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tom Vol. 38, no. 4
Correlation and comparison of the Jurassic deposits of Republic of Belarus, Republic of Lithuania and Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation transboundary region is an important time milepost in studying of a paleogeographical situation of the western part of the East European Platform. The geologist Ullman began to study Jurassic deposits of the Republic of Lithuania in 1830s (Grigyalis 1958). He investigated river Venta in the town of Papilany. For the first time, geologist A.E. Gedroyts conducted research of the Jurassic deposits in the territory of Belarus. He found erratic boulders in the Białowieża forest at the beginning 1880s (Mityanina 1982). Correlations of the Jurassic deposits were repeatedly undertaken in this region. In 1922, N.F. Bliodukho discussed the similarity between "Western" and "Russian" Jurassic on basis of the mollusk analogies. The second attempt was made within the project of UNESCO No. 86 of the International program of geological correlation The East European Platform (southwest region) only in 1985. Correlations were carried out within the project "Peritetis". The newest research of the Jurassic deposits of Belarus revealed the series of paleogeographical and sedimentological features (Makhnach 2011). This research revealed, a glacial exaration of the Jurassic deposits from Grodno (Republic of Belarus), Druskininkay and Premay (Republic of Lithuania) as a distinctive feature of the Lithuanian-Polish Monocline. The considered transboundary region includes (from the North to the South) following tectonic structures: Baltic Syneclise, western slope of the Latvian Saddle, Mazursko-Belorusskaja Anteclise and Podlyassko-Brestsky Hollow. Desrciptions and paleontological material from stratigraphic wells, which encountered Jurassic deposits were used as a research material. Data from following wells were used: stratigraphic wells Gvardeyskaja-57 and Bely Yar-1 for the Kaliningrad region, Yoty's stratigraphic well for the Republic of Lithuania, stratigraphic wells Vysokoe-77 and Brest-52 for the territory of Belarus. The correlation of regional data and comparison of paleogeographical events showed that the most complete section of the Jurassic deposits for this area is located in the territory of the Kaliningrad region - a stratigraphic well Gvardeyskaja 57. For the territory of Belarus, the most complete section of Oxfordian is presented in the stratigraphic well Vysokoe-77, and Callovian deposits are best represented in the stratigraphic well Brest-52. Paleogeographical reconstruction shows that the sea was absent in the territory of Belarus, but the plentiful river network drained the Polesye Saddle through the Svislochsky snap in Early Callovian. Lowland with wetlands existed in Early Callovian during the beginning of transgression in the transboundary region of Lithuania, Belarus and the Kaliningrad region. The maximum transgression from the Polish Sea occurred during the Kosmo-ceras jason time (Middle Callovian). At this time, connection through the Pripyat Passage and through the southern passage systems with the Central Russian Sea was established. The second maximum transgression in this region happened during the Quenstedtoceras maria time (Early Oxfordian), and the communication with the Central Russian Sea was reestablished in the period of Cardioceras cordatum (Early Oxfordian). Completeness of Middle and Upper Oxfordian cuts from the territory of Belarus isn't clear and requires further paleontological research. Lithological differences and time of sediment accumulation reveal different sedimentation conditions. This fact indicates various movement directions of tectonic structures. It should be noted that unidirectional movements (immersion) effected all tectonic structures during the maximum sea transgressions. Differences in regions, where Jurassic sediments were deposited, were also studied. In the second half of Late Callovian, the Podlyassko-Brestsky Hollow underwent immersion and a flexure towards the Stryysky Deflection while Mazursko-Belorussky Anteclise was under conditions of tectonic rest. During Cardioceras cordatum time (Early Oxfordian), the submerging of Pripyat passage northern part was amplified. Most likely, the Polish Sea started to recede from the major part of the territory of Belarus during Middle Oxfordian, marking a new land stage of the territory. The buckling of the Latvian Saddle towards the Baltic Syneclise was observed within the territory of Lithuania. Paleontological data are also interesting. Existence of coral reeves in the territory of Lithuania (Grigyalis 1958) testifies the prevalence of northwest currents from Peritetis areas, and also does not reject the hypothesis about the Northern (Baltiyskii) Passage connecting the Polish and Central Russian seas. Biota features indicate the existence of benthonic currents in Late Callovian and difficult fauna exchange between Lithuanian and Belarusian regions.
