Up to date, workload and worker performance in Small Medium-sized Enterprise (SMEs) was assessed manually. KESAN (Kansei Engineering-based Sensor for Agroindustry) was developed as a tool to assess worker workload and performance. The latest prototype of KESAN was established. As the final step prior to the full-scale mass production, an industrial design was required and must be designed based on the validation to user needs. This research proposed an industrial design for mass production of KESAN using Kano model and Quality Function Deployment (QFD). The user needs was extracted from attributive analysis of Kano model. The matrix of House of Quality (HOQ) was utilized to connect the user needs and technical requirement. The research result validated Thirteen (13) user need attributes. The most important attribute was desktop application as an integrated decision support system. Fourteen (14) technical requirement attributes were identified to fulfil the user needs. Finally, a prototype was developed based on product final specification and prioritized technical requirements. The SMEs’s manager could use the prototype for workplace environmental management.
Noriaki Kano has developed a very effective method to characterize customer needs. He proposed to divide product or service features into six attributes: one-dimentional, must-be attributes, attractive, questionable, indifferent and reverse and presented the relations between them, constructing the Kano Model. The Kano method of implementing the Model, based on assessment and evaluation of customer requirement, consists of some general steps like: identification of customer's needs and expectations, construction of the Kano questionnaire, administrating customer interviews and interpretation and evaluation of the results. The publication focuses on implementing the Kano Model and on develops general steps into particular stages, that help to understand the methodology. The example given is tourist backpack.
AHP and the Kano model are such prevalent TQM tools that it may be surprising that a true hybrid decision-making model has so far eluded researchers. The quest for a hybrid approach is complicated by the differing output perspective of each model, namely discrete ranking (AHP) versus a multi-dimensional picture (Kano). This paper presents a hybrid model of AHP and Kano model, so called two-dimension AHP (2D-AHP). This paper first compares the two approaches and justifies a hybrid model based on a simple conceit drawn from the Kano perspective: given a decision hierarchy, child and parent elements can exhibit multi-dimension relationships under different circumstances. Based on this premise, the authors construct a hybrid two-dimension AHP model whereby a functionaldysfunctional question-pair technique is incorporated into a traditional AHP framework. Using the proposed hybrid model, this paper provides a practical test case of its implementation. The 2D-AHP approach revealed important evaluation variances obscured through AHP, while a survey study confirmed that the 2D-AHP approach is both feasible and preferred in some respects by respondents. Although there have been rich research efforts to combine AHP and Kano model, most of them is simply about a series of individual usage of each methodology. On the other hand, the type of hybridization between AHP and Kano model in this paper is quite unique in terms of the two dimensional perspective. The model provides a general approach with application possibilities far beyond the scope of the test case and its problem structure, and so calls for application and validation in new cases.
In recent years, a significant emphasis has been placed on the technological side of shipping. However, humans remain the operator of the vessel and the ones to make the final decision. With the increasing problem of fatigue, a properly designed bridge might offer great support for navigators. This includes the implementation of ergonomics in the workplace. This paper aims to better understand the needs of end-user operators and determine if there is still a need for improvement in bridge ergonomic design. To reach this goal, a custom-designed questionnaire survey of 200 professional navigators is performed. The Kano model is used to analyze the seamen’s wants and needs, but also expectations based on their satisfaction with proposed ergonomic solutions. The research results suggest that there is still room for improvement in this area, which is not only a matter of comfort or health but also safety.
