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Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie wyników badań dot. genezy oraz dynamiki rozwoju polityki migracyjnej Unii Europejskiej, a także analiza wyzwań ostatnich lat. W związku z tym postawiono następujące pytania badawcze: (1) jakie zmiany nastąpiły w polityce migracyjnej UE w XXI wieku w porównaniu do XX? (2) jakie są obecnie główne wyzwania polityki migracyjnej UE? Zastosowane metody badawcze obejmują: analizę instytucjonalno-prawną, metodę historyczną oraz porównawczą. Badanie pozwoli wyciągnąć wnioski na temat najważniejszych aspektów polityki migracyjnej oraz zrozumieć dzisiejsze wyzwania.(abstrakt oryginalny)
The aim of this article is to present the results of research on the history and dynamics of the development of the EU migration policy, as well as to analyse the challenges that have emerged in recent years. Therefore, the research questions are: (1) What changes took place in the migration policy of the European Union in the 21st century compared to the 20th century? (2) What are the main challenges of the EU migration policy today? The research methods include: institutional and legal analysis, historical and comparative methods. The study will help draw conclusions about the important aspects of migration policy and understand today's challenges.(original abstract)
nr nr 2
The worst contemporary refugee crisis that occurred during the summer of 2015 challenged the basic values of the European Union. There had never been a time when the need for a consistent approach, both from the individual Member States and the EU as a whole, was more urgent. The Union's response during 2015's refugee crisis was unreliable, fragmented, and it largely affected the Western Balkan countries that are now aspiring to become EU Member States. This paper analyses how the EU's response to the refugee crisis has affected and still affects the countries in the Western Balkans, which are all in different stages of their European integration. The refugee crisis created many challenges for the Western Balkan countries which are all weak democracies and which have unstable institutions. This paper also analyses the numerous domestic costs connected to thesecountries when faced with the refugee crisis. Finally, the paper argues that, although largely harmonised with the EU acquis, the legislative and institutional frameworks for migration management in Western Balkan countries need further adjustment.(original abstract)
nr nr 3
Nowadays the European Union migration policy towards is one of the most important aspects in ensuring internal security of the EU. At the end of the XXth - beginning of the XXI century, Europe faced a new phenomenon - the intensification of migration processes, namely the influx of refugees and migrants-asylum seekers from third countries. Therefore, it led to the creation and development of common migration policy of the European Union. In this regard, it was important to create legislation that could regulate such issues as border security and combating illegal migration, as well as to create a common asylum system. The need to study the legal framework on which the EU policy on migrants and refugees is based, and to study the current state and trends in the migration policy of the member-states of the EU has determined the relevance of this study. The importance of this topic is intensified by the European migration crisis of 2015, which is even described as a humanitarian catastrophe caused by a massive influx of refugees from Africa and the Middle East. It showed the main problems in the sphere of migration policy and policy towards refugees: imperfection of the system of delimitation of the EU competencies; a large number of countries with conflicting interests in various spheres; fragmentation of programs in force at the national level. To address the migration crisis, the EU used a multifaceted strategy: improving and creating new migration management institutions, expanding crossregional dialogue with the countries of the Mediterranean region, Africa and the Middle East; continued to reformat the Mediterranean region (region-building). Potential approaches range from an internal search for strategies in which each member state seeks to defend its own interests (sometimes even against European integration processes) to a more farsighted approach in which member states work together to address a wide range of migration issues.(original abstract)
nr nr 3
