In the article the author discusses the nature and features of committing the considered type of crime on the basis of the available specificities of intellectual property counterfeiting in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Investigation into the systematic violation of intellectual property rights of citizens encounters a lot of difficulties, therefore it is no accident that the author proposed an algorithm for using the knowledge about the mechanism of intellectual property counterfeiting in the detection and investigation of that type of crime. The author conducted an analytical debate in determining the place and importance of the method and mechanism of committing fraud in the elemental system of forensic crime characteristics where the specified totalities are integrated into a specific (key) category. Thus, it is the use of specialized scientific knowledge that makes it possible to determine the step-by-step mechanism of committing fraudulent acts by a malefactor leading to external or substantial similarity between fakes and an original prototype. Also the article presents statistical indicators reflecting the dynamics and other quantitative data connected with the procedure of crime investigation in the sphere of intellectual property counterfeiting. In conclusion, the author of the article gives practical recommendations aimed at optimizing the process of detection and investigation of crimes related to counterfeiting intellectual property. In particular, at the stage of creation or mass production of considered material objects it is highly recommended that advanced technologies are used in order to impede counterfeiting to the maximum (three-dimensional holography, watermarking, cryptography, etc.).
The development of knowledge-based economies is dictated by the intensification of globalisation processes and the emergence of information societies characterised by the growing demand for knowledge and innovations. Effective execution of the knowledge and technology transfer processes is therefore the foundation of the contemporary knowledge-based economy because as a result of these processes novel technologies are brought to the market and the development of better products and services meeting the actual customer requirements is stimulated, and the national innovation performance and the level of competitiveness are improved. The author presents the issues connected with the organisation and management of knowledge and technology transfer from R&D organisations. The discussion is based on international case study analyses whose results helped to indicate the models and procedures commonly applied by these institutions to ensure an effective execution of the transfer process.
Rozwój gospodarek opartych na wiedzy podyktowany jest intensyfikacją procesów globalizacyjnych i rozwojem społeczeństw informacyjnych, w których znacząco wzrasta zapotrzebowanie na wiedzę i innowacje. Skuteczna realizacja procesów transferu wiedzy i technologii stanowi zatem podwaliny współczesnej gospodarki opartej na wiedzy, gdyż w rezultacie tych procesów rynek zasilany jest innowacyjnymi rozwiązaniami technologicznymi, systemowymi i procesowymi stymulującymi rozwój lepszych produktów i usług odpowiadających faktycznemu zapotrzebowaniu konsumentów i jednocześnie odgrywa kluczową rolę w kreowaniu innowacyjności gospodarki i podnoszeniu poziomu jej konkurencyjności. W artykule omówiono zagadnienia organizacji i zarządzania procesem transferu wiedzy i technologii z jednostek naukowo-badawczych. Zaprezentowano wyniki przeprowadzonych międzynarodowych studiów przypadku, które pozwoliły na wyłonienie modeli i procedur powszechnie stosowanych w celu zapewnienia efektywnej realizacji tych procesów.
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