In the present research paper I focus on the issues concerned with the perspective adopted by Rev. Józef Tischner in his review of Leszek Kołakowski’s life and philosophical work. I demonstrate – which is the main purpose of the paper – that this perspective is determined by the Tischnerian discovery of the so-called “basic conviction” in Kołakowski’s writings. Such a conviction was of crucial significance for his philosophical apologetics of Marxism as well as his radical criticism of the Church, and communism founded on Marxism. As Józef Tischner poses the question about the “basic conviction,” he proves that in Kołakowski’s philosophy from the beginning it centres around ethical issues, and in particular the idea of human rights. It is in these that Tischner discerns the central theme in Leszek Kołakowski’s philosophy. In this way Tischner paints a picture of Kołakowski as a philosopher of actually one thought which matures in his work at various levels, but above all at the level of understanding of man, religion and the Church.
W niniejszym opracowaniu koncentruję się na problematyce perspektywy, z jakiej ks. Józef Tischner patrzy na dzieło filozoficzne i życie Leszka Kołakowskiego. Wykazuję, i to jest główny cel artykułu, że ta perspektywa wyznaczona jest przez Tischnerowskie odkrycie tzw. „przeświadczenia podstawowego” w pismach Kołakowskiego. Takie przeświadczenie miało decydujące znaczenie zarówno dla jego filozoficznej apologetyki marksizmu, jak również dla jego radykalnej krytyki Kościoła i ufundowanego na marksizmie komunizmu. Stawiając pytanie o „przeświadczenie podstawowe”, Józef Tischner uzasadnia, że w filozofii Kołakowskiego od początku ogniskuje się ono wokół problematyki etycznej, w szczególności w wokół idei praw człowieka. To w niej Tischner dostrzega kluczowy wątek filozofii Leszka Kołakowskiego. W ten sposób Tischner kreśli obraz Kołakowskiego jako filozofa właściwie jednej myśli, która dojrzewa w jego twórczości na różnych poziomach, przede wszystkim zaś na poziomie rozumienia człowieka, religii i Kościoła.
Celem artykułu jest dogłębna analiza książki Michała Siermińskiego o tzw. lewicy opozycyjnej epoki realnego socjalizmu lat 1968–1980, w tym jej „Posłowia” autorstwa Zbigniewa Marcina Kowalewskiego. Autor zwraca uwagę na nader wątpliwe pod względem naukowym i etycznym kwestie, które stawiają pod znakiem zapytania wartość książki. Wedle autora, książka ma rozliczne mankamenty, warsztatowe. Krytykuje on jej nacechowanie ideologiczne, pokrewne neotrockizmowi, abstrahującymi od realiów geopolitycznych zimnej wojny i międzynarodowych zmagań między komunizmem a kapitalizmem. Słabością opisywanej pracy jest niedostrzeganie historycznych uwarunkowań realnego socjalizmu w państw komunistycznych/socjalistycznych.
Aim of this article is close reading of the Michał Siermiński’s book on so-called left-wing opposition during real socialism period in the years 1968–1980, and its „Afterword” by Zbigniew Marcin Kowalewski). Author claims, that value of the book is very dubious – as in research aspect as in academic ethics aspect, and scientific technique. Author is focused on ideological dimension of Siermiński’s and Kowalewski’s work, their neo- Trotskyist skew, lack of understanding of the geopolitical reality of the Cold War and international competition between communism and capitalism. Other weakness of the book is not recognizing historical existentional circumstances of communist/socialist countries.
