W Lachesie Platona występ nauczyciela fechtunku staje się pretekstem do podjęcia dyskusji na temat wyboru dziedziny wiedzy i nauczyciela, który potrafiłby uczynić swych uczniów lepszymi ludźmi. Grono rozmówców reprezentujących odmienne poglądy na wychowanie stwarza okazję przyjrzenia się temu zagadnieniu z różnych punktów widzenia. Zatem celem niniejszego artykułu jest analiza Platońskiego Lachesa, aby odpowiedzieć na pytanie, jakie kryteria należy wziąć pod uwagę, decydując o edukacji, a tym samym o przyszłości dzieci.
In Plato’ ‘Laches’ the display of the swordsmanship teacher serves as a pretext for further discussion about the choice of a field of knowledge and a teacher who would be able to make his students better people. The circle of interlocutors representing different views on education creates an opportunity to examine this issue from different perspective. The aim of this paper is the analysis of Plato’s ‘Laches’ to answer the question, what criteria should be taken into consideration to decide about education and at the same time about the future of children.
This paper is about: a) the model of friendship bonds Plato presents to us through his character, Socrates; b) the kinds of friendship bonds Plato tried to create with his students and wanted his students to create when they returned home; c) the friendship bonds lovers of Plato’s dialogues have created with each other for 2400 years; and d) the bonds that those who want to imitate Socrates should create with all of their fellowcitizens. Such bonds are critical for sustaining non-authoritarian societies. Since 2016, Westerners have become more aware of the need of intellectuals to develop these bonds.
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