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Les paroles du Livre des Actes des Apôtres évoquent les temps de l’Église primitive de Jérusalem lorsque cette Église n’était pas encore divisée: « Ils étaient assidus à l’enseignement des apôtres, et à la communion fraternelle, à la fraction du pain, et aux prières » (Ac 2:42). C’est pourquoi les premiers chrétiens persévéraient dans l’unité, d’une façon unanime et avec vigueur. La persévérance dans la foi suppose la stabilité, suppose que l’on (conserve) jusqu’à la fin l’idée première, malgré des tentations de désespoir ou de résignation. Être assidu dans l’enseignement des Apôtres signifiait pour les premiers chrétiens la construction de la foi en s’appuyant sur la Parole. Dans le cadre des efforts vers l’unité visible de l’Église, le Concile Vatican II a défini l’état de l’Église existante depuis le début aussi bien que le statut et la nature des communautés chrétiennes. Cela a été fait en utilisant le terme – subsistit in (demeure en) : «une seule Église du Christ (…) établie et organisée en ce monde, en tant que communauté demeure et persévère dans l’Église catholique (…) ». L’unité visible de l’Église est la réalisation de l’Église à venir. La constance de la foi est une attitude fondamentale pour persévérer dans le Christ et dans l’Église. Elle implique une sorte de kénose, qui se manifeste dans l’abandon de l’incrédulité et de la mentalité païenne. Cette constance de la foi est assurée lorsqu’un disciple de Jésus nourrit régulièrement son esprit et son cœur de la Parole de Dieu: du kérygme et de la catéchèse. La constance de la foi des disciples du Seigneur détermine leur persistance dans la Communauté de l’Église, qui, en elle-même, durera de toute manière.
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Based on the biblical sources, the writings of the II Vatican Council and the theological literature the article’s aim is to present the elementary factors, which decide about our membership within the Christ’s Church and consequently about the capabilities of being saved. Among others they are: the personal relationship of faith with Christ and resulting from it the attitude of love towards the needy. The last one is vital, because it opens the possibility of salvation for those who, for various reasons, do not believe in Christ or God and are not part of Christ’s Church. Moreover, it emphasises the irreplaceable role of the Church, which becomes reliable support for everyone who within the human community is moving towards salvation. Even though it is possible to find salvation outside the visible structures of the Church, for someone who is an active member of the Church, not only with the flesh but with the heart, the road towards salvation seems to be much easier and more reliable. Therefore, it is significant that every member of the Church pays attention in order to build up his/her bonds with the Church, and equally the Church should continue the missionary activity and try to reach out to those who do not belong to it as yet, to offer them good saving instruments with which it has been equipped.
The church is in service to mankind – this fundamental conviction, which seemingly has been losing its value due to the ideological manipulation of the Church’s voice or by depriving it of its right to realize this service, spurs the increased reflection on the theological rudiments of this belief. The point is to direct the real actualization of fundamental and brave problematics concerning the mutual relations of the Church and the world, which was greatly emphasised by Second Vatican Council in the pastoral constitution Gaudium et spes. It appears that when trying to find grounds for ministerial role of the Church with respect to the world, we should bear in mind the triple relation of the Church and the world, which may be described schematically by three appropriate principles, close to each other in terms of their formulation, but semantically suiting well the issue in question. They are: the principle of communion, the principle of autonomy and the principle of transcendence. The meaning and restrictions of each of these principles manifest themselves when they are considered in general perspective, which is determined by redemptive aim of the Church, which can be fully attained only beyond earthly stage of its existence. This article focuses on the three mentioned principles, pointing at their specificity and ecclesiological meaning.
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Content available Umiłowanie Kościoła przez o. Leona Dehona
Umiłowanie Kościoła w duchowości kapłańskiej o. Dehona stanowi jeden z istotnych elementów jego praktycznej realizacji kapłaństwa służebnego w zbawczym dziele Boga. Kościół bowiem, jako nowy lud Boży, z jasno określoną formą, strukturą i zasadą działania – różną od innych wspólnot ludzkich – wskazuje również na siebie jako Mistyczne Ciało Chrystusa i świątynię Ducha Świętego.
