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This the study was conducted for two successive seasons(winter and summer seasons of 2017/2018) on a desert soil with the aim to investigate the effects of canal sediment (CS) and chicken manure (CM) on some properties of a desert soil and performance of fodder sorghum. The treatments (CS, CM, and their combinations and a control) were arranged in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. Some selected soil properties and dry matter yield were determined. Canal sediment and CM were effective in improving soil moisture content and had minor increase in organic carbon, total nitrogen, available phosphorus and potassium. Canal sediment and CM can be ranked according to their effectiveness in improving the soil properties and increasing dry matter yield of fodder sorghum as follows: the chicken manure (4 t ha-1) + N 86 kg, canal sediment (30 t ha-1) + chicken manure (4 t ha-1) + N 86 kg, canal sediment (10 t ha-1) + chicken manure (4 t ha-1) + N 86 kg, N 86 kg, canal sediment (30 t ha-1) and lastly canal sediment (10 t ha-1).
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