The biography became a controversial book before it even began to appear in bookshops. The review, thus, discusses not only its content, composition and inconsistencies but also potential reasons for the negative response of the protagonist and some of his family. As it turns out, Katarzyna Kubisiowska’s book arouses controversies for several reasons: firstly, it seems to be written mainly to meet the market needs, and secondly, it concerns a person who is close to the author. Above all, however, the book shows the protagonist in a bed light without giving him an opportunity to speak for himself, which is even more poignant in the case of a writer who hides behind the masks of literature.
The aim of this work is to present the problem of translation of fictive anthroponyms on the example of French and English version of „Pod Mocnym Aniołem” by Jerzy Pilch by answering the questions: how those fictive anthroponyms are translated and which techniques are used the most often. For this purpose, we analyze translation techniques of anthroponyms in French and English and the connection between the form of an anthroponym and the translator’s choice. In this category, literal translation has the highest frequency (18 French and 19 English names of the total 30), the other techniques are literal translation with borrowing, borrowing, functional equivalent, reduction, and addition. The names of all characters created by the writer are difficult to translate because those elements do not have any equivalents known by the culture of the target language.
Artykuł porusza problem tłumaczenia antroponimów sztucznych na przykładzie francuskiego i angielskiego przekładu powieści „Pod Mocnym Aniołem” Jerzego Pilcha. Celem pracy jest odpowiedź na pytanie w jaki sposób tłumaczone są nazwy własne osobowe, które z natury rzeczy nie posiadają swoich ekwiwalentów uznanych w językach docelowych oraz jakie techniki tłumaczenia przeważają w ich przekładzie. W tym celu autorka przeanalizowała techniki tłumaczenia zastosowane wobec antroponimów sztucznych w dwóch przekładach powieści i zbadała związek pomiędzy formą nazwy osobowej a wyborem tłumacza. W przekładzie tej kategorii nazw dominującą techniką okazało się być tłumaczenie syntagmatyczne; na 30 nazw własnych z tekstu oryginalnego przetłumaczonych w ten sposób zostało 18 antroponimów w języku francuskim i 19 w języku angielskim. Pozostałe zidentyfikowane techniki to kolejno: tłumaczenie syntagmatyczne z reprodukcją, reprodukcja, ekwiwalent funkcjonalny, pominięcie i dodanie. Nazwy bohaterów wykreowane przez pisarza są wymagające w tłumaczeniu, ponieważ tłumacz nie może oprzeć się na żadnym użytym wcześniej sposobie ich tłumaczenia i stanowią wyzwanie, zwłaszcza kiedy są silnie związane z kulturą języka docelowego.
The image of Protestantism in Jerzy Pilch’s prose The article contains an analysis of Jerzy Pilch’s work and focuses on the leitmotif of his work, which is Protestantism. He reviews the presence of Evangelical motifs at various levels of the literary text – in lexicon, topics, and also at the level of axiology. The author of the text suggests to recognize a different truthfulness of the portrait of Polish Protestantism. Not literal, but literary truth, which is hidden under stylistic clues such as hyperbole (exaggeration) or periphrase (extensive discussion). It gives the aesthetic pleasure of reading combined with a cognitive experience.
Reading Pilch in the strict sense. About the influence of self-referentiality on the formation of the public persona of Jerzy Pilch The essential focus of this article is the issue of the “trap of self-referentiality” that Jerzy Pilch and his audience fell into. The aim of the article is to trace Pilch’s autobiographical and self-referentiality comments and examine how they affected the reception of his image, as well as the interpretation of his persona. The analysis of various commentaries allows the author to carefully trace the intricacies of the public persona created by Jerzy Pilch, a persona that became for him both a popularizing trademark and a burden for a sensitive man. Hanik shows that Pilch destined himself to such a fate, over the years meticulously creating the image, that he maintained in interviews, numerous speeches and numerous autobiographical novels. This earned him both a crowd of loyal fans and a group of harsh critics. The author sketches Pilch’s image emerging from these statements in order to retrace where it was disturbed, and to analyze the statements, reviews and comments on his persona that reinforced this image or undermined its authenticity. Finally, the article shows that the creation of one of the first such distinctive media personas in the Polish literary market, was at the same time the creation of one of Pilch’s characters, one of the most difficult to interpret.
