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Przedstawiono priorytetowe kierunki badań Instytutu oraz główne cele badawcze w perspektywie krótko- i średnioterminowej. Omówiono problemy badawcze w obszarze zaawansowanych materiałów i technologii montażu elektronicznego oraz inteligentnych systemów wspomagania decyzji na potrzeby sterowania złożonych układów elektroenergetycznych.
In the present article there are presented research areas and main short- and middle term research targets. The research problems in the following areas are discussed: advanced materials, soldering technology and intelligent electronic systems used in the very specific area of energetics.
Warstwy YBa2Cu3O7-x (YBaCuO) otrzymano na wewnętrznej powierzchni rurek kwarcowych zarówno nie pokrywanych jak i pokrywanych warstwami pośrednimi CeO2-x lub Al2O3 za pomocą metody MOCVD. Jako prekursory zostały użyte związki metaloorganiczne Y(tmhd)3, Ba(tmhd)2 i Cu(tmhd)2. Temperaturę podłoża zmieniano w zakresie 600-700 stop. C. Ciśnienia gazu nośnego, którym było powietrze zmieniano w zakresie 100 - 1000 Pa. Osadzano warstwy również na płaską powierzchnie spiekanego YBaCuO. Otrzymane warstwy zostały zbadane za pomocą skaningowego mikroskopu elektronowego mikroanalizatorem rentgenowskimten aparatu oraz rentgenowskiego.
Layers of YBa2Cu3O7-x (YBCO) were synthesised on inner surface of quartz glass tube substrates without and with intermediate layers of CeO2 and Al2O3 by MOCVD method. Y(tmhd)3, Ba(tmhd)2 and Cu(tmhd)2 were used as precursors. The substrates were heated to temperature of 600o-700 degree C. Air at pressure of about 100 to 1000 Pa was a carrier gas. Thin film of YBaCuO were also synthesised on sintered plates of YBaCuO. Obtained layers were tested by scanning electron microscope, E D S , X-ray apparatus.
Interfejsy BCI umożliwiają bezpośrednią komunikację pomiędzy mózgiem a komputerem. Założeniem autorów jest próba rozpoznania (klasyfikacja) jednosekundowego zapisu sygnału EEG skojarzonego z wykonywaniem przez osobę pewnego zadania myślowego. Podczas przeprowadzania eksperymentów okazało się, że na proces klasyfikacji duży wpływ ma szerokość oraz sposób zachodzenia na siebie okien czasowych, z których ekstrahuje się cechy. Celem referatu jest wskazanie jak najlepszej strategii doboru parametrów okien czasowych na potrzeby wyznaczenia cech i nauki klasyfikatora.
BCI interfaces allow direct communication between the brain and the computer. The author's idea is to try to identify (classify) one-second windows of EEG signal associated with doing by a person a certain mental task. During the experiments it turned out that the classification process is highly influenced by the width of the windows and the way they overlap. The aim of this paper is to identify the best strategies for selection of time windows of EEG signal for the purposes of feature extraction and classifier learning.
Content available remote The influence of yttrium addition on the GFA of selected iron-based BMG
Purpose: The main aims of this work is the presentation of the influence of yttrium addition on the structure and properties of BMG and the production attempt of chosen Fe-based bulk metallic alloys. Design/methodology/approach: The studies were carried out on Fe- based alloys ingots with the following compositions Fe43Co7Cr15Mo14C15B6, Fe41Co7Cr15Mo14C15B6Y2 and Fe39Co7Cr15Mo14C15B6Y4. Samples were prepared by induction melting of the pure Fe, Co, Cr, Mo, C, B and Y elements in argon atmosphere. The structure was tested with X-ray diffraction. In order to investigate the structure scanning electron microscopy was used. The thermal properties of the alloys were examined by DTA and DSC methods. Findings: Bulk metallic glasses with yttrium addition exhibit high glass forming ability. These materials depending on accurate chemical composition present excellent corrosion resistance, magnetic, electric and mechanical properties. Fe-based materials with yttrium addition are potential materials for industrial applications. Research limitations/implications: It is very difficult to obtain a metallic glass of Fe43Co7Cr15Mo14C15B6, Fe41Co7Cr15Mo14C15B6Y2 and Fe39Co7Cr15Mo14C15B6Y4 alloys. All tested alloys have crystalline structure. Taking into account all the factors affecting the test samples, we can conclude that the received samples have not an amorphous structure for the non-uniform distribution of yttrium in materials. Originality/value: Overall presentation of the yttrium addition influence, the formation and the study of Fe-Co-Cr-Mo-C-B-Y bulk metallic materials.