This paper analyzes the regional elections of the deputies to the Kaliningrad Oblast Duma, starting in 1993 and the applicable legislation, and leads to the conclusion that, in general, all the elements of the election system of deputies of the State Duma,or the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, are replicated in the Kaliningrad region and other units of the Federation. The unification of the electoral legislation across the entire Russian Federation promoted greater similarity of the election systems of different regions, without taking into account their specific character. The transformation of the law on electoral procedures on the federal level, which is still in progress, determines further search for an optimal election model in the Russian Federation.
Калининградская область занимает особое место среди других российских регионов как с исторической точки зрения, ввиду присоединения еек Российской Федерации по итогам Второй мировой войны в 1945 году, таки с географической, как регион, не соединенный с основной территорией России и граничащий только с государствами Евросоюза – Польшей и Литвой. Соответственно, исследование электорального поведения калининградских избирателей на протяжении выборных кампаний 1993–2013 гг. представляет значительный интерес с учетом существенного взаимовлияния и культурно-де-лового обмена области с соседними европейскими странами. Следует отметить, что результаты многочисленных выборных кампаний исследуемого периода в целом отражали общероссийские тенденции и закономерности процессов развития избирательной системы, состояния структур гражданского общества и политических партий, а также избирательного законодательства. На этом историческом этапе прослеживается последовательное формирование системы разделения властей на всем пространстве Российской Федерации. При этом динамика российского федерализма не носила однонаправленного характера и не отличалась последовательностью и стабильностью. Значительным и многократным изменениям подвергались выборные процедуры в региональные законодательные собрания, избирательный процесс на выборах губернаторов. В данной статье приведен анализ проводившихся с 1993 года в регионе избирательных кампаний по выборам депутатов областной Думы и применявше гося законодательства, который позволяет сделать выводы о том, что как в Калининградской области, так и в других субъектах федерации производилось в основном копирование всех элементов избирательной системы, применяемой на выборах депутатов Государственной Думы Федерального Собрания РФ. Унификация избирательного законодательства на всей территории РФ повлекла все большее сходство избирательных систем регионов друг с другом без учета их региональной специфики. Продолжающаяся на федеральном уровне правовая трансформация избирательных процедур определяет дальнейший поиск оптимальной выборной модели в РФ.
Content available remote Trzęsienia ziemi w Obwodzie Kaliningradzkim, 21 września 2004
On 21 September 2004 the northeastern area of Poland has experienced two unusual earthquakes of magnitudes 5.0 and 5.3. The earthquakes have originated in the nearby Kaliningrad Region, Russia, across the state border. Although the damages were minor and no casualties have been reported in Poland, the appearance of such earthquakes in an area otherwise considered non-seismic and totally safe has caused much concern among of relief services and general population. The earthquakes will naturally cause reassessment of the seismic hazard for this area and will be subject to scientific analysis. This paper summarizes those investigations of the events that result from everyday seismological observatory routine, providing information on location and magnitude of the events. The source mechanism is also being discussed. The results are an evidence that the Kaliningrad Region is a seismically active area, even though the earthquakes happen relatively seldom and do not reach devastating size.
Research data are given in this article for the purpose of horizontal well interference studying in process of development on the New-Serebrjansky oilfield of the Kaliningrad region. Resource base content is 520 thousand tons. In the course of developing 30% are extracted. The sheet oil рооl is accompanied by bottom water on whole oi1 producing area. 5 horizontal wells and 2 vertical were drilled. Length of horizontal parts are 50-130 m. All of them are situated at the top part of productive zone. Hydrodynamic research of most wells was made on steady and pseudo-steady state. It has allowed to solve a number of practical and methodological questions on management of developing oilfield.
The article is devoted to the description of the current level of development of passenger transport system of the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation. First of all, the possibilities of providing passenger traffic in international and intra-national (between regions of Russia) directions are assessed. Each of the types of transport in the region, which is involved in the provision of passenger services, is characterized. The information base of the study consists of statistical and analytical materials on the work of passenger transportation for 2016 and 2017. The main research method is the method of statistical comparison and expert analysis. The main conclusion of the study is that at present there is asymmetry in the role of various types of transport involved in providing passenger traffic between the Kaliningrad region of the main territories of Russia and foreign countries. In addition, a list of promising projects that can be implemented to intensify the Russian-Polish passenger traffic. It is necessary to implement new projects in the formation of passenger corridors, which will be aimed at expanding the possibilities of transport communication. The availability of alternative routes in a competitive environment leads to both an increase in the quality of transportation services provided and a reduction in their cost to the public.
