Ratzinger shows a deep appreciation for Saint Augustine, the one among the Church Fathers who is known for his work on the interior, emotional world of man’s experience. He draws on the reflections of the renown 20th century psychologist Albert Görres and cites the works of C.G. Jung. By defending the truth about the creation, Ratzinger defends the meaning of the human psyche. Combining both psychological and theological research, he turns the reader’s direction to the reality of human sin and guilt, emphasizing the healing power of faith, prayer and the sacraments. Ratzinger also expresses his concern for people with mental disabilities, who he views as the privileged children of the Creator. He encourages mental hygiene and stresses how, when treated as a priority, the sacrament can have a positive infl uence on the mental well being of any person. He stresses the specifi cs of theology, which cannot be reduced to a science. Above all, the author emphasizes the truth about Christ, who brings salvation to humankind. Salvation cannot be attained through psychological means, without God, who is identified as the construction point of human existence.
J. Ratzinger/Benedykt XVI has tackled a very important, albeit seldom raised in Catholic theology, problem of hope as Christian reality. Hope is for him not only the habitus, as even for St Thomas Aquinas it is, but also a Christian's existential beingness: hypostasis. It is a real reference of a human person's being and life to the living God and to Jesus Christ. This relation already starts in his earthly life in the form of “embryo”, or “leaven”, but it transgresses the life and is fulfilled in its eternal life, leading all human history to the aim, and it gives it a personalistic character. It shows that history without this great hope is devoid of any meaning. Earthly everyday hopes are a vanity or they are meaningless compared with that great hope. However, in this last sentence – I think – also a certain value of earthly hopes should be appreciated.
Joseph Ratzinger/Benedykt XVI podjął bardzo ważny, mało dotąd poruszany w teologii katolickiej, problem nadziei jako rzeczywistości chrześcijańskiej. Nadzieja stanowi dla Niego nie tylko habitus, jak dla św. Tomasza z Akwinu, ale także egzystencjalną bytowość chrześcijanina: hipostazę. Jest to realne odniesienie bytu oraz życia osoby ludzkiej i społeczności do Boga żywego i do Jezusa Chrystusa. Zaczyna się już w doczesności w postaci „zarodka”, „zaczynu”, ale wykracza poza nią i spełnia się w życiu wiecznym, prowadząc całe dzieje ludzkie do celu i nadaje im charakter personalistyczny. Ukazuje, że dzieje bez tej wielkiej nadziei są pozbawione jakiegokolwiek sensu. Codzienne nadzieje ziemskie są wobec nadziei wielkiej marnością lub nic nie znaczą. Jednak w tym ostatnim aspekcie należałoby docenić pewną wartość i nadziei ziemskich.
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