Rare earth metals including yttrium and europium are one of several critical raw materials, the use of which ensures the development of the so-called high technology. The possibility of their recovery in Europe is limited practically only to secondary materials such as phosphogypsum and electronic waste. The article presents the results of our research concerning the development of recovery technology of yttrium and europium from luminophore CRT used lamps. It describes the principle of separation of elements and the test results of cleaning the concentrate. It was shown that the costs of preparing the concentrate according to the proposed technology are lower than the phosphogypsum processing technology and the composition of the resulting product does not contain hazardous substances.
Metale ziem rzadkich, w tym itr i europ należą do tej grupy kilkunastu surowców krytycznych, których stosowanie zapewnia rozwój w obszarze tzw. wysokich technologii. Możliwość ich pozyskiwania w Europie ogranicza się praktycznie do surowców wtórnych, np. fosfogipsów oraz zużytego sprzętu elektronicznego. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań autorów dot. opracowania technologii odzysku itru i europu z luminoforu zużytych lamp kineskopowych. Opisano zasady wydzielania pierwiastków i wyniki badań oczyszczania koncentratu. Wykazano, że koszty otrzymywania koncentratu wg proponowanej technologii są niższe od technologii przeróbki fosfogipsów, a otrzymany produkt nie zawiera substancji niebezpiecznych.
Extraction of rare earth elements {Ln(III), where Ln = Y, Pr. Nd, Sm, Eu} from aqueous perchlorate solutions to chloroform using 5,7-dibromo-8-hydroxyquinoline (Hdbq) has been investigated. It has been found that all investigated Ln(HI) ions were extracted to the organic phase as complexes of the type Ln(dbq),. Extraction parameters have been determined and separation factors for the investigated pairs of Ln(III), as well as Ln(III)/La(III) pairs have been calculated.
Przeprowadzono ekstrakcję pierwiastków ziem rzadkich {Ln(lll), gdzie Ln = Y, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu} z wodnych roztworów chloranów)VII) do roztworów 5.7-dibromo-8-hydroksy-chinoliny (Hdbq) w chloroformie. Wykazano, że wszystkie badane jony Ln(III) ekstrahuja_ się do fazy organicznej w postaci kompleksów typu Ln(dbq)r Wyznaczono parametry procesu ekstrakcji i obliczono współczynniki rozdzielenia dla badanych par jonów Ln(Ill) i par jonów Ln(IIl)/La(III).
The technique of the analytical electron microscopy was used for a study of changes in chemical composition, which occur at grain boundaries of ZrO2-3% mol Y2O3 ceramics sintered at 1775 K for different periods of time. Two phenomena were detected. First one shows similarity to the diffusion induced grain boundary migration. The second one is associated with the formation of transition zone between two grains containing different amount of yttria.
Content available remote Metody analizy 90 Sr w próbkach środowiskowych
Application of nuclear reactions for military purposes and technical imperfection of nuclear power plants raised interest in formation of radioactive elements in these processes on one hand and their occurrence in environment on the other. 90Sr, (B-emitter), belongs to isotopes of high radiotoxicity due to its good assimilation by organisms and long half-life time as well as biological half-life. Because of radiochemical properties of 90Sr, analysis of its concentration is very difficult. The whole process comprises laborious stages: isolation of the isotope from the sample, removing contamination, elimination of the decay product (90Y) and radioactivity measurement. Many analytical methods have been presented in literature for years. Generally, one can divide them in two groups: fast and standard. Fast methods, (from several hours to a few days) are mostly applied to .fresh. samples (immediately after radioactive fall-out) containing 89Sr and 91Y beside 90Sr and 90Y. Despite smaller accuracy they can provide information on possible danger. More credible data may be obtained from .old. samples (2-3 years from contamination) by standard methods. The mostly encountered analytical problems are: sample dissolution, removal of calcium and iron ions, removing primary/parental isotopes of radium, thorium, actinium and lead. Methods for 90Sr-90Y separation (liquid-liquid and solid-liquid extraction) are well known and broadly presented in literature [6-10, 30-34]. Those methods used to determine concentration of radioactive 90Sr in environmental samples. A skilled radioanalyst may modify them according to the needed procedure, which is described in present paper.
