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nr 4
Review of the book: Andreas Schüle, Die Urgeschichte (Genesis 1-11). 2. erweiterte und aktualisierte Auflage (Züricher Bibelkommentare 1.1; Zürich: Theologische Verlag Zürich 2020). S. 176. 35 EUR. ISBN 978-3-290-17527-6
La pericope di Gen 28,10-22 viene considerata qui co me l’efetto di un processo redazionale cominciato da una tradizione cultuale (hieros logos) kanaanea. Durante una redazione delle tradizioni meridionali collegate con Jacobe, questa etiologiadiun luogo santo e stata inserita nell’insieme di tradzione jahvista. Ił secondo importante sviluppo aveva luogo nel periodo postesilico, quando, dopo anni di concorenza tra Betel e Gerusalemme, questo posto e tradizioni etnico-religiose eon esso collegate banno cominciato a far parte di una storia patciareale precedente riguardo alla tradizione di Esodo. Ancora nel Os 12 si puo vedere una breccia tra entrambe Ie tradizoni riguardanti gli albori diuna nazione. Nel pocesso di redazione del Pentateuco queste divergenze sono state cancellate creando di Betel un posto di iconciliazione re ligiosa tra Ie due visioni concorente. Betel in questo cambiamento e diventato un punto di svolta, dove Jacobe entra nella linea dei pattiarchi i aquista le promesse di partecipare nelle promesse di Abramo.
Content available Abraham. Ten, który wbrew nadziei uwierzył nadziei
In this article entitled 'Abraham: the one w ho against hope, in hope believed' we have tried to defin a hope in terms of narrative transformation of Abraham's identity. Abraham as a member of a genealogical tree of Terah lived in a history and a world of his father, unable to live his own independent life (Gen 11,27-32). Only the word of God's promise (Gen 12,1-3) bas been powerful enough to turn him into a new person, opened towards future. In this process hope bas been playing an indispensable role. Shaped by the promise it transgresses every historical circumstances towards eschatological goal.
nr 1
The latest book by Marian Grabowski may be classified as biblical philosophy, i.e. the philosophical current of reading the biblical text and interpreting its meaning using philosophical categories. At the same time, this publication also deals with the issues of the philosophy of nature due to the clearly present attempts at philosophical grasping and presentation of the essence of material reality. This is how the author of the work dealt with the initial fragment of the biblical Book of Genesis (Genesis 1: 1-10), wanting to establish and show the depth of the meaning of this text, its philosophical connotations, and to reinterpret it in the light of philosophical categories distinguished on the basis of mathematics and physical image of the world. ------------- Received: 08/12/2019. Reviewed: 14/01/2020. Accepted: 29/01/2020
Najnowsza książka Mariana Grabowskiego może zostać zakwalifikowana do tzw. filozofii biblijnej, czyli nurtu filozoficznego odczytywania tekstu biblijnego i interpretowania jego znaczenia przy użyciu kategorii filozoficznych. Jednocześnie publikacja ta podejmuje także problematykę z zakresu filozofii przyrody z racji wyraźnie obecnych w niej prób filozoficznego uchwycenia i przedstawienia istoty rzeczywistości materialnej. Autor pracy w ten właśnie sposób zmierzył się z początkowym fragmentem biblijnej Księgi Rodzaju (Rdz 1,1–10), chcąc ustalić i ukazać głębię znaczenia tego tekstu, jego filozoficzne konotacje, a także dokonać jego reinterpretacji w świetle kategorii filozoficznych wyodrębnionych na gruncie matematyczno-fizykalnego obrazu świata. ------------- Zgłoszono: 08/12/2019. Zrecenzowano: 14/01/2020. Zaakceptowano do publikacji: 29/01/2020
Content available Początki ekologii w Biblii
The development of ecology in contemporary times leads to the question: what are the beginnings of this branch of science? The Bible proposes the answer to us in the first story of creation. Man receives as his task the dominion over the world (Gen 1,26b) and its subduing (Gen 1,28). Ecology is thus the fulfillment of the creating will of God.
tom 50
The article presents a reinterpretation of Genesis 6:1-4 in the Book of Enoch. The book of Enoch broadly describes the context of the immoral conduct of mankind, described very synthetically in Genesis 6:1-4. It supplements information about giants not found in the Bible. The evil they committed and the size of the giants justify God's decision to send a flood to the world (Genesis 6:5-7). The article is an analysis of Genesis 6:1-4 taking into account the content contained in the Book of Enoch and the Book of Giants.
