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Content available remote Torfowiska Kotliny Sandomierskiej
tom T. 1, z. 1
Charakteryzując torfowiska Kotliny Sandomierskiej uwzględniono ich rozmieszczenie w mezoregionach fizycznogeograficznych, rodzaj i charakter. Wyróżniono 10 obszarów obniżonych w postaci dolin i równin oraz 5 obszarów wyższych o 30–70 m w postaci płaskowyży i podgórzy. Analizowano liczbę, powierzchnię, wielkość złóż torfu, średnią miąższość i popielność złóż oraz ich stratygrafię (złoża szuwarowe, turzycowiskowe, mechowiskowe, olesowe, mszarne przejściowe, brzezinowe przejściowe, mszarne wysokie, złoża pogrzebane i gytiowiska). Omówiono publikowane prace: florystyczne, fitosocjologiczne, palinologiczne, torfoznawcze i paleogeograficzne.
The peatlands of the Sandomierz Basin were characterized according to their location, type and character in physico-geographical mesoregions. Ten lower regions, valleys and planes, and 5 higher regions of 30–70 m above, plateaux and submontane districts, were specified. The number, the surface area and the size of peatlands were analized as well as their average thickness, ash content and stratification (rush, sedge, parvocaricetum, transition bog, bogmoss, alder, transition birch, raised bogmoss, buried and gyttia deposits). Published papers on flora, vegetetion, palynology, peatforming processes and palaeogeography were presented.
In the year 2012 a small autochthonic population of Leucorrhinia albifrons (BURMEISTER, 1839) was discovered in the area of the former underground mine of sulphur „Je- ziórko” (south-eastern Poland, 50°33’34”N, 21°48’00”E, UTM EB50). It inhabited one of the arti;cial water bodies created in the frames of reclamation of this area, situated in the depression, gathering +owing or dis- charging waters from the surrounding areas (Phot. 1). In May and June a few individuals of L. albifrons was observed, with juvenile specimens of both sexes in it. A site of L. albifrons was characterized by abundant swamp vegetation (Phragmites australis mainly) and moderately abundant +oating and submerged vegetation (Potamogeton natans, Ceratophyllum demersum, Utricularia vulgaris). Water was transparent, moderately alkaline (pH: 7.71), quite strongly mineralized (electrolytic conductivity: 2325 μS·cm-1, dissolved solids:1163 mg·dm-1, sa- linity: 1.2 PSU). Compact range of L. albifrons in Poland is limited to lakelands in the north of the coun- try. Farther towards the south there is a zone of the insular occurrence, on single sites or their groups. This zone reaches south-eastern Poland through which the range boundary is running – from Slovakia only one single sites is known, historical and doubtful one. The site in „Jeziórko” is situated near the southern range boundary of L. albifrons which is marked nowadays by three sites in the Przemyśl Foothills. Its discovery is a val- uable supplement to the knowledge about the distribution of the species on the edge of its range. This shows that this species can occur at more sites and in more regions than pre- viously thought. The new site con;rms also the previous data that the occurrence of the species in the marginal zone of the range is in large part connected with secondary habitats which can locally contribute to the increase in species distribution in comparison to his- torical period.
Tematem pracy jest ocena struktury ekologicznej wybranych gmin wiejskich Kotliny Sandomierskiej w celu określenia roli parków wiejskich w krajobrazie rolniczym. Badania przeprowadzono w obrębie dziewięciu gmin wiejskich, zlokalizowanych wzdłuż Wisły. Badania terenowe obejmują rozpoznanie typów ekosystemów według ich stopnia naturalności, a także określenie struktury pokrycia w badanych gminach. Do opracowania wyników badań wykorzystano program CORINE Land Cover 2006 (CLC), a także badania terenowe. W strukturze ekologicznej gmin dominują ciągi ekologiczne II i III rzędu. Korytarze ekologiczne mają charakter dolinny i leśny.
The purpose of the work is to assess the ecological structure of selected rural communities Sandomierz Basin to determine the role of manor parks in the agricultural landscape. The study was conducted within nine rural communities located along the Vistula river. Field studies include the identification of ecosystem types according to their degree of naturalness in the surveyed communities and to determine the structure of the coverage in the surveyed municipalities. To develop a program of research results were used Corine Land Cover 2006 (CLC), as well as field research II and III orders of ecological networsk were dominated on studied areas. Ecological corridors are mostly represented by valley and forests.
nr 3
The variability of breeding densities of the Nightjar Caprimulgus europaeus in various habitats in Poland is poorly known. For this reason, an attempt was made to assess the density and abundance of this species in the active military training area Nowa Dęba (Sandomierz Basin, S Poland), dominated by dry heathlands, xerophilic grasslands, sand dunes and pine tree groves. In mid June 2019, the night count of Nightjars was performed on two transects of the total length of 24.61 km. A total of 46.5–50.5 Nightjar territories were counted, with the density of 26.3–28.5 territories per 10 km2 of the area. The size of Nightjar population at the studied site was estimated at 78–84 pairs. A comparison with the published Polish data indicates that Nightjar breeding densities recorded in this study are among the highest in the country. This study also provides evidence for the species preference for midforest open areas (burns, windbreaks, military training grounds) over forested habitats. The results indicate that ca. 0.8% of the country population of the Nightjar breeds in the study area.
nr 6
Badania florystyczne na grodzisku w Chełmie i w jego najbliższym otoczeniu prowadzone były w latach 2006–2008. Artykuł prezentuje listę 288 gatunków roślin naczyniowych stwierdzonych na tym obszarze wraz z analizą ich geograficzno-historycznego pochodzenia. Podano również krótką charakterystykę archeologiczną grodziska oraz zbiorowisk roślinnych, z których rekrutują się gatunki zamieszczone w sporządzonym wykazie. Ponadto wyróżniono rośliny prawnie chronione i zagrożone w Polsce, a także relikty dawnych upraw. Wykazano potrzebę objęcia grodziska w Chełmie właściwą formą ochrony ze względu na jego wysoką wartość przyrodniczą i kulturową
Chełm village is situated in the Raba river basin, near Bochnia (ca 30 km to E of Kraków; 49°58´N, 20°19´E; square EF 72 of the ATPOL grid). The earthwork, located at this station, dates back to the early Middle Ages (IX–X century AD). The paper presents a list of 288 vascular plant species found in 2006–2008 within the earthwork and its immediate neighbourhood (in total ca 10 ha). Native taxa dominate over antropophytes in the flora of the study area. Synanthropic flora of Chełm consists of 77 species (with 6 apophytes). Among alien species predominate archaeophytes (43 species), it is connected with a primeval colonization and ceased cultivations. A presence of interesting relicts of cultivations was ascertained. Among them e.g. Allium scorodoprasum, Lavatera thuringiaca (Fig. 1), Leonurus cardiaca, Malva alcea, Reseda luteola, Vinca minor and Viola odorata were distinguished. The earthwork is a refuge of biodiversity in a monotonous agricultural landscape of Małopolska Voivodeship. In this place occur some vulnerable, rare and protected species. It is important to protect the earthwork due to its natural and archaeological value
tom 158
nr 11
The study shows that the accuracy of tree height approximation by means of investigated functions is not modified by the age or site conditions of the analysed alder stands. The widest range of tree height variability was explained by Schnute (M5) function. Higher values of adjusted coefficient of determination (R2 adj) are usually obtained when the height of black alder stands in the western part of the Sandomierz Basin is determined with M2 height−diameter curve.
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