Warunkiem uzyskania przez przedsiębiorstwo wysokiej pozycji rynkowej jest prowadzenie produkcji w warunkach odpowiednich do potrzeb zatrudnionych oraz wymagań produkcyjnych. Ich częścią są warunki bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy, które mogą być rozpatrywane w odniesieniu do charakterystyki stanowiska pracy oraz całej organizacji. Jednym ze sposobów zapewnienia wymaganego stanu bezpieczeństwa jest realizacja systemowych zasad kształtowania środowiska pracy. Można w tym celu zastosować rozwiązania oparte na wytycznych międzynarodowej normy zarządzania bezpieczeństwem i higieną pracy. W opracowaniu wskazano podstawowe wymagania normy ISO 45001 pozwalające ujednolicić sposób realizacji działań systemowych. W oparciu o źródła literaturowe zidentyfikowano postęp prac związanych z opracowaniem normy, wskazując na potencjalny wpływ zastosowanych rozwiązań na doskonalenie warunków produkcji.
The condition for a company to obtain a high market position is to run production in the conditions appropriate to the needs of its employees and production requirements. Their part are occupational health and safety conditions. They may be considered in relation to both the characteristics of the workstation and the whole organization. One of the ways to ensure the required state of safety is a realization of systematic principles of shaping the working environment. For this purpose, solutions based on guidelines of the international standard for occupational health and safety management can be used. The paper outlines the basic requirements of the ISO 45001 standard which will allow to harmonize the way in which systemic actions are implemented. Based on the literature sources, progress has been identified in the development of the standard, indicating the potential impact on the improvement of production conditions.
Opublikowanie nowej normy ISO 45001 dotyczącej systemów zarządzania bezpieczeństwem i higieną pracy zwróciło uwagę przedsiębiorstw na wdrożone u nich procesy zarządzania bhp i na problem oceny ich funkcjonowania. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki oceny dziewięciu wybranych procesów zarządzania bhp, którą przeprowadzono w 35 przedsiębiorstwach deklarujących działania dostosowujące system zarządzania bhp do wymagań cytowanej normy.
The publication of the new ISO 45001 standard on occupational health and safety management systems (OSH MSs) drew the attention of enterprises to the health and safety management processes implemented in them and to the problem of assessing their functioning. The article presents the results of the assessment of nine selected OSH-related management processes carried out in 35 enterprises declaring activities adjusting the OSH MS to the requirements of the cited standard.
The paper discusses options for assessing risks with a view to identifying the nature and scope of the impacts of non-conformities and defining improvement opportunities. Such options are described in terms of hazards and opportunities. The opportunities reflect the measures required to increase the chances of establishing more effective safety management systems. The hazards reflect the circumstances that may prevent organizations achieving the desired benefits and that must therefore be eliminated in the course of system deployment and operation. Once identified, the above will help build the capacity to improve the existing management system in any organization that seeks to systemically modify its occupational safety system. The paper invokes the requirements set forth in ISO 45001, which it cross-references with binding legislation (including Directive 89/391/EEC). The approach helps define the benefits to be derived from assessing risks with a view to identify improvement opportunities and hazards by methods best suited to an organization’s environment.
Dostosowanie Systemów Zarządzania Bezpieczeństwem i Higieną Pracy (SZ BHP) do wymagań nowej normy będzie wymagało dokładnej analizy już wdrożonych procesów i praktyk zarządzania. W artykule przedstawiono ogólną strukturę Systemu Zarządzania BHP według nowej normy i zwrócono uwagę na wymagania w odniesieniu do wybranych procesów zarządzania bezpieczeństwem i higieną pracy, które zostały rozszerzone lub uszczegółowione w stosunku do wymagań formułowanych w normach obecnie istniejących.
The adjustment of the OSH Management Systems to the requirements of the new standard will take a thorough analysis of the already imple-mented processes and management practices. The article presents a general structure of the OSH Management Systems in accordance to the new standard and underlines requirements specific to chosen OSH management processes – either broadened or refined in relation to requirements formed in the presently existing standards.