Artykuł prezentuje reinterpretację Rdz 6,1-4 w Księdze Henocha. Opisuje ona obszernie kontekst niemoralnego postępowania ludzkości, potraktowany bardzo syntetycznie w Rdz 6,1-4. Jednocześnie uzupełnia informacje dotyczące gigantów, które nie zostały opisane w Biblii. Zło, którego się dopuścili oraz fizyczna wielkość gigantów stanowią uzasadnienie podjęcia przez Boga decyzji o zesłaniu na świat potopu (Rdz 6,5-7). Niniejszy artykuł to analiza Rdz 6,1-4 biorąca pod uwagę treści zawarte w Księdze Henocha oraz Księdze Gigantów.
Content available Abraham – Apostoł z Księgi Rodzaju
nr 2(35)
„Idźcie i głoście” – to wezwanie, jakie usłyszeli od Jezusa Apostołowie (zob. Mt 10,7; Mk 16,15). Wezwanie to kryje w sobie nie tylko element posłania, misji, ale również tajemnicę niezwykłego powołania do pójścia za Jezusem oraz tworzenia głębokiej z Nim relacji. W niniejszym artykule autor podejmuje próbę odczytania podobnych elementów w biblijnej i pozabiblijnej tradycji dotyczącej Abrahama. Okazuje się, że tradycja ta w wielu miejscach wykazuje cechy podobieństwa do ewangelicznych opowiadań o życiu i działalności grona Dwunastu. Daje w ten sposób podstawę, by dostrzec w Abrahamie postać Apostoła – Apostoła z Księgi Rodzaju.
„And preach as you go” – this is the call which the apostles heard from Jesus (see Mt 10:7; Mc 16:15). This call comprises not only the elements of mission, but also a mystery of an unusual vocation to follow Jesus and to build a profound relation with Him. In this article the author makes attempt to find similar elements in biblical and extrabiblical tradition concerning Abraham. It turns out that this tradition shows certain similarities to the Gospel narratives concerning life and activity of twelve disciples of Jesus. In this way it constitutes basis to discover in the person of Abraham an apostle – the Apostle of the Book of Genesis.
Contemporary biblical studies find it difficult to determine the date of Gen 18,16-33. Although most of the scholars agree that the final editor of the text must have been under a strong influence of the deuteronomistic as well as sapiential language and ideas. The aim of this article is to point out a new concept of God's justice developed in the story of Abraham's discourse with God. Using the metbod of egzegetical analysis tbe author shows how the theological understanding of justice in this text developes towards the idea of charity where a small group of rightenous men (10 in number) is anabled to save a majority of siners. This new theological meaning of God's justice may be comprised somewhere between Ez 14,12-23 and Jr 5,1; Ez 22,30, finaily finds its summit in Is 53.
Content available Dlaczego Abraham uwierzył Bogu (Rdz 15,6)?
Having seen prophesy of the Promised Land been fulfilled (Gen 12-14), Abraham experienced the faith crisis due to a lack of offspring. Yet once again he answered with trust in the Word o f God, and i t bas been reckoned to him for righteousness (Gen 15,6). The following chapters (Gen 16-22) present the fulfillment of the promise o f heir. The faith of Abraham will come to perfection at the trial, as it is seen in Gen 22. In sucha context, words o f the narrator in Gen 15,6 are the turning point in the growth of his faith.
It is not by means of the theological system or theory that we come to know Israel's identity. It is expressed rather in and through stories. They tell us not so much about its past as about the events which have made the people of Israel a covenantal community. The Joseph narrative in Genesis 37 - 50 has a special significance in this context because it presents a family as a foundation and prototype of the community Israel has become at the foot of Mount Sinai. A narrative analysis of Gen 37 - 50 has demostrated that in a process of building up a community a set of rules operates: an ability to acknowledge one's wrongdoings against others, a concern for the weak and vulnerable, a willingness to stand surety for another, and finely a readiness to allow experiences and sufferings of others to get entangled in one's own history of life.
