In this paper some of the more important properties of aerosols and their influence on the human organism are described. Sample results of measurements of the pollution with airborne particulate matter, conducted in Lublin (March and April 1999) and Kozlowka (June 1999) are presented. Measurements of the imission of airborne particulate matter were carried out with a GRIMM 1.105 apparatus for two chosen fractions of solid phase dispersion, i.e. PM10 (solid phase radius is smaller or equal to 10 mum) and AP (radius of solid phase particles which are easily deposited in alveoli. See Figure 1).
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Badania paleomagnetyczne 9 fragmentów rdzeni węglanów środkowo- i górnodewońskich pochodzących z Lubelszczyzny (otwory Giełczew PIG 5 i 6) i Górnego Śląska (otwór Goczałkowice IG 1) wykazały obecność wczesnopermskiego przemagnesowania, opartego na magnetycie. W Giełczwi intensywność przemagnesowania wykazuje korelacje z przejawami późnej dolomityzacji, natomiast w Goczałkowicach ze zjawiskami utleniania pirytu. Przemagnesowania są czasowo i, być może, genetycznie związane ze zwiększonym strumieniem cieplnym, wulkanizmem i migracją gorących roztworów we wczesnym permie.
Paleomagnetic investigations of 9 bore core fragments of Middle and Upper Devonian carbonates from theLublin (boreholes Giełczew PIG 5 and 6) and Upper Silesia region (borehole Goczałkowice IG I) revealed the presence of the Early Permian remagnetization related to magnetite. The intensity of remagnetization correlates either with late dolomitization (Giełczew) or oxidation ofpyrite (Goczałkowice). The remagnetization is temporally and probably genetically linked to an increased heat flow, volcanism and hot fluid migration in the Early Permian.
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The present publication discusses the attitude of the residents of the Lublin area towards the outbreak, the course and outcome of the war, as well as its impact on the everyday life of civilian population in the years 1914–1915. The memoirs and personal accounts chosen to this end allow for the determination of the prevailing social attitudes, as they reflect the opinions of not just the well-educated and self-conscious strata, but also the “silent” part of the society, i.e. that which had been affected the most by the war, and where the majority of refugees originated from – both during the local resettlements in 1914, and the forced migration of the citizens of Congress Poland into Russia’s interior, caused by the soulless decisions of the Russian authorities in the following year
The article presents the academic achievements of Mieczysław Buczyński, Ph.D. (1936-1992) with special emphasis placed on his dialectological and onomastic research in the Lublin area. The scholar created a card index for the Dictionary of the Huszcza in Podlasie dialect which index consists of more than 100 thousand words. The vocabulary can serve as a basis for describing linguistic interference between the local Ukrainian dialects and the insular Polish dialect. Another area of Mieczysław Buczyński’s academic interest was onomastics, especially urban names and anthroponymy. The studies of the names in Lublin were conducted with respect to the object and the methodology. In his descriptions of urban names, Mieczysław Buczyński took into consideration the linguistic as well as the extra-linguistic factors. Anthroponyms of Armenian origin, presented with respect to the inhabitants of Zamość, played an important role in the scholar’s onomastic studies. The article presents the academic achievements of the prematurely deceased scholar and a person born and living in the Lublin area. He was involved in pioneering research and nouvelle methodology, largely supported by the ethnic and cultural diversity of the region with which Mieczysław Buczyński always identified himself.
The study compared the occurrence of airborne pollen of 7 arboreal taxa (Corylus, Alnus, Cupressaceae/Taxaceae, Populus, Fraxinus, Betula and Carpinus) during the period 2007–2009 from two sites in Lublin city, SE Poland. The sites differed in the character of building development and surrounding vegetation. Pollen monitoring was conducted by the volumetric method using two Hirst-type samplers. Daily and intradiurnal pollen counts were determined. For all the taxa, Spearman’s test revealed statistically significant positive correlations between daily pollen fluctuations at two sites. Nevertheless, the Mann–Whitney U-test showed differences for Cupressaceae/Taxaceae, Fraxinus, Populus and Corylus between sites. The intradiurnal pattern of pollen concentration was characterized by high variation. Cupressaceae/Taxaceae and Populus, clearly differed in hourly pollen concentrations at both sites. Moreover, in the case of Betula and Alnus it was shown that a part of pollen recorded in Lublin can originate from long-distance transport. High pollen concentrations can be expected at different hours of the day. The lowest average pollen concentrations at both sites were found during morning hours at 5 and 6 a.m. Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that data from a single pollen-sampling device are not representative of some taxa in the particular districts of the city. Average data obtained from at least two pollen samplers could provide optimum results.
