Business taking place on the Internet cannot work today basing only on price competition. The easy of comparing the offers and changing shops makes clients buy a product once without making further shopping. Furthermore gaining a new customer costs 10 times more than selling a product to an existing one. That is why companies wanting to achieve success on the market introduce strategies and customer management systems. Systems based on knowledge management seem to be the best for e-companies. This article shows the basic elements of customer and knowledge management systems and possibility o f their use on the Internet.
It is now widely recognized that knowledge assets and technological enhancements are essential strategic resources for any organisation to achieve competitive advantage and sustainability. The imperative for achieving this efficiency is in transfer of relevant information for decision-making across all levels of company structure. It can be done with well-disposed knowledge management system, that improves the overall corporate performance. This paper examines how companies in Czech Republic manage their internal knowledge associated with environmental sustainability so as to improve their overall corporate performance.
Knowledge management is the concept concerning the question how to use knowledgein the most efficient way within an organization and creating and managing new knowledgewhich allows for improving efficiency of a modern organization. The author of the article hasmade an attempt to clearly present the concept of knowledge management. She has described and defined its main presumptions and has made use of economic science in order to explain howmanagement is understood in economy. Finally the author has posed the question of the meaningof knowledge management in the process of a foreign language teaching and learning.
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This theoretical paper traces Ikujiro Nonaka’s managerial writings over a period of 25 years from 1984 to 2009. It is generally acknowledged by the academics that it was Ikujiro Nonaka who pioneered the field of Knowledge Management (KM). This paper highlights how gradual and slow was this process of developing a new field. Many academics and corporate managers have exposure of working in many cultures but rarely do their thoughts penetrate the cultural and contextual equation of the work. Nonaka however from the very outset focused on cultural and philosophical differences between American and Japanese ways of work especially in the context of managing and organizing. It was during this long discourse of over two decades that he developed many key concepts like SECI, hypertext design, rugby style management, and middle-up-down approach to management. Over the years these key concepts emerged as backbone of the KM field which surfaced formally somewhere in the mid-1990s. This paper traces the thought progression of Nonaka over a period of 20 years through his original writings published in various journals.
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This theoretical paper traces Ikujiro Nonaka’s managerial writings over a period of 25 years from 1984 to 2009. It is generally acknowledged by the academics that it was Ikujiro Nonaka who pioneered the field of Knowledge Management (KM). This paper highlights how gradual and slow was this process of developing a new field. Many academics and corporate managers have exposure of working in many cultures but rarely do their thoughts penetrate the cultural and contextual equation of the work. Nonaka however from the very outset focused on cultural and philosophical differences between American and Japanese ways of work especially in the context of managing and organizing. It was during this long discourse of over two decades that he developed many key concepts like SECI, hypertext design, rugby style management, and middle-up-down approach to management. Over the years these key concepts emerged as backbone of the KM field which surfaced formally somewhere in the mid-1990s. This paper traces the thought progression of Nonaka over a period of 20 years through his original writings published in various journals.
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Background: European economies have been deeply affected by different crises. The impact of the economic crisis on enterprises is now recognized by everybody. Enterprises need to reorganize in order to be better adapted to this situation and to integrate new dimensions in their development. Reduction of cost is not the only way for making enterprises more efficient. It is now clear that a mono-criterion analysis is not adapted to the actual enterprise situation. Enterprises need a multi-criteria analysis by combining quality, cost, lead time but also carbon management, social societal and environmental dimensions. If QCD criteria are already considered as necessary for obtaining the optimum enterprise system, it remains difficult to convince the enterprise management of the opportunity to integrate social, societal and environmental dimensions for improving cost. This need still needs to be clearly demonstrated. Method: This paper introduces concepts for showing that enterprises would be more efficient, better-organized and adapted to the new changes in society. Conclusions: The reduction of cost is necessary, the increase in enterprise turnover too, but it is also indispensable to change the structure of enterprises. Enterprise modeling (GRAI Methodology) and a tool is used for illustrating the concepts presented through a detailed case study.
Wstęp: Gospodarki europejskie zostały dotkliwie dotknięte przez różne kryzysy. Wpływ kryzysu ekonomicznego na przedsiębiorstwa dostrzegany jest obecnie wszędzie. Przedsiębiorstw te musze poddać się gruntownej reorganizacji oraz dodać nowe elementy i wymiary do własnego rozwoju. Redukcja kosztów nie jest jedyną metodą poprawy sytuacji przedsiębiorstwa. Wymagana jest wielokryteriowa analiza, obejmująca jakość, koszt, czas reakcji jak również zużycie dwutlenku węgla, oddziaływanie na środowisko czy aspekty socjalne. Kryteria QCD są obecnie uznawane jako niezbędne do osiągnięcia optymalnego systemu zarządzania, tak jest trudnym zadaniem przekonanie zarządzających firmą o konieczności i wynikających z nich też korzyściach dla optymalizacji kosztów, wprowadzenia również wymiarów socjalnych i środowiskowych. Metody: Praca przedstawia koncepcję, która umożliwia stworzenia przedsiębiorstwa jako bardzo efektywnego, lepiej zorganizowanego i dostosowanego do zmieniającego się społeczeństwa. Wnioski: Redukcja kosztów jest niezbędna, tak samo jak wzrost obrotów, ale jednocześnie konieczne jest zmienienie struktury przedsiębiorstwa. Modelowanie przedsiębiorstwa (metodologia GRAI) została użyta jako do zaprezentowania koncepcji w szczegółowych studium przypadku.
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