This article seeks to analyze three novels by Jean Genet: Our Lady of the Flowers (1943), Miracle of the Rose (1946) and The Thief’s Journal (1949). Its main goal is to verify how the game with discursive techniques applied by Genet allows him to create a diegetic universe inspired by his private life and, therefore, to conduct a role-playing game, undertaken for ideological and ontological purposes. In order to carry out his plan, the author takes into account not only tools related to the poetics of a literary work but also selected aspects of an autobiographical pact aiming at persuading the reader of an “apparent truth” of the literary text. The study of these elements shows that the universe in Genet’s novels is, on the one hand, inspired to a certain degree by the reality, on the other hand, used to construct a narrative space where a continuous game with the truth and falsehood is located in the foreground.
Le présent article se propose d’examiner trois romans de Jean Genet : Notre-Dame-des-Fleurs (1943), Miracle de la rose (1946) et Journal du voleur (1949). Son objectif principal est de vérifier comment le jeu des techniques discursives appliquées par Genet lui permet de créer un univers diégétique inspiré par sa vie privée et de réaliser ainsi le jeu de rôles qu’il assume à des fins idéologiques et ontologiques. Pour effectuer son analyse, l’auteur prend en considération avant tout les outils liés à la poétique de l’œuvre littéraire, mais aussi les aspects choisis du pacte autobiographique visant à persuader le récepteur de la « véracité apparente » du texte littéraire. L’étude de ces éléments montre que l’univers romanesque de Jean Genet, d’une part, s’inspire à un certain degré de la réalité, d’autre part, sert à construire un espace narratif où un jeu continu entre le vrai et le faux est mis au premier plan.
Artykuł jest omówieniem intertekstualnych relacji między twórczością Witolda Gombrowicza a pisarstwem Jeana Geneta. Liczne komentarze Gombrowicza na temat Geneta omawiano już parokrotnie, nie wskazywano jednak konkretnych przykładów inspiracji. Autor artykułu komentuje takie przykłady i przy okazji zastanawia się nad teoretycznoliterackim zagadnieniem „intencji autorskiej”. Dodatkowy kontekst stanowi książka Jeana-Paula Sartre’a „Święty Genet”, będąca dla Gombrowicza istotnym kontekstem rozumienia tekstów Geneta.
The article describes the intertextual relations between Witold Gombrowicz’s output and Jean Genet’s writings. Gombrowicz’s numerous comments about Genet have so far been repeatedly discussed, though they have missed particular examples of inspirations. The author of the paper comments such examples and simultaneously ponders upon the literary critical concept of intentio auctoris. Jean-Paul Sartre’s book “Saint Genet,” “Actor and Martyr” is Gombrowicz’s relevant context for understanding Genet’s texts and works here as an additional context.
This paper, based on an idea of Michel Foucault from the book Discipline and Punishment, examined how the repressive systems of discipline and punishment are present in selected literary works: on the concrete levels in the novel Our Lady of the Flowers by French author Jean Genet, and on the symbolic levels in the novel Brother by Serbian writer David Albahari, primarily in relation to the moved, queer masculinity, or more precisely the transvestite or transgender persons. At the same time, attention was given to the figure of male friendship, or androcentric figure as the basis of Western philosophy and theory, the figure that excludes heterosexual friendship and friendship among women, as described by Jacques Derrida in his book The Politics of Friendship.
Nawiązując do idei zawartych w dziele Michela Foucaulta Nadzorować i karać, autor na przykładzie dwóch powieści: Matka Boska Kwietna francuskiegoautora Jeana Geneta oraz Brat serbskiego pisarza Davida Albahariego, analizuje sposób manifestowania się represyjnych systemów nadzorowania i karania ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem kwestii queer. Ponadto w artykule poruszony został problem figury męskiej przyjaźni lub bratocentryzmu (androcentryzmu), która – zgodnie z rozpoznaniami Jacques’a Derridy zawartymi w książce The Politics of Friendship – jako filar zachodnich systemów filozoficznych wyklucza przyjaźń heteroseksualną lub kobiecą.
The attractiveness of Honza Krejcarová’s literary work is partially due to its fragmentary character and its role in the development of underground literature. From this point of view, it is difficult to compare to her the famous and scandalous authors of the French existentialist generation, in particular Jean Genet, cult author of France from the end of the Second World War until the decolonization, or Violette Leduc, who stood out as a name mattering in the initiation of the young generations to homosexual literature and one of the founders of self-fiction. In spite of all these differences, the kinship of the texts of these ‘unruly childrenʼ, at the same time ‘enfants martyrsʼ and ‘enfants prodigesʼ, with those, contemporaries, of Krejcarová is striking. The texts of their two more famous commentators, Jean-Paul Sartre for the first one and Simone de Beauvoir for the second one, helps to understand how the myth of these authors was born in a time fascinated by the principle of pleasure up to the death drive.
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