In the present work, the effect of inoculating yttrium and Al-5Ti-1B simultaneously on A356 aluminum alloy has been studied. Gravity die casting process is used to cast the ASTM tensile test specimens for analysis. In each experiment, the Ti and B contents were maintained constantly at 0.1 and 0.02 wt% respectively. The addition of yttrium was manipulated at the amount of 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5 wt%. Microstructural characterization of the as-cast A356 alloy was investigated by means of optical microscope and its phases are detected by XRD. The mechanical properties tested are tensile strength and hardness. The inoculation of yttrium was found to enhance the grain refinement effect of Al-5Ti-1B grain refiner and improve the mechanical properties. The optimal weight percentage of yttrium was found to be 0.3. The grain refining efficiency of combining yttrium and Al-5Ti-1B on A356 aluminum alloy was mainly attributed to the heterogeneous nucleation of TiB2 and TiAl3 particles which were dispersed more evenly in the presence of yttrium and the grain growth restriction effected by the accumulation of Al-Y compound at grain boundaries.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań nad otrzymywaniem warstw żaroodpornych na niklu metodą Arc-PVD z wykorzystaniem reakcji egzotermicznej pomiędzy NiAl. W wyniku tej reakcji powstaje faza NiAl. Obróbka cieplna w temperaturze 1050 stopni Celsjusza prowadzi do powstawania warstwy o grubości 50 mikrometrów i zawartości aluminium 21%wag. W następnym etapie wytwarzano bardziej złożone pokrycia NiCoCrAlY. Wykazano możliwość osadzania tego typu pokryć metodą Arc-PVD. Stwierdzono pewne zróżnicowanie pomiędzy zawartością pierwiastków w targecie a ich zawartością w pokryciu. Rozmieszczenie pierwiastków na przekroju pokrycia było równomierne. Następnie na pokrycie NiCoCrAlY nanoszono warstwę aluminium. Przez zmianę parametrów w komorze wywoływano reakcję egzotermiczną z utworzeniem fazy NiAl zawierającej Co, Cr, Y. Uzyskano w ten sposób pokrycie o składzie chemicznym niezależnym od składu chemicznego stopu. Wykazano możliwość modyfikacji pokryć itrem, jakkolwiek stwierdzono jego skłonność do segregacji. Metoda Arc-PVD stwarza możliwość otrzymywania pokryć o założonym składzie chemicznym oraz wysokiej odporności na utlenianie i hot corrosion.
Investigations of obtaining high temperature coatings on the Ni base superalloys by the Arc-PVD method, using exothermic reaction processes between Ni and Al with NiAl intermetallic formation are presented in the article. By the diffusion heating at 1050 degrees centigrade NiAl high temperature diffusion coating containing 21%at.Al and 50 micrometers thick was obtained. In the next stage coatings with more complex chemical composition - NiCoCrAlY were formed. The two targets were applied for formation of the complex NiCoCrAlY coatings. The good consistence between the chemical composition of the targets and the coatings and an uniform distribution of elements in the coatings were shown. Then the surface was covered with aluminium also by the Arc-PVD method. In the vacuum chamber of the equipment a synthesis reaction between NiCoCrAlY and Al with the formation of NiAl intermetallics of high Co, Cr, Y content was initiated by the changes in process parameters. The final heat treatment of coatings was conducted in the air and vacuum at 1050 degrees centigrade. The strong segregation of yttrium in to the oxide scale in the specimens heated in the air was shown. It was possible to obtain NiAl intermetallics phase coatings modified by Co, Cr and Y by the Arc-PVD method. An example of the application of this method for the aircraft engine turbine blades was presented. Method of Arc-PVD gives the possibility chemical composition and high resistance to oxidizing and hot corrosion.
Yttria doped zirconia nanophases ('0D-NANOS' as ultrafine powders) yttria doped zirconia/alumina nanocomposites ('3D-NANOS' as ribbons), have been obtained using high concentration solar image furnaces. The two techniques used (vaporization-condensation and splat-cooling) are described. Ribbons were grinded by various routes. The nanostructure of these nanomaterials was characterized using X-ray diffraction (X-D) and High Resolution Electron Microscopy (HREM). Oxygen transport properties were investigated by Impedance Spectrometry (IS). Bulk conductivity was compared to data obtained from single crystals and literature data. The grain boundary contribution has been found higher than the volume one is a typical case of 4% mol yttria doped zirconia. Oxygen transport mechanisms are discussed.
W piecach słonecznych o wysokiej zdolności koncentracji energii uzyskano nanometryczny proszek tlenku cyrkonu domieszkowanego itrem ('OD-NANOS w postaci ultradrobnego proszku) oraz domieszkowany itrem nanometryczny kompozyt tlenek cyrkonu/Al2O3 ('3D-NANOS w postaci taśm). Opisano dwie zastosowane metody (odparowanie-kondensacja i ultraszybkie chłodzenie). Taśmy były mielone w młynach kulowych w celu uzyskania proszku. Lity materiał uzyskano spiekając ultradrobne proszki otrzymane różnymi metodami. Nanostrukturę tak uzyskanych próbek charakteryzowano stosując metody dyfrakcji promieniowania rentgenowskiego (X-D) i mikroskopię elektronową wysokiej rozdzielczości (XREM). Zjawiska transportu tlenu badano metodą spektroskopii impedancyjnej (IS). Przewodność właściwą próbek spiekanych porównano z wynikami uzyskanymi dla pojedynczych kryształów oraz danymi literaturowymi. Stwierdzono, że udział granic ziarn w badanych materiałach jest wyższy niż w typowym przypadku 4% mol tlenku cyrkonu domieszkowanego itrem. Przedyskutowano także mechanizmy transportu tlenu.
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