Eight ichnotaxa and enigmatic tubular forms were discovered and described for the first time from clastic deposits (the Culm facies) of the uppermost part of the Szczawno Formation (upper Mississippian) from in the Piaskowa Góra section in the northern part of the Intra-Sudetic Basin near Wałbrzych. The trace fossils are represented mostly by pascichnia and less numerous domichnia, fodinichnia and repichnia. Psammichnites plummeri and numerous Phycosiphon isp. are the most common ichnotaxa. They are accompanied by Archaeonassa fossulata, Beaconites cf. capronus, Curvolithus multiplex, Dictyodora liebeana, Palaeophycus isp., and Planolites isp. D. liebeana is described for the first time from the lower Serpukhovian. Most components of the ichnoassem-blage are typical of the Cruziana ichnofacies, but the co-occurrence of Dictyodora and Phycosiphon could indicate a transition to deeper environmental settings (the Zoophycos ichnofacies). The lithological features as well as the accompanying trace fossils, wrinkle structures and floral remains of Archaeocalamites indicate rapid sedimentation, alternating with more tranquil periods of sedimentation, in an intermediate environment between the lower offshore (the distal Cruziana ichnofacies) and the fan-delta slope (below the wave base, the Zoophycos ichnofacies). The studied trace fossils and palynological data indicate that marine conditions in the Wałbrzych area in the Mississippian prevailed locally until the early Sepukhovian.
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The Intra-Sudetic Basin, a Variscan intramontane trough in the central Sudetes (NE part of the Bohemian Massif), is filled with Carboniferous, Permian, Triassic, Upper Cretaceous and Cenozoic deposits. The Carboniferous sediments display considerable lateral and vertical facies variation, which reflects intense synsedimentary, tectonic and volcanic activities. The sedimentary material was transported from various directions, and both the pebble lithology and the heavy minerals present are good palaeogeographic indicators of the alimentary areas. This paper presents the results of heavy mineral analyses of the Carboniferous deposits of the Intra-Sudetic Basin and discusses the possible usage of the heavy mineral spectra as palaeogeographic and stratigraphic indicators. Samples representing all the Carboniferous formations were taken along two profiles: between Ciechanowice and Kamienna Góra (profile W), and between Sady Górne and Głuszyca (profile E). The heavy mineral analyses show the variation of the heavy fraction, both in the stratigraphic column and laterally. The Upper Tournaisian sediments display a characteristic heavy mineral assemblage: epidote, biotite, and chlorite - pointing to the Kaczawa Mts as the source area. In the Visean sediments, a clear regional distinction can be seen: in profile W there are no significant differences compared to the older sediments; in profile E - garnet appears as a major component, pointing to possible transport from the Góry Sowie Block. In the Upper Visean, the regional differences disappear, probably as a result of redeposition of the older material. There is an important change in the mineralogy of the heavy fraction in the middle part of the Biały Kamień Formation. A considerable decrease in the garnet and ZRT (zircon+rutile+tourmaline) -mineral content is observed, and minerals formed during diagenesis (e.g. haematite) and/or hydrothermal processes (barite and siderite), become more abundant. The chemical composition of some minerals (especially garnet and chlorite) appears to be very useful for establishing the alimentary areas. The garnets of the Ciechanowice and Lubomin Formations are rich in Grs and resemble the garnets from the contact-metamorphic basic rocks of the Rudawy Janowickie (garnets rich in Sps, typical of HP rocks of the eastern cover of the Karkonosze Pluton, were not found). In the Sady Górne Formation, garnets similar to those from the gneisses and migmatites of the Góry Sowie Block are the most common (a few grains rich in Sps, typical of low-grade metamorphic rocks are also found). The younger deposits display a wide variation of garnet formulae, which indicates various source areas and an important role of resedimentation. The heavy mineral analyses confirm that the alimentary areas for the oldest sediments of the Intra-Sudetic Basin were the Kaczawa Mts and the eastern cover of the Karkonosze granite, whereas for the younger deposits, most probably, there was not a single source area; rather the materials derived from different sources and were redeposited. The distinct change in the heavy mineral spectra in the middle part of the Biały Kamień Formation suggests an important change in the factors controlling sedimentation in the basin. The heavy mineral analyses, in general, confirm previous interpretations based on sedimentological research; however, the direct transport from the Góry Sowie Block area is questionable (apart from garnets, other minerals typical of the rocks of that area do not occur).