The aim of this article is to discuss the impact of the migration crisis on the social situation in Turkey. The article consists of three parts. In the first part, the author discusses the role of Turkey in overcoming the migration crisis along with statistics concerning the number of refugees in this country. The second part presents the state's policy towards Syrian refugees and its evolution. The third part includes an analysis of the consequences which the migration crisis and the influx of refugees has caused in the socio-political situation of Turkey. This part also contains an analysis of public opinion surveys on the attitude of Turks towards the refugee community.(original abstract)
Content available remote Państwa Grupy Wyszehradzkiej wobec kryzysu imigracyjnego w Unii Europejskiej
nr nr 1
Celem artykułu jest analiza stosunku państw Grupy Wyszehradzkiej do kryzysu imigracyjnego w UE. Zaprezentowano w nim wspólne działania państw V4, jak i decyzje podejmowane na poziomie narodowym. W artykule postawiono tezę, że negatywny stosunek do obowiązkowej relokacji imigrantów uaktywnił państwa należące do Grupy Wyszehradzkiej i zbliżył je do siebie. Pokazano rozłam w UE i tym samym brak solidarności państw członkowskich w rozwiązywaniu problemu imigracji.(abstrakt oryginalny)
The purpose of this article is to analyse the attitude of the Visegrad Group countries towards the immigration crisis in the EU. The article shows the joint activities of the V4 countries and their decisions taken at national level. The main thesis posed in this article states that the negative attitudes towards compulsory relocation of immigrants have activated the Visegrad Group countries and have integrated them with common aims. The article shows a split in among the member states of the EU and thus a lack of solidarity in solving the immigration's problem.(original abstract)
Artykuł poświęcony jest strategiom polityki zagranicznej Unii Europejskiej (UE) po kryzysie uchodźczym 2015 r., a jego celem jest zbadanie, do jakiego stopnia polityka migracyjna UE jest częścią europejskiej polityki zagranicznej. Wskazano, że polityka migracyjna w wymiarze wewnętrznym nie została przygotowana na nieskuteczność wspólnego działania. Aby tę nieskuteczność przełamać, zdecydowano o przeniesieniu polityki migracyjnej do wymiaru zewnętrznego UE. Tym samym postuluje się, aby migracje, które wcześniej uznawano za domenę polityki wewnętrznej państw członkowskich, z problemu polityki wewnętrznej stały się problemem polityki zagranicznej. W związku z tym autorzy badają wzajemne powiązania między migracjami a bezpieczeństwem jako kluczowym elementem zrozumienia tego procesu "zagranicznienia". Rozwój bliskiej współpracy z państwami trzecimi w obszarze regulacji dotyczącej migracji stał się jednym z priorytetów w całej polityce migracyjnej Unii Europejskiej, jednak nie odnotowała ona na tym polu większych sukcesów. Zarazem kryzys migracyjny jeszcze wyraźniej wskazał na konieczność rozwoju wymiaru zewnętrznego zarządzania procesem migracji, lecz tym razem zastosowano bardziej pragmatyczne podejście gwarantujące zabezpieczenie interesów UE w zakresie bezpieczeństwa. Podstawą zewnętrznego wymiaru europejskiej polityki migracyjnej są stosunki z państwami trzecimi i powiązanie pomocy rozwojowej z kwestiami bezpieczeństwa i ochrony granic. W artykule analizowane są debaty w Parlamencie Europejskim, które toczyły się przed i po kryzysie uchodźczym 2015 r., co służy ocenie powiązania kwestii migracyjnych i bezpieczeństwa, tym samym pogłębiając rozumienie procesu "zagranicznienia" europejskiej polityki migracyjnej.(abstrakt oryginalny)
This article addresses the foreign policy strategies of the European Union (EU) after the 2015 refugee crisis. It investigates to what extent the EU migration policy is part of the European foreign policy. The paper outlines that the migration policy was not prepared for collective action failure at the domestic level, and, in order to overcome it, it is transferred to the external dimension of the EU. It argues that migration, previously considered being part of the state's domestic affairs, transformed from an issue of domestic policy to the foreign one. Thus, the authors study the interconnection between migration and security as a key element for understanding this "foreignization" process. The development of close cooperation with third countries in the field of migration regulation has become one of the priorities of the overall migration policy of the European Union. However, the EU has not gained much success, and the migration crisis even more clearly indicated the need to develop an external dimension to the management of migration processes, but in a more pragmatic approach that would ensure the EU's security interests. The basis for the external dimension of EU migration policy is relations with third countries and linking development assistance with security and border protection issues. The paper analyses EU parliamentary debates before and after the 2015 refugee crisis; by doing so, the interconnection between migration and security is assessed, leading to a further understanding of the EU migration "foreignization process".(original abstract)