Content available Abraham - początek nowej wspólnoty (Rdz 12,1-4a)
La posizione contestuale del racconto sulla vocazione d’Abramo (Gen 12,1-4a) indica, che doppo una rottura avvenuta in Gen 11,1-9 e dopo un racconto sulla discendenza di Sem (Gen 11,10-32), si comincia un nuovo inizio della storia di salvezza. L’analisi retorica permette di vedere nella pericope un’inclusione (hlk vv. 1.4a) ed uno sviluppo climactico in tre passi. Il primo è la vocazione di Abramo, che significa abbandonare la comunità famigliare i muoversi verso un futuro ancora non definito con una precisione (v.1: andare da...verso), alla quale Abramo risponde con il suo andare, ma dimostrando una piccola disobbedienza (Lot). Il secondo sono le promesse basate su due radici gdl (essere grande) e brk (benedire). L’ultimo prende alla fine la forma di un sostantivo, introducendo così il terzo passo, che riguarda il tema di benedizione di chi benedice Abramo e maledizione di chi disprezza il patriarca (v.3). Sia il termine gôy, che riguarda la discendenza d’Abramo, sia il contenuto della promessa in v. 3, cipermette pensare alla creazione di una uova comunità dei credenti che va ad oltreppasare i limiti di una famiglia, per la quale Abramo diventa un inizio, un esempio, ed una fonte di benedizione.
Tra le diverse parole-chiavi della narrazione su Caino e Abele (Gen 4,1-16) si nota il termine «volto» (paneh) riferito a Caino (vv.5.6), a Dio (vv.14.16) e alla terra (v.14). Il passaggio dal volto «abbassato» al volto «alzato», oltre a costituire la trama dellazione, diventa immagine delluomo sulla cui faccia risplende il volto di Dio. La prima parte dello studio si concentra sul senso dellapplicazione del termine «volto» a Dio: tale antropomorfismo mette in risalto diverse modalità (guardare, parlare, ascoltare) con cui Dio entra in rapporto con la diversità del creato. Lalterità come principio della creazione divina comporta anche la differenziazione dei rapporti che si stabiliscono tra Dio e i due fratelli, Caino e Abele. La parte successiva viene dedicata al volto abbattuto di Caino: si esamina le cause e le conseguenze di tale atteggiamento. Con il volto piegato il fratello maggiore nega lalterità creata da Dio nel mondo e rifiuta di entrare in rapporto con quelli che sono diversi. Al fondo di tale relazione mancata si trova il rifiuto della diversità che penetra il suo mondo interiore di passioni e di sentimenti. Lultima parte dellanalisi invece cerca di individuare il modo in cui Caino può alzare il suo volto e, di conseguenza, entrare in rapporto con Dio, con suo fratello, con la terra e infine con se stesso. Alla luce della domanda divina riportata nel v.7 si vede che tale passaggio richiede da Caino: (1) una parola che mette in ordine («domina») il suo mondo interiore; (2) la fiducia nella parola di Dio che vede la possibilità del suo «essere buono»; (3) laccettazione del rapporto diverso di Dio con gli uomini, il quale esprime non la parzialità di Dio, bensì la sua approvazione dellalterità presente nel mondo. In questa prospettiva il racconto su Caino e Abele si presenta come una lotta di Dio per la restituzione del suo volto sulla faccia di Caino.
