The aim of this study was to establish the stratigraphic extent of a putative Tournaisian Stage within the Carboniferous succession in the Lublin Basin. The oldest part of the succession, known as the Huczwa Formation and comprising depositional sequences 1-4, was investigated based on lithofacies analysis, sequence stratigraphy and petrographic studies. The article provides descriptions of depositional sequences, parasequences (cyclothems) and lithofacies that were formed in a range of environments (elements of depositional architecture) and as a result of volcanic processes - lava and pyroclastic eruptions and chemical weathering of their products. Correlation of the sequence stratigraphy to the West European and global Carboniferous chronostratigraphic divisions, as well as to the Khoriv suite in the Lviv-Volyn Basin in adjacent Ukraine, indicates a putative late Tournaisian age for sequence 1, and a late Visean age for sequences 2-4. There is a stratigraphic gap between sequences 1 and 2, spanning probably the uppermost Tournaisian and the lower and middle Visean. The upper Tournaisian is represented by the FRST-LST deposits of sequence 1, comprising mainly volcaniclastic conglomerates and sandstones developed in braided-river channels and incised valleys with hyperconcentrated flow processes. These deposits are represented by polymictic paraconglomerate and lithic/sublithic/subarkose arenites or sublithic wackes, and contain predominantly grains of acidic and alkaline volcanic and igneous rocks. This material probably came from the Łuków-Wisznice Elevation and the Volynian Polesia region, located to the NE and E of the Lublin Basin. In the uppermost part of sequence 1, volcanic rocks and tuffs appear which developed during the activity of at least three volcanic cones in the Lublin Basin. The volcanoes were the source of alkaline lavas in the central and SW areas of the basin, and of acidic lavas in the SE area, previously undescribed. The Visean sequences 2-4 consist of the FRST-LST sediments deposited within incised valleys. The TST and HST deposits accumulated mainly in a shallow ramp-type carbonate shelf, shallow clayey shelf and deltaic environments.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań geologicznych, geofizycznych, laboratoryjnych oraz hydrogeologicznych przeprowadzonych w rejonie miejscowości Celejów. Badania przeprowadzono dwoma otworami wiertniczymi: Celejów GT-1 i Celejów GT-2. Otwór Celejów GT-1 został wykonany do głębokości 3504 m i zakończony w utworach dewonu. W otworze tym nie uzyskano przypływu wody złożowej, natomiast na dnie otworu temperatura osiąga wartość 99,8°C. Otwór Celejów GT-2 został wykonany do głębokości 1234 m i zakończony w utworach jury środkowej. W otworze tym uzyskano wypływ wody termalnej w ilości 28 m3/h, temperaturze na wypływie wynoszącej 29,2°C (31°C w złożu) oraz mineralizacji ogólnej równej 45,5 g/dm3.
The paper presents the results of geological, geophysical and hydrogeological studies in the area of Celejów. The study was conducted on two wells – Celejów GT-1 and Celejów GT-2. The Celejów GT-1 well has a depth of 3,504 meters and was completed on the Devonian layer. In this well, the flow of water reservoir was not obtained, while the well’s bottom temperature is around 99.8°C. The Celejów GT-2 well has a depth of 1,234 meters and was completed on the middle Jurassic layer. In this well, the flow of thermal water of 28 m3/h was obtained, the temperature of 29.2°C (31°C in the layer) and total mineralization equal to 45.5 g/dm3was recorded.
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Artifcial neural networks method (ANNs) is a common estimation tool used for geophysical applications. Considering borehole data, when the need arises to supplement a missing well log interval or whole logging-ANNs provide a reliable solution. Supervised training of the network on a reliable set of borehole data values with further application of this network on unknown wells allows creation of synthetic values of missing geophysical parameters, e.g., resistivity. The main assumptions for boreholes are: representation of similar geological conditions and the use of similar techniques of well data collection. In the analyzed case, a set of Multilayer Perceptrons were trained on fve separate chronostratigraphic intervals of borehole, considered as training data. The task was to predict missing deep laterolog (LLD) logging in a borehole representing the same sequence of layers within the Lublin Basin area. Correlation between well logs data exceeded 0.8. Subsequently, magnetotelluric parametric soundings were modeled and inverted on both boreholes. Analysis showed that congenial Occam 1D models had better ftting of TM mode of MT data in each case. Ipso facto, synthetic LLD log could be considered as a basis for geophysical and geological interpretation. ANNs provided solution for supplementing datasets based on this analytical approach.
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