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Pomimo, że Państwo Islamskie jest obecnie jednym z największym zagrożeń dla bezpieczeństwa międzynarodowego, to próby utworzenia quasi-państw przez dżihadystów, które można określić mianem "państw dżihadystycznych", nie są nowym zjawiskiem. Na przestrzeni lat powstało wiele islamskich emiratów, państw islamskich i kalifatów, w tym Islamski Emirat Afganistanu czy Islamski Emirat Somalii. Celem artykułu jest określenie w jaki sposób struktury "państw dżihadystycznych" są w stanie dokonywać ekspansji, a także jakie są prognozy ich funkcjonowania w środowisku międzynarodowym. Artykuł opiera się zarówno na istniejących strukturach, jak i tych, które uległy dezintegracji, stworzonych przez Asz-Szabab, Boko Haram, Talibów oraz Państwo Islamskie. Współczesne środowisko międzynarodowe tworzy odpowiednie warunki nie tylko dla proliferacji ideologii dżihadyzmu, o czym świadczą liczne ataki terrorystyczne, ale także to do budowy quasi-państw. Wydaje się, że struktury formowane przez dżihadystów są coraz bardziej skoncentrowane na rozwoju administracji na okupowanych terytoriach. Jednakże istnieje szereg ograniczeń, uniemożliwiających długofalowe funkcjonowanie "państw dżihadystycznych", dlatego żadne z dotychczas utworzonych nie przetrwało próby czasu.(abstrakt oryginalny)
Although the Islamic State is now one of the main threats to international security, the jihadists' attempts to create quasi-states, which can be called "jihad-states" are not a new phenomenon. Over the years, a number of Islamic emirates, Islamic states and caliphates have been created, including Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, or Islamic Emirate of Somalia. The article aims to determine how the structure of "jihadi-states" are able to carry out the expansion, and what are the forecasts of their operational capabilities in the international environment. The article is based both on existing structures, and those that disintegrated, created by Al-Shabaab, Boko Haram, Taliban and Islamic State. Contemporary international environment creates the right conditions for the proliferation of, not only the jihadism ideology, as evidenced by numerous terrorist attacks, but also for the construction of a quasi-states. It seems that the structures formed by the jihadists are increasingly focused on the administration development in the occupied territories. However, there are a number of limitations that prevent the long-term functioning of "jihadi-states" because none of the previously created survived the test of time.(original abstract)
Celem artykułu jest udzielenie odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy równość płci rzeczywiście stanowi jedną z "wartości leżących u podstaw Konwencji" w świetle art. 17 EKPC. Zbadanie tej kwestii wymaga wzięcia pod uwagę zmienności paradygmatu demokracji walczącej. Autorka stawia hipotezę, że pomimo formalnych deklaracji Europejskiego Trybunału Praw Człowieka (ETPC), równość płci, sama w sobie, nie uzasadnia stosowania art. 17 EKPC. Ponadto, ze względu na szkodliwy wpływ art. 17 EKPC na zasadę praworządności, przepis ten nie powinien być stosowany do ochrony równości płci. Artykuł opiera się na analizie orzecznictwa ETPC dotyczącego stosowania art. 17 Konwencji.(abstrakt oryginalny)
The main aim of this article is to answer the question whether gender equality actually constitutes one of the "underlying values of the ECHR" through the lens of Article 17 ECHR. Examining this issue requires taking into account the changing paradigm of militant democracy. The hypothesis posed by the author is that, despite the formal declarations of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR), gender equality does not alone justify the application of abuse clause. Moreover, this research claims that, due to its adverse impact on the rule of law principle, Article 17 ECHR is not an appropriate remedy to protect gender equality. The research relies on the analysis of the relevant ECtHR's rulings on Article 17 ECHR.(original abstract)
Content available remote Ubóstwo w perspektywie islamu - wybrane zagadnienia
Społeczno-ekonomiczna wielowymiarowość ubóstwa przejawia się w zróżnicowaniu opisu oraz interpretacji jego treści i cech. Celem artykułu jest prezentacja muzułmańskiego spojrzenia na istotę ubóstwa, będącego jednym ze sposobów postrzegania tego zjawiska. Treść artykułu, oparta na analizie literatury tematu oraz badaniach własnych nad wybranymi problemami ekonomii islamu, skupia się na dwóch zagadnieniach: charakterystyce funkcjonujących w przestrzeni naukowej podejść właściwych dla interpretacji ubóstwa oraz prezentacji spojrzenia na ten stan z perspektywy religijnej i społeczno-ekonomicznej doktryny islamu. Tezą opracowania stało się stwierdzenie, iż historyczna ciągłość oraz powszechność występowania ubóstwa nie mogą być przyjmowane jako czynniki przesądzające o uniwersalności jego postrzegania i interpretacji.(abstrakt oryginalny)