In the present research paper I focus on the issues concerned with the perspective adopted by Rev. Józef Tischner in his review of Leszek Kołakowski’s life and philosophical work. I demonstrate – which is the main purpose of the paper – that this perspective is determined by the Tischnerian discovery of the so-called “basic conviction” in Kołakowski’s writings. Such a conviction was of crucial significance for his philosophical apologetics of Marxism as well as his radical criticism of the Church, and communism founded on Marxism. As Józef Tischner poses the question about the “basic conviction,” he proves that in Kołakowski’s philosophy from the beginning it centres around ethical issues, and in particular the idea of human rights. It is in these that Tischner discerns the central theme in Leszek Kołakowski’s philosophy. In this way Tischner paints a picture of Kołakowski as a philosopher of actually one thought which matures in his work at various levels, but above all at the level of understanding of man, religion and the Church.
This article is an attempt to reconstruct Leszek Kołakowski’s vision of education based on the study of his own notions and ideas. According to Kołakowski, any meaning which can be attributed to human life and activities is not a feature inherent in human beings but can only be granted by themselves. The process of sense creation is irremovable from culture. Kołakowski calls this process myth creation, which is one of the key concepts he employs. He considers education as an introduction to myth while the lack of an external frame of reference renders education “identical with indoctrination”. Therefore the only way to preserve the apprentice’s autonomy is to refer to another category of Kołakowski’s, which is inconsistency. Placing hope for the apprentice’s autonomy in the teacher’s inconsistency and, in consequence, in the ineffectiveness of education, is not very reassuring. Kołakowski’s vision of education demonstrates that scepticism is not capable (or even willing) of offering us anything more than that.
This article is an attempt to defend philosophy as a valuable theoretical reflection on the ultimate questions about the meaning of existence (especially human existence). In accordance with Leszek Kołakowski’s postulate, a philosopher could be modeled on a circus clown who observes the world from a distance and is capable of critiquing myths prevalent in the culture they grew up in. Although a clown does not provide final answers to ancient metaphysical questions, they make people reflect critically on their own beliefs. From this standpoint, philosophy is an integral element of every culture which does not wish to become ossified and stagnant due to its dogmatism.
14 Tales from the Kingdom of Lailonia by Leszek Kołakowski is a series of animated films. The author of the publication is the originator of the adaptation and the script writer. The text focuses on the author’s use of the films in the teaching of philosophy and aesthetics at the University of Medical Science in Poznań and in the promotion of philosophy via institutions of science and culture. On the one hand, the films provide some general knowledge about philosophy, as when writing the scripts the author was inspired by notions and figures from the history of philosophy, suggesting their use in the imagery used in the films. On the other hand, the films disseminate knowledge about the philosophy of Leszek Kołakowski, e.g. by a comparative analysis of the films and their literary bases and the philosophical texts by the author of Tales from the Kingdom of Lailonia. They have also been used in inter-cultural dialogue (e.g. in Tokyo, in a program accompanying the Polish Presidency in the European Union). Other teaching measures include the author’s published texts concerning various aspects of this adaptation.
Death is the most obvious event in human life. On the other hand, however, this event is always a riddle and something unknown to a living man. Perhaps, this is the reason, why it has been studied by philosophers for centuries. This issue is taken up by Polish philosophers, including one of the best known and most appreciated, Leszek Kołakowski, as well. The problem is analyzed by him in two aspects – technological and mythological. This difference constitutes the main axis of Kołakowski’s philosophical thinking. In the technological context, death is one of the main symptoms of disinterest which the world shows the man. In the other meaning, it makes one inquire about the meaning of life as such and its being rooted in the dimensions of eternity. These very problems are analyzed in the present article.
The present text addresses one of the stages of the controversy over grace and freedom originated by Pelagius and Saint Augustine. The protagonists of this stage are Leszek Kołakowski and Józef Tischner. As he was reconstructing the 17th-century debates between Jansenists and Molinists, Kołakowski posed a question about the relevance in: of this controversy for the contemporary times. Tischner, as he was critical of Kołakowski’s views, put forward his own solution to the problem of grace and freedom, which was in line with the thought of Saint Augustine. In the present text I place Tischner’s dispute with Kołakowski against the backdrop of earlier stages of the controversy, and I discuss the views held by both the thinkers. I also attempt to resolve this dispute and point to its significance for the philosophy of education and the philosophy of politics.
