financial discipline that dominates in SME sector and low absorptionof capital in the production areas.All these characteristics cause SME sector plays very important role in increasing GrossDomestic Product and added value as well as in increasing the employment. In 2004 the numberof active enterprises of this sector in Poland was estimated to over 1 690 000 which was the99,8% of all enterprises in this country. The number of employees in Polish SME sector in 2005was about 8234,1 that was over 71% of total number of employees working in all the enterprises.Moreover, in 2005 the SME sector generated 47,7% of gross domestic product and 54,2% of ad-ded value. It should be emphasized that importance of micro, middle and small enterprises wasdifferent in particular sectors of economy like: industrial processing, trade, constructions, ho-tels and restaurants, transport etc.Unfortunately, some problems occurred in development of SME sector, for example: thedecreasing number of active enterprises in total number of registered enterprises, low innovativeness of Polish middle and small enterprises, short time of life, high rate of employment in thegrey zone. It shows the importance of supporting this sector by national or local governmentunder the auspices of EU which formulated the rules of common politics for SME sector. You canfind these regulations in common European SME Policy and European Competition Policy. It isnecessary to remove all barriers to the SME sector progress by reducing off-pay costs, decre-asing taxes, limiting number of concessions and certificates of approval.
tom 4
In the globalization era a technological growth is important for the development of the companies. The vital challenge is a commercialization of the science and technological achievements, i.e. transfer the achievements to the market. The transfer consists of passing on thetechnological and managerial knowledge to be used in business. It is natural impulse for thedevelopment of innovational companies. Insufficient financial and human resources in smalland middle enterprises set the difficult to conquer barrier to conducting in-home research. Thecooperation between companies and universities especially engineering schools and publicor commercial research centers may help to resolve the problem. The aim of this article is thepresentation of the role of science-technological parks in the development of small and middleenterprises.
tom 6
SME sector in the polish market economy and in another countries are growing rapidly last times.Small and medium-sized enterprises are a valuable resource for countries with developedmarket economy. They have importance role in the Polish economy and a great influence fortheir development. The development of this sector is related to the numerous circumstanceslike the development of national economy, economy structure and conditions, financial stateand local governments as well economic policies. The researches in this area should know allthe circumstances, to eliminate their negative impact and get propositions to economic policy,which allows eliminating these barriers.The analysis of small and medium businesses, which will be presented in the article wascarried out for the period 1994–2007.The analyses were based of statistical data obtained fromCSO. Based on these data have been done analysis of small and medium businesses. In thearticle has shown the level of investment expenditures, economic and financial results MSP’sector in last years received positive indicator as the results of own activity.
One of the characteristic features of social and economic changes in Poland over the last ten years is a dynamic development of small and middle-sized firms. However, the firms vary depend on what kind of economic activity they carry out. Most of small and middle-size firms deal with wholesale and retail trade, estate management, education and building industry. A similar structure of firms can be noticed in major cities in the Lublin region, where trade firms and various services seem to predominate. Economic problems in Poland are directly connected with increasing regional differences. This implicates the existence of serious inner barriers for the development of particular regions. The analysis of the development of small and middle-size firms over the last years shows that this ecounters many barriers: - financial barriers - the lack of money and low financial and legal stability; - technological barriers - inefficient access to modern technology and the lack of money to finance modernization; - market barriers - small interest in products, which is connected with the difficulties in acquiring goods and services; - educational barriers - poor preparation for running a firm by means of modern techniques of organization, management, planning and marketing; - problems which appear during the cooperation with local and regional institutions. The above-mentioned barriers are also mentioned in the survey carried out as a part of the project entitled Innovation market in Lublin”. Half of the questioned people pointed to the lack of money and low financial stability as the main barrier of development. The next barrier mentioned was the influence of strong competition and the lack of funds to modernize the equipment to improve the standards of production and service. This means that their sensitivity to factors limiting development is the biggest. The analysis of the conveyed survey shows that the indispensable condition of development of MT companies is to facilitate the access to bank credits and to create a tax system which would be more just to firms of different size. The survey made it also possible to define the barriers for establishing a firm and its further development in the Lublin region. The most frequent are: high costs of setting up a firm, bureaucracy, limited access to funds, the lack of a clearly specified concept of the development of the Lublin region, fear of taking risk, the lack of an enterprise-friendly environment, the lack of knowledge about the institutions supporting various enterprises, problems connected with the necessity of acquiring different permissions and concessions and the lack of technological solutions initiated by the needs of companies and firms.