What communication standards does the Church in Poland strive to achieve to counter the paedophilia? In what way (in terms of ethics) did journalists report on the basic topics related to the problem of paedophilia? These are the main issues of this analysis, concerning the mistakes of Church institutions and people representing the Church, as well as the journalists’ mishandling of the problem of paedophilia. The superiors of Church institutions in Poland did not manage to avoid the repetitive errors of the USA, Ireland or Germany prelates, such as transferring priests, who had suspicious or even reprehensible relationships with children, from one parish to another. Sadly, these transfers went usually hand in hand with ignoring the warning signals in this area. Time and time again the problem of ill-considered statements concerning paedophilia occurs among the clergy, typically ranking high in the hierarchy. Another blameworthy behaviour is the lack of knowledge about the paedophilia itself and the passivity of decision-makers towards the clergymen who behave improperly in relation to children. The journalists also criticize the lack of necessary pastoral aid, as well as the lack of thinking in the categories of making amends or offering compensation to the victims – first of all among the culprits and, to some extent, among their superiors. The fundamental misdeed of journalists is being silent about the heart of the problem. And it is all about protecting the children and young people against the paedophiles and helping those who have been hurt. Journalists most often publicize the cases of paedophilia in the Church in Poland in an excessive and disproportionate way, as if this was the problem of only one social group. They usually stay silent about the activity of the Church in the area of paedophilia prevention. And while describing the cases of paedophilia among the clergy, journalists quite often do not remember about the fundamental principles of journalist ethics (the case of the author of the “Wprost” weekly article). Therefore, both sides should notice their own mistakes in handling the paedophilia problem in Poland; they should also cooperate in educating the society about the evil of paedophilia. The Church and the media should also sensitize the public to behaviours indicative of paedophilia among concrete persons.
Das Thema ,,Eucharistie und Kirche in der Auffassung der altkatholischen Tradition” zeigt ein ganzes Interessengebiet auf, das berűcksichtigt werden muss, um die wichtigsten Punkte einer solchen Zusammenschau zu berűcksichtigen. Gott, Eucharistie, Kirche, Christ: so lauten umfassende thematische Blőcke, denen die Teologie speziell großen Raum widmet. Diese und nicht nur diese Worte enthalten das, was wir im Alten und Neuen Testament in seiner Entfaltung vorfinden. Die Gestalten der Eucharistie des Alten Testaments stellen Vorankűndigungen des Neuen Bundes dar. Das Paschafest verbindet die Epochen des Alten und Neuen Testaments. Zweifellos ist die alttestamentarische Pascha-Theologie der Hintergrund des Abendmalsaals, in dem die Eucharistie eingesetzt wurde. Jesus Christus wird sowohl Opferpriester wie auch Priester. Die Feier der Eucharistie in der Zeit des frűhen Christentums war sichtbares Zeichen der Einheit der Gemeinschaft der Gläubigen unter sich und mit Gott. Hier wird eine gegenseitige Abhängigkeit sichtbar: Am Ort, wo die Eucharistie gefeiert wird, offenbart sich die Kirche in sichtbarer Weise, und umgekehrt. Das Erleben der Eucharistie in der Gemeinschaft bedeutet vor allem Zeugnis der Einheit und Verwirklichung des Testaments Jesu Christi: ,,Tut dies zu meinem Gedächtnis!” (Łk 22.19), dank dem wir in der Kirche verbleiben, die Gemeinschaft und Institution ist, die Chance auf Rettung, auf Ewigkeit versichert. Die altkatholische Theologie weist klarerweise auf die Eucharistie als Ausdruck des Dienstes vor Gott hin. Sie soll wahrgenommen werden als Dienst im Sinne der großen Verantwortung vor Gott fűr das anvertraute Volk. Die weit aufgefasste Sendung der Kirche besteht doch im Bilden des geheimnisvollen Leibes Christi auf Erden. Diesem Auftrag dienen das Lehren und Verkűnden der Botschaft Jesu von der Rettung des Menschen und seine Hinfűhrung zum vollen Leben aus den Sakramenten. Die Eucharistie ist es gerade, die in vollendetster Form das Gefűhl der Verbindung mit dem Schőpfer ausdrűckt.