The radical nature of philosophy. Reflections on Paweł Kłoczowski’s book Cartesian revolution and other sketches: This paper offers a polemical discussion on Paweł Kłoczowski’s recently published book concerning the so‐called Cartesian revolution and other issues in social and political philosophy. The author presents Kłoczowski as the ideological heir of Leszek Kołakowski (1927-2009), and simultaneously a virtuoso of Polish philosophical essay writing. She demonstrates how topical, and at the same time timeless, are those problems considered by Kłoczowski. In doing so, she examines the inspirations of Kłoczowski and highlights some of his arguments: ones seemingly still stimulating triggers for our thinking.
The present text addresses one of the stages of the controversy over grace and freedom originated by Pelagius and Saint Augustine. The protagonists of this stage are Leszek Kołakowski and Józef Tischner. As he was reconstructing the 17th-century debates between Jansenists and Molinists, Kołakowski posed a question about the relevance in: of this controversy for the contemporary times. Tischner, as he was critical of Kołakowski’s views, put forward his own solution to the problem of grace and freedom, which was in line with the thought of Saint Augustine. In the present text I place Tischner’s dispute with Kołakowski against the backdrop of earlier stages of the controversy, and I discuss the views held by both the thinkers. I also attempt to resolve this dispute and point to its significance for the philosophy of education and the philosophy of politics.
Niniejszy tekst traktuje o jednej z odsłon zapoczątkowanego przez Pelagiusza i św. Augustyna sporu o łaskę i wolność. Bohaterami tej odsłony sporu są Leszek Kołakowski i Józef Tischner. Kołakowski, rekonstruując XVII-wieczne dyskusje między jansenistami i molinistami, stawiał pytanie o znaczenie tego sporu dla współczesności. Tischner, krytykując poglądy Kołakowskiego, proponował własne, idące śladem myśli św. Augustyna, rozwiązanie problemu łaski i wolności. W niniejszym tekście umieszczam spór Tischnera z Kołakowskim na tle starszych odsłon sporu i omawiam poglądy obu myślicieli. Podejmuję także próbę rozstrzygnięcia tego sporu oraz wskazuję jego znaczenie dla filozofii wychowania i filozofii polityki.
The aim of this article is to reflect on the issue of social ethics in a liberal democracy. An important and supportive element of the article is a comparative analysis of the thoughts of Isaiah Berlin and Leszek Kołakowski. This analysis is conducted using selected essays by these philosophers. The primary research method is the author's own interpretation and attempt at synthesis. The outcome is a list of social values, along with definitions, that are considered essential for the liberal democratic system. These values include pluralism, tolerance, freedom, openness, rational communication, humility, and responsibility.
Celem artykułu jest refleksja nad kwestią etyki społecznej w liberalnej demokracji. Ważnym i pomocniczym elementem artykułu jest analiza porównawcza myśli Isaiaha Berlina i Leszka Kołakowskiego. Analizę tę przeprowadzono jedynie dla wybranych esejów wskazanych filozofów. Główną metodą badań jest własna interpretacja i próba syntezy. Jej wynikiem jest lista wartości społecznych, wraz z definicjami, które uważane są za istotne dla ustroju demokracji liberalnej. Są to: pluralizm, tolerancja, wolność, otwartość, racjonalna komunikacja, pokora i odpowiedzialność.
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Each kind of scientifi activity needs engaging in some system of values. When the scientist constructs a new theory he must be aware, that at its base lies determined a concept of axiology. In my article I try to answer the question: should the truth be signifiant value for scientists? I think that answer on this question should be not obvious and depend on our philosophical and critical thinking.