tom 7
This article is an attempt to identify the needs of small and medium enterprises of Podkarpackie voivodeship in the scope of export support as well as establishing and developing economic contacts with subjects from the EU. As it is suggested by the conducted research, there is a considerable need to the use of export instruments and activities. Unfortunately, their implementation is faced with numerous limitations both on the side of enterprises themselves and their environment. It needs to be emphasised, however, that it requires changes not only at the administrative and legal level, but also at mental-related one.
tom 8
Dynamic changes of the market and broadly defined environment of the enterprise are forcing to seek out for new directions of enterprise development in the SMEs sector. One of the current methods to raise the competitive position is to enhance entrepreneurship and business activities by learning of organization. The term of learning organization or intelligent organization can be defined as a process of building comprehensive solutions in an enterprise by developing a communication and information structure as well as interactions between participants of the system. The learning organization is based on summary of knowledge coming from individual employees. It is also possible to define some characteristic features derived from specific actions within the management area. The distinctive attribute of the intelligent organization is its ability to utilize already acquired knowledge for the benefit of organization development. Due to complexity of the organizational structures, the knowledge application should concern all the structures of the enterprise. Therefore, the ability to share the acquired knowledge and experience with other employees depends on existing distribution channels of knowledge in the company. The own studies show that SMEs enterprises tend to create individual methods of building the knowledge capital by using the modern information systems.
The SMEs companies form the biggest part of all companies carrying out production in the Polish economic reality. The changes in enterprises, such as faster initiation of innovations or new technical, technological, and organization solutions, etc. were involved in the development and competitiveness of these companies and competitiveness of the whole branch – and in the same way, in the whole economy at the time of integration with the EU economy and globalization. Then, the knowledge about reasons and dynamics and structure of innovative changes in enterprises will provide the possibility to show the groups of factors involved in the innovative process, which is important for the enterprises and for the branch. The presentation of innovative potential as definitions and measurement was based on the research of a group of SMEs, consisting of Polish and foreign enterprises. The main goal of the research was to explain the reason for FDI in the Polish branch of steel constructions and the influence of FDI on innovativeness of the Polish SMEs. The obtained results allowed to define the factors with high influence coefficient for innovative potential in steel construction branch as inside and outside values, the readiness to realize the innovative activity, and skills of effective realization of all parts of the innovative process and knowledge absorption. In conditions of competitiveness on the EU market – where dynamic changes of quantity of participants and increase in the expectation of clients are observed – there are clearly growing meanings of the innovative process. In the present time of EU integration, there are quite new, additional factors in Polish SMEs, such as skills in building the relation between SMEs and abilities to create nets and clusters, and readiness for many different and changing forms of cooperation and growth at the level of knowledge.
tom 5
The purpose of this article is to show the results of research questionnaires concerned the waysof supporting development of small and medium enterprises (SME) in SwietokrzyskieProvince. These results show that the stimulation of local and regional economy through thedevelopment of SME is effective way to reduction the effects of recession. Therefore localauthorities should influence the improvement of the attractiveness of localization of their area.The efforts to economic development is their responsibility and it needs to initiate and favorthe entrepreneurship. There are almost 42,000 SMEs in Świętokrzyskie and 150,000 persons (77,7%) areemployed by them. More than 60% of these entities operate in the cities. The entrepreneurialindicators that illustrate the number of SME for 1000 citizens are among the lowest in thecountry. The research shows local authorities in Świętokrzyskie are moderate interested in thedevelopment of SME. They usually use the simplest instruments – the tax reliefs or trainings.But the range of instruments supported SME is worth extending. So it is possible to usemodified instruments tried in other countries, for example prime d'aménagement du territoire(PAT), contract procedures or employee mobility.