Socio-economic multidimensionality of poverty is manifested e.g. in the diversification of the description and interpretation of its content and characteristics. The purpose of the article is to present Muslim approach to the essence of poverty as one of the ways for this phenomenon perception. The content of the article, based on the subject literature review and the author's own studies, covering the selected economic problems of Islam, is focused on two issues, i.e. the characteristics of approaches functioning in the scientific space, adequate for the interpretation of poverty and the presentation of this status perception from a religious perspective, and the socio-economic doctrine of Islam. The statement that the historical continuity and the general prevalence of poverty cannot be accepted as the decisive factors of its perception and interpretation universality has become the primary thesis of the study.(original abstract)
Content available remote Hodża Nasreddin - antybohater w służbie kultury
Niniejszy artykuł ma charakter badawczy, jego celem jest przedstawienie ustnej tradycji anegdotycznej, żywej zarówno w Azji, jak i na Bliskim Wschodzie, która skupia się wokół postaci mądrego głupca. Występuje on w różnych trawestacjach o imieniu Hodża Nasreddin i łączy ludowe poczucie humoru z autoironiczną krytyką społeczną. Po rozpoznaniu specyficznych warunków społeczno-kulturowych, zmiany trybu życia z koczowniczego na osiadły i trudności adaptacyjnych tego procesu, przedstawiono zasięg ich oddziaływania i specyfikę w zależności od lokalnych tendencji. Następnie, po zarysowaniu studium postaci bliskowschodniego żartownisia pod kątem antropologicznym i turkologicznym, przywołane zostały analogiczne postacie bohaterów plebejskich i antybohaterów z kultury anatolijskiej. Jako przedstawiciel tradycji zachodnioeuropejskiej dla celów porównawczych przedstawiony został Dyl Sowizdrzał (niem. Till Eulenspiegel, ang. Owlglass). W pracy wykorzystano przykłady anegdot Hodży Nasreddina, towarzyszące po dziś dzień codziennemu życiu na Bliskim Wschodzie. W studium przypadku wykorzystano prace tureckich folklorystów i antropologów jak Ilhan Başgöz i Mary Douglas. (abstrakt oryginalny)
The article is of the research nature; its aim is to present the spoken anecdotal tradition, vivid both in Asia and in the Middle East, which focuses around the figure of a wise fool. He appears in various travesties under the name of Hodja Nasreddin and combines the folk sense of humour with a selfironic social criticism. Having recognised the specific sociocultural conditions, the change of the lifestyle from the nomadic to the settled one, and the adaptive difficulties of this process, the author presented the scope of their impact and the specificity depending on the local tendencies. Next, having outlined the study of the figure of the Middle East joker from the anthropological and turkological angle, she the referred to similar figures of plebeian heroes and anti-heroes from the Anatolian culture. As the representative of the West European tradition, for the comparative purposes, there is presented Dyl Sowizdrzał (Germ. Till Eulenspiegel, Eng. Owlglass). In her study, the author used examples of the Hodja Nasreddin's anecdotes, accompanying to this day the everyday life in the Middle East. In the case study, there were used works of Turkish folklorists and anthropologists such as Ilhan Başgöz and Mary Douglas. (original abstract)
Poznawczo-analitycznym celem opracowania jest prezentacja natury pobożnych donacji/fundacji (awakf) w procesie ograniczania przyczyn i konsekwencji ubóstwa w świecie islamu. Tezą artykułu jest twierdzenie, że wielowymiarowość cech wakf wypływa z istoty tego instrumentu oraz zróżnicowanych efektów jego wykorzystania, odnoszonych do sfery sacrum i profanum życia ubogich oraz donatorów. Do rozwiązania problemu badawczego wykorzystano dwa rodzaje czynności badawczych: opis (metoda deskryptywna) i wyjaśnianie, oparte na dedukcji jako metodzie wnioskowania logicznego. W wyniku przeprowadzonych badań pozytywnie zweryfikowano postawioną tezę, stwierdzając, że cechy przypisywane pobożnej donacji, rozpatrywane przez pryzmat efektów jej wykorzystania stają się funkcją uwarunkowań właściwych dla kulturowej (religijnej), instytucjonalnej i społeczno-ekonomicznej przestrzeń islamu(abstrakt oryginalny)
