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Content available Knowledge on Lyme disease among foresters
Objectives: The first aim was an attempt to evaluate the level of knowledge on Lyme disease among people whose profession involves working in the forest; the second - recognition of the health problems that should be included in health education programmes concerning Lyme disease in this group of professionals. Materials and Methods: The study was performed on 159 subjects. Results: Only 15% know the etiological factor of disease, 98% - the main cause of infection, and route of pathogen transmission. Conclusion: Propagation of knowledge on Lyme disease, particularly among risk group people, is not satisfactory. Little knowledge on tick risk among secondary school students indicate the necessity for cooperation between teachers, epidemiologists, and health service providers in order to propagate the knowledge on parasites, symptoms, spread and methods of prevention.
Content available remote Choroby odzwierzęce w okulistyce. Część III – zmiany w przebiegu boreliozy
tom 7
nr 2
Borreliosis is a disease that was discovered in the 1970s, but its pathophysiological mechanisms and clinical course are not yet fully understood. The number of diagnosed Lyme disease cases in Poland has been increasing over the last decade. Poland has seen endemic Lyme disease, with one of the highest rates of infection in Europe. It is a zoonotic, vector-related disease that is transmitted by ticks that are infected with Borrelia burgdorferi spirochetes. One of the least known, poorly documented, and rarely recognized forms of Lyme disease is ocular borreliosis. Ocular alterations can occur in both the anterior and posterior segments of the eye, depending on the phase of the disease. In early stages when the tick bite is close to the eyeball, erythema-containing spirochetes can spread to the eyelids and conjunctiva of the eye per continuum. In the second phase when spirochetes spread throughout the whole body but have a predilection for nerve tissue, they occupy cranial nerves. This may also affect the optic nerve, less often oculomotor nerves and the retina. This phase of ocular borreliosis is associated with neuroborreliosis. In this stage, ocular borreliosis usually coexists with meningitis or encephalitis. In addition to the history and clinical picture of Lyme disease, accurate diagnoses based on commercially available serological tests are fundamentally important in Poland. This article describes three phases of Lyme disease. We explain the reasons for its clinical differences in the old and new worlds from an epidemiological perspective. The clinical picture, treatment, and prognosis of Lyme disease are discussed.
Borelioza, choroba odkryta w latach 70. XX w., o nie do końca jeszcze wyjaśnionych mechanizmach patofizjologicznych i obrazie klinicznym, wzbudza powszechne zainteresowanie. Liczba rozpoznawanych przypadków boreliozy w Polsce w ciągu ostatniego dziesięciolecia rośnie. Nasz kraj jest endemiczny dla boreliozy, mamy jeden z najwyższych odsetków osób zarażonych w Europie. Borelioza to odzwierzęca choroba wektorowa przenoszona przez kleszcze, powodowana przez krętki Borrelia burgdorferi. Jedną z najmniej znanych, udokumentowanych i rzadko rozpoznawanych postaci jest borelioza oczna. Zmiany mogą powstać zarówno w przednim, jak i w tylnym odcinku oka, zależnie od fazy choroby. We wczesnej fazie, gdy ukąszenie przez kleszcza nastąpiło blisko gałki ocznej, rumień zawierający krętki może „przez ciągłość” objąć powieki lub spojówki oka. W drugiej fazie, gdy krętki rozprzestrzenią się po całym organizmie i z powodu predylekcji do tkanki nerwowej zajmują nerwy czaszkowe, może to dotyczyć także nerwu wzrokowego, rzadziej nerwów okoruchowych oraz siatkówki. Zatem borelioza oka w drugiej fazie jest rodzajem neuroboreliozy. W tej fazie zwykle przebiega z zapaleniem opon i/lub mózgu. Obok wywiadu i obrazu zmian podstawowe znaczenie w rozpoznaniu ocznej boreliozy mają dostępne komercyjnie w Polsce badania serologiczne. W artykule opisano ważny dla zrozumienia tej jednostki chorobowej fazowy przebieg boreliozy. Wyjaśniono przyczyny różnic w przebiegu klinicznym występujące w starym i nowym świecie, opisane z punktu widzenia epidemiologii. Omówiono obraz kliniczny, leczenie i rokowanie w boreliozie ocznej.
