The article is dedicated to Julian Ochorowicz, a thinker-visionary, ahead of his times in many ways, who paid a high price for intellectual independence: that of cultural exclusion. The paper completes previous research findings, relating to the biography of this remarkable nineteenth-century personage, with facts obtained on the basis of a detailed analysis of correspondence (of Bełza with Ochorowicz, or Kraszewski with Bełza, among others). The aim was to highlight an active and creative presence of Ochorowicz in the scientific and literary community of Lviv in the latter half of the nineteenth century, with particular focus on his involvement in the creation of the Macierz Polska foundation. The article demonstrates that the achievements of Ochorowicz (and not just the prominent ones, revolutionary for their time, but the lesser-known or completely forgotten ones, such as those in the field of culture and education, of which Macierz can be an example), not only speak to his intellectual independence, but also document the ‘programme of reform and strengthening of our moral inventory’, which he always put first.
One of the most important parts of the telephone are electro-acoustic converters, that is – microphones and earphones. At the beginning of the development of telephone, in the 19th century, when there were no amplifiers available for the technology, providing sufficient volume of voice transmission was not as easy as at the beginning of 20th century, when the vacuum tube was invented. The article is concerned with the part that was played in this process by Polish inventors, Henryk Machalski and Julian Ochorowicz.
Artykuł stanowi interpretację utworu Bolesława Prusa „Katarynka”. Nowela ta jest tu oglądana przez pryzmat ludzkiego doświadczenia sensualnego: wzroku, jego braku, słuchu, ale przede wszystkim – dotyku. Bohaterem zniewolonym przez zmysł wzroku okazuje się pan Tomasz, którego postrzeganie świata jest, paradoksalnie, wskutek wzrokocentryzmu uboższe. Dzieje się tak jednak tylko do momentu ujrzenia przez niego niewidomej dziewczynki – drugiej głównej postaci noweli. Dziewczynkę zaś możemy obserwować w trakcie procesu utraty wzroku i adaptacji do nowej, bolesnej sytuacji. Uświadamia ona sobie, że nie jest już wzrokocentrycznym podmiotem poznającym rzeczywistość, do czego była tak bardzo przywiązana. Umieszczone w tytule artykułu lustro pełni funkcję motywu przewodniego, dzięki któremu można obserwować przemiany podmiotu percypującego rzeczywistość w Prusowskim utworze. Istotną rolę w interpretacji Katarynki odgrywa też zagadnienie spacjalności – zmiana w odczuwaniu przestrzeni po utracie wzroku. Rozważania podsumowuje, uprawniony interpretacją tekstu, wniosek o wielkiej empatii i wiedzy psychologicznej pisarza. W swym artykule autorka odnosi się do myśli Williama Jamesa, Jean-François Lyotarda, Eugène’a Minkowskiego, Juliana Ochorowicza, Jana Władysława Dawida oraz samego Bolesława Prusa z „Wędrówki po ziemi i niebie”.
The article is an interpretation of Bolesław Prus’ “Katarynka (Barrel Organ).” The novella is viewed here through the prism of human sensual experience: sight, its absence, hearing, and above all – touch. Constrained by sight is Mr Tomasz, whose perception of the world is paradoxically scanty due to his sight-centrism. It is, however, the case only to the moment he discerns the novella’s second protagonist, the blind girl. The girl can be observed in the process of losing her sight and her adaptation to the new, painful situation. She realises that she is no longer a sight-centered subject experiencing the reality to which she was so much attached. The mirror placed in the title of the article plays the function of a leading motif due to which we may observe the changes of the subject perceiving the reality in Prus’ novella. To add, an important role in the novella’s interpretation is played by the problem of spatiality – the change in perceiving space after the loss of sight. In sum, the considerations, licensed by the text’s interpretation, lead to the conclusion about the writer’s great empathy and psychological knowledge. In the article the author refers to the thoughts by, inter alia, William James, Jean-François Lyotard, Eugène Minkowski, Julian Ochorowicz, Jan Władysław Dawid and Bolesław Prus himself from his “Wędrówka po ziemi i niebie (Travel on Earth and in Heaven).”
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In the last decade of the 19th century, there were several people dealing with television in Poland, who were better known for their accomplishments in other fields. Jan Szczepanik’s work was already discussed in our earlier publication, and similarly the achievements of prof. Stefan Manczarski. However, a world-known physicist and later Professor – Mieczysław Wolfke – and film camera designer – Kazimierz Prószyński – are probably remembered only by a handful of people. Both inventors worked on mechanical monochromatic television, but each of them in a different way. Because of technology level of the time it was not possible, though, to go beyond the stage of prototypes and their practical usage – Wolfke’s telectroscope and Prószyński’s telephote. This article is the third one of the series presenting the early history of television technology in Poland.
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