The cognitive-analytical purpose of the study is to present the nature of religionoriented donations/foundations (Awaqf) in the process of reducing the causes and consequences of poverty in the Islamic world. The author assumes that the multidimensionality of Waqf characteristics stems from the essence of this instrument and the diversified effects of its application, referring to the sphere of sacrum and profanum of an individual's life, experiencing the state of poverty and actively counteracting it. Two types of research activities were used: description (descriptive method) and explanation, based on deduction as a logical inference method. As a result of the research the put forward thesis was positively verified, which allowed concluding that the characteristics attributed to a religion oriented donation, analysed through e.g. the prism of its application effects, become the function of determinants specific for the cultural (religious), institutional and socio-economic space of Islam(original abstract)
The aim of the present study was to examine the impact of jihadi camps on the identity formation of teenagers in Iran. Seventy-six campers participated in the study and were randomly divided into control (n = 42) and experimental groups (n =34). The control group does not follow the camp's regular program while the experimental group attended to the camp's regular program. All participants completed the Dellas Identity Status Inventory (DISI) (Dellas and Jernigan, 1987); this questionnaire consists of two subscales of achiever: commitment and exploration. The results revealed statistically significant differences on the experimental and nonexperimental group, in two specific attitude subscales. These findings imply that participation in this particular camp can have a positive influence on teenagers' professional Identity. (original abstract)
Tłumacze, dzięki posiadanym kompetencjom społecznym i kulturowym, potrafią scharakteryzować relację funkcjonariuszy służb mundurowych z osobami wyznania muzułmańskiego i wskazać słabości tej relacji. Celem autorów artykułu jest zatem omówienie roli tłumaczy jako mediatorów kulturowych w relacjach funkcjonariuszy Policji i Straży Granicznej z muzułmanami. Badanie zrealizowano z wykorzystaniem metody jakościowej - indywidualnego wywiadu częściowo ustrukturyzowanego z sześcioma tłumaczami. W artykule zawarto odpowiedzi na następujące pytania badawcze: Jakie role odgrywają tłumacze jako (między)kulturowi mediatorzy? Jakie dodatkowe zadania wykonują? Jakie są doświadczenia tłumaczy w asystowaniu funkcjonariuszom Policji i Straży Granicznej w kontaktach z muzułmanami? Jaki jest wpływ nastrojów anty****muzułmańskich i postaw funkcjonariuszy wobec islamu na te kontakty z perspektywy respondentów?(abstrakt oryginalny)
Translators' and interpreters' social and cultural competences allow them to discuss encounters between law enforcement officers and Muslims and point out the weaknesses in these relations. The aim of the article is to explore the role of interpreters and translators as (inter)cultural mediators in Police/Border Guards' encounters with Muslims. The study used qualitative methodology and semi-structured individual interviewing with six translators/interpreters to derive answers to the following research questions: What roles do interpreters and translators play as (inter)cultural mediators? What additional tasks do they perform? What is the experience of the interpreters and the translators with assisting the Police and the Border Guard officers during interactions with the Muslim population? What is the impact of the anti-Muslim sentiment and officers' attitudes towards Islam on these contacts from the perspective of the responders?(original abstract)
After the words of the Holy Quran and Prophet Muhammad's tradition, the words of Imam Ali have in their own right bestowed upon mankind the finest and the most valuable social, political, and religious wisdom. Ever since a millennium when Sharif ar-Razi compiled Nahj al- Balagha using his unique and meticulous selection of Imam Ali's speeches, letters, aphorisms, this invaluable book has deeply influenced many figures and luminaries among both Shia and Sunni Muslims and non-Muslims, all of whom have embraced and appraised it. In this article, the researchers look into the remarks of twenty one non-Muslim figures on the worth and merits of Nahj al-Balagha. Most of these Christian figures are contemporary Arab poets and thinkers: such individuals as Khalil Farahat, Rocks Bin Zayed Al Uzaizi, Joseph Hashim, and Nasri Salhab to name just a few; however, some orientalists and western thinkers are worth mentioning such as Nursisian and Henry Corbin. (original abstract)
