Massive White Storks killings in Lebanon and the response to the phenomenon reflect an example of globalized ties that connect and unite European and Middle Eastern societies. Numerous migrant birds, protected in Europe, are being killed solely for entertainment when they cross over the Lebanese sky in flocks of hundreds and thousands, among them the White Stork. The national law concerning hunting has not been enforced properly for many years in Lebanon. In result there are thousands of untrained hunters who shoot everything alive visible on the sky and afterwards proudly publish photos with the pray in the social media. This deteriorating phenomenon forced local environmentalists to seek the attention and help abroad. Hence, the network of Lebanese and Polish NGOs has been established to, via diplomatic channels, put apressure on the Lebanese government to act more consistently. It seems that such unprecedented cooperation between Lebanon and Poland has brought forth desired results and migrating birds are becoming safer – thanks to the globalization and the Internet as well.
The paper discusses the results of the first season of research undertaken to establish and document the architectural stratification of the residential quarter in Jiyeh (ancient Porphyreon). The research was started on a separate complex of 14 rooms. Three phases of building development in the late Roman and early Byzantine periods were distinguished. Evidence was found of the division of this complex into three houses. Remains of stairways identified in two of the houses proved the existence of double-storey buildings. In the northern house of the complex, the layout of recesses and corbels preserved in the walls suggests the presence of a wooden gallery, communicating at ground level with rooms on the upper floor. This paper presents also some preliminary remarks on the functional division of the houses.
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The article deals with the history of INIFIL Force Mobile Reserve in 1986-2001. It presents: the system of reserve sub-units’ functioning that existed since 1986; reasons of establishing Force Mobile Reserve; the unit tasks; national and functional structure of the sub-unit; command system; the way to accomplish tasks; armament and equipment; changes taking place in the time of the unit operation; structure and tasks of the Supply Group “Qana" created by our soldiers in 1994-2001; border limits to be fulfilled so that such an international force can function; conclusions supporting the future creation of such units that can successfully perform tasks being included in peacekeeping forces.
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This study aims at investigating several dynamical parameters of the monthly variability of eight streamflow time series, recorded at different stations along the major courses and springs of the Litani River (Lebanon). The contribution of the annual periodicity to the total variance of the series depends on the geomorphological characteristics of the measuring sites. The long-term trend of five northern stations is more or less uniform, while that of the remaining southern three is characterized by a decreasing behaviour. The long-term trend of each streamflow series is, furthermore, featured by the presence of several peaks, mostly due to extreme rainfall events. Applying to the long-term trends the horizontal visibility graph, it was found that the North Atlantic Oscillation index could be a significant forcing of the complex fluctuations of the streamflows.
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Lessons learned during Israel-Hezbollah War in 2006 are crucial for understanding complex issues of fighting irregular enemies by state’s conventional forces. The Israeli Defense Forces were fighting against a small, well-armed and highly unconventional military organization, which was attacking Israel territory from Lebanon. Israeli Air Forces were not able to stop effectively Hezbollah’s rocket attacks. Hezbollah’s interspersion within Lebanon’s civilian population caused significant targeting problems for airpower. Retaliatory air strikes were generally condemned by international community as disproportionate. As airpower was initially perceived as the big loser in the conflict, it is important to present a more balanced assessment on the lessons learned from using airpower against irregular enemies like Hezbollah.
W pracy podjęto próbę określenia zagrożeń środowiska bezpieczeństwa Libanu i perspektyw ich zmian, wpływających na działalność polskich kontyngentów wojskowych i ich personelu, uwzględniając aspekty historyczne, zagrożenia wewnętrzne i zewnętrzne oraz współczesne uwarunkowania środowiska bezpieczeństwa regionu i Libanu. Wykorzystano w niej wyniki badań prowadzonych przez autora w latach 2012-2020. W rozważaniach uwzględniono polskie kontyngenty wojskowe działające w ramach Tymczasowych Sił Organizacji Narodów Zjednoczonych w Libanie (ang. United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon, UNIFIL) w latach 1992-2009, takich jak: Polska Wojskowa Jednostka Medyczna (PWJM), Polski Kontyngent Wojskowy w Libanie (PKW w Libanie/PKW UNIFIL) oraz „nowy” PKW w Libanie, który rozpoczął wykonywanie zadań mandatowych w listopadzie 2019 roku. Na działania polskich kontyngentów w Libanie wpływ miały skutki niekończącego się od 1948 roku konfliktu z Izraelem, wojna domowa w Syrii, rozwój organizacji terrorystycznych w regionie Lewantu, rosnący w siłę pod względem militarnym i politycznym szyicki Hezbollah oraz blisko dwa miliony uchodźców wojennych. Czynniki te spowodowały znaczny wzrost zagrożeń dla żołnierzy sił pokojowych i obserwacyjnych pełniących służbę w Libanie, a podstawowym źródłem tych zagrożeń jest bezpośrednie oddziaływanie przez przeciwnika za pomocą różnego rodzaju broni ciężkiej, lotnictwa i innych na bazy, patrole i stanowiska pododdziałów kontyngentu. Siły UNIFIL wraz z PKW Liban prawdopodobnie staną przed problemem „uczestnictwa” w kolejnym konflikcie zbrojnym, małej lub dużej skali. Żołnierze polskiego PKW, ze względu na swoje rozmieszczenie i charakter zadań prawdopodobnie będą narażeni na ewentualne straty osobowe i materiałowe.
This paper attempts to identify threats to the security environment of Lebanon and the prospects for their changes, affecting the activities of Polish military contingents and their personnel, taking into account historical aspects, internal and external threats and contemporary conditions of the security environment of the region and Lebanon. It uses the results of research conducted by the author in the years 2012-2020. Included in the study there are Polish military contingents operating as part of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) between 1992 and 2009, such as: the Polish Military Medical Unit, the Polish Military Contingent in Lebanon (PMC Lebanon/PMC UNIFIL), and the "new" PMC in Lebanon, which began performing mandated tasks in November 2019. Polish contingent operations in Lebanon have been affected by the aftermath of the never-ending conflict with Israel since 1948, the civil war in Syria, the growth of terrorist organisations in the Levant region, Shiite Hezbollah, growing in terms of military strength and political influence, and nearly two million war refugees. These factors resulted in a significant increase in threats to peacekeepers and observers serving in Lebanon, and the primary source of these threats is the direct impact caused by the enemy using various heavy weapons, aviation and other arms in attacks on the bases, patrols and posts of the contingent’s subdivisions. UNIFIL forces, together with the PMC Lebanon, are likely to face the problem of "participation" in another armed conflict, whether small or large-scale. The PMC soldiers, due to their deployment and the nature of their tasks, are likely to be exposed to possible personnel loss and material damage.
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