Przybliżono sylwetkę Eugeniusza Kwiatkowskiego (1888-1972), ministra przemysłu i handlu w latach 1926-1930, dyrektora Państwowej Fabryki Związków Azotowych w Mościcach (1931-1935), wicepremiera RP do spraw gospodarczych w latach 1935-1939. Przedstawiono główne założenia jego polityki gospodarczej w okresie międzywojennym oraz po wojnie, gdy pełnił funkcję delegata rządu do spraw Wybrzeża (1945-1948). Wskazano na dorobek publicystyczny Eugeniusza Kwiatkowskiego w okresie wojennym i po 1948 r., kiedy został odsunięty od pracy z powodów politycznych.
There is brought nearer the character of E. Kwiatkowski as Minister of Industry and Trade (1926-1930), director of state-own Factory of Nitrogen Compounds Mościce (1931-1935), Deputy Minister of Polish Republic for Economical affairs (1935-1939). There are shown the main assumptions of his economic policy between the two world wars and after the second one, when he did duty for delegate of the Goverment for Sea-coast affairs (1945-1948). The journalistic output of E. Kwiatkowski.
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Eugeniusz Felicjan Kwiatkowski żył w latach 1888-1974. Pełnił liczne funkcje menedżerskie i publiczne: w latach 1926-1930 ministra przemysłu i handlu; w latach 1935-1939 wicepremiera i ministra skarbu; w latach 1945-1947 kierownika Delegatury Rządu do Spraw Wybrzeża. Kierował się zawsze naczelną ideą zapewnienia Polsce warunków trwałego rozwoju gospodarczego i zachowania jej niepodległości oraz umocnienia jej pozycji na arenie międzynarodowej. Miał cechy działacza gospodarczego i męża stanu, wyróżniał się wielką wiedzą i bogatą osobowością. Biorąc pod uwagę społeczno-ekonomiczne skutki I wojny oraz odzyskanie przez Polskę niepodległości, E. Kwiatkowski dokonał analizy i oceny wybranych czynników siły, położenia geopolitycznego Polski w okresie międzywojennym, stosunków Polski z sąsiadami oraz trafności wyboru sojuszników. Słuszność tych ocen została zweryfikowana w toku kampanii wojennej we wrześniu 1939 r.
Eugeniusz Felicjan Kwiatkowski (1888 - 1974), was one of the most famous polish engineers and public servants. Throughout his lifetime he performed many managerial and public functions on different levels. The main include the highest governmental posts: From 1926 to 1930 he was the Minister of Industry and Trade. Later, from 1935 to 1939 he was the Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of Treasury. And from 1945 to 1947 he was heading the governmental team for coastal matters. The philosophy that stood behind his service led to improvement of Poland's technological assets and security based on durable economical development. This allowed Poland to maintain the independence and consolidated its political position within the international relations field. Controversial and not always objective assessment of Eugeniusz Kwiatkowski's opinions about the elements of Poland's economic and defense potentials, especially the threats to Poland from its neighbors and the accuracy in choosing her allies, was verified after the outbreak of WW2 on September 1, 1939. In many cases Eugeniusz Kwiatkowski was right.
In his retrospective research work the author presents the genesis of the idea and national necessity to build a totally own state marine port and start sea transport with the handling base, trade and services and city base. The limits of the village of Gdynia at the mouth of the Chylonka River were chosen to be the location of the investment. In the years 1920-3939 with the acceptance and effort of all the nation the realisation of the idea exceeded all of the planned estimates. There was a change made in the directions of the Polish foreign trade - from land routes into sea routes. The slogan and projects "Poland at Sea", Gdynia port as an independent gateway into the world for the Polish economy were consequently realised under the management of the government and among others the leading role of Eugeniusz Kwiatkowski and Eng. Tadeusz Wenda, the chief designer and constructor of Gdynia port. Several dozen regular connections and navigation lines, including ocean lines (Gdynia - America Lines GAL), were started with a considerable passenger fleet and modern transatlantic liners (m/s Batory, m/s Piłsudski, m/s Chrobry - together with other ships about 70 thousand BRT tonnage). Simultaneously a PKP (Polish State Railways) trunk railway line Gdynia - Silesia (via Karsznice) for coal transport was built, which shortened the travelling distance. The competitiveness of the modem construction and numerous facilities of Gdynia port resulted in the highest handling amount in the Baltic Sea (in 1938 - about 10 million tons). Together with Gdańsk, which belonged to the Polish duty-free area, in 1938 the turnover reached 20 million tons of cargo. The economical management strategy of the national capital in the conditions of sharp competition with German ports, navigation and railways (generously supported by foreign banks) brought about specific effects in favour of Gdynia; the Polish port took over from the German ports of Bremen, Hamburg and Stettin (Szczecin) the mass cargo of cotton, coal, iron ores, wood as well as package cargo and passenger traffic. Gdynia dominated the export of coal, cereals and wood. Gdynia rose to the rank of a base port in the world navigation. It was the place where some freight rates were established for specific cargo and routes, conflicts were adjudicated by the competent institutions of international arbitration (e.g. cotton); there were stock exchange operations m maritime commerce and transport. Those economic activities went along with engineering, building and architectural projects - in the land and water space and the range of influence of Greater Gdynia. From a village with 900 inhabitants in 1920 it developed into Greater Gdynia city with over 120 thousand citizens.
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The foundation of Poland's economic development in the years 1936-1939 was the country's investment policy. The person who created it and who implemented it in practice was Eugeniusz Kwiatkowski (1888-1974), the deputy prime minister for economy and the minister of treasury in Poland’s last two pre-war cabinets. He was the co-author of developing expanding the port of Gdynia and the Polish merchant navy and one of the creators of the blueprint of the Central Industrial Zone (COP). The period between the great crisis and the Second World war were the first years of modern state interventionism in the country’s economy. The years 1936-39 witnessed the greatest effort in preparing the country for war, in which the main role was played by state capital. Eugeniusz Kwiatkowski initiated a four-year investment plan (1936-1940), and later he prepared a 15-year plan (1939-1954), of which only the 1936-1939 plan was financially secure. An integral part of implementing the state investment plans was the development of the COP, which bore the name of „security triangle” (priority was given to armaments investments). The COP was to enhance industrialization of the state and transforming Poland into an industrial and agricultural country. The outbreak of WW2 on September 1, 1939 cut short the implementation of these plans at the very moment when they had started to bear fruit. The implementation of some of these tasks were re-started following the end of WW2.
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