In material from bird nests in the Kaliningrad area (the Baltic, settlement Rybachiy), the authors determined 7 flea species: Ceratophyllus gallinae (Schrank, 1803); C. garei Rothschild, 1902; C.farreni Rothschild, 1905; C.fringillae (Walker, 1856); C.hirundinis (Curtis, 1926); C. rusticus Wagner, 1903; and C. sciurorum (Schrank, 1781). Their representation on the various hosts is given in Table I. Dominant in nests coming from tree hollows was C. gallinae (99.0%), and in nest on buildings, of Delichon urbica - C. hirundinis (85.6%). In 4 specimens of the genus Ceratophyllus, the authors found striking abnormalities of taxonomically important tergites and sternites on their backs (Figs. 2-4). They are of such a nature as to preclude a reliable determination of the relevant specimens.
Komunikacja kolejowa pomiędzy Polską i Obwodem Królewieckim funkcjonuje obecnie tylko nieznacznie lepiej niż przed 1989 r. Połączeń pasażerskich brakuje, a szanse na ich uruchomienie są dość mgliste. Jednak całkiem poprawnie rozwija się wymiana handlowa, w tym import surowców energetycznych z Rosji, głównie węgla kamiennego, gazu propan-butan czy nawozów sztucznych. Ze względu na specyfikę transportu towarów masowych, a także dość długą trasę, jaką przemierzają te ładunki do granicy z Polską (węgiel jest wydobywany w kopalniach położonych we wschodniej Syberii), ich transport koleją wydaje się niezagrożony. Około 79% importu rosyjskiego do Polski odbywało się za pośrednictwem transportu kolejowego (według masy przewożonych ładunków) i tylko 4% z użyciem transportu samochodowego. Natomiast w strukturze eksportu Polski do Rosji podobne wskaźniki są odwrócone – koleją przewożonych jest tylko 21% ładunków i aż 72% transportem samochodowym (GUS, 2003 r.).
The rail communication between Poland and the Kaliningrad Region could de described as the standard one. Although the passenger communication does not work and the chances for reactivation of it is rather impossible, but trade exchange is quite well developed including imports of energy resources from Russia (coal, propane-butane gas, etc.). The present-day rail infrastructure is old transshipment points at the border built for the army before 1989 and adapted for civil use in the new reality of the free market in Po land. The problem that has not been solved for years is the launch of passenger communication between cities in Poland: Gdańsk, Olsztyn or Białystok and the cities like Kaliningrad and Chernyachovsk. In last period (20-25 years), the Polish-Kaliningrad communication has been improved in comparison to the one in the period before 1989 (then civil border crossings did not exist), but a lot of work should be done to achieve a satisfactory level
Artykuł przedstawia administrację publiczną w kontekście bezpieczeństwa migrującej społeczności lokalnej pogranicza polsko-rosyjskiego. Autorzy pokazują administrację publiczną w badaniach socjologicznych, jak też bezpieczeństwo społeczności lokalnej, które związane jest z migracją. Kluczowym dla prezentowanego artykułu jest zarys projektu badawczego, w którym wiodącą rolę odgrywają przedstawiciele administracji publicznej kształtujący poczucie bezpieczeństwa mieszkańców badanego regionu. Celem projektu jest poznanie szeroko pojętych uwarunkowań związanych z wpływem administracji na bezpieczeństwo mieszkańców województwa warmińsko-mazurskiego oraz obwodu kaliningradzkiego. W niniejszym artykule zostały przedstawione wyniki badań pilotażowych.
The article presents public administration in the context of security of the migrating local community of the Polish-Russian borderland. The authors present public administration in sociological research, as well as social security of the local community, which is associated with migration. The most important issue in this article is the outline of the research project, in which representatives of public administration play a leading role in creation of the sense of security of the inhabitants of the studied region. The aim of the project is to determine the conditions related to the administration’s influence on the safety of the inhabitants of the Warmia-Mazury Province and the Kaliningrad Region. The outcomes of the preliminary research are presented in this article.
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