nr 26
In the following thesis Gen 1:1–2,4a and Ps 8 have been analysed in terms of anthropology contained by both of these fragments. They show some thematic similarities with the myths and hymns of the Israel’s neighbour countries. However, the idea of man presented in biblical texts differs essentially from the one presented in myths both Mesopotamian and Egyptian. The priest hymn in Gen 1:1–2,4a presents the great dignity of the whole human race. Elements of the rite of enthronement of a ruler can be found both in its structure and vocabulary. In Mesopotamian texts king has been seen as a reflection of the Creator’s presence in the world. The creation of man in the image and likeness of YHWH is equal with making him the ruler of the whole created world. Man, though only one of the creatures, rules the world on God’s behalf. His dominance though is never absolutely independent, but always referring to the Creator. God gives his blessing to mankind, thanks to which a man can reproduce, fill the earth and rule the creatures. Anthropology of the Ps 8 assumes the existence of a certain tension in human. He is a creature weak, fragile, however God has elevated him to an extraordinary dignity. God makes human only a little less than He Himself. Human is decorated by the Creator with honour and glory. It is through human how God preserves the order and restores harmony in the created world. Human is an object of a special care of God, thanks to which he can rule other creatures. YHWH keeps human in mind all the time and is faithful to him. His care is irrevocable. The analysis has proved that there is an indirect literary relationship between both texts. The Psalmist does not refer to the whole priest hymn on creation. He rather puts stress on some of its elements and organizes them in a different order. Both texts exhibit quite strong similities both thematical and structural. Vocabulary used by the authors is however completely different. The anthropology of the two works, although showing significant lexical differences, nevertheless remains consistent. In the texts discussed there are only three protagonists: God, human and rest of the creatures. Man is the king who, on behalf of YHWH, rules the world. This royal dignity does not apply only to the outstanding units, but to every human.
W niniejszym artykule przeanalizowano Rdz 1,1–2,4a i Ps 8 pod względem zawartej w obu utworach antropologii. Wykazują one pewne podobieństwa tematyczne z mitami i hymnami krajów ościennych Izraela. Jednak koncepcja człowieka przedstawiona w tekstach biblijnych jest zasadniczo różna od tej zawartej w mitach mezopotamskich i egipskich. Kapłański hymn, znajdujący się w Rdz 1,1–2,4a, pokazuje niezwykłą godność rodzaju ludzkiego. W jego strukturze oraz użytym słownictwie można dostrzec elementy obrzędu intronizacji ziemskiego władcy. W tekstach mezopotamskich król był postrzegany jako odbicie obecności Stwórcy w świecie. Stworzenie człowieka na obraz i podobieństwo JHWH równoznaczne jest z ustanowieniem go władcą nad całym stworzonym światem. Człowiek, choć jest tylko jednym ze stworzeń, w imieniu Boga sprawuje władzę nad całym światem. Jego panowanie nie jest jednak nigdy całkowicie autonomiczne, lecz zawsze w odniesieniu do Stwórcy. Bóg obdarza ludzkość swoim błogosławieństwem, dzięki czemu człowiek może rozmnażać się, zapełniać ziemię i panować nad stworzeniami. Antropologia Ps 8 zakłada istnienie pewnego napięcia w człowieku. Jest on istotą słabą i kruchą, jednak przez Boga został wywyższony do niezwykłej godności. Bóg czyni człowieka niewiele mniejszym niż on sam. Człowiek zostaje przez swojego Stwórcę uwieńczony koroną czcią i chwałą. Są to atrybuty Boga – Najwyższego Króla. To poprzez człowieka Bóg zachowuje porządek i przywraca harmonię w stworzonym świecie. Człowiek jest przedmiotem specjalnej troski Boga, dzięki której może sprawować rządy nad resztą stworzenia. JHWH stale pamięta o człowieku i jest mu wierny, a Jego troska jest nieodwołalna. Podjęta analiza tekstów wykazała, że istnieje pośrednia zależność literacka pomiędzy obydwoma utworami. Psalmista nie odnosi się do całości kapłańskiego hymnu o stworzeniu. Akcentuje jedynie pewne jego elementy i uporządkowuje je w odmienny sposób. Teksty te wykazują dość silne podobieństwo tematyczne i strukturalne. Użyte przez autorów słownictwo jest natomiast zupełnie różne. Antropologia obu dzieł, choć wykazuje znaczne różnice leksykalne, pozostaje jednak spójna. W omawianych tekstach występuje jedynie trzech protagonistów: Bóg, człowiek i reszta stworzeń. Człowiek jest królem, który w imieniu JHWH sprawuje władzę nad całą ziemią. Ta królewska godność nie tyczy się tylko wybitnych jednostek, lecz każdego człowieka.
