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E-commerce is becoming more and more popular. The COVID-19 pandemic made its development even faster. Currently, an enterprise that does not provide its services via the Internet is suffering heavy losses. Online shopping is largely different from traditional purchases, so their assessment should be made on the basis of different criteria. The aim of the paper was to assess the quality of services provided by the selected e-shop, in terms of its commercial services. The first stage of the research was the analysis of the literature in terms of hierarchical models of e-service quality, which in their structure indicate the areas of assessment. This allowed for the construction of the author’s hierarchical model of e-services and for making a list of attributes that were used in further research. On the example of the clothing e-shop, an analysis of the provided services was made, taking into account the opinions of its customers. The Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) was selected as the basis for conducting the survey research and analyzing its results, which facilitates the commenting of the obtained results. The research allowed to indicate the strengths and weaknesses of the examined e-shop, but also to identify areas requiring improvement in order to increase the quality of the offered services, as well as the customers satisfaction.
We use the freely available program Praat to create a vowel-training application for learners of English familiar with IPA transcription. The application is easy to operate, allowing users to change the training difficulty, providing the listeners with immediate feedback, and adapting to their performance during a training session. To evaluate the effectiveness of the Trainer, performance of 59 Czech learners during a single training session and across multiple sessions was tracked. Results showed improvement both between sessions and within sessions. In the final training session, vowel identification accuracy showed considerable resistance to gradual addition of increasing levels of noise. Testing the trainer with additional 52 learners showed significantly higher error-rates for low-frequency words and supported the importance of top-down lexical effect in vowel identification.
The process of silicon anisotropic etching in KOH solutions saturated with isopropyl alcohol (IPA) is currently the most frequently used process in silicon micromachining. In the work, the results of etching in KOH solutions with the IPA content below saturation lewel have been presented. On the basis of literature considerations of the phenomena occurring in water-alcohol solutions and the results of performed experiments, an analysis of the mechanism of Si substrates etching in KOH+IPA solutions with different compositions has been carried out.
Anizotropowe trawienia krzemu w roztworach KOH nasyconych alkoholem izopropylowym jest procesem obecnie najczęściej wykorzystywanym do wytwarzania mikrosystemów krzemowych. W pracy przedstawiono rezultaty trawienia w roztworach KOH zawierających IPA poniżej poziomu nasycenia. Na podstawie opisywanych w literaturze zjawisk obserwowanych w roztworze woda - alkohol i rezultatów przeprowadzonych eksperymentów, przedstawiono rozważania dotyczące mechanizmu trawienia podłoży krzemowych w roztworach KOH - HPA o różnych składach.
Content available Facts and Comments 2016
The descriptions and assessments relate, specifically to events from December 2015 to October 2016, and to the latest literature, from 2014 to 2016. The contents cover, in order, recollections of important personalities in martial arts who have departed; scientific advancements and promotion in martial arts; awards and decorations; the admission of new members to the Idokan Poland Association (IPA); conferences and other important events. These are followed by information on new publications and brief reviews. It contains not only factual material, but also evaluation resulting from the selection of events and literature, as well as assessments of substance.
Opis i ocena dotyczą zwłaszcza wydarzeń z okresu od grudnia 2015 do października 2016, oraz najnowszej literatury przedmiotu z lat 2014-2016. Treść dotyczy kolejno – wspomnienia ważnych postaci sztuk walki, które odeszły; awansów naukowych i awansów w sztukach walki; przyznanych nagród i odznaczeń; przyjęcia nowych członków do Stowarzyszenia Idokan Polska (SIP); konferencji i innych ważnych wydarzeń. Następnie przedstawione są noty o nowych publikacjach z ich krótką recenzją. Jest to nie tylko faktografia, ale także wartościowanie, wynikające z doboru wydarzeń i literatury oraz ocen merytorycznych.
The aim of the paper is to present a methodological aspect of research on convention bureaux’ roles in the meetings industry. The online survey was conducted among almost 300 cities listed in the ICCA’s ranking. Convention bureau managers were asked about the tasks of every convention bureau and the performance of their own institution. Every task was incorporated into one of the main five roles of convention bureau: an agent, a coordinator, a leader, a representative, and a marketer. The research method was based on the IPA (Importance-Performance Analysis).
Celem pracy jest prezentacja metodologicznego aspektu badań dotyczących roli biur kongresowych w przemyśle spotkań. Przeprowadzony w sieci sondaż objął prawie 300 miast z rankingu ICCA. Menadżerów biur kongresowych zapytano o zadania każdego biura i działalność ich instytucji. Każde zadanie przypisano jednej z pięciu głównych ról biura kongresowego: agenta, koordynatora, przewodniczącego, przedstawiciela i sprzedawcy. Metodę badawczą oparto na analizie istotności-osiągnięć (IPA).