Celem artykułu jest zbadanie wpływu wybranych cech społeczno-demograficznych na sposób zarządzania małą i średnią firmą przez kobiety i mężczyzn. Przez sposób zarządzania przedsiębiorstwem rozumie się: cele prowadzonej firmy, przeznaczenie zysku, korzystanie ze środków UE, kredytów i zastosowanie Internetu. Cechy społeczno-demograficzne podzielono na czynniki związane z osobą właściciela/właścicielki oraz związane z firmą. Czynniki związane z osobą właściciela/właścicielki to: edukacja, wiek oraz sytuacja rodzinna określona przez stan cywilny i liczbę dzieci. Natomiast cechy związane z firmą to: wielkość firmy, długość lat na rynku, wielkość miasta, w którym firma funkcjonuje, oraz prowadzenie firmy rodzinnej. Badanie wpływu wybranych cech społeczno-demograficznych poprzedzono analizą porównawczą sposobu zarządzania firmą przez kobiety i mężczyzn. W pracy wykorzystano materiał empiryczny zebrany w sposób celowy metodą ankietową ze 143 firm kierowanych przez kobiety oraz 158 firm kierowanych przez mężczyzn reprezentujących sektor małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw w Wielkopolsce. Ankietyzacja przedsiębiorstw została przeprowadzona przez studentów I roku studiów magisterskich Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Poznaniu w ramach przedmiotu przedsiębiorczość. Badania były przeprowadzone w 2011 r., a informacje o firmie i sposobach zarządzania dotyczą lat 2007–2010. Materiał badawczy przetworzony został metodami analizy porównawczej, takimi jak: test zgodności chi-kwadrat, test t-studenta oraz test Scheffe. Natomiast przy weryfikacji merytorycznej hipotez założony został poziom istotności α = 0,05.
tom 7
The article presents the opinions of entrepreneurs – customers of the loan fund concerning the supply of support services. The respondents evaluated loan services and their influence on functioning and development of the enterprises.
tom 5
Local Revitalization Programs implemented by the Cities are to contribute to, among the otherfactors, activation and development of business activity. The programs constitute the strategyof the cities’ activities on post-industrial areas or those undergoing gradual degradation.According to the criteria listed in the Operational Programs developed by the Marshall Officesof particular province, local revitalization programs should include mechanisms supportingand activating the activities of small and medium enterprises. Thanks to the Local RevitalizationProgram adopted in October 2006, the Zabłocie area is to change its character from industrialone to that aimed to the development of the SME sector and its cultural and educationalfunctions.
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie istoty oraz ocena oraz określenie przyszłości Międzynarodowego Standardu Sprawozdawczości Finansowej dla Małych i Średnich Przedsiębiorstw. W opracowaniu zaprezentowano definicję sektora małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw, cele i potrzeby wprowadzenia standardu. W dalszej części przeprowadzono opis standardów, dokonano jego oceny, a także przedstawiono opinie przedstawicieli wybranych organizacji księgowych i audytorskich w Europie. Poddano analizie wpływ MSSF dla MŚP na sektor MŚP oraz badania dotyczące MSSF dla MŚP. Zaprezentowano krajowe systemy rachunkowości po wprowadzeniu tych standardów, a także zarysowano ich przyszłość na świecie i dokonano oceny całego projektu.
The objective of the article is the presentation of main issues, evaluation and future of International Financial Reporting Standard for Small and Medium Enterprises. The paper presents the definition of the SME sector as well as the objectives and necessity of introducing International Financial Reporting Standard for SMEs. The further part of the paper describes and assesses the standards and presents the views held by the representatives of selected accounting and auditing organizations in Europe. Also, the author discusses the impact of IFRS for SMEs on the SME sector and presents research on IFRS for the needs of SMEs. The paper presents the national accounting standards after the introduction of the new standards, outlines their prospects worldwide and assesses the entire project.