Introduction: In recent years tick-borne diseases have become a very serious problem. The most common of these infections are borreliosis (Lyme disease) and tick-borne encephalitis (TBE). Lately there is growing incidence of Bartonella, Babesia, Anaplasma and Brucella co-infections. The similarity between the symptoms of tick-borne diseases and other pathologies causes serious diagnostic issues. Material and methods: 216 patients aged 18–55, who presented to the outpatient clinic for tick-borne diseases in the years 2014–2016, were enrolled in the study. The patients had been diagnosed with Lyme disease and co-infections. The principal diagnostic tests to confirm the infections included ELISA, Western-Blot and circulating immune complexes (CIC).Results: In the group of 216 patients, 162 presented with otolaryngological symptoms. The most common complaint was tinnitus (76,5%) accompanied by vertigo and dizziness (53,7%), headache (39%), unilateral sensorineural hearing loss (16,7%). The patients also had tick-borne coinfections, among them the most common was Bartonella henselae (33,4%) and Bartonella quintana (13%).Conclusions: Otolaryngological symptoms are a  common manifestation of tick-borne diseases. They are most frequently observed in Lyme disease and Bartonella spp. infections. The symptoms in the head and neck region are usually occur in chronic Lyme disease with predominant IgG antibodies nad VlsE antigen.
Introduction: In recent years tick-borne diseases have become a very serious problem. The most common of these infections are borreliosis (Lyme disease) and tick-borne encephalitis (TBE). Lately there is growing incidence of Bartonella, Babesia, Anaplasma and Brucella co-infections. The similarity between the symptoms of tick-borne diseases and other pathologies causes serious diagnostic issues. Material and methods: 216 patients aged 18–55, who presented to the outpatient clinic for tick-borne diseases in the years 2014–2016, were enrolled in the study. The patients had been diagnosed with Lyme disease and co-infections. The principal diagnostic tests to confirm the infections included ELISA, Western-Blot and circulating immune complexes (CIC).Results: In the group of 216 patients, 162 presented with otolaryngological symptoms. The most common complaint was tinnitus (76,5%) accompanied by vertigo and dizziness (53,7%), headache (39%), unilateral sensorineural hearing loss (16,7%). The patients also had tick-borne coinfections, among them the most common was Bartonella henselae (33,4%) and Bartonella quintana (13%).Conclusions: Otolaryngological symptoms are a  common manifestation of tick-borne diseases. They are most frequently observed in Lyme disease and Bartonella spp. infections. The symptoms in the head and neck region are usually occur in chronic Lyme disease with predominant IgG antibodies nad VlsE antigen.
Lyme disease (LD) is caused by Borrelia burgdorferi, transferred by infected ticks Ixodus ricinus. LD occurs endemically in Europe, America and Northern regions of Asia. In Poland, LD is the most frequent tick borne disease, which causes serious epidemiological problems. The main health hazard of LD occurs on the forested areas of Podlasie, Maritime province, the West Poland lake district, and Carpathians. The highest incidence 114.0 per 100 000 was registered in Podlaskie province. The infectious cycle of Borrelia burgdorferi includes: nymph moulds to adult, eggs laid by female, eggs hatch to larva, larva feeds on first host, fully fed larva drops to ground, larva moulds to nymph, nymph attaches to and feeds on the second host. LD is a chronic disease attacking many organs, including the skin, heart, brain and joints. LD is divided into three stages based on clinical symptoms: I - limited infection (Erythema migrans and Borrelia lymphoma), II - disseminated infection (numerous erythema migrans, early neuro-borreliosis, joint inflammation, Lyme carditis), III - late borreliosis (chronic atrophic limbs infla-mmation, late neuroborreliosis, chronic joint infla-mmation). At present, the best diagnostic method for LD is a labor- and time consuming two-stage serological method. First-line antibiotics in the treatment of Lyme disease are doxycycline, amoxicillin, cefuroxime axetil, ceftriaxone, cefo-taxime, and penicillin G. The best method of avoiding Borrelia burgdorferi infection is to avoid biting from ticks carrying spirochetes. Early removal of ticks, protects against spirochaetal infection.
