Nowadays, smart house facilities are strongly developed with the support of multiple security cameras to protect not only a house but also a building. A large amount of video data is produced by these cameras every day. Therefore, traditional data management systems face challenges in collecting, storing, and analyzing big video data. In such systems, it is difficult to find objects and their actions from video surveillance in the building because of either the consuming time or the lack of intelligent technology support. In this paper, we propose a novel big data platform for real-time video surveillance analysis based on the combination of distributed data frameworks and intelligent video processing libraries. The proposed platform is able to collect both real-time video streams and historical video data by using Kafka and Spark Structured Streaming frameworks. Furthermore, the proposed platform provides an intelligent video processing module for object detection by using OpenCV, YOLO, and Keras libraries. To evaluate the proposal, we deploy the proposed big data platform and implement a web interface to support end-user to analyze video surveillance. Through the results of the initial video querying implementation, we show the viability of the proposed platform.
The affinity between Kafka and Vallejo is based on the transformation from man to animal that they present in their narratives: The Metamorphosis and “The Caynas”. In both of them the transformation occur gradually and they construct an oppressive atmosphere in a sort of “fatum” which ends in the meaninglessness of existence. Given the impossibility of a direct influence Kafka’s on Vallejo due to the dates of publication, the origin of the affinity is to be found in the readings that they share.
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Pierre Bourdieu jest teologiem, teologiem politycznym. Jednym z najważniejszych źródeł (choć ukrytym) myśli autora Reprodukcji jest klasyczne dzieło Ernsta Kantorowicza Dwa ciała króla. Studium ze średniowiecznej teologii politycznej. Konstruując jedną z najbardziej wpływowych teorii społecznych XX wieku, francuski badacz czerpie pełnymi garściami z religijnych metafor i pojęć. Stanowią one nie tyle retoryczny ornament, lecz także istotę jego myśli. Należy poważnie potraktować deklarację Bourdieu, że jest uczniem Pascala, „pascalianinem” ( pascalien). Istnieje bowiem głęboka racja, że antyklerykał i ateista opowiada się za największym apologetą chrześcijaństwa. Otóż podziela on wizję Pascala z jednym ważnym zastrzeżeniem. Deus absconditus Pascala, który ma nas uwolnić od nędzy świata, zostaje zakwestionowany, a cechy Boga jako wszechmocnego stwórcy i prawodawcy przechodzą na Państwo i naukę. W ten sposób Państwo zaczyna przypominać demiurga, Boga zła. Ponieważ Bourdieu nie wierzy w religijne drogi emancypacji spod władzy Państwa, emancypacja jako taka staje pod znakiem zapytania. Francuski socjolog znajduje jednak dwie wysoce ryzykowne drogi wyjścia: wiedzę i miłość. Emancypacja rozpoczyna się od wycofania się ze świata – od zmiany samego siebie, która jest warunkiem wszystkich zmian. Przez pokorę i ascezę wiedzie droga do konwersji naukowej, poprzez praktyki antynomijne wiedzie droga miłości. Odpowiada to dwóm wersjom gnostycyzmu: ascetycznej i libertyńskiej. W końcu jednak sam Bourdieu ulega sile Państwa i paradoksalnie staje po stronie Carla Schmitta.
"Pierre Bourdieu is a theologian, a political theologian. One of the important, but hidden, source of his work is the classic work The King’s Two Bodies: A Study in Mediaeval Political Theolog y. While constructing one of the most influential social theories of the 20th century the French scholar draws handfuls of religious metaphors and concepts. These are not merely rhetorical ornaments; they are the essence of his thinking. We ought to treat seriously Bourdieu’s declaration that he is a Pascalian. There is a profound reason why the anti-cleric and atheist declares himself in favor of the greatest Christian apologist. This is because he shares Pascal’s vision with one important reservation. The Deus absconditus of Pascal, who is supposed to free us from the wretchedness of the world, is challenged while the qualities of God as the omnipotent creator and lawgiver are transferred to the State and science. In this way the State becomes reminiscent of the Gnostic demiurge, an evil God. Since Bourdieu does not believe in religious paths of emancipation from the power of the State, emancipation in itself become questionable. However, the French sociologist finds two risky ways out: knowledge and love. Emancipation begins with a withdrawal from the world, from changing oneself, which is the pre-condition for all changes. Humility and ascesis lead one along the path toward scientific conversion; the path of love leads through antinomic practices. This corresponds to two versions of Gnosticism: ascetic and libertine. In the end Bourdieu himself succumbed to the power of the State and paradoxically ended up on the same side as Carl Schmitt."
The paper focuses on the functions of detailed analyses and pedantic explanations of situations and events provided by Kafka’s characters. Taken together, they create the impression of a solid orientation within the system. Nevertheless, the more elaborate and compact they are, the more they make it clear that the system, by its very nature, resists understanding. The incomprehensibility of the world, amplified by explanations, implies the inextricability of guilt (in analogy to Quine’s inextricability of meaning): it is impossible to identify those elements of the protagonist’s biography which constitute his guilt and separate them from the “innocent” rest.he article overviews the evolution of The Art of Translation by Jiří Levý starting with the genesis of the original Czech version, which can be considered the culmination of the author’s academic career. The first foreign languages the book was translated into were German and Russian. Since the Czech original was strongly imbedded in the Czech culture and literature, the translation required adaptations to the target cultures. The paper aims to trace the translation process of Levý’s publication with the main focus on its German version. Together with the Czech original, this version served as the basis for the second Czech edition. the final part of the article focuses on the international reception of Levý’s masterpiece and introduces its recent translations into foreign languages.
The article deals with metaphysical aspects of dystopian vision of posthuman and racist socjety presented in Kazuo Ishiguro’s novel Never Let Me Go and its film adaptation. The controversial issue of cloning provokes fundamental questions of what constitutes our existence as human beings and what is the source of overpowering sense of solitude and orphanhood in the “fatherless” world. These questions are being answered in the context of biopolitics (Foucault, Habermas) and its ethical consequences. The paper is intended as a contribution to the ongoing discussion of the human condition and our relation to other beings: machines, animals and… clones.
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