Association of Jewish Christians was established in 1930. The aim of this initiative was an agreement between the two missions of the Church of England, which operated in interwar Poland, London Society for Promoting Christianity amongs the Jews and The Barbican Mission to the Jews. The first of them acted in central Poland, the other in the eastern provinces. Both organizations conducted missionary activity among Jews. The aim of the association was to provide assistance to Christians of Jewish origin (neophytes). This was due to the fact that such persons were removed from the communities in which to exist so far. Soon, the idea of the association fell because both organizations competed with each other. After some time, members of the The Barbican Mission to help neophytes brought to life Care Society converts the Israelites, „The Samaritan”.
Stowarzyszenie Żydów-Chrześcijan powstało w 1930 r. Celem tej inicjatywy było zawarcie porozumienia między dwoma misjami Kościoła anglikańskiego, które działały w międzywojennej Polsce, Londyńskiego Towarzystwa Szerzenia Chrześcijaństwa wśród Żydów oraz Misji Barbikańskiej. Pierwsza z nich działała w centralnej Polsce, druga w województwach wschodnich. Obydwie organizacje prowadziły działalność misyjną wśród wyznawców judaizmu. Celem stowarzyszenia było niesienie pomocy chrześcijanom pochodzenia żydowskiego (neofitom). Było spowodowane to tym, że takie osoby były usuwane ze wspólnot, w których dotychczas egzystowali. Wkrótce idea stowarzyszenia upadła, ponieważ obydwie organizacje konkurowały ze sobą. Po pewnym czasie członkowie Misji Barbikańskiej, by pomóc neofitom, powołali do życia Towarzystwo Opieki nad nawróconymi Izraelitami „Samarytanin”.
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Eschatological question have a central place in the structure of faith. Asking about life after death is of deeply existential nature, connected with the most immanent human’s desires and hopes. In the structure of the theological systems of the Christian confessions however, eschatology stays behind, as it is treated as a non-scientific story. It concerns theology of all Christian churches. Anglican theology looks for the via media, a middle way between protestant and catholic traditions and compiles different trends of theological thinking. Its most appropriate description is provided by the rule of comprehensiveness, which means the inclusion into Anglican confession various attitudes toward theological questions. The rule of comprehensiveness refers also to the eschatology – within Anglican system one could find various images of heaven and hell and various ideas of life after death. Three main doctrines should be here enumerated – the universalism, which assumes salvation for all human beings, traditional belief on hell and the annihilation. Which one is preached depends often of the time and the social relation of epoch.
Eschatological question have a central place in the structure of faith. Asking about life after death is of deeply existential nature, connected with the most immanent human’s desires and hopes. In the structure of the theological systems of the Christian confessions however, eschatology stays behind, as it is treated as a non-scientific story. It concerns theology of all Christian churches. Anglican theology looks for the via media, a middle way between protestant and catholic traditions and compiles different trends of theological thinking. Its most appropriate description is provided by the rule of comprehensiveness, which means the inclusion into Anglican confession various attitudes toward theological questions. The rule of comprehensiveness refers also to the eschatology – within Anglican system one could find various images of heaven and hell and various ideas of life after death. Three main doctrines should be here enumerated – the universalism, which assumes salvation for all human beings, traditional belief on hell and the annihilation. Which one is preached depends often of the time and the social relation of epoch.
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