Zachodzące w świecie muzułmańskim przemiany umożliwiły powstawanie specyficznych - charakterystycznych dla świata muzułmańskiego - usług finansowych. Ich częścią są także ubezpieczenia na życie, które w świecie muzułmańskim przyjęły postać family takaful. Brak jednej interpretacji doktryny religijnej i fakt, że muzułmanie wyznają wiarę w różnym stopniu spowodował, że rynek ubezpieczeń na życie krajów muzułmańskich jest bardzo zróżnicowany. W ujęciu organizacyjnym praktykowane są różne modele "family takaful" (od takich, które nie są nastawione na zysk po takie, które zbliżone są do konwencjonalnych ubezpieczeń). W ujęciu wartościowym "family takaful" w jednych krajach stanowią znaczny udział w PKB, a w innych tego typu ubezpieczenia nie występują w ogóle. W ujęciu przedmiotowym w jednych krajach dominują proste ubezpieczenia na życie, a w innych rozwinięte produkty ochronno-oszczędnościowe. Ubezpieczenia prowadzone przez "family takaful" "współistnieją" z konwencjonalnymi ubezpieczeniami, przez co obie formy są dla siebie konkurencją, jednak współistnienie to przynosi obu stronom także szereg korzyści. Wschodzące muzułmańskie ubezpieczenia na życie korzystają z doświadczenia, know how, kapitału oraz poznanych już mechanizmów i reguł rządzących się rozwojem ubezpieczeń. Świat zachodni zyskuje na innowacyjności i możliwości zagospodarowania nowych rynków zbytu. Konstrukcja ubezpieczeń "przyjaznych wyznawcom islamu" powoduje, że dzięki swoim cechom i zaletom są w stanie po zyskiwać klientów na całym świecie, niezależnie od ich wiary.(abstrakt oryginalny)
The changes taking place in the Muslim world have enabled creation of specific financial services, typical of the Muslim world. Life insurance, which in the Muslim world has taken the form of "family takaful", is also a part of them. The lack of one interpretation of the religious doctrine and the fact that Muslims follow religious principles to a different extent have resulted in a situation in which the life insurance market of Muslim countries is very diverse. In terms of organisational aspects, various models of family takaful are practised (from those which are not profit-oriented to those which are similar to conventional insurance). In terms of value, family takaful account for a significant part of GDP in some countries, whereas in other countries they do not exist at all. In terms of types, what dominates in some countries is simple life insurance, whereas in others it is complex protection and savings products. Insurance offered by family takaful "coexists" with conventional insurance, as a result of which both forms compete with each other, but this coexistence also brings them numerous benefits. The new Muslim life insurance uses the experience, know-how, capital and well-known mechanisms and rules which regulate development of insurance. The western world gains innovativeness and possibilities of entering new markets. The construction of "Muslim-friendly" insurance, thanks to its features and advantages, enables acquiring clients all over the world, irrespective of their creed.(original abstract)
Content available Obraz islamu w polskim czasopiśmiennictwie misyjnym
Nurt SVD
nr 1
W opracowaniu Obraz islamu w polskim czasopiśmiennictwie misyjnym badaniom poddano polskie, katolickie czasopiśmiennictwo misyjne po II wojnie światowej (zawarte w nich zagadnienia dotyczące islamu). Najpierw prawie 30 czasopism podzielono na podgrupy badawcze: 1) niskonakładowe popularne czasopisma misyjne; 2) wysokonakładowe popularne czasopisma misyjne; 3) popularnonaukowe czasopisma misyjne; 4) naukowe czasopisma misyjne. Następnie z wykorzystaniem metody historycznej analizy prasowej przeanalizowano zawarte w nich artykuły dotyczące islamu. Efektem badań była próba przedstawienia uogólnionych wniosków. W popularyzujących czasopismach misyjnych niewiele jest artykułów dotyczących islamu. W artykułach misjograficznych islam przedstawiany bywa negatywnie jako prześladowca chrześcijan. W artykułach popularnonaukowych są zarówno monografie, studia porównawcze międzyreligijne, artykuły dotyczące dialogu międzyreligijnego, jak i opracowania misjograficzne. Obraz islamu na łamach tych czasopism jest bardziej neutralny. Najbardziej obiektywny obraz islamu ukazują czasopisma naukowe.
