Jurassic flora from Antarctica comes from 9 localities: 2 from East Antarctica, 7 from West Antarctica (6 from Antarctic Peninsula). This flora is very uniform and consist mainly of ferns, seed ferns, cycads, bennettites, conifers. The richest flora comes from Hope Bay and from Botany Bay in Antarctic Peninsula.
Na terenie rezerwatu „Zielona Góra” odnotowano 34 gatunki porostów w dwóch grupach ekologicznych: porosty epifityczne i epiksyliczne. 56% bioty stanowiły gatunki o plechach skorupiastych, a 44% porosty o plechach listkowatych i krzaczkowatych. Najbogatszą biotę porostów stwierdzono na zboczu ostańca wapiennego „Zielonej Góry” o ekspozycji SE. W rezerwacie odnotowano występowanie chronionego w Polsce gatunku Graphis scripta (L.) Ach. [1] na powierzchni ok. 0.7 ha. Gatunek ten występował w rezerwacie „Zielona Góra” tylko na korze pni grabu na wysokości od 3 cm do 1 m na stanowiskach badawczych 1–4. Spośród gatunków z regionalnej listy porostów podlegających ochronie w województwie śląskim odnotowano dwa gatunki Parmeliopsis ambiqua i Parmelia saxatilis [2]. Niewielka liczba taksonów stwierdzonych w rezerwacie była wynikiem bardzo silnego zanieczyszczenia tego obszaru chronionego przez aglomerację częstochowską, a w szczególności hutę „Częstochowa” leżącą zaledwie 1 km od „Zielonej Góry”.
34 lichen species in two ecology groups: epiphytic and epixylic lichens were identified at the area of “Zielona Góra” forest reserve. 56% of the biota was composed of species with a crustose thallus and 44% constituted lichens with foliose and fruticose thalli. The richest lichen biota was noticed on the slope of limestone outlier of “Zielona Góra” with SE exposure on the area of 0.7 ha. The occurance of Graphis scripta (L.) Ach. species was recorded on this area [1]. The mentioned species occured in “Zielona Góra” reserve only on the bark of harnbeam on the hight between 3 cm up to 1 m on the states 1–4. Four epiphytic species were identified among species under treath from silesian regional list of lichens: Parmeliopsis ambiqua and Parmelia saxatilis [2]. A small number of taxa recorded in the reserve resulted from heavy pollution of that protected area caused by Czestochowa agglomeration and in particular by the Czestochowa Steelworks located only 1 km from “Zielona Góra” area.
The oldest Jurassic (Kimmeridgian) Plattenkalk occurs in Wattendorf on the northern Franconian Alb (southern Germany). It is a 15 m thick alternation of laminated dolomite and limestone, interbedded with carbonate debris layers in a depression ~2 km across and a few tens of metres deeper than the surrounding microbial-sponge reefs. The Plattenkalk overlies a few tens of metres of microbialsponge biostrome facies and bedded, micritic basinal limestone. The bulk-rock stable isotopes of the micritic basinal facies gradually change from normal marine (δ13C ~ +2‰, δ18O ~ –2‰ VPDB) to lower values (δ13C ~ 0‰, δ18O ~ –6‰) in a ~ 40 m thick interval including Plattenkalk and suggest ageing of the bottom waters. The surrounding reefs are isotopically nearly invariant (δ13C ~ +2‰, δ18O ~ –2‰ VPDB). An isotope anomaly (δ13C of > ~ –9‰) is restricted to the basinal facies and is most pronounced in the biostrome facies. This indicates methanogenesis, which is documented in negative δ13C in dedolomite, calcite-cemented dolomite and calcite concretions and occurred probably mainly below seabed. The Konservat-Lagerstätte was probably deposited near an oxygen minimum zone in a water column with low productivity of organic material. Dolomite is in isotopic equilibrium with Plattenkalk and was probably deposited as protodolomite from chemically modified, aged seawater. 87Sr/86Sr ratios of bulk carbonate are often slightly radiogenic, probably due to random analytical sample contamination by clay minerals. Belemnite and some matrix 87Sr/86Sr is slightly lower than that of Kimmeridgian seawater, either caused by basin restriction or by fluids derived from the diagenesis of Oxfordian rocks below. An equivalent Upper Kimmeridgian depression ~23 km distant and a somewhat younger Konservat-Lagerstätte in Poland show a δ13C isotope anomaly below the main fossil beds. Isotopic evidence for saline bottom waters, the current interpretation, is lacking. This study also shows that micritic carbonates can preserve their early diagenetic, marine δ18O signal, which is correlatable over tens of kilometres
