Artykuł dotyczy prac nad nową edycją normy ISO 19152 pierwotnie opublikowanej przez Międzynarodową Organizację Normalizacyjną w grudniu 2012. W ramach dwu warsztatów, które odbyły się w latach 2017 oraz 2018, przeprowadzono dyskusję na temat aspektów opracowania nowej edycji. Planowany czasokres prac to dwa do czterech lat.
The paper concerns works on new edition of ISO 19152 standard that was at first published by International Organisation for Standardisation in December 2012. During two workshops that took place in 2017 and 2018, the discussion on new edition aspects was carried out. The planned time of works is from two to four years.
In Poland, the cadastre is the basic register which is the source of information on cadastral entities and their property. Therefore, it should constitute a reliable source of information in the scope of establishing the range of law, its nature, but also the subject of its ownership. However, it is necessary to be able to not only check the current information on the legal status and its scope, but also review past statuses or determine the rights that will influence real estate in the future. The cadastre and related rights are changing very dynamically over time, and each state has a very strict reference to the previous state. Therefore, in order to manage real estate in the most effective way, it is necessary to record temporal attributes of cadastre objects.The main objective of this paper is to define the legal issues related to the possibility of registration at the time of creation or modification of object in the Polish cadastre. This paper includes analyses of both Polish legal regulations and European standards and norms. Moreover, the article presents the results of comparative analyses concerning the data model of cadastre and INSPIRE and Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) data models for the theme cadastral parcel in terms of temporal aspect.
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