W pracy porównywano dane z monitoringu pyłkowego prowadzonego w Lublinie na dwóch stanowiskach, które różniły się charakterem zabudowy i lokalną roślinnością. Analizowano występowanie w powietrzu pyłku 7 taksonów roślin drzewiastych (Corylus, Alnus, Cupressaceae/Taxaceae, Populus, Fraxinus, Betula i Carpinus) w latach 2007–2009. Badania prowadzono metodą wolumetryczną z wykorzystaniem aparatów typu Hirsta. Określano dobowe i godzinowe stężenia pyłku w powietrzu. Analiza testu Spearmana dla wszystkich badanych taksonów wykazała istotną pozytywną korelację między dobowymi koncentracjami pyłku rejestrowanymi na dwóch stanowiskach. Na podstawie testu U Mann–Whitney’a stwierdzono istotne różnice między stanowiskami dla stężeń pyłku Cupressaceae/ Taxaceae, Fraxinus, Populus i Corylus. Godzinowa rytmika stężenia pyłku charakteryzowała się dużą zmiennością. Cupressaceae/Taxaceae i Populus, wyraźnie różniły się pod względem godzinowych koncentracji pyłku na obu stanowiskach. Ponadto w przypadku Betula i Alnus wykazano, że część rejestrowanego w Lublinie pyłku może pochodzić z dalekiego transportu. Wysokich stężeń pyłku można spodziewać się w różnych godzinach doby. Najniższe średnie stężenia pyłku na obu stanowiskach stwierdzono w godzinach porannych o 5.00 i 6.00. Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników można przyjąć, że dane pochodzące z jednego punktu pomiarowego nie są reprezentatywne dla niektórych taksonów w poszczególnych częściach miasta. Optimum wyników mogłyby zapewnić średnie dane pochodzące z co najmniej dwóch aparatów pomiarowych umieszczonych w różnych dzielnicach.
The paper presents the results of analyzes executed within the project carried out by the Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute. The purpose was to develop a density model of sedimentary cover in, inter alia, the Lublin region, on the basis of archival laboratory measurements. The source material consisted primarily of a database of archival measurements made on samples taken from drill cores. Since the sampling was often fragmentary and missed long intervals of the section, it was necessary to develop a methodology for estimating the density of such blank intervals. Trend equations of density changes with depth were determined on the basis of existing measurements, which helped in the estimation. For each stratigraphic period, density weighted average was calculated, where the thickness of each depth interval was the weight. Juxtaposition of such average densities with the arithmetic means, with or without taking into account the estimated values, indicates the pros and cons of the methodology. The final step was to construct the following: density maps of each stratigraphic period, maps of density contrast at the top-bottom contact of two stratigraphic periods and density maps at selected depth levels.
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The phymosomatid Trochalosoma taeniatum (von Hagenow, 1840) is recorded for the first time from upper Maastrichtian strata exposed at Piotrowice, near Lublin, southeast Poland. Although fragmentary, the single, moderately preserved test is of note in representing one of the larger individuals of this species on record (estimated diameter > 60 mm), and in displaying crenulate ambulacral and interambulacral tubercles, at least adapically. Previous records of T. taeniatum include the lower and upper Maastrichtian of Denmark, northern Germany (Rugen), Alava (northern Spain) and Mangyshlak (Kazakhstan). Trochalosoma corneti (Cotteau, 1875), from the upper Maastrichtian of southern and northeast Belgium (Mons and Liege basins, respectively) and the southeast Netherlands (type area of the Maastrichtian Stage), synonymised by some authors with T. taeniatum, is considered to be distinct.
W pracy zostały wykorzystane dane meteorologiczne oraz wartości ocen prze-zimowania rzepaku z okresu 1974/75-2008/09, które pochodziły ze Stacji Doświadczalnej Oceny Odmian COBORU w Bezku koło Chełma. Na podstawie obliczonych wartości zarówno współczynni-ków korelacji liniowej, jak i determinacji stwierdzono, że słabe przezimowanie roślin w danym roku (< 50%) było silnie związane ze znacznymi spadkami temperatury powietrza oraz gleby w grudniu. Wkilku okresach wegetacyjnych ( 1978/1979, 1995/1996, 2002/2003) niekorzystne warunki termiczne w chłodnej porze roku przyczyniły się do zlikwidowania plantacji rzepaku na początku wiosny. Zmienność ocen przezimowania rzepaku w analizowanym wieloleciu najlepiej opisywała liczba dni z temperaturą gleby ≤ –3ºC na głębokości 5 cm w okresie kalendarzowej zimy (od grudnia do lutego). Ponadto wykazano, że najkorzystniejsze warunki dla prawidłowego przezimowania rzepa-ku na analizowanym obszarze występowały podczas zim umiarkowanie mroźnych oraz jednocześnie śnieżnych, a pogarszały się wraz z mniejszą śnieżnością zimy. Z kolei w czasie zim łagodnych (wyższe od normy wartości temperatury powietrza) wyraźnie lepsze przezimowanie roślin notowano podczas zim małośnieżnych, aniżeli umiarkowanie śnieżnych. Świadczy to o występowaniu nieliniowej zależ-ności między warunkami termicznymi i śnieżnymi, w odniesieniu do oceny przezimowania rzepaku.
The relationship between weather conditions and winter rapeseed overwintering was studied based on meteorological data and field observations from the Experimental Station for Cultivar Testing (COBORU) in Bezek near Chelm in the period of 1974/75-2008/09. Coefficients of correlation and determination were determined and tested for significance by using the Pearson's and the Fisher-Snedecor’s tests, respectively. It was found that poor overwintering was strongly associated with extremely low air and soil temperature, particularly in December. Adverse thermal conditions contributed to re-sowing rape in spring due to damaged plantation in a few growing seasons (including 1978/1979, 1995/1996, 2002/2003). Rapeseed overwintering was the best de-scribed by the number of days with soil temperature ≤ –3°C at a depth of 5 cm during the calendar winter (from December to February). In addition, the most favourable conditions for the best over-wintering were during the moderately cold and snowy winters and getting worse with decrease of the depth of snow cover. Furthermore, better overwintering during mild winters (higher than normal air temperature) with thinner snow cover was also noted. It proves the existence of a non-linear relation between the thermal conditions and snowiness with reference to overwintering rates in the Central Eastern Lublin Region.