Over the last decade, the brewing revolution has shown a new face to brewing. Besides the large-scale production, small-scale, artisanal hand crafted, and home breweries have also become important and relevant. This change has forced large-scale companies to change their usual methods and brew other types of recipes as well.One of the most popular ALE-type beers is the Indian Pale Ale (IPA), which gives beer a fruity-citrus flavour due to its hop content. It is especially popular with novice brewers as it has no enormous machine requirements compared to LAGER-type beers.In the study, we made our already known and popular recipe, a New England IPA, in a 30-litre brewing pot. This type requires only one type of malt; however, we added barley flakes, oat flakes, and wheat flakes to enhance the flavour. Hops are very dominant in the taste of this type of beer, five of which were used during brewing and later at “dry hopping” during fermentation.Sampling was performed every minute during mashing, brewing, hopping, cooling, and yeasting with a calibrated NIX-type measuring device with repetition to avoid measurement errors. During the fermentation stage, the colour change was observed by daily sampling. The study aims to separate the stages of brewing by colour and identify the stages of the already known biological and chemical activities by colour. This study is the first part of a more extended series of experiments where we will perform similar experiments on several types of beer (LAGER, STOUT, APA, WHEAT, RED, etc.). We would also like to know about the possible effect of carbonisation on colour, the possible effect of storage in a bottle on colour, and possible deviations from a similar decoction.
Interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) is a method of qualitative research focused on understanding how people give meaning to their life experiences. First described by Jonathan A. Smith in 1996, IPA is currently gaining popularity thanks to its application in clinical psychology, psychotherapy, or psycho-oncology. This article reviews the latest research based on IPA, detailing the topic, sources, authors, and number of participants. It also marks the growing number of publications using interpretive phenomenological analysis. The article shows possible application of IPA in psychological studies, and proves that this methodology allows for the collection of unique data, unobtainable in quantitative studies.
Interpretacyjna Analiza Fenomenologiczna (IPA) jest metodą badań jakościowych skupiającą się na zrozumieniu, w jaki sposób ludzie nadają sens swoim przeżyciom i doświadczeniom. Po raz pierwszy opisana przez Jonathana Smitha w 1996 r, obecnie znacznie zyskuje na popularności znajdując zastosowanie w psychologii klinicznej, psychoterapii czy psychoonkologii. W artykule dokonano przeglądu najnowszych badań opartych na IPA z wyszczególnieniem ich tematyki, źródeł, autorów i liczby uczestników. Pokazano także rosnącą z roku na rok liczbę publikacji wykorzystujących interpretacyjną analizę fenomenologiczną. Artykuł ukazuje możliwe zastosowania IPA w badaniach psychologicznych iudowadnia, że metodologia ta pozwala na zebranie unikatowych danych niemożliwych do pozyskania w klasycznych badaniach ilościowych.
Celem pracy jest przedstawienie wybranych metod pomiaru jakości kształcenia na uczelniach wyższych na podstawie danych marketingowych. Artykuł składa się z dwóch części. W pierwszej w sposób syntetyczny przedstawiono pojęcie jakości i jakości usług edukacyjnych na poziomie wyższym. W drugiej części zaprezentowano metody jej pomiaru z wykorzystaniem modelu SERVQUAL i techniki IPA oraz możliwości aplikacyjnych obu metod na przykładzie Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu.
The aim of this article is to present marketing methods of measuring the quality of higher education. The article consists of two parts. The first concerns theoretical issues about quality and quality service of higher education. The second presents two methods of measuring quality service in higher education (SERVQUAL, IPA).
Content available remote O potrzebie monografii (użycia) IPA
The article provides the rationale for a forthcoming monograph on the use of the International Phonetic Alphabet. The study presents the arguments in the form of questions, and answers them at length. The questions fall into three groups: phonetic, graphical and practical issues. From the last category, the problem of selecting an appropriate font and a way to conveniently use it can be mentioned. The phonetic issues that need to be explained in the context of an international transcription include: transcription of Polish sounds normally described as prepalatal, dental, and alveolar, as well as the value of phonation, and alaryngeal speech symbols. Graphic problems include such issues as: means of transcribing archiphonemes, asynchronous and polysegmental articulations, lowered variants of Polish phonemes /m/ and /n/, and others. The paper also mentions typographical matters, such as italic variants of phonetic symbols and small capitals. The article concludes with an overview of the possible audience of the planned monograph, and an enumeration of reasons for a compilation of a study containing answers to the above-mentioned questions.