nr nr 4
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest analiza kryzysu humanitarnego Wenezueli ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem znaczenia problemów migracji regionalnej i zaangażowania społeczności międzynarodowej. Wstęp do rozważań koncentruje się na preludium obecnego kryzysu uchodźczego oraz na głównych założeniach merytoryczno-metodologicznych. Następnie skupiono się na dwóch głównych obszarach badawczych: a) najważniejszych społecznych, gospodarczych oraz politycznych przyczynach kryzysu migracyjnego Wenezueli, b) zaangażowaniu społeczności międzynarodowej w problemy migracyjne Wenezueli ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem działań Unii Europejskiej, Organizacji Narodów Zjednoczonych, Organizacji Państw Amerykańskich, rządów państw Ameryki Łacińskiej oraz Stanów Zjednoczonych. Biorąc pod uwagę wskazane założenia, hipoteza artykułu wskazuje, że kryzys migracyjny Wenezueli zarówno jest spowodowany kryzysem humanitarnym państwa, jak i pogłębia go, wywołując efekt sprzężenia zwrotnego. W artykule zastosowano metody: instytucjonalno-prawną, systemową, analizę treści oraz metodę statystyki opisowej.(abstrakt oryginalny)
The aim of this paper is to analyze the dimension of the humanitarian crisis of Venezuela, with a particular emphasis on the importance of regional migration problems and the involvement of the international community. The article consists of an introduction that focuses on the background of the current migration crisis, especially in terms of substantive and methodological assumptions and the theoretical perspective. Then, the article focuses on analyzing two major research areas: a) the main social, economic, and political causes of the Venezuelan migration crisis; the effects and causes of the crisis for both the Venezuelan economy and the security of the Latin American region; and b) the involvement of the international community, with a particular emphasis on the activities of the European Union, the United Nations, Latin American governments and the United States. Hence, the hypothesis indicates that the problem concerning the migration crisis of Venezuela is both caused by and deepens further socio-economic problems of the country, causing a feedback effect. The article is prepared based on an institutional and legal method (analysis of selected initiatives and the shape of public policies supporting the problem of the refugee crisis of Venezuela); systemic (analysis of the impact of the migration crisis on regional security in Latin America); content analysis (in particular documents and statutes of international organizations and governments); descriptive statistics method (analysis of statistical data related to the scale of the economic crisis of Venezuela and the population affected by the refugee problem). The results of the article indicate that the possibilities of handling the migration crisis are still limited due to the lack of coordination of the actions of the Venezuelan government and international organizations.(original abstract)
Content available remote Openness or Prejudice?: Students' Attitudes to Refugees in Poland
nr nr 1
This paper aims to present a study into student teachers' and social workers' attitudes towards refugees in Poland. Based upon survey data, it explores three categories of respondents' attitudes towards refugees in Poland: 'positive,' 'ambivalent,' and 'negative'. Overall, the fi ndings of this study reveal a very worrying trend - almost half of the participants (46%) demonstrated a negative position on accepting refugees into the country, indicating that they believe refugees possess a threat for both society as a whole and their own personal security. This paper concludes that teacher preparation and professional development are essential building blocks in developing more positive attitudes not only towards refugees, but also other minority social groups in Poland. (original abstract)
Content available remote Impact of Refugee and Migration Crisis on Greek Tourism Destinations
nr nr 1 (41)