Trwające od 2013 roku prace nad przygotowaniem nowej normy międzynarodowej dla Systemów Zarządzania BHP ISO 45001 Occupational health and safety mnagement systems-Requirements with guidance for use, wchodzą obecnie w ostatni etap .Oczekuje się, że nowa norma zostanie opublikowana w roku 2018. Dostosowanie Systemów Zarządzania Bezpieczeństwem i Higieną Pracy (SZBHP)do wymagań nowej normy będzie wymagało dokładnej analizy już wdrożonych procesów i praktyk zarządzania. W artykule przedstawiono ogólną strukturę Systemu Zarządzania BHP według nowej normy i zwrócono uwagę na wymagania w odniesieniu do wybranych procesów zarządzania bezpieczeństwem i higieną pracy, które zostały rozszerzone lub uszczegółowione w stosunku do wymagań formułowanych w normach obecnie istniejących.
This is the final push for the new Occupational Safety & Health standard ISO 45001 Occupational health and safety management systems - Requirements with guidance for use which has been under preparation since 2013. It is widely expected for the new standard to be published in 2018 at the latest. The adjustment of the OSH Management Systems to the requirements of the new standard will take a thorough analysis of the already implemented processes and management practices. The article presents a general structure of the OSH Management Systems in accordance to the new standard and underlines requirements specific to chosen OSH management processes- either broadened or refined in relation to requirements formed in the presently existing standards.
Problems related to work safety have been accompanying humanity since the dawn of time. In times before the Industrial Revolution, human and animal muscle strength was used to work, and "safe work" solutions were developed and introduced individually by the user or supervising the work. Only a change in the way work was done due to the industrial revolution, the introduction of new energy sources, the transformation of manufactories into factories and the birth of the working class brought about greater, concrete changes. It was at that time that various machines and devices began to be introduced into the workplace, which on the one hand improved work and on the other hand created more and more potentially dangerous situations. Security was started holistically and institutionally. With the transformation and return of capitalism, the subject of real work safety returned. Health and safety was to be not only a fashionable slogan, but a value that was supposed to guarantee profit - in accordance with the principle that accidents reduce productivity. It was also connected with the process of adapting Polish law in the field of health and safety to the law of the European Union (EU), which resulted from Poland's pursuit of EU membership. Moreover, an important factor initiating these changes was the interest of enterprises in quality management systems compliant with the ISO 9000 series and environmental management systems compliant with the ISO 14000 series, and related attempts to adapt the system management concept to the area of occupational health and safety, resulting in PN-N standards 18000 series. This publication analyzes the new standard PN-ISO 45001:2018 - "Occupational health and safety management systems - Requirements with guidance for use" comparing it with the standard PN-N 18001:2004 - "Occupational health and safety management. Requirements".
Purpose: The purpose of this publication is to investigate the linear correlation relationship between the deployment of five certified management systems (ISO 9001:2015; ISO 14001:2015; ISO 27001:2013 and ISO 45001:2018) in organizations operating within the European Union. Design/methodology/approach: Critical literature analysis. Analysis of secondary sources - data about number of certifications (ISO 9001; ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 22000, ISO 27001) in EU countries in 2018. Findings: The publication focuses on the analysis of quantitative relations between the industry standards that make up the integrated management system. The focus was on the three most common systems: quality management system (ISO 9001:2015), environmental management system (ISO 14001:2015) and occupational health and safety management system (ISO 45001:2018). In addition, the analysis took into account two systems often occurring as a component of integrated systems: ISO 27001:2013 information security management system and ISO 22000:2018 food safety management system, which are industry standards that make up the integrated management system. Originality/value: Detailed analysis of relations between numbers of main ISO certificates in EU countries.
Purpose: The aim of the paper is to analyze relations between the implementation of industry management systems in European Union countries. Design/methodology/approach: Critical literature analysis. Analysis of statistic data about: quality management system (ISO 9001:2015), environmental management system (ISO 14001:2015) and occupational health and safety management system (ISO 45001:2018) in European Union countries. Findings: The publication focuses on the analysis of quantitative relations between the industry standards that make up the integrated management system. The analysis of data concerning the number of ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 27001:2013, ISO 22000:2018 and ISO 45001:2018 certificates implemented in the European Union countries allows to conclude that there are correlations between the number of implemented particular standards. In particular, the presence of a standard concerning the quality management system ISO 9001 is positively correlated with all other analyzed certified management systems. The results of the analysis support the H1 hypothesis, which says: the presence of other industry management systems is positively correlated with the presence of ISO 9001:2015 quality management system in organizations. Originality/value: In the paper we found that in most European Union countries, implementation of particular standards, especially ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001, is strongly correlated.
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