The essay presents an overview of the articles about Islam published in Polish missionary magazines since the end of the Second World War. There are nearly thirty missionary magazines, which can be divided into four categories: 1) low-circulation for general public; 2) high-circulation for general public; 3) popular science; 4) academic. The method of historical analysis leads to the following, general conclusions: Magazines targeted at general public treat Islam in a rather cursory manner. Their missiographics usually perceive it in a negative way, as a persecutor of Christianity. Popular science magazines tend to espouse more neutral beliefs. They publish monographs, comparative essays, articles about interreligious dialogue and missiographic essays. The most objective image of Islam can be found in academic publications.
Islam tworzy system, który obejmuje i ingeruje we wszystkie aspekty życia jednostki i społeczeństwa. Krytyczna analiza literatury tematu posłużyła zbadaniu, czy - i w jakim zakresie - idee i prawo islamu odnoszą się do wartości leżących u podstaw zrównoważonego rozwoju. Stwierdzono, że islam nakazuje dążenie do harmonii w aspekcie społecznym, gospodarczym i środowiskowym. Silna motywacja religijna i ideologiczna sprzyja osiągnięciu stanu właściwie zrównoważonego społeczeństwa muzułmańskiego. Czynniki natury prawnej, ekonomicznej i środowiskowej powodują jednak, że wspomniana równowaga często nie jest źródłem dynamicznego rozwoju.(abstrakt oryginalny)
This paper looks at sustainable development from an Islamic perspective. The theoretical foundations of the concept of sustainable development in Islam was found in verses of Holy Qur'an. The paper concludes that Islam teaches that humans are the stewards of God on earth and are therefore accountable to God for their deeds and choices. Islam promotes the balanced and simultaneous realization of consumer welfare, economic efficiency, attainment of social justice, and ecological harmony in the framework of objectives of the shari'ah.(original abstract)
Mieszkańcy państw muzułmańskich, którzy nie mogli uczestniczyć w funkcjonowaniu rynku finansowego na zasadach oferowanych przez banki zachodnie, w połowie XX wieku rozpoczęli proces tworzenia własnego systemu finansów, zgodnego z ich wierzeniami. Przełomowym okresem były lata 70. XX wieku, które dla państw eksportujących ropę naftową, czyli wielu państw arabskich, oznaczały zwielokrotnienie zysków z tego tytułu. Specyficzne zasady rządzące islamskimi finansami, kreują zupełnie odmienne od znanych nam mechanizmy oraz instrumenty. Dzięki swej wyjątkowości, przyciągają coraz większe rzesze inwestorów z krajów niemuzułmańskich. (abstrakt oryginalny)
In the mid-twentieth century the citizens of the Muslim countries, who could not participate in the western financial market, began to create their own financial system in accordance with their religion. The period of the 70ties was crucial, as the increase of oil prices meant multiplying revenues for oil exporting countries. The specific rules of Islamic finance system create completely different financial mechanisms and instruments. Thanks to its uniqueness, the Islamic financial market still encourages more and more investors, also from non-Muslims countries. (original abstract)
India’s political coherence largely depends on New Delhi’s ability to build a system of cross-cultural compromises among various communities. While the Muslim minority has lived and prospered in India for more than one thousand years, its relations with the Hindu majority have not always been harmonious. The partition of India in 1947 became a political reference point for many radical politicians interested in inciting communal conflicts that bring them political gains. Indian Muslims remain an ethnically and ideologically divided community and have not succeeded in setting up one political party in independent India. They are usually represented by regional parties in different states, but in all-India elections they frequently vote en bloc for the Indian National Congress, which is commonly perceived as a secular party opposed to extremist Hindu ideology. The author briefly analyses the history of Indian Muslims, presents the political consequences of the “Two Nations” theory and explains the reasons behind inter-religious clashes in contemporary India, predicting that the position of Indian Muslims will become a subject of fierce political debate in the years to come.
