The thematic background of Doležal´s Tragoedia (1791) is formed by the images of the ancestors Adam and Eve´s lives and the story of their son Abel´s tragic death. The life in the Garden of Eden as well as outside it is depicted by Doležal in the mode of an idyll, in the narrative and semi-dramatic (dialogue) form, which reflects human desire for a peaceful, non-conflicting and balanced being. Doležal´s idyll lies in the optimistic and positive concept of the world. By using the conventional biblical as well as non-biblical emblems (rivers, trees, flora, fauna and pleasant climate, natural resources) the Garden of Eden is presented as a lovely place (locus amoenus). In this carefully and efficiently organized space, full of beauty, Adam and Eve lead a harmonious life. Despite the fact they leave the paradise and face a radical change trading peaceful and carefree lives for hard and arduous work and pain, Doležal´s narration does not lose its idyllic tone. He lists the consequences of their sin which separated the ancestors from God, however, he considers the „new world“ to be better.: God let the sin happen in order to show the „beauty“ of infinite virtues. The sin brought about numberless benefits: new social and political structures, various occupations, the possibility of education and art, technological progress. While in the first part Doležal speaks of the world which the reader could never see, the depicted earthly world is to a great extent dependent on the space and time in which the author lived himself.
The present paper looks through the prism of picturesqueness as an aesthetic category and the idyll as a genre to examine the way of depicting the sceneries in the travelogues written by Alojz Medňanský (Malebná cesta dolu Váhom v Uhorsku/The Picturesque Journey down the Vah in Hungary, 1826) and Jozef Miloslav Hurban (Prechádzka po považskom svete/The Walk around the World of the Považie Region, 1844). Before the actual analysis and interpretation of particular travelogue extracts, the attention is paid to certain typological similarities/differences of picturesque and idyllic scenery as well as the establishment and development of the aesthetic category of picturesqueness. At the same time the ideological potential of an idyll or the concept of picturesqueness is noticed, while the particular way of fulfilling the potential in the selected texts is monitored. The chosen approach makes it possible to grasp and classify the typology of scenery employed by the writers in question, and also to understand its function within the whole meaning plan of either travelogue. The paper mainly builds on the research and the findings of E. R. Curtius, K. Stibral, C. Jungová and E. Lobsien.
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