The aim of this article is the scientific description of the commonly used concepts such as; community and institution. Common use of these concepts, especially towards the Catholic Church cause the allegation that the Church is moving away from the community concept and focuses more on, as institution character. In the first part of this article, the author made a sociological description of concepts of community and institution, demonstrating that from scientific point of view the institutions is a set of principles, rules and laws that relate to the most important elements of social life of human being. Therefore, institutionalization of the Church, is a natural process which in the issue of religion provides the principles and rules which are supplied by custom , tradition and law. In the second part of the article the author goes on to describe the process of institutionalization of the religious communities in the theory of German sociologist of religion, Joachim Wach. This theory allows you to make analysis of contemporary Church in order to see the need of community as well as the institutional religion in the form of Catholic Church in the life of a modern man.
Profetyczna rola Kościoła - Kościół a prawda objawiona
Niniejszy artykuł jest poświęcony problematyce rabunku Drzewa Krzyża Świętego przez wojska rosyjskie w Lublinie w 1655 roku, a następnie jego tajemniczego (w sensie daty tego wydarzenia) zwrotu do Rzeczypospolitej. Relikwia Drzewa Krzyża Pańskiego przez wieki była przechowywana w lubelskim kościele dominikańskim św. Stanisława. Zrabowana została podczas okupacji miasta przez wojska rosyjsko-kozackie na wniosek Piotra Iwanowicza Potiomkina. Źródła do zajęcia i grabieży Lublina przez Kozaków i Rosjan są liczne, ale bardzo rozbieżne, m. in. w kwestii tego czy całe Drzewo Krzyża Świętego zostało wywiezione na wschód, czy też może tylko jakaś jego część. Brak jest również jasnych przesłanek do tego, aby konkretnie określić datę powrotu relikwii z Rosji do Lublina pomimo, iż dwóch historyków podjęło taką próbę. Skłaniają się oni ku temu, iż był to 1667 rok. Przeczą temu jednak negocjacje i w związku z tym kolejne umowy państwa polsko-litewskiego i Rosji dotyczące zakończenia działań zbrojnych, uregulowania sporów i otwartych spraw np. zwrotu przedmiotów o znaczeniu ekonomicznym i sakralnym. Zagadki powrotu Drzewa Krzyża nie tylko nie rozwiązują współczesne publikacje historyczne, ale również dawni autorzy przebywający w Lublinie (Niemcewicz, Kraszewski) oraz historycy z XIX i 1 poł. XX wieku, którzy – jeśli już podają o rabunku relikwii, a następnie jej powrocie – to ograniczają się jedynie do wzmianek na ten temat bez podania choćby przypuszczanej daty.
This article is dedicated to the issue of the theft of the Holy Cross Wood Relic by the Russian army in Lublin in 1655, and then its mysterious (in terms of the precise date of this event) return to the Republic of Poland. For centuries, the Holy Cross Wood Relic had been kept in St. Stanislaus Dominican Church in Lublin. The relic was stolen during the occupation of the town by the Russian-Cossack forces by the decision of Peter Ivanovitch Potemkin. The sources concerning the seizing and plundering of the city by the Cossacks and Russians are numerous, but they are inconsistent, i.a. when it comes to the fact whether the entire Holy Cross Wood had been transported to the East, or just some part of it. There are also no prerequisites to determine the exact date of the return of the relic from Russia to Lublin, although two historians have made such attempts. They incline towards the assumption that it most probably happened in 1667. However, the negotiations, and following them the agreements between the Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth and Russia aimed to end hostilities, settling all the disputes and unresolved issues, i.e. the return of objects of economic and sacral significance. The mystery of the return of the Holy Cross Wood Relic has not been resolved, not only by contemporary historical publications, but even authors living in Lublin in the past (Niemcewicz, Kraszewski). Also the historians from the 19th and the first half of the 20th century, even if they do mention the theft of the relic and its return, provide only a reference to this event without offering any date, even an assumed one.
