This thesis aims at characterising the distribution of precipitation in the region of Zielona Góra in 1991–2014. An attempt was made to explain the influence of landform and forest cover on precipitation. In the area of interest, summer rainfall prevails with more frequent but less abundant winter precipitation. The highest precipitation has been observed on the western slopes of Zielona Góra Ridge and by the Lower Bóbr River Valley, whereas Zbąszyń, located further to the north-east, is the driest station.
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The concept of economic clusters, which are an effective way of seeking synergy effects resulting from cooperation of individual entities, became a synonym for the success of the economy of the region. The prospect of potential benefits for enterprises and regions, resulting from functioning of the bunches, encourages their potential participants to engage in creation and development of cluster structures. Such deliberate and organized effort of crucial players of the cluster, aimed at improvement in its competitiveness, is defined as a cluster initiative. The aim of this article is to analyse the state and the development prospects of the Lubusz cluster initiative "The Lubusz Wine and Honey Route". It is in the article that the theoretical issues associated with problems of clusters and cluster initiatives were discussed. It is later in this article that a brief characterization of the cluster potential of the Lubusz Voivodeship with particular emphasis on the wine industry was carried out. It is in the third part of the article that the findings of empirical research carried out were presented. Next, further to the discussed research, the conclusions and recommendations were presented for the best ways of supporting the development of the wine industry as well as the described cluster initiative.
Synonimem sukcesu gospodarki regionu stała się koncepcja klastrów gospodarczych, które są skutecznym sposobem poszukiwania efektów synergii wynikających ze współpracy poszczególnych podmiotów wchodzących w ich skład. Perspektywa potencjalnych korzyści płynących z funkcjonowania gron dla przedsiębiorstw oraz regionów zachęca ich potencjalnych uczestników do zaangażowania się w powstawanie i rozwój struktur klastrowych. Taki świadomy, zorganizowany wysiłek kluczowych graczy klastra, skierowany na poprawę jego konkurencyjności, określany jest mianem inicjatywy klastrowej. Celem artykułu jest analiza stanu i perspektyw rozwoju lubuskiej inicjatywy klastrowej "Lubuski Szlak Wina i Miodu". W artykule omówione zostały teoretyczne zagadnienia związane z problematyką klastrów i inicjatyw klastrowych. W dalszej części artykułu dokonano krótkiej charakterystyki potencjału klastrowego województwa lubuskiego ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem branży winiarskiej. W trzeciej części artykułu przedstawiono wyniki przeprowadzonych badań empirycznych. Następnie w nawiązaniu do omówionych badań, przedstawiono wnioski i rekomendacje w zakresie najlepszych sposobów wspierania rozwoju branży winiarskiej oraz opisywanej inicjatywy klastrowej.
The main aim of the study is to identify the most important conditions favoring the development of the Lubusz wine market, with particular emphasis on examining the involvement of young buyers (Millennium generation) in the purchase of Lubusz wines and the impact of factors determining their behavior, including situational ones related to the purchase and consumption of wine, as a generation in an increasingly more responsible for expanding the market. In addition, determining the demographic and economic profile of consumers consuming regional Lubusz wines, as well as proposing practical solutions for building a competitive advantage by the wine industry and wine sellers based on factors shaping the purchase of regional Lubusz wines. In the research procedure, the authors used literature analysis and survey research conducted among young consumers from the Lubusz Voivodeship. The research shows that the purchase of wine is associated with young consumers’ perception of it as supporting the Lubusz region in its development. However, the purchase determinants include taste, quality, bouquet, and positive information about the wine. In turn, the main reasons for not making purchases are not drinking alcohol and too high a price.
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