Cel: W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań, których głównym celem było określenie możliwości wykorzystania modelu Kano w ocenie zdalnych procesów certyfikacji prowadzonych przez jednostki certyfikujące. Projekt badania/metodyka badawcza/koncepcja: Przeprowadzone zostały wywiady z przedstawicielami różnych stron zainteresowanych wynikami procesów certyfikacji, w tym z przedstawicielem jednostki certyfikującej odpowiedzialnym za zarządzanie procesami certyfikacji, audytorami prowadzącymi zdalną certyfikację oraz przedstawicielami organizacji, które poddane zostały procesowi oceny zgodności. Do badań wybrano działalność związaną z certyfikacją produktów rolnictwa ekologicznego. Badania przeprowadzono w 2021 roku w formie wywiadów bezpośrednich. Wyniki/wnioski: W wyniku przeprowadzonych badań określono cechy jakości wpływające na postrzeganą jakość zdalnych procesów certyfikacji. Cechy te zostały pogrupowane w pięć kategorii, tj.: wykorzystywane narzędzia informatyczne, forma komunikacji, elastyczność planowania audytów, sposoby zbierania dowodów audytowych oraz koszty. W wyniku przeprowadzonych badań stwierdzono, że wykorzystanie modelu Kano do określenia podstawowych cech jakości usług certyfikacyjnych oraz wskazania różnic w sposobie oceny usług certyfikacyjnych w zależności od wykorzystanych metod prowadzonej oceny jest możliwe do realizacji, jednak konieczne jest uwzględnienie różnych grup klientów, ponieważ nie stanowią oni homogenicznej całości. Ograniczenia: Badania miały charakter pilotażowy, w związku z czym liczba i zakres przeprowadzonych wywiadów był ograniczony. Jednocześnie w badaniu brali udział wyłącznie przedstawiciele organizacji prowadzący wyspecjalizowaną działalność w zakresie przetwórstwa produktów ekologicznych. Zastosowanie praktyczne: Wyniki badań mogą zostać wykorzystane przez jednostki certyfikujące do projektowania badań satysfakcji oraz przez inne organizacje, które prowadzą audyty w formie zdalnej. Oryginalność/wartość poznawcza: Artykuł stanowi próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy procesy certyfikacji procesów można doskonalić z wykorzystaniem modelu Kano.
Purpose: The main purpose of the study was to determine the possibility of using the Kano model in the assessment of remote certification processes carried out by certification bodies. Design/methodology/approach: Interviews were conducted with representatives of various parties interested in the results of the certification processes. That includes a representative of the certification body responsible for managing certification processes, auditors conducting remote certification processes and representatives of organizations that have been certified. Processes related to the certification of organic farming products were selected for the research. The research was conducted in 2021 in the form of face-to-face interviews. Findings/conclusions: As a result of the conducted research, the quality features influencing the perceived quality of remote certification processes were determined. These features have been grouped into five categories such as: IT tools, the form of communication, flexibility in audit planning, methods of collecting audit evidence and costs. As a result of the conducted research, it was found that the use of the Kano model to determine the basic features of the quality of certification services and the indication of differences in the method of evaluation of certification services depending on the methods of the conducted evaluation is possible to implement, however, it is necessary to take into account different groups of clients, because this group is not homogeneous. Research limitations: The research was in a form of pilot study therefore the number and scope of the interviews was limited. At the same time, only representatives of organizations conducting specialized activities in the processing of organic products participated in the study. Practical implications: The results of the research can be used by certification bodies to design satisfaction surveys and by other organizations that conduct audits in a remote form Originality/value: The article is an attempt to answer the question of how the certification processes can be improved with the use of the Kano model.
The paper presents the use of the Kano model and the questionnaire contained in it to analyze customer preferences in relation to children's furniture - a travel cot. A representative group of 30 people was created. The survey showed which attributes of the travel cot were assessed by the respondents as must-have, one dimensional, and which are excitement attributes (delighters) and mistakes for them. The study will help design a new travel cot model according to expectations of customers - future parents and parents of young children.
This study investigates the efficacy of the Kano Model in decoding consumer preferences for food packaging. Recognizing the pivotal role of packaging in product satisfaction and purchase decisions, this research integrates the Kano Model with contemporary market analysis. A survey was conducted with a diverse panel of consumers who rated various packaging features of existing food products. The results were analyzed to determine the impact of these features on consumer satisfaction and their potential to elevate the perceived value of the products. The study uncovered that while basic safety and hygiene factors were deemed essential, innovative elements such as eco-friendly materials and interactive labels significantly enhanced customer delight. The practical implications of this research are profound, providing food manufacturers with a nuanced understanding of how to prioritize packaging features to align with consumer desires, thereby fostering brand loyalty and competitive advantage. The Kano Model's application in this context demonstrates its versatility and potential for adaptation in the dynamic field of food packaging.