Cette encyclique datant du 17.04.2003 résume et présente les éléments essentiels de l’enseignement de l’Église catholique vis à vis L’Eucharistie en basent sur la Bible, la Tradition et l’enseignement de l’Église. Elle traite d’une façon particulière le sujet de la relation Eucharistie-Église, c’est pourquoi elle commence par les mots Ecclesia de Eucharistia vivit – „l’Église vit de L’Eucharistie” (EE 1). L’Eucharistie qui a été constituée par Jésus Christ comme l’Alliance Nouvelle dans le cadre de la Cène Pascale. Dès le début elle exprime, anime et renforce cette Communauté Apostolique qui se répend dans le monde entier du moment de la Pentecôte. Le rassemblement eucharistique constitue le signe de l’Église le plus visibile. „L’Eucharistie, comme nous le lisons dans l’encyclique consolide notre incarnation dans le Christ, initiée en Baptême par le dont de l’Esprit Saint (cf. 1 Co 12,13-17)” (EE 23). Malheureusement, à travers des siècles cette idée qui montrait l’union essentielle de l’Eucharistie avec la vie de l’Église avait été perdue dans la conscience des théologiens, des prédicateurs des prêtres et des fidèles. C’est à cause de cela que les messes dites privées existaient dans l’histoire. Le rôle de l’Eucharistie a été souligné avec force par le Concile Vatican II comme celle qui construit la communauté de l’Église. C’est surtout la Constitution Sacrosanctum Concilium qui l’accentue. En remontant à la Bible et aux Pères de l’Église le Concile a montré que c’est grâce à l’Eucharistie que l’Église progresse dans l’aspect vertical et horizontal. L’Eucharistie à travers l’unité avec le Christ lie l’homme avec Dieu dans la Sainte Trinité et en même temps avec toute la communauté de l’Église, celle qui pérégrine sur la terre et aussi celle qui participe dejà dans la gloire du ciel. La réforme de la liturgie après le Concile Vatican II fait preuve de ce renouveau. Elle consiste entre autre au retour de la participation active des fidèles à la liturgie. On met aussi l’autel face aux gens pour souligner que la mystère de l’Eucharistie est véritablement „la source et le comble” (SC 10) de la vie de toute l’Église. Il ne manque pas non plus l’accent ecuménique dans cette encyclique. Malgré un effort constant des théologiens chrétiens et le désir de l’unité de plus en plus grand, pour le moment il n’y a pas de possibilité ni pour la concélébration ni pour la communion interconfessionelles. L’Église romaine trouve que le sacerdoce lié avec la succession apostolique est obligatoire pour importance de l’Eucharistie. Malgré toutes ces difficultés il faut espérer que le conférences, les discussions et les rencontres interreligieuses pourront approcher l’heure de l’accomplissement de la prière du Seigneur durant la Cène: „Que tous soient un” (J 17,21).
This article aims to show the vocation of the Priests of the Sacred Heart in the ecclesial context. In the light of reflection of Vatican Council II each and individual religious vocation, as well as all the religious life, is firmly inscribed in the life of the Church itself. In this context the vocation and the mission of the Congregation of the Sacred Heart shall be placed as well. At first, the figure of the Founder of the Congregation, of father Leo Dehon, is presented as of a man who in his vocation was fully loyal and committed to the Church. Then the ecclesial nature of the SCJ vocation is discussed on the base of the current Constitutions of the Congregation; and finally, the mission of Polish Priests of the Sacred Heart in the local and universal Church is presented. Outlined issues help us to state that the Congregation of the Sacred Heart, which was established primarily to address the needs of the Church of Fr Dehon’s times, even today, as it is clearly seen on the example of the Polish Province of the Congregation, through its own charism and ministry partakes in the Church’s evangelizing mission of our time. The Priests of the Sacred Heart are present in a wide circle of the Church’s mission, both in distant countries, as the mission ad gentes and in the areas of the new evangelization which embraces the countries of Eastern and Western Europe as well. Wherever the Congregation is present, it carries out its mission in a close cooperation and under the pastoral custody of the Shepherds of the local Churches. Also today, as it was in the time of the Founder, the Congregation enters into those areas of human life, which the most demand support and evangelization. In this way, it is naturally complementing the pastoral ministry of the diocesan churches.