Artykuł pokazuje, w jaki sposób współczesny pisarz polski kształtuje się poprzez literaturę, zwłaszcza w lekturze innych pisarzy. Czytanie staje się sposobem zakotwiczenia w świecie, powracająca lektura staje się miejscem formowania tożsamości pisarza, ale i tematów, które określają jego biografię i twórczość. Proces twórczy, dojrzewanie artysty i szczególna ranga sztuki to dla takich pisarzy, jak Jerzy Pilch, Janusz Anderman, Zbigniew Mentzel, Stefan Chwin czy Andrzej Stasiuk fundament życia duchowego. Z lektury twórczości wymienionych tu autorów wyłania się figura pisarza jako kogoś, kto zamieszkuje w opowieści. Z literatury uczynili oni sposób na życie – nie tylko w znaczeniu zarobkowym czy zawodowym. Literatura potrzebna im jest w tym najbardziej elementarnym znaczeniu – konstytuowania się własnego „ja”. Świat książek nie jest alternatywny do realnej codzienności, ale pozwala tę codzienność ujarzmić, uczynić znośną.
The paper demonstrates the way in which the contemporary writer is shaped by literature, especially by other writers. While reading becomes a mode of anchoring in the world, a recurring reading turns out to be not only a place of forming the writer’s identity, but also of the themes which figure their biography and creativity. The process of creation, the artist’s maturation and special importance of art for such writers as Jerzy Pilch, Janusz Anderman, Zbigniew Mentzel, Stefan Chwin or Andrzej Stasiuk are fundamentals of spiritual life. What emerges from reading pieces by the mentioned men of letters is the figure of the writer who inhabits the story. For them literature has become a way of life, not only in financial or professional aspect. They need literature in its most fundamental meaning to construct their own “I”. The world of books is not an alternative to everyday realty but it allows to subjugate it and to make it bearable.
The article is an attempt at presenting the works of Jerzy Pilch in the context of a literature-centric tradition according to which a writer enjoys a privileged position in a culture. This allows him/her to speak about the world and him/herself from the viewpoint of a finder of truth, a depositor of universal values. In the culturally altered reality of the last few decades, a writer affected by the literature-centric tradition needs to look for various forms of compensating for lost status. A case in point is Jerzy Pilch, whose most elaborate style, combined with mythologizing his own biography, are a tool for “coping” with the generally lower standards of culture. The inconsistencies and incoherence of the writer’s auto-creation, their spectral nature, reminiscent ofDerrida’s philosophy, reveal the genuine dimension of the struggle with modernity faced by Pilch the traditionalist.
Wisla as a private world’s axis. On the connection with the place in the works of Jerzy Pilch In the article „Wisla as a private world’s axis. On the connection with the place in the works of Jerzy Pilch”, the subject of the connection of the author and his protagonists with the place was raised. Some chosen aspects of this relevant issue have been introduced by the author of „Many demons”. The attitude of the characters and narrators to the place has been analysed through such issues as faith, emotions, senses, weather and topography. The most important thing is treating the place as a pattern, to which the writer refers many events, comments, observations, thoughts and characters. The place imagined by the writer is dynamic, changeable, ambiguous and multiple. Although the literary landscapes of the Wisla have common characteristics, they are characterized by many differences and variants, beginning with names and ending with details. The awareness of the Wisla creation imagined in the works of Jerzy Pilch is fundamental and deserves attention.
“Only literature allows you to touch the heart of things with detachment”. On literature, illness and death in Jerzy Pilch’s “The Third Diary” The author of this article analyses “Trzeci dziennik” (The Third Diary) in terms of the transformations taking place in Jerzy Pilch’s creative strategy. The self-creation characteristic of Pilch’s writing also includes the most difficult issues: illness, old age and death. Speaking about them in the context of one’s own experiences is impossible outside literature. Silence becomes one of the means of communication. “Trzeci dziennik” (The Third Diary) is an attempt to testify to the victory of literature over the impossibility of expression.
Language, dialogue and public speech – in Jerzy Pilch’s columns (in the light of Mikhail Bakhtin’s concepts) The main research objective of this article is to reconstruct reflections on Polish language issues in Jerzy Pilch’s columns (1952–2020). Among other things, the author poses questions concerning the evaluation of the state of contemporary Polish contained in these texts and the existing – according to Pilch – relations between language and the social context. The textological analysis and interpretation of the selected columns is made with the help of some concepts of the eminent humanist Mikhail Bakhtin (1895–1975), such as polyphonicity, dialogue, speech genre… The analysis demonstrates the importance of the theme of language in Jerzy Pilch’s column writing. His reflections range from the general contemporary Polish language to individual words, their history, semantics and connotations. The meta-linguistic motifs of the columns concern not only private speech, everyday conversations, but also dialogue in the public, political sphere. Pilch’s assessment of contemporary Polish is generally negative. Descriptions of linguistic usus dominated by Internet slang and unnecessary English neologisms prevail. However, language, Pilch believes, is a ‘self-cleaning’ mechanism.
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