Stwierdzono, iż zbiorowiska zaroślowe typu czyżnie (Rubo fruticosi-Prunetum spinosae) występujące w północnej części Wyżyny Krakowsko-Częstochowskiej są siedliskami rzadkich w Polsce porostów z rodzaju Usnea. Spośród 8 przebadanych zbiorowisk zaroślowych w połowie z nich (4) odnotowano brodaczki, co potwierdza fakt ich stałej obecności w opisywanych siedliskach na Jurze. Odkryte siedlisko porostów z rodzaju Usnea jest nowe i nigdy dotąd nie było opisane. Dotychczas w literaturze opisywano występowanie brodaczek głównie w starych, naturalnych lasach typu puszczańskiego, których były, między innymi wskaźnikami. Zbiorowiska zaroślowe z obecnością brodaczek w pełni zasługują na ochronę oraz szczególną uwagę w trakcie wykonywanych przez leśników prac pielęgnacyjnych.
It was found out that the plant communities of the scrub type (Rubo fruticosi-Prunetum spinosae) occurring in the northern part of the Cracow-Czestochowa Upland are habitats of rare in Poland lichens of the Usnea genus. Among 8 studied scrub communities, Usnea was observed in half of them which testifies its permanent presence in described habitat of Jura. The discovered habitat of the Usnea lichens is new one and was not reported till now. The occurrence of Usnea was reported so far mainly from old natural primeval forests for which it is considered an indicator. Scrub communities with Usnea presence deserve protection and have to be especially attended by foresters during maintenance works.
Abandoned quarries in the Wieluń Upland at Działoszyn and Wieluń in central Poland are of unique value for the detailed stratigraphical, palaeontological, sedimentological and palaeogeographical studies of the Oxfordian and Kimmeridgian stages (especially the Upper Oxfordian and Lower Kimmeridgian substages) of the Jurassic System in Europe. It is because they yield the successions of deposits containing diverse assemblages of ammonites of a great significance for stratigraphical correlation, including that corresponding to the stratigraphical interval at the newly accepted global stratotype (GSSP) between the Oxfordian and the Kimmeridgian. Moreover, the quarries show the last Late Jurassic deposits placed towards the west in central Poland and preserved against the erosion, thus of high importance for the palaeogeographical reconstructions. The quarries offer also a special opportunity for educational purposes, and might become local geological attractions as they contain abundant fossils. Additionally, due to the fact that the Wieluń Upland, especially the environs of Działoszyn, has been one of the main areas of exploitation of limestones in Poland - the scientific value of the collected material and the history of the limestone mining could be presented in a specially prepared exhibition at the local museum, supported by geo-educational paths marked out in the abandoned quarries. Cooperation between the scientific community, local administration centers, and the owners of the quarries is of fundamental importance for the subject.
Triassic and Jurassic siliciclastic rocks from boreholes drilled in the Łódź and Miechów troughs to the SW of the Mid Polish Anticlinorium have been subjected to petrologic studies. The are represented by claystones, mudstones, sandstones, and less frequently by conglomerates. The studies shows that the filtration and reservoir properties of the Triassic deposits not good due to diagenetic processes (compaction, cementation, replacement, dissolution). Only some Lower Triassic sandstones, occurring among others, as intelayers, display increased values of permeability and porosity (to about 27 vol. %). The best properties are display ed by sandstones from the Brzegi IG 1 borehole, in which macropore intergranular space is present. The Lower Jurassic rocks are characterized by the best properties within the Jurassic complex. They show increased values of mostly secondary porosity, which results from the dissolution of grains and cements. The pore space is developed homogenously. It has a micropore character in the Middle and Upper Jurassic deposits.
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