On the 5th of July 2013 the Holy See has released the first encyclical of Pope Francis Lumen fidei (dated 25th of June). A few days earlier, on the 19th of June 2013 in Berlin representatives of the Lutheran Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD) have presented a comprehensive document Zwischen Autonomie und Angewiesenheit. The article discusses the importance of the family as the environment of faith as presented in both documents. There are significant differences of the theological perspective between them. The Lutheran document presents new models of family life which differ from the traditional image of the Christian family. The encyclical emphasise the role of the traditionally-understood family, based on marriage of a man and a woman, in the transmission of the faith to children. The article shows the importance of these different perspectives and ecumenical difficulties which arise from them.
Église mise à jour événement du salut accomplie par le Christ, cela signifie l’Eucharistie comme un mémorial du salut. L’Eucharistie apparaît l’Église comme un nouvel éon dans la réalité de ce monde. Relation entre l’Église et l’Eucharistie est le plus important et montre l’Église comme un cosmos transformé. Eucharistie est le moment dans la vie de l’Église, l’eschaton entre dans l’histoire. Église dans l’Eucharistie a expérience d’être sur la route. Cette randonnée est l’anticipation de la parousie dans la mémoire de l’anamnèse et conduit à la parousie.
Już od kilku lat obserwuje się w Polsce negatywne tendencje demograficzne, które można już uznać za kryzys demograficzny. Kryzys ten może spowodować w przyszłości zachwianie równowagi międzypokoleniowej i związane z nim niekorzystne konsekwencje społeczno-ekonomiczne. Wspólne dobro wymaga zastanowienia się nad przyczynami tego kryzysu i szukania środków zaradczych. Kościół katolicki w Polsce zawsze czuł się odpowiedzialny za dobro wspólne dlatego słuszne wydaje się postawienie pytania, jakie wyzwania stawia przed Kościołem powyższy kryzys. Referat składa się z trzech części. W pierwszej przedstawiona zostanie sytuacja demograficzna w Polsce, w części drugiej rozważymy przyczyny kryzysu demograficznego, a w części trzeciej zajmiemy się próbą określenia zadań Kościoła wobec powyższych problemów.
The issue of the priesthood and its mission in the Catholic Church became the subject of care of the Second Vatican Council and of the Popes in the context of numerous crises and of the expectation voiced by the laity. The priest of the Sacred Heart, living the priestly charisma of his Congregation, can contribute to the fruitful revival of this Congregation only when he became the man of liturgy and mystagogy in the sacraments that he celebrates (Eucharist, penance and reconciliation), only when he became the model of Christian perfection, the witness of evangelical values and the model of life in the community of brothers.
In this article the author presents a number of essential issues concerning the endowment of the Church, which the members of the Legislative Sejm worked on. The argument begins by stating that Church possessions were confiscated illegally by the governments of the occupant states. An important deduction is made that the endowment of the Church was closely related to the hotly debated agrarian reform conducted with reference to ecclesiastical possessions. In his dissertation, the author presents opinions of many members of Parliament who insisted on a bill which would improve the material conditions of the clergy. It is worth noticing, however, that what they had in mind was the poor clergy in the eastern borderlands of the Republic of Poland. On the opposing side, the author mentions the point of view of those who were against maintaining the Church by the State. Also presented are the arguments of the supporters of the State maintenance of Catholic clergy. Their main argument was the fact that clergy has always played a major role in Polish history. Clergymen were described as promoters and advocates of Poland. The author of the text juxtaposes the opposing view of the supporters and adversaries of the bill which would regulate the discussed issues. Having investigated the above problems and analyzing them in the context of various issues, the author presents in a brief outline the material situation of Catholic clergy in the first years of the independence of the Second Republic of Poland. Debates and conclusions from the described issues, as well as the opinions of the Sejm members are also presented in the text.
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