Jean- Claude Gardin (1925-2013) born and died in Paris, eminent investigator of the characteristics of humanistic knowledge, original in his concepts throughout his extremely extraordinary life, devoted himself primarily to archaeology. Gardin concentrated on the understanding of the mechanisms and basis of archaeological reasoning and creation of an infrastructure allowing the intensification of the dissemination and wider reception of results of archaeological investigations. The result was the logicist programme. This was a long term research programme which begun in France in the 1970s. Within that programme archaeological theory was conceived as “informational structures” which are composed of database and the descriptions of individual steps in the discourse, in the course of which an author moves form one collection of statements (declared or resulting from the course of argumentation) to the other. As the database was understood by Gardin i.e. a collection of declarations referring to subjects or phenomena in the external world and expressed in the form of the descriptions of the material from investigations or introduced in the course of argumentation serving to justify specific conclusions. The specific ‘bridge’ was connecting, on the one hand declarative statements referring to the database and, on the other hand, conclusions and hypotheses formulated by a given author. Archaeological reasoning may be constructed and read in two alternative ways, that is empirical – inductive (in the direction from the data to the conclusions) or hypothetical – deductive (in the direction from a hypothesis to the data). The principles and operations of the logistic programme were incorporated in practice in the ARKEOTEK project. This virtual platform is, in our opinion, an interesting practical-theoretical example worthy of careful analysis. In the framework of this project, publications could be more and wider available. It has as its aim the creation of networks and enabling collaboration between researchers scattered all over the world and engaged in studies concerning the technology, production and creation of material culture. Worth emphasizing is that in the framework adopted by ARKEOTEK the ‘copying’ of a narration takes places with the full preservation of its substantive and cognitive contents while at the same time modifying its form in accordance with the principles of logicist analysis. The ARKEOTEK project is more than just a digitalization and creation of a network of texts concerning technology. The idea of this project, in the opinion of Gardin, is not merely to create the content of virtual (Internet) library of texts in electronic form, which are accessed by a search facilitates based on keywords. The publication of the results of research in electronic form was treated by Gardin (and still is thus regarded by his eminent collaborators who are still engaged in this project – among whom we should mention at least Valentine Roux and Allan Gallay) as one of the tools facilitating a research milieu scattered across the world to collaborate in cumulative work and the publishing of the results of their research by means of a worldwide information network. In the opinion of the adherents of the logicist approach, this conception allows the verification of archaeological conclusions from both the formal and empirical points of view and the creation of conditions for and operational approach to investigations into the processes of archaeological reasoning. An interesting, and from our point of view important, aspect of the activities of J.-C. Gardin was his intellectual interaction with archaeology in Poland. Meetings with Polish archaeologists were a perfect continuation of the well-founded traditions of collaborations between the Polish and French archaeological milieus and especially decades of the collaboration between the Polish Academy of Sciences and Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique and École Pratique en Sciences Sociales. In the development of theoretical thought in Poland, the participation of Professor Gardin in the third volume of the collaborative work “Theory and practice of archaeological research” (1998) and in the volume “Archeologia w teorii i praktyce” (Archaeology in theory and practice) (2000) were of key importance. Professor Gardin also took part in the work of the Commission of the Anthropology of Prehistory and Middle ages (including writing an article for “Archaeologia Polona” on the relationships between archaeology, history and anthropology in 2006). Gardin’s inspirational considerations on the modeling functions of logicist analysis and its importance for the transfer of knowledge in the humanities, are still the subject of continuing theoretical reflection and a point of reference for the authors of many works. The loss of Professor Gardin will be, we are sure, long felt also by the Polish archaeological milieu.
