This 7th volume of International Journal of Pedagogy, Innovation and New Technologies, contains 12 papers focused on a number of educational, technological and sociological themes. In this issue, the authors represent universities (in alphabetical order) from Egypt, Germany, Hungary, India, Poland and Ukraine.
Dear readers and contributors, I am delighted to share with you results of the competition announced under the program "Support for scientific journals" by the Minister of Science and Higher Education. “International Journal of Pedagogy, Innovation and New Technologies” reached the list of 500 best journals in the country. Since its first issue almost six years ago our “International Journal of Pedagogy, Innovation and New Technologies” progressed into a recognizable and competitive academic publication in the field of pedagogy and innovation. I am especially proud that our journal developed into a tight-knit community of aspiring researchers who value the power of quality writing. This development would not eventuate without our highly committed staff and contributors from Warsaw, Poland and Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine. I am beholden to all for their support, dedication and contribution. I sincerely thank you all for your effort. Looking at this year’s submissions, I am proud to see the various authors and research that we have been honoured to exhibit. We are thrilled to see fresh perspectives on scientific research that our organization promotes. In our 10th edition, we feature 12 international manuscripts, commencing with the article “The Motivational role of intuitive lawin the views of Leon Petrażycki” by Professor Anna Drabarek, 2019. The article concentrates on a controversy arisen around the view expressed by Leon Petrażycki proposing a division into intuitive and positive law. A special attention is given to two articles presented in our journal. “Identifying and overcoming barriers to gender equality in Tanzanian schools: Educators’ reflections” by Associate Professor Shelley Jones. This article reports on an action research study that took place during a one-week professional development course focused on establishing gender equality in primary schools, held in a Teachers’ College in Southern Tanzania. “Threats for adults aged 45+ associated with technological development” by Dr Jakub Jerzy Czarkowski, and Sylwia Strzelec. The article investigates a new phenomenon of a society based on knowledge and new areas posing the danger of social exclusion. I would again like to thank all for their determined and substantial knowledge sharing and look forward to another stimulating year ahead in 2020. Professor Maciej Tanaś Editor-in-Chief
On February 17, 2008 the Assembly of Kosovo adopted the text of unilateral declaration that proclaimed Kosovo as “an independent, sovereign and democratic country” 1. The declaration of independence enacted by Kosovo has instantaneously gained its numerous supporters, as well as opponents. The problem of Kosovo's final status is a crucial issue for the stability on the Balkan Peninsula. Other entities claim that the legitimacy of recognition or nonrecognition pf an independent Kosovar state is motivated, on the one hand, by compliance with international law standards and on the other hand by states’ own individual interests in the international arena.
The article serves as an introduction to the present issue, offering the reader an insight into the Editors' overall concept, as well as an overview of the contents of the issue's "Features" section.
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One of the main tools with which a teacher contributes to the effective education of students is the issue of learning styles. A teacher should not only be able to recognize these learning styles and respect them, but also to effectively influence them. If there occurs a failure to respect the learning styles of individual students as well as of those regarding the teacher's styles of teaching, one may lose original individuals, or thinkers (Mareš, 1998). In this study, attention is not only focused on the possibility that learning styles differ merely in terms of students’ individual attitudes, but also on the opportunities where learning styles may be significantly influenced by the nature of various fields of study. This article aims to present the results of a quasi-experiment which was conducted at the Institute of Business and Technology in České Budejovice during the academic year 2013/2014. The main purpose was to determine and take into account the differences in the learning styles among students of economic and technical study programmes.
The production of plywood from impregnated veneers allows a wood-based product protected in the entire cross-section to be obtained. The conducted research was focused on the properties of veneers impregnated with a mixture of potassium carbonate and urea, such as pH, wettability, colour change and surface roughness. In addition, the properties of plywood produced with melamineureaformaldehyde resin, such as the shear strength and formaldehyde emission, were the subject of research as well. It was found that the impregnated veneers were characterized by an increased pH, increased wettability, a completely different colour and unchanged surface roughness. Moreover, the impregnation of the veneers caused a decrease in the bonding quality of the plywood and a reduction in formaldehyde emissions from the finished product. It can be concluded that the melamineurea-formaldehyde adhesive is more suitable for the production of fire-resistant plywood than the urea-formaldehyde adhesive.