The article treats about the family and parental experience in the transcultural context and applicates the wider standpoint presented in the book “Psychescapes. Identity of our times?” (Pankalla, Kilian, 2007) which introduces into the specificity of the psycho-cultural perspective and signalises the need for developing psychological theory and practice that adequately consider and investigate relations between subjective worlds of unique individual experiences, multidimensional context and rich cultural resources. Contemporary man experiences the diversity of cultural narratives, complexity of patterns and lifestyles among which he moves, interprets and creates himself, relationships with others and the world. Cultural sciences, including our perspective of psychescapes identity, describe modern times as characterised by temporariness, flash, accidentality and multilogic. Special attention is dedicated to work by WolfgandWelsch – his conception of transculturalism and idea of transversal subject. The theoretic foundation to research families’ transcultural experience is established on the basis of Welsch’s project. The aim of the research project was to elicit and grasp the meaning of the studied experience as well as propose a new conceptual framework for the purpose of discussion and further examination in the psychological studies. The research project was conducted in London in 2010 using a qualitative research method Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) which adequately describes personal, subjective and lived individual experience. Moreover, IPA is recognised for its openness towards complexity, originality and processuality of studied phenomena. The value of presented psycho-cultural perspective and conducted research appears to be significant when uncommonness of experience of becoming a transcultural family transpire to be an everyday experience and the source of real, specific and tangible experiences in the contemporary, polysemic and polyphonic world.
Artykuł traktuje o doświadczeniu rodziny i rodzicielstwa w warunkach transkulturowych oraz aplikuje szerszą perspektywę zaprezentowaną w książce pt.: „Psychescapes. Tożsamość naszych czasów?” (2007) Andrzeja Pankalli i Aleksandry Kilian, która wprowadza w specyfikę autorskiej perspektywy psycho-kulturowej oraz sygnalizuje potrzebę budowania teorii i praktyki psychologicznej adekwatnie traktujących związki pomiędzy subiektywnymi światami unikalnych doświadczeń jednostkowych a wieloaspektowym kontekstem i bogatymi treściami kulturowymi. Człowiek współczesny doświadcza różnorodności kulturowych narracji, złożoności wzorów i stylów życia, wśród których porusza się, interpretuje i tworzy siebie, relacje z innymi i światem. Nauki o kulturze, w tym nasza perspektywa tożsamości psychescapes, opisują współczesne czasy jako charakteryzujące się przejściowością, migotliwością, akcydentalnością i multilogicznością. Szczególną uwagę zwracamy na myśli Wolfganga Welscha – jego koncepcję transkulturowości i typ podmiotu transwersalnego. Projekt Welscha stał się podstawą teoretyczną do badania doświadczenia transkulturowego w rodzinie. Celem projektu było uchwycenie znaczenia badanego doświadczenia i zaproponowanie nowej konceptualnej perspektywy, w ramach której będzie ono omówione i interpretowane. Badania były przeprowadzone w Londynie w 2010 roku metodą jakościową IPA, która adekwatnie opisuje osobiste, subiektywne i przeżyte doświadczenia jednostkowe. Ponadto, IPA jest metodą otwartą na złożoność, oryginalność i procesualność badanych fenomenów. Wartość zaprezentowanej perspektywy psycho-kulturowej oraz przeprowadzonych badań wydaje się być znacząca, gdy niecodzienność doświadczenia stawania się transkulturową rodziną okazuje się codziennością i źródłem realnych, konkretnych i namacalnych przeżyć we współczesnym polisemicznym i polifonicznym świecie.
Content available After the fourth Congress in Rzeszow ‘2018
This is a short editorial introduction to the first special issue of the Journal. The authors explain what the scientific event was. In the context of organisational tradition this special issue is similar to the full text of a proceedings book. This text contains short information about all works that make up this issue – 1S.
Content available An informal discovery procedure for two-level rulet
The paper shows how a certain kind of underlying representations (or deep forms) of words can be constructed in a straightforward manner through aligning the surface forms of the morphs of the word forms. The inventory of morphophonemes follows directly from this alignment. Furthermore, the two-level rules which govern the different realisations of such morphophonemes follow fairly directly from the previous steps. The alignment and rules are based upon an approximate general metric among phonemes, e.g., articulatory features, that determines which alternations are likely or possible. This enables us to summarise contexts for the different realisations.