PURPOSE/THESIS: This paper presents a review of the French contribution to the epistemology and theory of documentation and information science. It is focused on the authors, theories, and practices that have been neglected, or forgotten by French information specialists. An attempt was made to assess their contribution and influence on information science and the theory of the document. APPROACH/METHODS: The author focused on the analysis of the literature either printed or available as online texts, and proceedings of the ISKO-France conference held in Paris in 2017. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: The review of the French contribution to the epistemology and theory of documentation and information science is carried out according to a triple chronological perspective. The first one goes back in time, as far as the contribution to the development of knowledge organization methods and theories of Enlightenment French philosophers’ and Gabriel Naudé. The second period covers relatively recent history, from the nineteenth to the twentieth century with the birth of the francophone document theoreticians such as the philosopher Auguste Comte and his Broad System of Ordering, and later Suzanne Briet’s view of a document as something (potentially anything) made into a document, offering the view that the word “document” should be used in a technical sense within information science to denote anything regarded as signifying something. The third period is represented by the thriving activities of what we call in France the forerunners among whom I have focused on the specific position of Eric De Grolier for his role in defining and expanding Ranganathan’s categories as well as that of Jean-Claude Gardin, their contribution and their impact on information science with a special focus on knowledge organization. ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The theme of the 4th International Scientific Conference on Information Science in the Age of Change: Innovative Information Services from which this paper is derived implies that speakers would give a state of the art on Innovative Information Service. However, I would like to suggest that talking about the European tradition of information science underpinning the innovation in information services would be worthwhile. It is because this tradition played a central role in developing the connection between modernism and information science, especially in relation to schemes for bibliography and documentation that emerged in the late 19th and early 20th century. The impact of the French tradition and its modernism in documentation and information theory is tremendous, but I chose only a few of these authors, mostly those understudied, because I find it surprising that there is so little reference to them in more recent work.
CEL/TEZA: Artykuł jest przeglądem wkładu francuskich badaczy w kształtowanie epistemologii i teorii nauki o dokumentacji i informacji. Uwagę skupiono na autorach, teoriach i praktykach, które zostały niedocenione lub zapomniane przez francuskich specjalistów informacji. Podjęto próbę oceny ich wkładu i wpływu na naukę o informacji i teorię dokumentu. KONCEPCJA/METODY BADAŃ: Autorka skupiła się na analizie literatury drukowanej lub tekstów dostępnych online oraz materiałów z konferencji ISKO-France, zorganizowanej w Paryżu w 2017 r. WYNIKI I WNIOSKI: Przegląd francuskiego wkładu w epistemologię i teorię nauki o dokumentacji i informacji przeprowadzony został według potrójnej chronologicznej perspektywy. Pierwsza sięga wstecz aż do udziału francuskich filozofów oświeceniowych i Gabriela Naudé w rozwoju metod i teorii organizacji wiedzy. Drugi okres obejmuje relatywnie niedawną historię, od XIX do XX wieku, od narodzin frankofońskich teoretyków dokumentów, takich jak filozof Auguste Comte i jego szeroki system porządkowania, do Suzanne Briet i koncepcji dokumentu jako czegoś (potencjalnie czegokolwiek) co pełni rolę dokumentu; koncepcja ta wskazuje, że termin „dokument” w nauce o informacji powinien być używany w sensie technicznym, aby oznaczał dowolny obiekt, który można uznać za coś dla kogoś znaczącego. Okres trzeci reprezentują działania tzw. francuskich pionierów, wśród których uwagę skupiono na szczególnej pozycji Erica de Groliera i jego roli w definiowaniu i rozwinięciu kategorii Ranganathana, oraz Jeana-Claude’a Gardina, jego wkładzie i wpływie na rozwój nauki o informacji, a w szczególności organizacji wiedzy. ORYGINALNOŚĆ/WARTOŚĆ POZNAWCZA: Temat IV Międzynarodowej Konferencji Naukowej „Nauka o informacji w okresie zmian: Innowacyjne usługi informacyjne”, na którą przygotowany został referat stanowiący podstawę niniejszego artykułu, zakładał, że mówcy przedstawią najnowszy stan wiedzy na temat innowacyjnych usług informacyjnych. Chcę jednak zasugerować, że warto mówić też o europejskiej tradycji nauki o informacjach, stanowiącej podstawę innowacji w zakresie usług informacyjnych. Tradycja ta odegrała centralną rolę w rozwijaniu związku między modernizmem a nauką o informacji, zwłaszcza w odniesieniu do schematów organizacji bibliografii i dokumentacji, które pojawiły się pod koniec XIX i na początku XX wieku. Wpływ francuskiej tradycji i jej modernizmu w teorii dokumentacji i informacji jest olbrzymi, ale wybrałam do omówienia tylko kilku spośród wielu autorów, którzy do niego się przyczynili, głównie tych, którzy są niedocenieni, o czym świadczyć może zaskakująco mało odesłań do ich prac w późniejszym piśmiennictwie.
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