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The Biały Kamień Formation (Namurian B-C) is part of a molasse sequence deposited in the post-Variscan Intra-Sudetic basin. The formation differs from the adjacent deposits by its coarse-grained nature and possession of fining-up cycles, consistent with deposition in a braided gravel-bed river (GII and GIII facies of Miall's 1978 classification). Fine-grained sediments and coal seams are present in the upper part of the formation. The cyclicity mostly seems to reflect autocyclic depositional mechanisms within the tectonically controlled Intra-Sudetic molasse basin.
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Na obszarze północnej części niecki śródsudeckiej w rejonie Boguszowa-Gorców wykonano oznaczenia współczynnika filtracji metodą Porscheta płytkiej strefy przypowierzchniowej skał karbońskich, permskich i czwartorzędowych. Wykonano łącznie 20 oznaczeń terenowych oraz pobrano 17 próbek do badań laboratoryjnych. W trakcie badań laboratoryjnych określono skład granulometryczny gruntów. Badania pozwoliły stwierdzić, że utwory rejonu Boguszowa-Gorców należą do słabo i średnio przepuszczalnych.
In the north part of the Intra-Sudetic Basin area, the infiltration coefficient was measured by the Porschet method. Quaternary deposits and a Permian and Carboniferous weathered zone were examined. The total of 20 measurements were made and 17 samples were collected for laboratory tests. In the laboratory, granulometric analyses were performed. The rocks of the Boguszów-Gorce region rocks are low to medium permeable.
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The Carbonifeorus-Permian volcanic rocks of the Intra-Sudetic Basin represent products of late- to post-collisional volcanism associated with extension within the eastern part of the Variscan belt of Europe. The volcanic succession is subdivided into the older, calc-alkaline suite (the early and late Carboniferous) and the younger, mildly alkaline suite (the late Carboniferous and early Permian). The rhyodacites with subordinate basaltic andesites and andesites of the older suite show convergent plate margin affinities. The rhyolitic tuffs, rhyolites with less widespread trachyandesites and basaltic trachyandesites of the younger suite are largely characterised by within-plate affinities, with some gradations towards convergent plate margin affinities. This geochemical variation compares well with that found in some Tertiary-Recent extensional settings adjacent to former active continental margins (e.g. the Basin and Range province of the SW USA). The parental magmas for each suite of the Intra-Sudetic Basin possibly originated from similar, garnet free mantle sources at relatively shallow depths (within the subcontinental mantle?), but at variable degrees of partial melting (lower for the mildly alkaline rocks). The convergent plate margin-like geochemical signatures of the volcanic rocks may either have been inherited from their mantle sources, or be related to the assimilation of crustal rocks by the ascending and fractionating primary magmas. The intermediate-acidic rocks within each suite mainly originated due to fractional crystallisation of variable mineral assemblages equivalent to the observed phenocrysts (mainly plagioclase and pyroxenes, with hornblende and biotite in the calc-alkaline suite, and K-feldspar in the mildly alkaline suite). The trace element patterns of the volcanic rocks were also strongly influenced by fractionation of accessory minerals, such as spinels, ilmenite, zircon, apatite and others. The petrographic evidence (e.g. quartz phenocrysts with reaction rims, complexly zoned or sieve-textured feldspar phenocrysts) suggests that assimilation and/or magma mixing processes might also have taken place during the evolution of the magmas.
