The nannoconid assemblage found in a Late Albian limestone layer of the Santa Teresa Formation in western Cuba contains both the taxa known to occur in the Albian (Nannoconus truitti truitti, N. cf. elongatus and N. cf. regularis), and also those usually not reported from the post-Aptian strata (N steinmannii steinmannii, N. cf. colomii, N. gr. colomii-steinmannii). Planktonic foraminifers occurring in this layer are Late Albian in age. The narrow-canal taxa of the genus Nannoconus Kamptner, 1931, are interpreted as the in situ components of the described Late Albian nannofossil assemblage. Presence of scarce nannoconids, identified as N. truittii truittii, N. regularis and N. cf. regularis, in samples of Late Cenomanian limestones exposed in western and central Cuba, is also recorded.