Content available remote O potrzebie monografii (użycia) IPA
The article provides the rationale for a forthcoming monograph on the use of the International Phonetic Alphabet. The study presents the arguments in the form of questions, and answers them at length. The questions fall into three groups: phonetic, graphical and practical issues. From the last category, the problem of selecting an appropriate font and a way to conveniently use it can be mentioned. The phonetic issues that need to be explained in the context of an international transcription include: transcription of Polish sounds normally described as prepalatal, dental, and alveolar, as well as the value of phonation, and alaryngeal speech symbols. Graphic problems include such issues as: means of transcribing archiphonemes, asynchronous and polysegmental articulations, lowered variants of Polish phonemes /m/ and /n/, and others. The paper also mentions typographical matters, such as italic variants of phonetic symbols and small capitals. The article concludes with an overview of the possible audience of the planned monograph, and an enumeration of reasons for a compilation of a study containing answers to the above-mentioned questions.
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) integration offer great potential for the future of corporate automation and increased productivity. RPA rapidly evolves into Intelligent Process Automation (IPA) by incorporating advanced technologies and capabilities beyond simple task automation. The paper aims to identify the organisational, technological, and human-centred challenges that companies face in transitioning from RPA to IPA. The research process involved conducting the scientific literature search using the ResearchRabbit AI tool, which provided a set of reference papers relevant to the formulated research questions. As a result of the conducted literature review, the authors identified key challenges and possible countermeasures for companies transitioning from RPA to IPA. The resulting collection of reference scientific articles formed the basis for this study’s content and substantive analysis. Furthermore, this study contributes by identifying artificial intelligence techniques and algorithms, such as Natural Language Processing (NLP), Machine Learning (ML), Deep Learning (DL), predictive analytics, and others, that can be integrated with RPA to facilitate the transition to IPA. The paper also offers insights into potential future research areas.
Purpose: The aim of the study was to find out how automation is perceived by representatives of the companies from the Modern Business Services Sector (MBSS) in Poland. Research questions were posed, which referred to the assessment of the importance of automation and the readiness of companies to implement it. Design/methodology/approach: The answers were obtained on the basis of the realisation of 20 individual in-depth interviews - conducted among representatives of various companies from the MBSS. Findings: Participants in the study positively assessed the importance of automation in the operation of their companies, particularly from the perspective of maintaining competitiveness and keeping up with economic trends. Respondents declared a high level of readiness to implement work automation systems and programmes, although only a small proportion of the companies represented were actually taking any action in this regard. Both organisational culture, company resources and customer demand were identified as key facilitators of automation. In contrast, customer relationships and insufficient company resources were the most important barriers. Originality/value: There is an insufficient amount of scientific studies on factors supporting and blocking the introduction of automation in MBSS enterprises in Poland. Due to the fact that the conclusions from foreign literature do not allow for generalisation to enterprises in Poland, the overarching aim of the work presented in this article is to fill the gap in the literature concerning factors supporting and blocking the introduction of automation in MBSS enterprises in Poland.
Services quality, because of their specificity, it is difficult to evaluate, especially since there is no their materiality, it can't be seen. Usually the gap between the expectations of customer and his perceptions in relation to a particular service is observed. In the chapter evaluation of transport service quality in chosen transport company in south of Poland was made. For this purpose the Importance/Performance analysis was used. First of all a survey was created. The same survey and its results were already used to evaluate quality management according to Servqual method in another paper (INGALDI M., WYWIAL S. 2015). In this case pairs of evaluations (Performance; Importance) were placed on Importance/Performance map. In this way the evaluation of the transport service was possible.
Problem. The current activities of specialised scientific societies – IMACSSS (International Martial Arts & Combat Sports Scientific Society) and IPA (Idokan Poland Association), carried out from September 2023 to August 2024, need to be described in their historical context. The author also comments on the methodology of martial arts research. Method. The main method applied here is the author’s participatory observation in the communities of martial arts practitioners and researchers. This is complemented by an analytical method – a content analysis of the literature on the subject. Results. The historical and cultural context of Western civilisation, of central Europe and Poland are indicated. This is connected to the history of the origin and present-day functioning of the organisations indicated above. The author also points out a methodological error – a literal or logical translation of the historicallyestablished names of martial arts. Conclusions. A proper theoretical perspective helps avoid interpretation errors. Knowledge of the broader context allows for in-depth analyses. The quarterly “Ido Movement for Culture Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology” tries to implement the recommendations of the new science paradigm in the field of holistic, multi-aspect and multidisciplinary approaches.
