Wawrzyniec Kaszuba Krokowski (Laurentius Cashuba Krokowski), so far better known, based on the family tradition, as Lorenz der Starke or Lorenz Mocny (the Strong), went down in history as the owner of Krokowa in the Puck district, and was a courtier of King Jan Olbracht. According to genealogical reports, he participated in the war of Jan Olbracht for the Hungarian throne in the years 1490–1492. Information concerning this could not be found in document sources and accounting books. The documented ties of Wawrzyniec Kaszuba Krokowski with the royal court of the Polish rulers date back to the end of 1485, when he received a receipt for the payment of 100 florins from Kasimir Jagiellon during the Sejm in Piotrków. On the basis of information obtained from Jan Olbracht’s accounting records, we learn that Wawrzyniec Kaszuba Krokowski was admitted to the royal court in March 1494, before the Jagiellonian dynastic congress in Levoča. He was a court member and served with a 6 horse retinue until the Moldovan expedition in 1497. Krokowski took part in it with an 8 horse retinue. After the expedition, in the light of the royal documents from the end of 1497, he was declared dead. Most likely, he lost his life in the Bukovina forests during the retreat of Jan Olbracht’s military forces from Suceava. Later, in 1504, as compensation, King Alexander Jagiellon bequeathed to the Krokowski family the sum of 500 florins in the royal villages of the Pomeranian land.
The article aims to characterise the “Vilnius world” of king Zygmunt II August, as presented in a study of history of the Lithuanian capital written Józef Ignacy Kraszewski. The author attempts to show what kind of an image of Vilnius and its inhabitants in the times of the last Jagiellon was conveyed by Kraszewski in his description.
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The birth of parliamentarism in the Kingdom of Poland, its development, and its heyday, referred to in historiography as the ‘golden age’, are associated with the almost two-hundred-year reign of the Jagiellonian dynasty (1386–1572). During the reign of four generations of Jagiellons, the oligarchic monarchy of the fifteenth century was transformed into a parliamentary monarchy of nobles in the next century. One of the institutional foundations and principles of the state was the two-tier parliamentary system, which ensured actual participation in power of the holders of political rights. The year 1468 saw the birth of the Chamber of Deputies, based on the principle of representation, and consequently, the establishment of the bicameral Crown Sejm. The Polish-Lithuanian Union concluded in Lublin in 1569 resulted in legal and political decisions which determined the role and functioning of the Sejm until the collapse of the Commonwealth at the end of the eighteenth century.
Historiography is increasingly focusing its attention on the diplomatic history of the period of Matthias Corvinus. There have been numerous analyses of his relations with the Papal Court, the Bohemian orders and the Holy Roman Emperor. Matthias’ conflict with the Jagiellons is on its own a separate chapter. We find relatively few original documents amongst the sources that relate to the subject, therefore, if we have the opportunity to examine some of these with regard to a certain topic, we must take advantage of it. Several charters relating to Matthias’ peace treaty with the Jagiellons in 1474 in Ófalu/Spišská Stará have survived in their original form, so in addition to the diplomatic process of the peace treaty, we can also inspect the seals of the negotiating parties on the original charters. In the present paper, after a brief historical introduction and describing the research background, I will make a detailed examination of three charters that were issued by the Hungarian side. The documents show who from the Hungarian and Polish sides took part in the negotiations, and the surviving seals of the six Hungarian participants. The paper describes in a nutshell the careers of the negotiating parties, and gives a description of the surviving seals, accompanied by pictures. Because of its short form, the paper cannot attempt to provide a synthesis of diplomatic history, nevertheless, it aims to publish the biography of the “peacemakers”, and to present a specific source type.
The process of rebuilding public administration in the Kingdom of Poland under the Jagiellonian dynasty failed to create a well-functioning system of offices. Medieval structures dependent on the nobility were preserved, to be supplemented with offices, only initially dependent on the king. When the ruler tried to carry out his will by means of an extended system of commissaires (appointed on an ad hoc basis, for a specific case, for a specific period of time), the noble community systematically limited royal rights, depriving the king of the power of appointment of such offi cials, except in statutory cases.
Proces odbudowy administracji publicznej w Królestwie Polskim za Jagiellonów nie doprowadził do stworzenia dobrze funkcjonującego systemu urzędów. Zachowano zależne od szlachty średniowieczne struktury, uzupełnione o urzędy, które tylko początkowo całkowicie podlegały królowi. Gdy władca próbował narzucać swoją wolę za pomocą rozbudowanego systemu urzędników komisarycznych (powoływanych doraźnie, na konkretną sprawę, na określony czas), społeczność szlachecka systematycznie ograniczała prawa królewskie, pozbawiając monarchę uprawnienia do powoływania takich urzędników, z wyjątkiem przypadków dopuszczonych w ustawie.
Przedmiotem artykułu jest analiza pieczęci królewicza Kazimierza Kazimierzowica Jagiellończyka z okresu jego starań o koronę węgierską w latach 1471–1472. Po zaprezentowaniu źródła autor dokonuje interpretacji jego programu ideowo-politycznego w kontekście rywalizacji habsbursko-korwińsko-jagiellońskiej w trzeciej ćwierci XV w.