The refugee and migrants movement is a historical phenomenon, driven by global forces and having effects on politics, economy and community of the hosting countries. Especially, the refugee and migrant stream of recent years - 2015 and 2016, has a decisive impact on the demand of touristic services on the Greek islands in northern Aegean Sea. The aim of the study is to examine and to compare the expected and the real impact of the current migrant and refugee crisis on the tourism, social and economic sphere on the islands according to the interviewed hoteliers on islands Lesvos and Chios. Crucial to maintaining the good image of these tourism destinations, is the good coordination between the local communities, local authorities and those at national, regional and international level on marketing, economic and regional policy. (original abstract)
nr z. nr 71
Polska jako kraj graniczący ze strefą wojny stał się głównym miejscem ucieczki uchodźców z Ukrainy. Nagła fala migracji była dużym wyzwaniem dla władz oraz samorządów lokalnych, które musiały podjąć kosztowne działania zmierzające do zażegnania kryzysu. Poniesione wydatki w przyszłości mogą przynieść korzyści polskiej gospodarce pod warunkiem, że imigranci pozostaną w kraju nawet po zakończeniu wojny w Ukrainie. Młodzi ludzie podejmując pracę mogą zapełnić luki na rynku pracy, zwiększyć wpływy z podatków oraz poprawić sytuację demograficzną. Celem pracy była ocena wybranych skutków kryzysu migracyjnego dla Polski oraz porównanie działań podjętych na rzecz uchodźców i źródeł ich finansowania przez wybrane miasta aglomeracji śląskiej. W pracy dokonano analizy danych, które dostarczyły informacji o poziomie bezrobocia dla Polski oraz wybranych miast. Dokonano analizy porównawczej działań podejmowanych przez Katowice i Bytom oraz poniesionych nakładów pieniężnych na pomoc uchodźcom. Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika, że przyjeżdżający do kraju imigranci z Ukrainy szybko zostali wchłonięci przez rynek pracy, a ich obecność nie wpłynęła negatywnie na poziom płac w gospodarce. Pomoc oferowana przez Katowice i Bytom umożliwiła dostosowanie się migrantom do nowej rzeczywistości. Oba miasta prowadziły bardzo podobne działania w postaci zapewnienia zakwaterowania, wyżywienia czy pomocy medycznej. Wsparcie udzielone migrantom było sfinansowane z budżetu miasta oraz funduszy zewnętrznych. (abstrakt oryginalny)
Poland, as a country bordering the war zone, became the main escape destination for refugees from Ukraine. The sudden wave of migration was an enormous challenge for the authorities and local governments, which had to take costly measures to deal with the crisis. The expenses incurred may bring benefits to the Polish economy in the future, providing the immigrants remain in the country even after the end of the war in Ukraine. By taking up employment, young people can fill the gaps in the labour market, increase tax revenues and improve the demographic situation. The aim of the study was to assess selected effects of the migration crisis for Poland, and compare the measures taken to assist refugees and the sources of their financing by selected cities of the Silesian agglomeration. The work analyses the data on the level of unemployment for Poland and selected cities. A comparative analysis of the activities undertaken by the cities of Katowice and Bytom and the financial outlays incurred for this purpose was carried out. The research shows that refugees arriving in the country were quickly absorbed by the labour market, and their presence did not negatively affect the level of wages in the economy. The assistance offered by the cities of Katowice and Bytom enabled the migrants to adapt to the new reality. Both cities carried out very similar activities, such as providing accommodation, food, and medical assistance. The support provided to migrants was financed from the city budget and external funds. (original abstract)
nr nr 3
The migration crisis of 2015 has left its mark on many EU countries. Some, such as Greece or Spain, were countries on the front line. Others, namely Germany, Great Britain, and Sweden became destination countries for many newcomers. Some, like the countries of the Visegrad Group, opposed the actions and decisions of the EU made in the face of the crisis. European solidarity has become a big question mark and we can observe a serious upsetting of the whole integration project which is, of course, up for discussion. This state of affairs consisted of the attitudes towards the crises of such countries as Poland or Hungary, here anti-immigration and populist parties came to power, creating a vision of flexible solidarity on the European political scene. The purpose of this article is to analyse the Polish migration policy, show the direction of the changes in its construction along with the change of government and the societal reaction to strangers, as a direct result of actions taken by the ruling parties. It is important to understand the political, economic and social context of the changes occurring in the social consciousness and to attempt to formulate a forecast for the future.(original abstract)