Islam has been an important element legitimising the political power of Malay sultans since its arrival to the Malay Peninsula at the beginning of the 16th century. In late 18th and 19th century it became a crucial factor—alongside the institution of the monarchy and oral tradition (adat)—shaping and preserving the identity of the nation colonised by the Europeans. The 20th century brought the development of Islam conceived also as an ideology of radical dissidents—an ideology of contesting colonial society, racially alien immigrants from China and India, moral corruption prevailing in sultans’ courts and in government circles. The increasing openness of Malays to the world has contributed to a progressive breakdown of Islam into two hostile streams.
Islam as a religious term is quite unclear when we talk about its principles in Western Africa. This region is a specific example of overlapping influences, religions, cultures and ideas. Potentially, in the context of New York 2001 dramatic events, 'Africa should answer' as S. Huntington describes it in his famous work. African presence was completely surprising, when it showed its own way of treating Osama Bin-Laden and the Fundamentalist theory. Mixture of influences for ages gave this part of continent a special kind of tolerance and „ecumenical" co-existence of cultures and religions. In such conditions, Black Muslim, self-created by the natural fitting and the dialog with the local tradition, worked out its own rules and religious standards. The article tries to describe the designates of common Muslim behaviors in the context of contemporary African everyday life. As the support, the author uses the rules of five pillars of Islam: Shahada (Profession of Faith), Salat (prayers), Zakat (Giving of Alms), Sawm (Fasting during Ramadan) and Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca). These five practices are essential to Sunni Islam which is the base of Black Muslim. The result of the reflection is the statement of diversity and heterogeneity of the African Islam. Islam's rules, principles and duties were confronted with the power of traditional religions and cultures and this confrontation gave the African Islam a new face - totally inhomogeneous and full of local, specific solutions. While considering the character of Black Islam one should speak about its duality found between "bush" and "scholar" versions. Scientists talk about the exceptional, autonomic character of religious activities. The sources of observations and opinions are confirmed by the interviews collected during the scientific expeditions organized by Municipal Museum in Żory, where the author works.
India’s political coherence largely depends on New Delhi’s ability to build a system of cross-cultural compromises among various communities. While the Muslim minority has lived and prospered in India for more than one thousand years, its relations with the Hindu majority have not always been harmonious. The partition of India in 1947 became a political reference point for many radical politicians interested in inciting communal conflicts that bring them political gains. Indian Muslims remain an ethnically and ideologically divided community and have not succeeded in setting up one political party in independent India. They are usually represented by regional parties in different states, but in all-India elections they frequently vote en bloc for the Indian National Congress, which is commonly perceived as a secular party opposed to extremist Hindu ideology. The author briefly analyses the history of Indian Muslims, presents the political consequences of the “Two Nations” theory and explains the reasons behind inter-religious clashes in contemporary India, predicting that the position of Indian Muslims will become a subject of fierce political debate in the years to come.