tom 18
Paradygmat Edenu i rodzinę ludzką przedstawiono tu nie przeciwstawnie, lecz w ich komplementarności. W świetle Edenu życie rodzinne, wspólnota rodzinna najpełniej odsłania godność człowieka i jego możliwości wiary. Autor tego artykułu omija wszelako jakąkolwiek formę prozelityzmu, wprost przeciwnie, pragnie jedynie przedstawić prawdę zarówno egzystencjalną, jak biblijną czy patrystyczną. Paradygmat Edenu, według Autora, składa się z trzech elementów: przyjaźni z Bogiem, jednakowej godności ludzkiej (takiej samej u kobiety, jak u mężczyzny) oraz otwartości religijnej (przebóstwienie). Dzięki tym trzem elementom odsłania się też godność rodziny, nie tylko podstawowej „komórki” społeczeństwa, lecz przede wszystkim Cerkwi.
The Eden paradigm and the human family are presented here not in opposition, but in their complementary character. The paradigm of Eden permits us to better illustrate the problem of family life and family community reveals human dignity and one’s potential to believe. The author of this article did not use any form of proselytism, but in contrast, only would like to present existential, biblical and patristic truths. The paradigm of Eden, according to the author, consists of three elements: a relationship with God, equal dignity for men and women and openess to religion (theosis). Thanks to these elements, we can also understand the dignity of the family, which is not only a “cell” of society, but above all of the Church.
The aimof the article was an analisys of the character of the Melchisedek Episode (Gn 14,18-20). The analisys shows that the text manifests the characteristics that linkit with its context and that manifest its distinctness too; also that the text contains the words both antic and recent. This revealsits composite character. The division of the text in two parts: the narrative part (vv. 18.20b) and the speech (vv. 19-20a) shows that the former part contains the recent vocabulary and that it contains the characteristics that distinct the text from its context. The speech contains the antic words and all the characteristics that link the text with its context are situated here. The contextis an antic text so we conclude that the speech (vv. 19-20a) is an original part of the story of Gn 14. The narrative part (vv. 18.20b) is added in a later time by an editor that introduced into the story the figure of Melchizedek and put in his mouth the words of the king of Sodom.
Celem artykułu była analiza charakteru literackiego fragmentu opowiadającego o spotkaniu Abrahama z Melchizedekiem (Rdz 14, 18-20). Z analizy wynika, że fragment wykazuje cechy, które łączą go z jego kontekstem jak i takie, które wykazują jego odrębność oraz że zawiera słownictwo zarówno antyczne jak i późniejsze. To wskazuje na jego złożony charakter. Dzieląc fragment na część narracyjną (ww. 18.20b) oraz mowę (ww. 19-20a) zauważamy, że część narracyjna zawiera słownictwo późniejsze a nie zawiera tego antycznego oraz że wykazuje cechy wykazujące jego odrębność. Przeciwnie natomiast mowa – ta zawiera słownictwo antyczne a wszystkie cechy łączące fragment z kontekstem zawierają się właśnie tutaj. Ponieważ kontekst (Rdz 14) jest tekstem antycznym, stwierdzamy, że mowa (ww. 19-20a) tworzy oryginalną część opowiadania Rdz 14. Część narracyjna (ww. 18.20b) została dodana później przez redaktora, który wprowadził do opowiadania postać Melchizedeka i w jego usta włożył słowa króla Sodomy.
The Genealogies in the Book of Genesis present a challenge not only for common readers of the Holy Scripture but also for biblical scholars. For the former ones, their monotony slows down or even interrupts the flow of narration; for the latter ones, the genealogies’ monotonous rhythm can be a code to a theological enigma hidden in the holy text. One of the riddles in the genealogies of the Book of Genesis seems to be the shortening of human longevity between Gen 5 and Gen 11. Instead of looking for the causes of this process in human sinfulness or in human drifting apart from the garden of Eden, the author perceives this change as a result of God’s decision expressed in Gen 6:3.