The article deals with the seal of Prince Casimir Jagiellon (the second son of King Casimir IV) from the period of his claims to the Hungarian Crown in 1471–1472. After presenting the source material, the author interprets his ideological and political programme in the context of the rivalry between the Jagiellons, Habsburgs and Corvinus in the third quarter of the fifteenth century.
The article presents the dynastic policy of the Jagiellonians towards the Kingdom of Bohemia. I show Jan Długosz's attitude towards the assumption of the Czech throne by the Jagiellons, offered by the Hussite legation. It illustrates the perception of the ruler and his surroundings of the events related to the Hussite revolution in the Czech Kingdom.
Artykuł przedstawia politykę dynastyczną Jagiellonów, ukierunkowaną w stronę Królestwa Czech. Ukazuje stosunek Jana Długosza do objęcia przez Jagiellonów tronu czeskiego, oferowanego przez poselstwo husyckie. Obrazuje postrzeganie władcy oraz jego otoczenia wydarzeń związanych z rewolucją husycką w Królestwie Czeskim.
The article discusses a list of sixteen books making a part of the post-mortem inventory of Wawrzyniec Jelitowski’s possessions. Jelitowski was Dispenser at the court of Queen Barbara Radziwiłł. He died in 1551, and soon after his death, the inventory was inserted into the records of Cracow Justice. Sixteenth-century registers of noble owners’ property are sparse in Poland, and this list of books is one of the oldest such documents known. It confirms the widespread interest in Reformation literature at the royal court and its long-lasting disregard for the King’s edicts that forbade the purchasing and circulation of Lutheran prints.
Artykuł przedstawia spis szesnastu książek będący częścią pośmiertnego inwentarza rzeczy Wawrzyńca Jelitowskiego, zmarłego w 1551 r. szafarza dworu królowej Barbary Radziwiłłówny. Ingrosowany do akt wójta Krakowa inwentarz jest jednym z nielicznych takich szesnastowiecznych rejestrów przybliżających zainteresowania czytelnicze szlachcica. Jest też jednym z najstarszych szlacheckich spisów książek. Księgozbiór ten potwierdza szerokie zainteresowanie literaturą reformacyjną w ówczesnych kręgach dworskich oraz ignorowanie przez ówczesne elity królestwa zakazów zakupu oraz udostępniania luterańskich druków.
The article examines one of the so-called “Jagiellonian fi nishing rolls”, which were used in decorating by an anonymous bookbinder (or bookbinders) from Poznań from around 1547 until 1560s. The roll shows 5 carefully designed medallions with busts of a pope and some European rulers (Paul III, Sigismund the Old, Sigismund Augustus, Charles V and Ferdinand I) as well as an arabesque ornament. Today we know 22 bindings with such decorations, kept in libraries in Poland, Russia and Germany. The author of the article formulates some hypotheses concerning the time the roll was made as well as its maker and the person who may have commissioned it. He explores the tradition of making such fi nishing rolls in Europe. The characteristic composition and selection of motifs on the Poznań tool are presented against the background of model graphics showing “galleries” of portraits of European rules (they were made by e.g. Virgil Solis or Augustin Hirschvogel). The author describes the complex relations between the Habsburgs and the Jagiellons as well as the role of the papacy in these relations. This is necessary to establish the ideological and political basis of the iconographic concept of the roll. In addition, the author analyses the iconographic models of the portraits presented on the medallions. He indicates their originals among graphic works, paintings as well as numismatic works (coins and medals).
Artykuł prezentuje jedno z tzw. „radełek jagiellońskich”, które stosował w dekoracji opraw anonimowy poznański introligator (lub introligatorzy) od około 1547 r. do lat 60. XVI w. Radełko ukazuje 5 starannie opracowanych medalionów z popiersiami papieża i władców europejskich (Paweł III, Zygmunt Stary, Zygmunt August, Karol V i Ferdynand I) oraz ornament arabeskowy. Obecnie znane są 22 oprawy z taką dekoracją, przechowywane w bibliotekach Polski, Rosji i Niemiec. W artykule postawiono hipotezy dotyczące czasu powstania radełka oraz jego wykonawcy i potencjalnego zleceniodawcy. Przedstawiono tradycję tworzenia radełek tego typu w skali europejskiej. Charakterystyczna kompozycja i dobór motywów na poznańskim narzędziu przedstawione zostały na tle grafiki wzornikowej prezentującej „galerie” portretów władców europejskich (tworzyli je np. Virgil Solis, Augustin Hirschvogel). Opisano skomplikowane relacje między Habsburgami a Jagiellonami, a także rolę, jaką w nich odgrywało papiestwo. Było to niezbędne dla określenia podłoża ideowego i politycznego, na jakim stworzono koncepcję ikonograficzną radełka. Przeanalizowano również wzorce ikonograficzne portretów przedstawionych w medalionach. Wskazano ich pierwowzory wśród dzieł grafiki, malarstwa, a także numizmatyki (monety i medale).
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