The main goal of education at a maritime university is to provide students with knowledge and practical skills necessary for future work on a ship. To receive the diploma of merchant navy officer, students are required to complete a 12-month maritime internship. During the internship, as well as during the entire course of studies, students' expectations regarding their future professional work are developed, related to, among others, working and living conditions on a ship, employment conditions and cooperation with the shipowner. These expectations determine the students’ subsequent choices towards a given shipowner as a potential employer, as well as their decisions about further professional development in this field. From the point of view of operational management, it is therefore important for the shipowner to know the requirements that must be met in order to have a motivated and competent staff. This article aims to classify the requirements for students relative to their future work on a ship based on assessing the impact of the requirement fulfilment level against the level of their satisfaction. The results obtained made it possible to indicate those requirements regarding working conditions, the fulfilment of which should be treated by shipowners as a priority, because they determine the students’ satisfaction to the highest degree.
Cel: celem artykułu była ocena wpływu poziomu wykształcenia na postrzeganie innowacji ekologicznych. Głębokość uwagi poświęcanej interdyscyplinarnemu wpływowi innowacji i edukacji w społeczeństwie ostatecznie wpływa na poziom kultury edukacji oraz szacunku powstających innowacji wobec ludzi i ich środowiska. Metodologia: dane wejściowe zebrano za pomocą ankiety przeprowadzonej wśród klientów przy użyciu kwestionariusza Kano. W badaniu zastosowano model Kano do przetwarzania danych. Analiza pozwoliła zmierzyć i zbadać emocjonalne reakcje słowackich klientów na produkty. Wyniki: w przypadku gdy multidyscyplinarne innowacje pozytywnie wpływają na środowiskowy, gospodarczy i społeczny rozwój społeczeństwa, mają one również tendencję do zwiększania konkurencyjności regionów i prowadzą do zrównoważonego rozwoju i gospodarki opartej na wiedzy. Można stwierdzić, że osiągnięty poziom wykształcenia wpływa na postawy wobec innowacji ekologicznych. Im wyższy poziom wykształcenia respondentów, tym bardziej wrażliwi byli na kwestię ekoinnowacji. Interpretacja wyników stanowi wkład w dyskusję na temat znaczenia interdyscyplinarnej edukacji, a także spojrzenie na innowacje, które szanują jednostki, społeczeństwo i środowisko. Oryginalność/wartość: oryginalność badań polega na metodycznym podejściu do łączenia postrzegania ekologicznych innowacji produktowych z aspektem społeczno-demograficznym (poziom wykształcenia) w warunkach rynkowych Słowacji.
Aim: To evaluate the influence of educational attainment on the perception of ecological innovation was the main objective of the paper. The depth of attention paid to the interdisciplinary impact of innovations and education in society ultimately affects the level of the culture of education and whether the innovations that arise respect people and their environment. Design/methodology/approach: Input data gathered via survey of customers using the Kano questionnaire. The research applied the Kano model to data processing. The analysis allowed us to measure and explore the emotional reactions of Slovak customers to products. Findings: If multidisciplinary innovations positively affect the environmental, economic, and social development of society, they also tend to increase competitiveness of regions and lead to sustainability, development, and the knowledge economy. It can be concluded that the level of education achieved affects attitudes towards ecological innovation. The higher the education level of the respondents, the more sensitively they perceived the issue of eco-innovation. The interpretation of the results is a contribution to the discussion about the importance of education with an interdisciplinary overlap, as well as a view on innovation that respects individuals, society, and the environment. Research limitations/implications: Even though the results demonstrate the influence of the attitudes of Slovak customers depending on their educational attainment, it is necessary to verify whether they are reflected in real purchasing behavior. Originality/value: The originality of the research lies in the methodical approach of connecting the perception of ecological product innovations and the socio-demographic aspect (educational attainment) in the market conditions of the Slovak Republic.
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