Palynostratigraphic studies of the Carboniferous strata of the Szczawno and Wałbrzych formations, outcropping in the vicinity of Wałbrzych in the northern part of the Intra-Sudetic Basin, are reported. Rocks of the Szczawno Formation in a section near Konradów had earlier been assigned to the Upper Visean, while rocks of the Wałbrzych Formation in the Biały Kamień section were included to the Lower Namurian [the Stenozonotriletes triangulus-Rotaspora knoxi (TK) Miospore Zone]. This study describes abundant palynological material with many taxonomically diverse miospore assemblages from these rocks, allowing precise palynostratigraphic conclusions. These showed that the rocks of the Szczawno Formation studied should be referred to the lower part of the Serpukhovian [Verrucosisporites morulatus (Vm) Subzone], correlated with the lowest Namurian, while rocks of the Wałbrzych Formation from Biały Kamień belong to the Lower Bashkirian [Lycospora subtriquetra-Cirratriradites rarus (SR) Subzone], correlated with the Upper Namurian A. These results indicate that the rocks from both sections studied are younger than they were earlier believed. This revises the age of the Szczawno and Wałbrzych formations in the northern part of the Intra-Sudetic Basin which belong to four miospore zones, from Vm to SR, corresponding to the Serpukhovian and lowermost Bashkirian (Namurian A corresponding to the Pendleian to Alportian of British chronostratigraphy).
Mafic, monogenetic volcanism is increasingly recognized as a common manifestation of post-collisional volcanism in late Variscan, Permo-Carboniferous intramontane basins of Central Europe. Although identification of individual eruptive centres is not easy in these ancient successions, the Permian Rožmitál andesites in the Intra-Sudetic Basin (NE Bohemian Massif) provide an exceptionally detailed record of explosive, effusive and high-level intrusive activity. Based on field study and petrographic and geochemical data on pyroclastic and coherent rocks, the Rožmitál succession is interpreted as the proximal part of a tuff ring several hundred metres in diameter. Initial accumulation of pyroclastic fall and surge deposits occurred during phreatomagmatic eruptions, with transitions towards Strombolian eruptions. Gullies filled with reworked tephra document periods of erosion and redeposition. Andesitic blocky lavas capped the volcaniclastic succession. Invasion of lavas into unconsolidated sediments and emplacement of shallow-level intrusions in near-vent sections resulted in the formation of jigsaw- and randomly-textured peperites. Most geochemical differences between coherent andesites and pyroclastic rocks can be linked to incorporation of quartz-rich sediments during the explosive eruptive processes and to later cementation of the volcaniclastic deposits by dolomite. The Rožmitál tuff ring could have been one of several phreatomagmatic centres in a monogenetic volcanic field located on an alluvial plain.
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Osady formacji z Glinika stanowią najwyższą część górnego karbonu (westfal D/stefan AB) na obszarze polskiej części basenu śródsudeckiego. W pracy przedstawiono charakterystykę litostratygraficzną formacji, wyróżniono i zinterpretowano 16 litofacji i 4 asocjacje litofacjalne, rozpoznano styl sedymentacji badanych osadów, pochodzenie materiału okruchowego oraz paleotektoniczne warunki jej sedymentacji. Asocjacje litofacjalne występujące w badanych osadach reprezentują różne środowiska depozycyjne istniejące w systemach depozycyjnych rzek roztokowych i meandrujących. Powszechna jest rzeczna sedymentacja cykliczna. Przeprowadzone analizy wskazują, że w północno-zachodniej części basenu transport osadów odbywał się od N, NW i NE natomiast w południowo-wschodniej części basenu od E i SE. Polska część basenu stanowiła w okresie od westfalu D do stefanu AB peryferyczną część całego basenu sedymentracyjnego. Największa subsydencja zachodziła w północno-zachodniej części basenu, na obszarze Czech. Obszarami źródłowymi osadów dla polskiej części basenu były: kompleks wulkaniczny Rusinowej i Grzmiącej, kwaśne wulkanity rejonu Krenova oraz gnejsy sowiogórskie i granity karkonoskie.