Arthritis is one of the most important symptoms of late-stage borreliosis, observed in approximately 60% of untreated patients with Lyme disease. In several percent of them, this manifestation is of interest to orthopedic surgeons. The authors present a case of a patient, working as a forester, who underwent left hip replacement arthroplasty having contracted a Borrelia burgdorferi infection in the past, and who was hospitalized 12 years before in the infectious ward due to suspected neuroborreliosis for which he was treated with Cftriaxone 2 × 2.0 g intravenously for 4 weeks. At that time, a tomographic examination of the spinal cord revealed herniated nuclei at levels L4/L5 and L5/S1, which filled the left lateral recess, narrowing the intervertebral holes and compressing the nerve roots on the left side of L4 and L5. In September 2019, total hip replacement in the patient’s left hip joint was performed. It is concluded that an active role of neuroborreliosis in this process of hip joint destruction may be suggested.
Background: Lyme disease is a multi-organ disease caused by spirochetes, Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato, transmitted by Ixodes, with its clinical picture including involvement of the skin, joints, nervous system and heart. Laboratory diagnostic tests for Lyme disease are mainly based on the detection of anti-Borrelia burgdorferi antibodies by means of serological methods. Aim of the work: assessment of the level of antibodies against specific B. burgdorferi s.l. antigens in persons with suspected Lyme disease. Material and methods: the tested group consisted of 98 patients with suspected Lyme disease. During the first phase of the tests, anti-Borrelia burgdorferi IgM/IgG antibodies were marked using ELISA method, and positive and uncertain results were confirmed by Westernblot test (Wb). Results: anti-B. burgdorferi IgM/IgG antibodies were present in 60 patients (61.2%). IgM and IgG antibodies were detected as positive in 8 (8.1%) and 35 (35.7%) patients respectively. IgM and IgG were co-present in 6 persons (6.1%), including 2 persons (2%) with positive results in both classes. All patients with positive IgM (12 persons) had anti-OspC antibodies, and 2 patients had, in addition, anti-p31 antibodies. In patients with positive IgG the results were as follows: antibodies against antigen p17 - 77% of cases, VlsE - 74%, p30 - 46%, p39 - 44%, p83 - 38%, p19 - 31%, OspC/p25- 28%, p31 - 23%, p21 - 8%. Conclusions: laboratory diagnostic tests for Lyme disease must be performed in accordance with the current standards, positive and uncertain results must be confirmed by Westernblot test. Results of lab tests must correlate with patient’s symptoms.
Wprowadzenie: Borelioza z L yme jest wielonarządową chorobą wywoływaną przez krętki Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato, przenoszone przez kleszcze Ixodes, której obraz kliniczny wiąże się z zajęciem skóry, stawów, układu nerwowego i serca. Diagnostyka laboratoryjna boreliozy z L yme opiera się głównie na wykrywaniu przeciwciał anty-Borrelia burgdorferi metodami serologicznymi. Cel pracy: ocena poziomu przeciwciał dla specyficznych antygenów B. burgdorferi s.l. u osób z podejrzeniem boreliozy z L yme. Materiały i metody: grupę badaną stanowiło 98 pacjentów z podejrzeniem boreliozy z L yme. W pierwszym etapie wykonano oznaczenie przeciwciał IgM/IgG anty-Borrelia burgdorferi metodą ELISA, a wyniki pozytywne i graniczne potwierdzono testem Western blot (Wb). Wyniki: obecność przeciwciał IgM/IgG anty-B. burgdorferi wykazano u 60 pacjentów (61,2%). Przeciwciała tylko w klasie IgM oraz tylko IgG na poziomie dodatnim stwierdzono odpowiednio u 8 (8,1%) oraz 35 (35,7%) pacjentów. Współistnienie IgM i IgG stwierdzono u 6 osób (6,1%), w tym u 2 (2%) na poziomie dodatnim w obu klasach. U wszystkich pacjentów z pozytywnym wynikiem w klasie IgM (12 osób) obecne były przeciwciała anty-OspC, u 2 pacjentów dodatkowo obecne były przeciwciała anty-p31. U pacjentów z pozytywnym wynikiem w klasie IgG uzyskano następujące wyniki: przeciwciała przeciwko antygenowi p17 - 77% przypadków, VlsE - 74%, p30 - 46%, p39 - 44%, p83 - 38%, p19 - 31%, OspC/p25- 28%, p31 - 23%, p21 - 8%. Wnioski: prowadząc diagnostykę laboratoryjną boreliozy z L yme należy postępować zgodnie z obowiązującymi standardami, wyniki dodatnie i graniczne uzyskane metodą ELISA, należy potwierdzić testem Western blot. Wyniki badań laboratoryjnych muszą korelować z objawami występującymi u pacjenta.
