In Western Europe the Church as an institution was integrated into the military system and was obliged to serve the monarchy. Apart from performing vassal duties, the Latin clergy frequently participated in military actions. Although the Church laws forbade clergymen to shed blood, there were many examples of the violation of this rule. The attitude of the Orthodox Church in the Byzantine Empire concerning the possible participation of the clergy in war differed significantly from that of Latin Europe. The Byzantine priesthood did not become involved in military actions. The Greek Church possessed neither military units nor vassal commitment to the Empire. Despite a very close relationship with the Byzantine Church the attitude of the Georgian Church to the issue differs from that of Byzantium and is closer to the Western practice. The feudal organization of Georgia conditioned the social structure of the Georgian Church and its obligations before the monarchy. Despite the fact that the Georgian Church enjoyed many advantages, it had to take part in military campaigns. The upper circles of Georgian Church dignitaries were accustomed to both conducting military campaigns or taking part in the combat. In regard to military activities of clergy, Georgian law was much more lenient than Byzantine, and in the case of necessity, it even modified Greek legal norms. The conflict with the Christian canons was decided in favor of military necessity, and it was reflected in the legislation.
The circumstances of promulgating in 1983 by John Paul II of the new Canon Law shaped in the spirit of science and the guidelines of the Second Vatican Council, which was raising interest of canonist, prompted deeper studies over its norms, also in the sphere of marital law. Marital law has been amended and modifies since the Code of 1917, which was clear from the post-Council law and intense work of the Papal Commission on Revision of CIC.In that period of time several comprehensive manuals and commentaries appeared (in Polish) to the marital law included in CIC by: T. Pawluk, E. Sztafranowski, W. Góralski, J. Krukowski, M. Żurowski, P. Gajda and P. Majer.The authors of the manuals and commentaries to the marital law included in CCEO are W. Góralski and K. Nitkiewicz.
Although marital law was attracting particular attention of the doctrine from the very beginning of its creation (as a field of science), only the promulgation of codes of canon law (CIC 1917, CIC 1983, CCEO 1990) “liberated” the natural need of issuing manuals and commentaries regarding marital law.The subject of the first part of the paper are the manuals and commentaries in Polish regarding the entire marital law (substantive), from before 1917 and then those issued after 1917 – before the Second Vatican Council and after the Council.The author discusses particular manuals and commentaries in chronological order and provides their evaluation.In that period of time several comprehensive manuals and commentaries appeared (in Polish) to the marital law included in CIC by: J. Pycia, F. Bączkowicz, J. Baron, W. Stawinoga, B. Wilanowski, W. Szmyd, S. Biskupski, W. Szafrański, M. Żurowski. E. Sztafrowski.
During the Counter-Reformation issues of using the national languages in the liturgy and the rite of the church became the source of lively discussion of the representatives of the Roman Church (Catholic) and the Greek Church (Orthodox). Strategy outlined by the Council of Trent to maintain the dominance of Latin as the universal language of all Christians subordinate to Pope after the establishment of the union in Brest-on-the-Bug had to be significantly modified. The best interests of the Church consolidation required concessions on the part of Rome and recognition of the Slavonic language to be, as effective as the Latin an instrument of the saving activity of the Church. Following the Slavonic, Polish language gradually breaks into the missionary and catechetical use, which the Greek Catholics are increasingly eager to speak. The subject of this article is the phenomenon of coexistence of many languages in liturgical and administrative practice of the Latin and Russian Christians in the Republic of Poland in the 16 th -18th century and reflection on resulting from this fact preferences and translations of polemic and religious texts.
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Urząd wikariusza generalnego powstał w Kościele zachodnim w XII w. Stopniowo jego władza umacniała się, aż stał się urzędem obligatoryjnym i głównym współpracownikiem biskupa diecezjalnego w zarządzie Kościołem partykularnym. Podczas przygotowań Soboru Watykańskiego II dostrzeżono potrzebę utworzenia nowej instytucji w strukturze Kościoła partykularnego. Obok urzędu wikariusza generalnego, ustanowiono urząd wikariusza biskupiego – nową funkcję o zbieżnej naturze prawnej i kompetencjach, ale przeznaczoną do wspierania biskupa diecezjalnego w poszczególnych aspektach jego działalności. W Kościele wschodnim powstał zwyczaj wybierania biskupów spośród zakonników. Biskupi chcieli nadal prowadzić życie monastyczne. Dobierali sobie współtowarzyszy, którzy zamieszkiwali wspólnie z biskupem w jego mieszkaniu. Tego towarzysza życia biskupa określano mianem synkellios, co w wersji łacińskiej uzyskało formę syncellus. Syncel był nie tylko współtowarzyszem życia biskupa, ale także wspomagał go w jego funkcjach, a nawet reprezentował biskupa w wielu sprawach kościelnych, przez co uzyskał znaczący wpływ w Kościele lokalnym. Unie zawierane z Kościołami uznającymi zwierzchność Biskupa Rzymu, wiązały się także z przyjęciem przez nie łacińskiego systemu prawa kościelnego i form strukturalnych istniejących w Kościele zachodnim. Jednym z elementów tego dziedzictwa jurydycznego był urząd wikariusza generalnego. W motu proprio Piusa XII Cleri sanctitati i Kodeksie Kanonów Kościołów Wschodnich rozwiązania te zostały ugruntowane. Wprowadzono urzędy wikariusza generalnego i wikariusza biskupiego, nadając im starożytne nazwy syncela i protosyncela.
The office of vicar general was created in the Western Church in the 12th century. Gradually, his authority was strengthened until the office became mandatory and he became the main collaborator of the diocesan bishop in the administrative body of the particular Church. During the preparation of the Second Vatican Council the need to establish a new institution within the structure of particular Churches was recognized. In addition to the office of vicar general, the office of episcopal vicar was created – a new function with a similar legal characteristics and competences, but intended to support the diocesan bishop in specific aspects of his activity. In the Eastern Church, it was customary to choose bishops from among religious. Bishops wanted to continue their monastic life. A bishop would choose a fellow man who lived with him in home. Such a life companion was known as synkellios, which in Latin was rendered as syncellus. A syncellus was not only a companion of the bishop’s life but also assisted him in his functions and even represented him in many ecclesiastical matters, which made the syncellus a significant figure in the local Church. The unions concluded with Churches that recognized the supremacy of the Bishop of Rome were also associated with their adoption of the Latin system of ecclesiastical law and structural forms existing in the Western Church. One of the elements of this juridical heritage was the office of vicar general. These solutions were laid down in Pius XII’s motu proprio Cleri sanctitati and the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches. The offices of vicar general and episcopal vicar were introducted and assigned the ancient names of syncellus and protosyncellus.
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