The world has recently experienced the ravages of the COVID-19 epidemic and new, terrible wars. The pandemic and the wars now being waged show us how fragile human life is on our planet. The facts that the COVID-19 virus came originally from one or more animals that are part of the human food chain, and that the viruses themselves are forms of life very different from plants and animals, have altered our perception of our place in the world. Wars fought in this changed biological context have also shown how precarious the balance of power is in what we have come to see as a global humanity. Scholars in the fields of Humanities and Cultural Studies have risen to the occasion by focusing on the cultural effects of biological and war-time violence-related catastrophes. In this issue of RIAS focusing on the Americas and their influence on the world, we look at the implications of pandemics and wars, and human reactions to similar threats in the past, such as the pandemic of the Spanish flu which decimated soldiers during World War I. And once again, literature comes to our rescue in the time of heightened angst, showing us paths of the mind already present in American literature that may nudge us in a better direction. Existential homelessness, Buddhism, and meditation, also appear here as “life matters,” and that in the double sense: they are both matters of life and signals that life, and especially human life, must matter.
Introduction: The paper presents the organization of Introduction section in medical research papers in English in terms of its rhetorical structure and linguistic features. Material and Methods: This structure is analyzed in two groups of Introductions (corpora) written by (1) native speakers of English and (2) non-native speakers of English, that is, Polish authors, with the use of the reference model CARS (Create a Research Space) proposed by Swales (2004). The analysis of linguistic features included grammatical and lexical elements typical of Introduction. Results: The study shows that Introduction section in research papers written by Polish authors differs to varying degrees from the reference model, whereas in Anglo-American papers its structure corresponds to the current standards, required by publishers of prestigious scientifi c journals. Conclusion: The conventional features of Introduction used in Anglo-American academic culture and the requirements of the publishers of science journals oblige the authors to write well-structured and linguistically correct research papers. The presented model can be helpful in writing research papers in English.
Wprowadzenie: niniejsza praca przedstawia strukturę Wstępu w medycznych artykułach naukowych w języku angielskim pod kątem ich organizacji retorycznej i cech lingwistycznych. Materiał i metody: struktura tekstów poddana została analizie w dwóch grupach (korpusach) artykułów: napisanych przez (1) native speakerów języka angielskiego i (2) non-native speakerów, tj. autorów polskich, z zastosowaniem modelu odniesienia CARS (Create a Research Space) proponowanego przez Swalsa (2004). Analiza cech lingwistycznych objęła typowe dla Wstępu elementy gramatyczne i leksykalne. Wyniki: zastosowanie standardowego modelu odniesienia pokazało, iż Wstęp w artykułach napisanych przez polskich autorów odbiega w znacznym stopniu od wzoru podanego we wspomnianym modelu, natomiast w artykułach autorów angloamerykańskich ma on strukturę retoryczną, odpowiadającą obowiązującym standardom, wymaganą przez wydawców prestiżowych pism naukowych. Wnioski: dokonana analiza pozwala stwierdzić, iż skonwencjonalizowane cechy Wstępu obowiązujące w angloamerykańskiej kulturze akademickiej oraz wymogi wydawców czasopism naukowych zmuszają autorów do pisania dobrze przygotowanych pod względem retorycznym i poprawnych językowo artykułów. Przedstawiony model CARS może być bardzo przydatny w pisaniu artykułów naukowych w języku angielskim.
The article is devoted to the textology of the Introductions to every Gospel written by St. Theophylact, Archbishop of Bulgaria, in two early printed Cyrillic tetraevangelions issued in Kiev in 1697 and 1712. All textological variants characteristic only to these two earliest kievian editions that are presented in this publication prove that these four texts, that precede every Gospel book, undergone redaction (especially the first and the fourth).
Artykuł został poświęcony badaniom tekstologicznym Przedmów do Ewangelii autorstwa bł. Teofilakta Bułgarskiego w cyrylickich starych drukach ze Lwowa. Te cztery krótkie teksty, które poprzedzają każdą z Ewangelii, zostały poddane analizie tekstologicznej. Wskazała ona, że tekst wszystkich tetraewangelii ze Lwowa został poddany niewielkiej redakcji, a szczególności ten w wydaniach Michała Ślozki. Podane zostały wszystkie warianty tekstologiczne charakterystyczne dla tetrów lwowskich.
The article is devoted to the textology of the Introductions to the Gospels by St. Theophylact, Archbishop of Bulgaria, in early printed Cyrillic tetraevangelions from Lviv. Th ese four short texts that precede every Gospel book have been analyzed from a textological point of view. It has been proven that all tetraevangelions from Lviv have undergone some editing, in particular in the Gospels published by Michal Slozka. All textological variants that are characteristic to the tetras from Lviv have been enumerated.
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