Nie są owadami, mają osiem nóg i ich najbliższymi krewniakami są roztocza, zaś nieco dalszymi – pająki i skorpiony. Kleszcze to pajęczaki należące do nadrzędu o oddającej chyba istotę rzeczy nazwie – dręcze.
Background. The aim of this study was to evaluate the dynamics of changes in IgG anti-C6VlsE concentration in patients treated for Lyme borreliosis in relation to clinical manifestations of the disease. Material and methods. The study group consisted of 20 patients from Ternopil and surrounding areas (Western Ukraine) with clinical symptoms of Lyme borreliosis. IgG anti-C6VlsE was measured three times: before starting the patients on antibiotic therapy, immediately after its completion and 3-4 months after the end of antibiotic therapy. Results. In 40% of the patients the IgG anti-C6VlsE concentration decreased 3-4 months after the treatment, but only in half of them it was associated with elimination of symptoms. 60% of patients did not show any tendency to decrease in IgG anti-C6VlsE concentrations after 3-4 months after the treatment, and 25% of patients in this group had an improvement in health condition. Conclusions. It cannot be excluded that IgG anti-C6VlsE may be important in the serological evaluation of the efficacy of Lyme borreliosis treatment, especially in early stage patients. However, this requires further research, which should be extended to a larger group of patients. It is also important that the assessment of anti-C6VlsE antibody concentration should be performed additionally for a period longer than 4 months from the end of antibiotic therapy.
Wprowadzenie. Celem badań była ocena dynamiki zmian stężenia IgG anty-C6VlsE u pacjentów leczonych w związku z boreliozą z Lyme w stosunku do manifestacji klinicznych choroby. Materiał i metody. Grupę badaną stanowiło 20 pacjentów z klinicznymi objawami boreliozy z Lyme z Tarnopola i okolic (Ukraina Zachodnia). IgG anty-C6VlsE oznaczano trzykrotnie: przed wdrożeniem antybiotykoterapii, bezpośrednio po jej zakończeniu i 3-4 miesiące od zakończenia antybiotykoterapii. Wyniki. U 40% badanych stwierdzono obniżenie stężenia IgG anty-C6VlsE po 3-4 miesiącach po leczeniu, przy czym tylko u połowy z nich wiązało się to z eliminacją dolegliwości. U 60% pacjentów nie stwierdzono tendencji obniżania stężeń IgG anty-C6VlsE po 3-4 miesiącach po leczeniu, a u 25% tej grupy nastąpiła poprawa stanu zdrowia. Wnioski. Nie wykluczone, że IgG anty-C6VlsE może mieć znaczenie w serologicznej ocenie skuteczności leczenia boreliozy z Lyme, zwłaszcza u osób we wczesnym okresie choroby. Wymaga to jednak dalszych badań, którymi należałoby objąć liczniejszą grupę pacjentów. Istotne jest także, by ocena stężenia przeciwciał anty-C6VlsE dokonywana była dodatkowo w okresie dłuższym niż 4 miesiące od zakończenia antybiotykoterapii.
Content available Infections caused by Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato
It is justified to systematically monitor the number of those infected with Lyme disease in European countries and conduct the research on spreading of genospecies B. burgdorferi s.l. in animal reservoirs and vectors. Moreover, it is essential to take action for increasing the society’s awareness of tick-borne diseases prophylaxis. It is very important due to the observed increase in the number and activeness of ticks which leads to the increased risk of infection with spirochetes Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato and other pathogens transmitted by these vectors.
tom 44
nr 1
The elaboration of optimal parameters for PCR and Nested-PCR for the detection of Borrelia burgdorferi in dogs was the aim of the studies. Two sets of primers were designed on the base of the highly conserved flagellin-encoding gene of B. burgdorferi. Amplification of 437 bp and 144 bp fragments of flagellin gene was confirmed in 9 reference BSK-H cultured strains tested, including Polish isolate 236/2. The replication of strain 236/2 of B. burgdorferi in Vero cells was also confirmed by PCR. The application of both PCR and N-PCR for examination of 51 sera collected from dogs with clinical signs indicating natural infection with B. burgdorferi enabled detection of spirochetes in 14 samples. Results of our studies confirmed the high sensitivity and specificity of elaborated PCR and N-PCR which can be used to detect B. burgdorferi sensu lato strains both in inoculated BSK-H medium and Vero cells as well as in serum samples of naturally infected dogs.
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