Małe i średnie przedsiębiorstwa odgrywają znaczące role w gospodarkach regionalnych i krajowych. Rozpoznawanie kompetencji właściciela/menadżera, które przyczyniają się do osiągania doskonałych wyników przez niektórych, podczas gdy inni osiągają wyniki przeciętne lub gorzej, jest istotne w zarządzaniu przedsiębiorstwem we współczesnej gospodarce opartej o wiedze. Łatwo jest zauważyć w istniejącej literaturze przedmiotu różnicy w zastosowania tych samych pojęć, co jest wynikiem braku spójności w ich definicji. Budowanie modeli kompetencji właściciela MŚP jest jeden ze sposobów uporządkowanie wiedzy w tej materii. Jest to również sposób zbadania czynników kompetencyjnych wpływających na efektywności działania MŚP. Celem pracy była identyfikacja i analiza modeli kompetencji, ich elementów składowych, których rozpoznanie jest niezbędne dla lepszego rozumienia tego zjawiska. Narzędzie badawcze stanowił przegląd literatury obejmującej aktualne badania naukowe.
tom 4
The European Union treats the small and medium-sized enterprise sector as the source of competitiveness of European economy and the source of economic development. Small and mediumenterprises contribute to the internal market stimulation through the development of internatio-nal contacts. 22 % of SMEs must face foreign competition, over 50 % declare being in competi-tion with national enterprises. The main elements of competitiveness for SME are: consumerservice, product quality, and price. In this way SMEs contribute to the improvement of consumers conditions in the EU. SMEs also play an important role in inventing and introducingtechnological innovations, which involves the improvement of life quality, employment, effi-ciency and competition.In addition, SMEs undertake the actions with regard to social matters (over 50% of enterprises).The most frequent effects of this action are: ethics, relations with local community, clientsloyalty, employees satisfaction.
tom 6
A business plan focuses on a formal statement of the set business goals, the reasons why theyare believed attainable, and the plan for reaching those goals. It may also contain informationabout the organization. A business plan is usually created for the benefit of the external ownersof capital. The most important information for investors is that about costs, profits and risk.Accounting provides information about a separate economic unit. Accounting informationis verifiable, objective and quantitative. It is the basis for economic decision making. The accountinginformation system basically serves two categories of users – those that are external tothe business organization and those that are internal. Both financial and managerial accountingare possible. Organizations require both. Financial accounting is primarily for those externalto the organization; managerial accounting is for the internal use of managers, but it can alsobe used by external users. Accounting data can be used in a business plan.The demand for accounting data has grown rapidly because it increases knowledge andreduces risk. Financial institutions that supply the business with capital for investment orexpansion are very interested in such factors as the reputation and ability of the company’smanagement, its ability to meet its financial obligations, and its prospects for future success.A company’s financial statements, financial analyses and managerial accounting are an importantsource of this information. To reduce their risks lenders can demand accounting data in abusiness plan.
W artykule podjęta została problematyka różnych aspektów rozwoju systemów analitycznych w sektorze małych i średniej wielkości przedsiębiorstw (MŚP), z wykorzystaniem narzędzi open source, a w szczególności bibliotek języka Python. Głównym celem artykułu jest wskazanie na przykładzie środowiska języka Python, że w oprogramowaniu open source tkwi duży potencjał, który może być wykorzystany do rozwijania i eksploatacji systemów analitycznych w firmach sektora MŚP. Autor wyraża przekonanie, że firmy sektora MŚP nie tylko mogą, ale powinny rozważać wdrożenie strategii konkurencyjnych opartych na wysokiej jakości danych pozyskiwanych z systemów analitycznych. W tym celu mogą skutecznie rozwijać systemy analityczne w oparciu o oprogramowanie open source i metody wypracowane przez naukę o danych. Artykuł zawiera również identyfikację barier, przed którymi stają MŚP, decydując się na inwestowanie w technologie informacyjne. Kluczowym aspektem badawczym w artykule jest analiza funkcjonalności bibliotek języka Python, na podstawie której autor wykazuje, że poszczególne komponenty środowiska Python mogą wspomagać rozwój każdej warstwy systemu analitycznego, a zatem mogą one stanowić kompletną i solidną podstawę realizacji strategii opartej na wysokiej jakości danych pozyskiwanych z tego typu systemu w firmach sektora MŚP.
tom 6
Poland has been awarded nearly 85 billion euros for the new financing period, 2007–2013, inorder to implement various programs aimed at reaching Europan standards.The aim of this chapter is to show a panorama of the UE funds available to Polish entrepreneursfrom SME’s for the purpose of starting a business in the 2007–2013 period, as well topoint out the barriers hindering their access to the EU resources.
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