Od zarania dziejów niezwykle złożona problematyka zła towarzyszy ludzkości w zróżnicowanej postaci, a także bywa sytuowana i rozważana w rozmaitych kontekstach, ale niezmiennie pozostaje kwestią otwartą, wymagającą ustawicznych odpowiedzi, ciągle na nowo w intensywnie ewoluującej rzeczywistości. Interesujące w tej mierze okazuje się podejście hermeneutyczno-fenomenologiczne oraz dialogiczne z racji koncentrowania uwagi w podejmowanych dociekaniach z tego zakresu na doświadczaniu przez ludzi zła oraz osób będących jego sprawcą, w konwencjach rozumiejących oraz interpretujących rolę i jakość miejsca zajmowanego przez człowieka w świecie. W poglądach Józefa Tischnera i Leszka Kołakowskiego problem zła stanowił jeden z głównych nurtów refleksji oraz odniesienia do niemal wszystkich podejmowanych kwestii sytuujących się w uprawianych przez nich w życiu i twórczości polach problemowych.
At the dawn of time, extremely complex issues of alleviating users of humanity in various forms, as well as being situated and accessible in contexts, but independent of network access, require statutory responses constantly anew in an intensely evolving reality. Interesting in this respect are hermeneutic-phenomenological and dialogical confirmatory measures, taking into account the focusing of attention in established investigations in this field on the experience of evil by people and persons who are its perpetrators, in convention, understanding and interpreting the limitations and experience of a person’s place in world. In the opinion of Józef Tischner and Leszek Kołakowski, the problem of evil is one of the main trends in reflection and a problem for all the issues raised in their treatment of problem areas in their lives and works.
On manipulating the meaning of words: the strategy of distorting the meaning of concepts in order to redirect people’s attitudes has been put in practice by ideologists and politicians for years. the paper focuses on the refections of selected thinkers and men of letters on this phenomenon. intellectual contributions of isaiah Berlin, Friedrich a. Hayek, leszek Kołakowski and charles l. stevenson on the one hand, and the considerations of george orwell, aldous Huxley, ayn Rand, sławomir mrożek and małgorzata musierowicz on the other hand are analysed. some recent incarnations of the tactics of perverting the meaning of words in recent political discourse in poland are critically examined. special attention is given to the manipulating the meaning of “paedophilia” in the context of the nationwide discussion on child sexual abuse in the catholic church. it is concluded that the dishonourable practice of verbal misrepresentation used under communism is at work again, this time in even more sophisticated form.
The article discusses the role of the city in Tales from the Kingdom of Lailonia by the philosopher Leszek Kołakowski, and in the animated film series Fourteen Tales from the Kingdom of Lailonia by Leszek Kołakowski, which is an adaptation of the book. The article is written from the point of view of the originator of the adaptation and the screenwriter of all the films in the series. The author examines the historical and ideological context of L. Kołakowski’s writing the Tales … and analyzes the role of the city understood as the setting of the plot (topos) and the venue for an exchange of ideas (agora) and for the community (polis); he does so on three levels: that of the literary original, the screenplay adaptation, and the film. He also examines the role of the city in those senses for the drama of the individual films, the philosophical and esthetic premises of the role, and – in these contexts – the relations between the selected films and their screenplays.
A city in Lailonia. Remarks from a screenwriter The article discusses the role of the city in Tales from the Kingdom of Lailonia by the philosopher Leszek Kołakowski, and in the animated film series Fourteen Tales from the Kingdom of Lailonia by Leszek Kołakowski, which is an adaptation of the book. The article is written from the point of view of the originator of the adaptation and the screenwriter of all the films in the series. The author examines the historical and ideological context of L. Kołakowski’s writing the Tales … and analyzes the role of the city understood as the setting of the plot (topos) and the venue for an exchange of ideas (agora) and for the community (polis); he does so on three levels: that of the literary original, the screenplay adaptation, and the film. He also examines the role of the city in those senses for the drama of the individual films, the philosophical and esthetic premises of the role, and – in these contexts – the relations between the selected films and their screenplays.
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