W wielu krajach Europy muzułmanie żyją od pokoleń, w innych emigracja muzułmańska to stosunkowo nowe zjawisko. W europejskiej debacie publicznej wciąż podejmuje się zagadnienia integracji i problem nieprzystawalności wartości muzułmańskich i europejskich. Jednak muzułmanie stali się już integralną częścią religijnego pejzażu Europy, a ich twórczość artystyczna wpisała się na stałe w kulturę europejską. Szczególnie ważne w tym kontekście jest ustalenie czy i na ile działalność artystyczna odzwierciedla złożony charakter mniejszości muzułmańskich w Europie, jakim potrzebom twórców i odbiorców odpowiada. Odpowiedzi na te pytania pozwolą nakreślić obraz powstającej, nowej tożsamości kulturowej europejskich muzułmanów.
In many European countries Muslims have lived for generations, in others Muslim immigration is a relatively new phenomenon. In the European public debate the issues related to the integration problems of Muslim immigrants as well as disputes over incompatibility between Islamic and European values are repeatedly raised. In reality, however, Muslims have become a permanent element of the European religious landscape. Muslim presence is reflected in the development of Islamic and ethnic culture. It is important and interesting to ask what is the exact nature of the artistic works, what are the underlying needs that prompt its creation, and if the complex character of Muslim minority in Europe is reflected in the artistic pursuits. Answering these questions will contribute to the understanding of the establishment of new cultural identity of European Muslims.
The European Union, in particular the richest countries, are experiencing a large influx of immigrants from developing countries. This raises concerns about taking jobs or draining the social security system. The biggest fear, of undermining European identity, comes from immigrants from Muslim countries. The main ground of these fears are demographic factors. This article attempts to answer the question of how many immigrants to Europe can be expected from Muslim countries? Can we talk about the ‘flood’ of Islam to Europe? Is it true to say that Muslims have so many children compared to non-Muslims that they are a demographic threat first, and next a political threat to Europe? The article consists of three parts: the first shows the development of Islam in the last century compared to other world religions. The second part concentrates on the religious diversity of the world’s population in the coming decades. The third part, entitled: Immigrants from Muslim countries in the EU, analyzes the influx of Muslims into Europe, fertility rates of Muslims in Europe compared with non-Muslims’ fertility and the age structure of the Muslim population in the EU.
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