nr nr 3
Niniejszy artykuł koncentruje się na solidarności państw członkowskich UE z państwem "frontowym", czyli z Grecją. Struktura artykułu składa się z trzech części. Pierwsza omawia zasadę solidarności, która, podobnie jak w przypadku każdej wspólnoty, leży u podstaw istnienia Unii Europejskiej. Część druga zajmuje się kryzysem migracyjnym i jego wyzwaniami dotyczącymi solidarności państw członkowskich UE z Grecją. Część trzecia natomiast skupia się na skutkach humanitarnych braku solidarności państw członkowskich i ich ocenie moralnej, ukazanych przez pryzmat sytuacji na wyspie Lesbos.(fragment tekstu)
This article focuses on the solidarity of EU member states with the so-called "front" country, Greece, which found itself during the migration crisis in 2015 and in the following years on the most burdened East-Mediterranean route, i.e. the route by sea from Turkey to Greece and onwards to various European Union countries. Refugees from Syria but also from Iraq and Afghanistan continue to arrive along this route. The destinations for boats carrying immigrants and refugees via Turkey to Greece are the islands in the Aegean Sea including the island of Lesbos whereon the infamous Moria camp still plays a special role. The island which hosts Moria is the subject of European solidarity research with Greece. The structure of this article consists of three parts. The first discusses the principle of solidarity which, like any community, lies at the heart of the European Union. Part Two deals with the migration crisis and its challenges regarding the solidarity of EU Member States from Greece. The third part focuses on the humanitarian consequences of the lack of solidarity between EU member states and Greece. The source material is scientific publications on the EU, information from EU portals and press agencies and their recordings of developments in Greece related to the influx of immigrants along the Eastern Mediterranean route along with the author's own observations of the Moria camp during a visit at the end of November 2019. This article also partly refers to the new humanitarian challenges arising in the context of the situation of immigrants on their way to Europe during the Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19).(original abstract)
nr nr 3
Celem artykułu jest prześledzenie uwarunkowań polityki imigracyjnej oraz podjętych działań władz i partii politycznych Szwecji w obliczu procesów istotnych dla szwedzkiego życia społeczno-politycznego oraz szwedzkiej wyjątkowości. Hipotezą stawianą w niniejszym artykule jest przeświadczenie, że zdecydowana ewolucja stosunku szwedzkich władz, partii politycznych i społeczeństwa do imigracji powodowana była przekonaniem, iż zarządzanie imigracją nie może spowodować uszczerbku dla szwedzkiego modelu społeczno-gospodarczego i "szwedzkiej wyjątkowości". Dlatego należy przenieść akcent z praw na obowiązki cudzoziemców i wprowadzić mechanizmy ich należytego egzekwowania.(fragment tekstu)
This article aims to make an insight into the conditions of immigration policy and actions undertaken by the Swedish authorities and political parties in the face of the migration crisis in Europe after 2015. A hypothesis presented here assumes that a decisive evolution of the attitudes of the Swedish authorities, political parties, and society towards a restrictive approach to immigration arose from the awareness of the negative consequences of migration management for the Swedish socio-economic model and the political scene. The theoretical framework used in this article is the concept of policy responsiveness, including the ability of political authorities to respond effectively and lawfully to the needs and expectations of the citizens. Process tracing was applied as a research method useful for following the transformation process of Sweden's immigration policy. Statistical data, documents issued by the government and political parties, as well as the subject literature were the sources utilised in the research. Conclusions drawn from the research point to the tightening of immigration policy as a result of the fear of a prolonged pull effect on foreigners and concern surrounding the appropriate handling of immigration in full accordance with the adopted model of immigration policy.(original abstract)