Problem. W kontekście historycznym opisania wymaga aktualna działalność wyspecjalizowanych towarzystw naukowych – IMACSSS (International Martial Arts & Combat Sports Scientific Society) i SIP/IPA (Stowarzyszenie Idokan Polska / Idokan Poland Association), realizowana w okresie wrzesień 2023 – sierpień 2024. Autor przedstawia także swoje uwagi w zakresie metodologii badań nad sztukami walki. Metoda. Obserwacja uczestnicząca autora w środowiskach praktyków i badaczy sztuk walki jest tu główną metodą. Dochodzi do tego metoda analityczna – analiza treści literatury przedmiotu. Wyniki. Wskazano na kontekst historyczny i kulturowy cywilizacji Zachodu, środka Europy i Polski. Łączy się to z historią powstania i dzisiejszym funkcjonowaniem wskazanych wyżej organizacji. Autor wskazał też na błąd metodologiczny, jakim jest dosłowne lub logiczne tłumaczenie utrwalonych historycznie nazw sztuk walki. Wnioski. Właściwa perspektywa teoretyczna pozwala uniknąć błędów interpretacji. Znajomość szerszego kontekstu pozwala na pogłębione analizy. Kwartalnik „Ido Movement for Culture Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology” stara się realizować wskazania nowego paradygmatu nauki w zakresie ujęć całościowych, wieloaspektowych i multidyscyplinarnych.
Content available Editorial of the 18th Volume
This is a description of the state of the martial arts and combat sports community, our Societies (IMACSSS and IPA) and Journal, within an historical and cultural context, in 2018. It is the view from the headquarters of the IMACSSS and the IPA, and the Editorial Office. The editorial refers to international events in the martial arts environment and the content of volume 18. This article also contains references to the market situation for combat sports and martial arts scientific journals publishing on, the work of our editorial office and planned future activities.
Jest to opis sytuacji, z kontekstem historycznym i kulturowym, społeczności sztuk walki i sportów walki, naszych Stowarzyszeń (IMACSSS i SIP) i kwartalnika, Anno Domini 2018. Jest to czynione z punktu widzenia siedziby IMACSSS i Stowarzyszenia Idōkan Polska (SIP), oraz redakcji. Redakcja odnosi się do międzynarodowych wydarzeń w środowisku sztuk walki i do treści tomu 18. Artykuł zawiera również odniesienia do sytuacji na rynku czasopism naukowych publikujących na temat sportów walki i sztuk walki, efektów działania naszej redakcji i kolejnych planowanych działań.
Content available Editorial of the 19th Volume
This text is intended to provide a justification for adopting a particular thematic profile for the IPA and IMACSSS periodical. It is a description of the state of the martial arts and combat sports community, our Societies (IMACSSS and IPA) and Journal, in 2019 within an historical and cultural context. This is the view of the headquarters of the IMACSSS and the IPA, and the Editorial Office. The editorial refers to international events in the martial arts environment and the content of volume 19. This article also contains remarks about scientific paradigms, references to the market situation for combat sports and martial arts scientific journal publishing the work of our editorial office and planned future activities.
Jest to opis sytuacji, z kontekstem historycznym i kulturowym, społeczności sztuk walki i sportów walki, naszych Stowarzyszeń (IMACSSS i SIP) i kwartalnika, Anno Domini 2019. Jest to czynione z punktu widzenia siedziby IMACSSS i Stowarzyszenia Idōkan Polska (SIP), oraz redakcji. Redakcja odnosi się do międzynarodowych wydarzeń w środowisku sztuk walki i do treści tomu 19. Artykuł zawiera również uwagi o naukowych paradygmatach, odniesienia do sytuacji na rynku czasopism naukowych publikujących na temat sportów walki i sztuk walki, efektów działania naszej redakcji i kolejnych planowanych działań.
Content available 17th Volume Editorial
This is a description of the martial arts and combat sports community, our Society (IMACSSS) and Journal in their historical and cultural context in 2017. It is a view from the headquarters of the IMACSSS and IPA, and the Editorial Office. The editorial refers to international events in the martial arts environment and to the content of volume 17. There is also preliminary notification of significant events in 2018 and about the publication of volume 18.
Jest to opis sytuacji, z kontekstem historycznym i kulturowym, społeczności sztuk walki i sportów walki, naszego Towarzystwa (IMACSSS) i kwartalnika Anno Domini 2017. Jest to czynione z punktu widzenia siedziby IMACSSS i Stowarzyszenia Idōkan Polska (SIP), i redakcji. Redakcja odnosi się do międzynarodowych wydarzeń w środowisku sztuk walki i do treści tomu 17. Artykuł zawiera również wstępne ogłoszenie znaczących wydarzeń w roku 2018 i publikacji tomu 18.
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