In contemporary Republic of South Africa (RSA) religion plays very important role for citizens. Christianity is predominantly religion (about 75-80 per cent) but Islam is regarded as the fastest and the most expanding religion. The official figures of about 650.000 Muslims are neglected and it is estimated that Muslim community is estimated for two million. The number of converts especially among Africans are growing rapidly. Most of contemporary Muslims in the RSA are descendents of Malays and Asians. The socio-political and economic transition since 1994 seriously impacted the community in negative sense (unemployment, high crime rate, homeless, poverty etc.) but also gave incentive to "turning to the core" of Islam. Muslim organizations protested against abortion, prostitution and pornography and developed their own institutions. Contemporary Muslim community in the RSA is very well organized. They posses a network of hundreds of religion, social and political institutions. With foreign aid new mosques are built or old churches and synagogues are adopted to new faith. They have their own schools, theological institutes, mass media (press, radio, television, Internet), insurance companies and banks. The community is becoming an intellectual center of Muslim world. In political sphere, the Muslim community is not so active. Some Muslim political parties contested in the election on parliamentary, provincial and local levels but with no significant results (except participation of Africa Muslim Party in an election to the Cape Metropolitan Council). Since 1994 in every South African government persons from Muslim community, sometimes without link to faith, participated. Muslims are members of the Parliament and provincial and local governments. In the 90's particular activity showed radical Muslim organizations, some of them even denied the democratic elected authority or called for armed Islamic Revolution and carried out bomb attacks (e.g. PAGAD Fundamentalists did not gain support from the Muslim community). Unquestionable majority of Muslims in the RSA respect highly the values of democracy which gave them possibility to develop religion life of the community.
Content available Islam i inne religie w Czadzie
Chad is a country located on the border of the three great religions of the world - Islam, Christianity and traditional religions, also known as the animism. All of them have played some significant role in the history of that country, firstly involved in the beginnings of the empires of Sahel, notorious process of slave raids, subsequently associated with colonization and growing European interests in Africa, the 20th century's civil war and finally connected to the vanguard of the „war on terror". The article presents the history of the three religions in Chad and their influence on politics and society. For several hundred years Islamic domination over the followers of the other religions has caused frictions and contention. The religious differences have indirectly been responsible for the 25-year long conflict, followed by thousands of casualties. In the final part of the article the author depicts the contemporary state of inter-religious affairs and attitude of the government towards the religious issues. Due to some joint attempts of the government of Chad and international society, the religious differences and flashpoints are believed not to pose such a threat to peace and stability as it had been before. Despite of its unfortunate location in the „clash of civilization" region, Chad may set a good example that the peaceful co-existence of Islam and Christianity is possible.
„Der Spiegel" is one of the most influential weekly magazines of German spoken countries. It has an edition of over one million copies. About seven million people read it weekly, while the Internet edition of „Der Spiegel" („Spiegel Online") is visited over 60 million times a month. Articles, which are published in „Der Spiegel", concern different issues of the modern society: policy, economy, science, culture and religion. The following article is a reference to the situation of Islam in the modern Africa in the light of publications from „Der Spiegel" which were published from 2000 to 2003. It is a conscious choice. The event of the 11th September 2001 makes here some kind of a time axis. The Spiegel journalists, who write on Africa, concentrate mainly on political, economic and social questions while the religious reality of the African Islam they consider superficial. It is worth mentioning, that the African Islam is not presented in the white-black way. They show the present situation in Africa under the influence of different factors among which the tribal (clan) structure is one of the most important. The western society often underestimates this social situation in Africa.
Content available Islam wobec ludów refugialnych W Afryce Zachodniej
The process of globalization and its outcome, has an impact on indigenous culture in different aspects. One of this is, close contacts with the world wide great religions of Christianity and Islam. Christianity which sometimes functions within the system of inculturation tried to adapt more native elements of culture for interpretation of religion as well as its doctrine; on the contrary the concept of Islam is the opposite. Islam in Africa appears to be the indigenous religion, easy to understand its contents and adapt it. The case of adaptation of Islam is very high. This religion has a great distractive influence on the indigenous African culture and tradition. In my opinion, cultivation of cultural model of refugee is the question of conscious choice and not sudden circumstances. I think, mostly the refugee community tried to protect their culture and mainly escape from the invasion Islam; on the other hand, concerning the work of missionaries in relation to refugees, previously it was only limited to contacts with hunters of slave traders. The hypothesis is that, people with strong personality and culture, based on deep roots of history and tradition protected their land from infiltration of Islam for a long time. These people are the refugee people. Islam among the peoples of refugee people has always been thought as the element of alien, difficult to adapt even today, most of them still defend the full infiltration of this religion.
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