This paper deals with the Glinik Formation deposits, which are of the latest Carboniferous (Westphalian D/Stephanian AB) age in the Polish part of the Intra-Sudetic Basin. Description of lithostratigraphy and selected 16 lithofacies and 4 lithofacies assemblages is presented, and sedimentation, origin of clastic material and paleotectonic conditions of sedimentation process are discussed. The lithofacies assemblages in the studied area represent different environments, belonging to the braided and meandering rivers depositional systems. The cyclic character of sedimentation is common. The study of palaeocurrent directions shows that in the NW part of the basin sediment transport was from the N, NW and NE and in the SE part of the basin from the E and SE. During Westphalian D/Stephanian AB, the N and NE part of the basin (i.e. the Polish part of the basin) constituted a peripheric part of the whole Intra-Sudetic Basin. The Rusinowa and Grzmiąca volcanic complexes, the acid volcanic rocks of Krenov, the Sowie Mts gneisses and the Karkonosze granite were the main sediment-source areas for the Polish part of the Intra-Sudetic Basin.
Celem pracy było dokonanie ilościowej oceny procesów kształtujących skład chemiczny wód podziemnych, drenujących dolnopermskie skały wulkaniczne depresji śródsudeckiej, na podstawie wyników modelowania geochemicznego. Do oceny trwałości składników ośrodka skalnego wykorzystano modelowanie specjacyjne. Wykorzystując modelowanie odwrotne bilansu masy podjęto próbę określenia procesów hydrogeochemicznych odpowiedzialnych za kształtowanie składu wód, wykonując modele pomiędzy opadem atmosferycznym a wodami źródeł drenującymi trachyandezyty i tufy ryolitowe. Rozwiązania uzyskane w modelu pomiędzy opadem atmosferycznym a wodami drenującymi tufy ryolitowe porównano z innym modelem, wykonanym dla wód drenujących te same skały.
The groundwater draining the Lower Permian volcanic rocks in the region of Dzikowiec and Lesista Wielka massif, was the subject of hydrochemical research. The aim of this study was quantitative assessment of processes controlling the chemical composition of groundwater, based on the results of geochemical modelling. Speciation modelling was used to assess stability of mineral phases. Modelling between precipitation and groundwater from springs was performed to define the processes responsible for groundwater chemistry in the weathered zone in trachyandesites and rhyolitic tuffs. Geochemical models found between precipitation and groundwater from rhyolitic tuffs were compared with another model for the same rocks.
The paper is focused on extremely huge geological structures and geomorphological forms present in the landscape of the Intra-Sudetic Basin which give important and clear information on the evolution of this part of Sudetes Mountains between Permian and Quaternary. The geodiversity of the geometric valley of the Upper Ścinawka River with asymmetric slopes, defined as Upper Cretaceous sandstones and Permian volcanical geotopes, is shown very picturesquely. Emphasising the didactic and tourist virtues of the north-eastern part of the Intra-Sudetic Basin, author suggests to establish there a Polish-Czech geopark.
Artykuł koncentruje się na widocznych w krajobrazie niecki śródsudeckiej wyjątkowo dużych strukturach geologicznych i formach geomorfologicznych, niosących istotną informację na temat rozwoju tej części Sudetów w okresie od permu do czwartorzędu. Obrazowo pokazana została georóżnorodność geometrycznej doliny górnej Ścinawki o asymetrycznych zboczach, określonych tu jako mega-geotopy piaskowców górnokredowych i wulkanitów permskich. Akcentując walory dydaktyczne i turystyczne północno-wschodniej części niecki śródsudeckiej, autor proponuje utworzenie na tym obszarze pierwszego polsko-czeskiego geoparku.
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