nr nr 4
Od czasu kryzysu uchodźczego z 2015 r. instytucje UE i rządy państw członkowskich wzmocniły działania na rzecz lepszego zarządzania migracją oraz ochrony zewnętrznych granic UE. W wymiarze zewnętrznym Unia zastosowała wiele różnych środków gospodarczych i politycznych, a także rozwiązań o charakterze odstraszającym, aby odzyskać kontrolę nad przepływami migracyjnymi. Chociaż współpraca na rzecz rozwoju została uznana za jedno z ważnych narzędzi eliminowania pierwotnych przyczyn migracji, to eksternalizacja zarządzania migracją do krajów tranzytowych stała się głównym filarem strategii antykryzysowej. Choć polityka ta pozwoliła zasadniczo zmniejszyć liczbę nielegalnych przekroczeń europejskiej granicy, nie można jej traktować jako rozwiązania długoterminowego. Aby lepiej się przygotować na wyzwania migracyjne w przyszłości, UE powinna przemyśleć współpracę na rzecz rozwoju z krajami pochodzenia i tranzytu oraz włączyć do swojej strategii zarówno działania wobec migrantów przymusowych, jak i ekonomicznych. Pomoc rozwojowa może być przydatnym narzędziem dla UE, jeżeli będzie wykorzystywana raczej do zarządzania niż do blokowania migracji.(abstrakt oryginalny)
Since the refugee crisis of 2015, the European Union's institutions and EU Member States' governments have strengthened policies to manage better migration flows and protect the EU's external borders. In the external dimension, the Union implemented a wide variety of economic, political, and deterrence measures to regain control over migratory flows. Although development cooperation was declared one of the important tools for addressing root causes of migration, the externalization of migration management to neighboring transit countries became the main pillar of the anti-crisis strategy. Although this policy enabled to reduce essentially the number of irregular arrivals in Europe, it cannot be considered as a long-term solution. To be better prepared for migration challenges of the future, the EU should rethink its development cooperation with the origin and transit countries and include both forced and economic migrants in its comprehensive response. Aid can be a useful tool for the EU if it is used to manage rather than to stop migration.(original abstract)
While Poland has been perceived as a country that mainly receives migrants from the neighbouring Eastern Europe, it is also increasingly now representing an attractive place to work or study for migrants from other countries completely foreign from Poland in terms of their language and culture. However, as data on such international migrations are affected by numerous errors but can be supplemented by long-term statistics on border traffic, the work detailed here has sought: (a) to evaluate longterm trends to the structure of foreign traffic incoming across the country's eastern border; (b) to identify causes of change in the composition of incoming cross-border traffic in terms of nationality, in relation to the geopolitical situation (pertaining both in Europe and the countries of origin); (c) to define the roles particular sections of Poland's eastern border play in the migration-pressure context. The study was based on statistical data for the period 1994-2019 obtained from the Polish Border Guard. In an effort to encapsulate current migration tendencies, particular attention was paid to the citizens of Syria, Somalia, Nigeria, Iraq, Bangladesh and India. However, analysis also extended to the inflow of citizens of relatively closer migration origin, i.e. from countries like Moldova, Georgia, Armenia and Kazakhstan. In the period under investigation, Poland's eastern border was found to have been subject to the impact of economic factors (influencing cross-border traffic), while also - over time - becoming ever-more susceptible to geopolitical events (e.g. the crisis in Ukraine and the migration crisis in Europe as a whole). Significant growth was to observed, not only (obviously) in numbers incoming from neighbouring countries, but also where other, non-European countries were concerned. Looked at long-term (over the last 30 years), Poland's eastern border can be seen to have changed in nature several times, transcending local status in favour of global, but also moving in the opposite direction. (original abstract)
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