In 1575 Maciej Wirzbięta, a printer from Cracow, published a translation of the work De nobilitate et praecellentia feminei sexus eiusdemque supra virilem eminentia libellus titled Treatise on dignity and respectability of female sex. The author of the original text was Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim. Agrippa together with Wirzbięta took part in a century-long debate on women’s dignity, proving the legitimacy of the thesis which puts women over men. Arguments used in the discussion de hominis dignitate were supported by a particular interpretation of the Book of Genesis, which presents women as a better kind of men.
Content available Abraham versus Jakub
This article deals with the process of the formation of the traditionsconcerning the three patriarchs in the book of Genesis. It can already bestated that the traditions concerning Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were initiallyformed independently of each other. Chronological priority shouldbe assigned to the tradition concerning Jacob. It was originally somehowcombined with the tradition concerning Isaac (in Amos), and at the timebefore the exile it constituted the earliest point of reference for seeking theroots and identity of Israel. Only by the end of the exile did the particulartime and situation cause the local Judaean traditions concerning Abrahamto play a greater role also from a theological aspect. Abraham then becamenot only a model of faith and an example of behaviour for the exiles and therepatriates, but also from a the first link in the chain of the three patriarchs.It is possible that at that time some of the motifs of the story of Abrahamwere borrowed from the traditions concerning Isaac (cf. Gen 26).
Z punktu widzenia dzisiejszej metodologii naukowej Biblia nie stanowi źródła wiedzy naukowej, przynajmniej w zakresie nauk przyrodniczych. Przez wiele wieków teksty Biblii były jednak źródłem refleksji, w tym filozoficznej, nad początkiem istnienia wszechrzeczy. Przykładem takiej refleksji jest traktat Midrasz Raba zawierający komentarze do Księgi Rodzaju. I choć rozważania rabiniczne mają raczej charakter praktyczny (są ukierunkowane na wypełnianie przepisów Prawa Mojżeszowego), to często odwołują się do pytań egzystencjalnych i filozoficznych. Jest to szczególnie zauważalne w przytaczanych w traktacie dyskusjach z filozofami greckimi. Przeprowadzona analiza wskazuje na sensowność wielu refleksji rabinicznych, nawet w świetle dzisiejszej wiedzy naukowej o świecie i jego początkach, mimo że rabini nie odwoływali się do wiedzy przyrodniczej, a bazowali wyłącznie na tekstach biblijnych.
From the perspective of today’s scientific methodology, the Bible does not count as a scientific source, at least as far as the natural sciences are concerned. However, for many centuries biblical texts have inspired reflections — including those of a philosophical kind — on the beginning of the existence of all things. The treatise Midrash Rabbah, with its commentary on the Book of Genesis, is an example of such reflections. In spite of the fact that rabbinic interpretation focuses on practical aspects of the Mosaic Law, it often raises philosophical and existential questions, especially in the context of those discussions that involve the gentile philosophers referred to in the treatise. The analysis undertaken here seeks to highlight those rabbinic reflections that appear reasonable even from the perspective of modern science aimed at describing the world and its origin — even though the rabbis were not themselves engaged in any form of the natural sciences and based their reflections exclusively on biblical texts.
Content available Biblijny opis stworzenia w nauczaniu Bnei Baruch
In the paper I present the Bnei Baruch’s interpretation of the biblical story of creation (from the Book of Genesis), especially of the category of the “days of creation”. This doctrine is a small part of the whole system of Bnei Baruch “Kabbalah”. The commentary of the creation account is radically different from the classical theological interpretation. Bnei Baruch’s optics is the example of an nonliteral exegesis, but even in this one can clearly see its exceptionality. The key-categories around which the whole interpretation is focused are the ideas – in some way philosophical and psychological – of the “will to receive” (egoism) and the “will to bestow” (altruism). The “days of creation” characterize here the process of human correction, they are the stages of the tikkun, where the final stage is the so-called equivalence of form with the Creator. According to Bnei Baruch, the biblical words do not describe the physical world but deal with the “upper” reality – the spirituality. On the strength of this statement it is said that the language the whole Bible is written in is the “language of the branches” (while the spiritual realm is the root).
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